Final Case Closed

Spirit Talker

Chapter 15: Final Case Closed

The following day, Kyuhyun and Yunho went to the FBI station and showed Agent Schwarz the sketch Changmin drew the night before

“you say he knows there the murder weapon is” Agent Schwarz asked

“yes, I didn’t wanna risk bringing him for what happened last time” Yunho answered

“he’s still needed as a cop though, if there is a match to this picture in our data base and of the finger prints also match then were going to find him and arrest him, and we need all the hands we can get because most of my team does office work and researching” Agent Schwarz exclaimed, Yunho sighed

“alright will pick him up in the way to the crime scene” Yunho answered hesitantly, Agent Schwarz nodded. They made a detour to the hotel and Yunho went up to get Changmin, Changmin was on the balcony talking to himself, or well Hanz probably, Yunho tapped on the glass window and Changmin looked up

“oh, Yunho why are you back, you guys left only a half hour ago” Changmin questioned

“your still needed apparently, half of Schwarz’s team is useless” Yunho answered

“well alright, let me get dressed” Changmin answered, Yunho nodded and watched as Changmin shed his comfortable clothes and grabbed a pair of jeans, a turtle neck and a double button blazer

“Minnie, who were to talking to out there, was in Hanz” Yunho asked

“hmm… yes, he said he wanted to keep me company” Changmin answered as he disappeared into the bathroom to shower, he reappeared 10 minutes later fully clothed towel drying his hair

“jeez your gorgeous Minnie, I don’t know how many time I can say that before it gets old” Yunho blurted, watching as blush crept onto the younger cheeks

“It never does” Changmin answered softly eyes looking everywhere but Yunho’s, he smiled unsurprised by the sudden shyness the younger male was now showing, he was always like that. Changmin never liked it much when people over complemented him but he’d always secretly like it when Yunho did

“well lets go Kyuhyun and Agent Schwarz are waiting, we need to stop at the crime sight then were going back to the station and hopefully after that we’re booking this manic communist” Yunho exclaimed, Changmin nodded and let his fingers tangle with Yunho’s and together they stepped out into the hallway. That was when Changmin collapsed on his knee’s clutching his head, Yunho just held him and waited

“what is it Min-ah” Yunho asked

“I know how Hanz was killed” Changmin answered one palm still pressed against the side of his head, Yunho said nothing and Changmin took it as a sign to continue “the scalpel wasn’t the murder weapon, but I can’t explain what the murder weapon is, I can only show you” Changmin continued

“But does the scalpel have fingerprints on it” Yunho asked

“yes” Changmin answered letting Yunho help him up and they continued downstairs and out the door, outside Agent Schwarz was waiting in the cop car

“sorry guy, Changmin had a moment in the hall” Yunho explained as he got in the front, Changmin hopped in with Kyuhyun

“when you say moment, do you mean psychic or no” Kyuhyun asked

“psychic” Yunho replied

“what did you see Min” Kyuhyun asked

“I know how he was murdered, and despite not wanting to I have to go in with you guys, there’s no way I can explain what the murder weapon is” Changmin answered, his head was still pounding slightly. The ride there was silent, Changmin figured he fell asleep cause the next thing he know Yunho’s voice was soft near his ear

“Minnie, come on we need you” he groaned but complied rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Yunho pulled him out of the car, their fingers twined and Yunho led Changmin into the building where Agent Schwarz gave him and Yunho construction masks, they put them on

“Minnie lead, you know where it is” Yunho said, Changmin bit his lip from under the mask but nodded and stepped forward followed by Agent Schwarz, then Yunho and Kyuhyun, Changmin’s eyes turned blue and he turned a certain direction pulling open draw after draw feeling through it and pushing it back

“i-its not here, the scalpel its not here” Changmin said, Yunho knelt next to him reached back in with a gloved hand and pulled out exactly watch Changmin was looking for, he pulled Changmin’s turtle neck sleeve over his hand and placed it in his palm

“it was there, you just missed it” Yunho reassured, Changmin’s eyes followed sound and Yunho was there, he’d entered Changmin’s premonition,

“now find the murder weapon” Yunho said and left, Changmin regained his focus and trailed his fingers along the wall stopping at the wall of torture tools, his fingers skirted over 4 tools then stopped hovering over a weird looking tool

“Yun” Changmin called

“yes Minnie” Yunho answered walking over to him

“this one, take it down” Changmin said staring in the direction of his voice, Yunho nodded pushed Changmin slightly backward, Changmin easily stepped back, when he was like this he could always feel and hear people he was just basically blind, seeing what was there when it was happening, Changmin heard Yunho pull it away from the wall and then arms were around his waist

“is there anything else important were missing” Yunho asked

“ani, I’ll come back now” Changmin answered resting his head on Yunho’s chest and closed his eyes, when he opened them he still could see but he know his eyes weren’t blue “yun, we need to leave, something about this place messes with me, I can’t see” Changmin said, he was trying not to panic

“Changmin look up at me” Yunho said, Changmin followed his voice and pulled away

“ok, everything fine, your eyes are still glazed over” he said after a couple seconds

“once we leave you’ll be able to see trust me” Changmin heard Kyuhyun said, he let Yunho lead him out, he felt the construction mask come off and he breathed fresh air, his head settle back on Yunho’s chest and he closed his eyes again and opened them again, everything was blurry but at least he could see

“any luck” Yunho asked

“everything's blurry” Changmin replied

“just relax, your warm, do you still have a headache” Yunho asked

“no, but I’m starting to feel lethargic” Changmin answered, he ducked when the door of the car came into view and Yunho followed

“yep typical of what happens when you’ve finished one of these, just rest” Yunho answered, Changmin rested his head against Yunho’s shoulder and fell asleep, when he woke he was on a couch in the FBI station

“Yun” he called

“in the next room” a voice answered, it was Kyuhyun, Changmin eased himself up and wandered tiredly into the room. After about an hour they decided going after the suspect today is a bad idea and Agent Schwarz had decided he’d do it himself, but all and all the case was closed, Hanz appeared and thanked the duo a thousand times. And what surprised Changmin was, Yunho pulled out a ring and said

“Minnie will you Marry me” Changmin pretty much passed out, but the first thing after he woke was yes, Yunho carried him to the car and they headed back planning to go home the next day.


A/N: okay one more Chapter and i'm done this story and then i think i'm going to take a break from this, so i can think up a good story plot that everyone till love.

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Chapter 16: i like this story, :DD
the ending was so good too,
good job, u're great
Chapter 15: owwwwh yunho propose to changminnie, and min just passed out???
Chapter 14: oww poor changmin,
he's getting physical hurt more badly from his sixth sense,
Chapter 13: kyu's not bad right?
Hope min will get his power stable, it so sad saw him that weak,
Chapter 12: yaaayy for them, hehe,
i really enjoying this chapter,
Chapter 11: so feeling relief to know that changmin was okay, they need to catch that hirohito, as soon as possible,
Chapter 10: will min lose his ability?? Don't let it be please, and damn hirohito for making min suffering
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 4: oowww changmin :o <3
btw sooo goood, new reader ^^