Happily ever after

Spirit Talker

Chapter 16: happily ever after

It had been a year since Yunho and Changmin finished up their last investigation in Germany. They’d gotten married in a small chapel in America, where a gay couple could actually get married, the ceremony was sweet and short, and just like that Yunho and Changmin were on a plane flying to some remote island for their very much private honeymoon. When they returned Changmin searched for a job in the music industry, since that what he’d gone to college in the first place, Yunho continued being a FBI cop, much to Changmin’s disappointment and worry. Now Changmin works for 5 of the most popular record labels in Asia, writing and composing songs for such bands as 2ne1, mlbaq, TVXQ, Boyfriend, he’d even written a song for KWill, and as if right now at this moment he was staring at a blank piece of paper chewing on the end of his pencil nursing a headache cause not only by thinking to hard but the sudden visit from wayward spirit looking for help, thankfully the spirit was keeping its distance, he rage out when he realized the white paper only made his headache worse, he ended up whipping the pencil across the room through the spirit that came to visit and almost hitting Yunho in the face as he opened the door to tell Changmin he was back from work

“woah holy Christ Changmin, is there any particular reason why your whipping pencils at me” Yunho asked

“sorry Yunnie, I didn’t even see you, I was trying to think of a new song for that TVXQ band under SM, and then someone came to visit giving me a headache and then I couldn’t focus and white makes my headache worse” Changmin answered

“I know I felt another presence here beside you, whats up” Yunho answered

“dunno, I’ve been ignoring and she’s been keeping back” Changmin answered

“well the fact that she’s wearing 16 century clothes, we can assume, she’s not here for justice” Yunho pointed out, Changmin sighed rubbing his temples

“come lets sit on the bed and communicate with her” Yunho said guiding Changmin away from his desk. They spent about an hour talking to the wayward spirit named lady Tabitha, they found out all she wanted was for her bones to be found and properly buried, Yunho contacted the people at the FBI centre telling them of this and seeing what they can do, then sat on the bed again

“still got a headache Minnie” he asked

“ani, I took some painkillers while you were on the phone” Changmin answered

“ah~, well did you wanna go somewhere special for dinner” Yunho asked, Changmin shook his head curling in a ball and resting his chin on his knees, he’s eyes seemed distant

“you sense something don’t you” Yunho asked

“I dunno, this isn’t a ghost see thing, keep getting flashes of me crying, I think something’s bads going to happened before our Anniversary” Changmin replied

“flashes of your crying, that’s unusual, but you have been wrong before” Yunho said

“not very often, I predicted my grandma’s death, and when your mom got sick, and when Jaejoong got in that accident that broke his leg in 3 place and left him in the hospital for 2 months” Changmin supplied

“nothings going to happen I promise” Yunho answered

“pinky swear” Changmin asked holding out his little finger, Yunho chuckled for a 24 almost 25 year old Changmin sure acted like a teenager

“pinky swear” Yunho answered linking his little finger with Changmin’s, he smiled and rested his head on Yunho’s shoulder when he came and sat next to him

“do you wanna just lay on the bed a cuddle” Yunho questioned, the younger nodded, they flatten out on the bed and Changmin head landed on Yunho’s chest, their hands twined wedding bands clanking together, they came to rest on Changmin’s hip, Yunho leaned over and kissed Changmin chastely on the lips, Changmin returned the action and they laid like that for an hour and a half before Changmin’s stomach growled, they just ordered out for dinner that night. The days past, Changmin still couldn’t figure out a song, but the good news was he had the melody. On the night of their anniversary Changmin was sitting at his desk, he’d finally figured out the chorus but that was it, he once again got flashes of himself crying and this time flashes of Yunho unconscious on a hospital bed, he shook his head

“no nothings going to happen, Yunho pinky promised” he told himself & went to go make the special dinner he planned for their anniversary, little did he know, across town Yunho was about to be in a raid gone wrong.

Yunho’s P.O.V

At work we gotten word that there was some illegal drugs and ion, the team including me where sent to investigate. Changmin was at home, probably freaking out, he never did like that Yunho’d kept the FBI job, and the younger always fretted and worried about me, and no doubt the premonition try thing that happened earlier the week is making everything worse. We stopped a block from an old hotel, which I could see in the distance, my team got out and I opened my mouth to give out order, yes I was the head, the leader of this team

“alright guys, the tip we received led us to the old Hae In hotel which is a block up, it looks abandoned from the outside, but our source said otherwise, we’re going to head up once we get there, where all going to split, 2 of you will bust in the back, 2 of you will go up to the roof and come from the top, Me and Seung-hyun, are going to try the front, got it” I explained, receiving a series of yes’ I spoke again “alright lets go” I stated and the started to ward the old hotel. Everyone immediately split into 3 as soon as we were in reaching distance of the building, Seung-hyun and I went for the front, Seung-hyun kicked in the door and with guns in hand we headed in, we check the rooms on the bottom floor first, they seemed to be empty, Seung-hyun suddenly slammed be against the wall as a bullet flew by embedding itself in the wall, we eased down the hall hiding in the doorways to the hotel rooms as we went, I heard the rest of the team join up gun were firing regularly. The next thing my body jerked and pain seared through my chest

“oh ” I heard Seung-hyun say, I started sliding down the wall, I was dragged to safety which happened to be a linin closet with linin and towels still in it, Seung-hyun pulled down a towel and pressed to the wound on the left side of my chest, it suddenly occurred to me Changmin had been right, something did happen

“h-he was right” I choked

“who was” Seung-hyun’s deep voice said

“Changmin was” I stopped and started coughing “he said at the beginning of the week, that he kept getting flashes of himself crying, he had a feeling something would happen” I finished

“it has to be pure coincidence” he said

“no T.O.P, its not, its happened before, he predicted the death of his grandma, our friend Jaejoong getting in an accident and my mothers illness” I exclaimed, Seung-hyun’s nickname was T.O.P

“stop talking I can tell its getting hard for you to breath” Seung-hyun said, the team managed to finish up but by then I was pretty much unconscious, an ambulance was called and the last thing I remember was Seung-hyun calling someone and Changmin’s scream echoing through my mind, Seung-hyun had called my wife, after that everything went black

End P.O.V

Changmin was just about finished dinner when the phone rang he grabbed it off the crib and answered still working over the stove

“hello” he greeted

“Changmin its Seung-hyun” said person replied

“oh hey T.O.P, what is it I thought you guys were on a mission” Changmin answered

“we are, we kinda have a problem and you’re not going to like it” Seung-hyun answered, he felt myself go pale and his hands were now shaking

“o-oh and what’s that” Changmin answered

“Umm… Yunho’s been shot, it’s pretty bad, we’re waiting for an ambulance” he answered, that’s when Changmin started getting more flashes, one was of the bullet hitting Yunho in the side of the chest, he screamed it echoed through the house, and through the phone

“oh my god no, I-I was right” Changmin choked

“oh god not you too, Yunho said the exact same thing, its pure coincidence” he replied

“no its not, i-it never is, I’m a ing psychic T.O.P, their never wrong” Changmin shouted

“y-you’re a what” he asked

“I’m a psychic, I can see ghost and predict things” Changmin answered he could feel tears streaming down his checks, it’s a surprise his still coherent

“oh seriously, um… well the ambulance is here I’ll call you back in like 20 minutes to tell you where he is” Seung-hyun exclaimed and the line went dead, Changmin was suddenly overcome by nausea and shot up hurling into the sink after which he slide down the counter to the floor again. The floor blurry as everything settled around him, the realization that not only was he right about Yunho but the fact that he could lose the only thing that accepted him as a person, he just laid on the floor and cried until Seung-hyun called again and told him what hospital Yunho was in

“T.O.P can you just come get me and bring there, I don’t trust myself to drive right now” Changmin said, Seung-hyun could tell by Changmin’s voice that the younger male was devastated

“of course Changmin-ah, I’ll be there in 20 minutes” Seung-hyun answered

“thanks” Changmin replied faintly and hung up he got up and stumbled to the bathroom to shower and get re-dressed. He was picked up and drove to the hospital where they were told that Yunho was in critical condition, the bullet having hit his lung before leaving his body and most likely embedding itself in the wall, the chances of him living were at about 20%, that only proved worse for Changmin who burst into more tears, he sat the crying over Yunho’s unconscious body for over an hour, there was another minor reason for him not wanting Yunho to die and it’s the main reason why Changmin was the emotional wreck he is, Changmin was one of the few males in the world that could bear children, meaning he was currently carrying Yunho’s child and Yunho didn’t know about it, he was waiting till today to tell him but that’s not going to happen now

“Changmin-ah, I’m going to the cafeteria would you like anything” Seung-hyun asked

“mineral water please” Changmin answered, he didn’t think he could stomach anything right now, he’s been pretty nauseous all day, but it didn’t bother him until he got the phone call about Yunho, now he’s thrown up 2 in the last hour while Seung-hyun wasn’t in the room and right now all his stomach was doing was rolling in the worse way possible

“baby please, please don’t die, I need you, we need you” Changmin choked, he was startled by a Japanese voice

“don’t worry Changminnie oppa, Yunho’s not dying, not yet” it was Kira, sides she was the only one Changmin know that spoke Japanese, he look up catching the blurry figure of the forever 20 year old they helped several years before

“K-Kira” Changmin choked and got up attaching himself to her lean white body, he felt wings wrapped around him the feathers tickling his cheek and arms

“shh…. I know, this must be really hard on you especially in your condition” Kira said

“y-you know about it” Changmin asked

“hai, the head man told me, he wants me to watch over you more carefully, I’ve been blocking potentially dangerous spirits since you were 2 weeks” Kira answered

“is that why I haven’t had to deal with much since I started working” Changmin asked

“hai, I let the 14th century one through cause I figured you could somehow help her and you did” Kira answered. They heard a voice outside “oh, I need to disappear, no one can see me like this” Kira said

“Kira please don’t, if you stay I’ll feel more grounded” Changmin answered

“I’m here you just can’t see me” Kira answered, Changmin smiled faintly and stepped out of Kira’s arms the Guardian then disappeared

“Changmin-ah, I’m back, here’s your Mineral water” Seung-hyun said

“ah thanks T.O.P” Changmin answered

“hey are you sure you don’t want anything to eat, you look like you’ve lost weight” Seung-hyun asked

“no I’m fine, I’m just not feeling well I think there’s a mild flu going around” he answered, but Seung-hyun was right he’d lost about 5 pound in the last 2 months, but he knew he’d end up gaining it back and more in 3 or 4 months anyway

“then why don’t you rest I’ll let you know if anything happens with Yunho” seung-hyun exclaimed, Changmin smiled

“I think I’m going to get some air first then I’ll rest” Changmin answered and slipped out of the room and with slow steps wandered toward the nearest bathroom, he locked himself in a stall and up came what was left of his lunch, he grunted back falling against the wall of the stall he cracked opened the mineral water Seung-hyun gave him and pulled a pill from his pocket, it was a nausea reduce and he hoped to god it worked cause, he didn’t need seung-hyun getting suspicious and say something out loud cause he’s sure he can hear him and that’s why he’d been dropping little hints

“hey how you feeling” he heard Kira’s voice before he seen her

“to be honest like ” Changmin asked, Kira laughed

“ya kinda have to deal with it for another month” Kira said

“I know” Changmin’s face twisted “how long you are going to keep him like that” he added

“less than month, you’ll see small improvements, he’ll most likely be breathing on his own by the end of next week” Kira answered

“are you purposely waiting for my 3 month” Changmin questioned

“maybe” Kira answered, Changmin chuckled

“you’re a little brat, but thank you” he said as they stepped out of the hospital, this time she appeared in human form

“your welcome, take care of yourself I’ll take care of Yunho” Kira said, Changmin smiled nodding. Kira was right Yunho was breathing on his own by the end of the following week, and knowing Kira was there Changmin spent more time at home taking care of his body knowing if he kept healthy this whole child bearing process would go well. 2 days after Changmin hit his 3rd month, Yunho woke, thankfully he was there napping at Yunho side in a chair

“Minnie” Yunho said weakly fingers playing in his hair, he huffed groaning and his heard sleepily lifted, his eyes shot open wide when he noticed

“Yun, your awake” he exclaimed

“mm… what day is it” Yunho asked

“its exactly half month after our anniversary” Changmin answered

“really , Babe I’m sorry, you were right again” Yunho exclaimed

“oh I knew, right when T.O.P said the word accident and shot I got even more flashes” Changmin replied

“I will make it up to you for missing our anniversary” Yunho stated, Changmin smiled relieved his hubby was okay now and with a baby on the way well, there’s no knowing that till he speaks and he’s going to wait till Yunho’s released first. Yunho was looked over and sent home with and oxygen tank for safety reasoning’s, Yunho was also advised to quit working as an FBI agent and just work a desk job, Changmin readily agreed with the doctor and Yunho knew that Changmin wouldn’t take no for an answered. When they went home Yunho immediately went into one of his draws and pulled out a velvet box, he’d wanted to give Changmin white roses with a few scattered cherry blossom branches but that was out of the question cause he was told to take this month to heal, for there was still a slight hole in his lung and the wound wasn’t completely healed. When he returned to the room Changmin was drinking a fruit smoothie

“Minnie put the drink down and close your eyes arresso” Yunho asked, looked like he was going to question but shut his mouth and obeyed placing the half empty glass on the counter and closing his eyes, Yunho opened the velvet box revealing a 24 karat gold cross with diamonds all over it except in the middle where the was a amethyst, he pulled it out and clasped it backward around Changmin’s neck, Changmin jerked when the coldness of the medal hit his collar bone he reached down and felt the necklace he opened his eyes and gasped

“y-yun is beautiful, and the amethyst for our birthdays, I love it” Changmin exclaimed tears welling in his eyes

“your welcome Minnie, its also 24 karat gold” Yunho said,

“happy anniversary and sorry for giving you a minor heart attack” Yunho added

“its fine, although I probably would have quit eating if it weren’t for the fact I have someone else to worry about” Changmin answered, time to reveal his anniversary gift

“what do you mean someone else” Yunho asked confused, Changmin grabbed his hand slipped it up the hem of his t-shirt and pressed Yunho’s palm to his stomach, he might not show much but his stomach was harder than normal and slightly rounded, Yunho still looked confused, then suddenly he seemed to realize something

“Yun remember when we were watching tv a couple months ago, there was a documentary on the handful of man who can bear children” Changmin questioned, Yunho nodded

“I’m one of them” he finished, he’d known this since he was about 18 that’s why he stayed a until he found Yunho

“wait, you mean y-your pregnant” Yunho asked, Changmin smirked

“yes, 3 months as of 2 days ago” Changmin answered, in the next second he was squished in a hug the no doubt hurt Yunho as much maybe even more as it had him

“I-I can’t believe it, why didn’t you tell me before I got in the accident” Yunho asked

“the doctor I had when I was a teenager, told me if I was ever to get pregnant it was to be kept secret until 2 months, because my body might reject the embryo, and then of course my doctor now told me the exact same thing, I was planning to tell you when you came back, it was an anniversary gift of sorts, but then you got in that accident and I had to wait an extra month” Changmin explained, Yunho smiled and kissing Changmin chastely on the lips

“well that’s got to be one of the best gifts I’ve ever received” Yunho said sweetly, Changmin smiled back eyes going mismatch “lets go out to dinner hmm…” Yunho added

“sure, we’re really hungry anyway” Changmin answered, Yunho laughed

“I guess this I going to be a new chapter isn’t it” Yunho asked

“hell yes and now I’m gonna get fat” Changmin answered

“even so, you’ll still be my baby” Yunho replied twining there finger and they headed out, the dinner ended up being at a ramen shop for Changmin was craving it, but hey romance comes in many different ways and meanings. Yunho was ready, he was going to be a dad and he was going to love every minute of it, well after he helps Changmin through bearing it.


A/N: alright, last chapter, I'm sorry I did it again, i have i thing for Mpreg please don't leave me, i can't help it, i've read so many other stories and the idea totally me in.


Yea i put T.O.P in it, he seems the type of person who'd be a bad FBI Agent, so i stuck him in there.


Also i a couple bonus chapters depending on whether you people want me to continue a little on the whole Mpreg idea.

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Chapter 16: i like this story, :DD
the ending was so good too,
good job, u're great
Chapter 15: owwwwh yunho propose to changminnie, and min just passed out???
Chapter 14: oww poor changmin,
he's getting physical hurt more badly from his sixth sense,
Chapter 13: kyu's not bad right?
Hope min will get his power stable, it so sad saw him that weak,
Chapter 12: yaaayy for them, hehe,
i really enjoying this chapter,
Chapter 11: so feeling relief to know that changmin was okay, they need to catch that hirohito, as soon as possible,
Chapter 10: will min lose his ability?? Don't let it be please, and damn hirohito for making min suffering
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 4: oowww changmin :o <3
btw sooo goood, new reader ^^