
Spirit Talker

Chapter 13: Germany

By summer that year, Changmin and Yunho were ready for a couple more investigations before they called it quits forever, deciding that it was safer for Changmin considering in every investigation they’d don’t since they started this ended with Changmin getting hurt, and it had be rather dumb the do the second after Changmin wasn’t healed from an injury from the previous.

“well ready min, our flight to Germany takes off at 10” Yunho said, Changmin and Yunho were joining Kyuhyun to a trip to Germany, they were going to attend one of the psychic conventions Kyuhyun always talked about, Yunho had warned Kyuhyun that Changmin might pick up on something and they don’t know germen Kyuhyun reassured them he’d make sure nothing happened, the whole reason Kyuhyun suggested this was so that Changmin could meet people who were more experienced than him who could teach him how to control his gift

“yea Yun, gimme a second” Changmin answered, Changmin didn’t come out for 2

“Minnie what are you doing” Yunho asked wandering into their bedroom, Changmin was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands cringing “Minnie what’s wrong, does your head hurt” Yunho asked alarmed

“it came out of nowhere and almost knocked me out” Changmin answered, the last time Yunho seen him like this was when they were in Japan, could I be someone else has him now, Changmin’s palms pressed harder into his temples

“is there anything there” Yunho asked

“ani, I haven’t seen anything since new years” Changmin answered

“should I call Kyuhyun” Yunho asked

“no, lets just go I’ll tell him at the airport” Changmin answered

“Min are you sure” Yunho questioned concerned, Changmin nodded and Yunho came forward to rub his scalp

“ahh…where would I be without you Yunnie” Changmin asked sighing in relief

“probably in and insane asylum” Yunho answered as his hand pulled away, the duo hopped off the bed and headed out the door, there suite case already in their car, the ride to the airport was quit and Changmin seemed kinda out of it which meant that he was lying when he said there’s nothing there, there is and its trying to come through

“Minnie are you sure there’s nothing” Yunho questioned

“yes, I’m sure, why” Changmin asked

“you seem kinda out of it, kinda distant, and that usually happens when something’s trying to come forward” Yunho replied, Changmin shrugged

“you could be right, but whatever it is hasn’t shown me anything yet” Changmin answered “heck I haven’t even seen it yet” Changmin added. Just as he said that they both saw a young foreign boy with bloody face, Yunho’s eyes widened and he swerved, thankfully no one was in front or behind them, that same boy appeared in Changmin rear view mirror, he was sitting in the back seat, Changmin jumped hand palming his right temple eyes screwed shut, Yunho got flashes of pictures a germen flag, a jewish star and the Nazi symbol

“woah, what the” Yunho stuttered, the young germen boy had appeared in the from seat and now had his cold fingers held against Changmin’s temples, Changmin’s eyes slowly re-opened as the cold finger like feeling on his temples soothed the headache he’d just got

“who are you” Changmin asked

“Hanz” the boy answered, Yunho started driving again paying attention to the road while listening to the young spirit talk

“is there a reason you came to us” Changmin asked

“Ja, you can help me” he answered

“how” Changmin asked “do you need justice made”

“Ja” he answered

“did you come to us cause you knew we were going to Germany” Yunho asked

“Ja, I know you don’t want to do investigation but it is important that my family gets rest for my killing” Hanz answered

“well aren’t you a polite spirit ever other one doesn’t seem to care about my… I mean our well-being” Changmin stated

“I was taught to be respectful, so I am even as a spirit” Hanz answered

“since your being so respectful and helped me get rid of my headache, we will help you” Changmin said

“dunke” Hanz answered

“bitte” Yunho answered instantly, that we pretty much the extent of his germen but one or two other words”. The rest of the drive Changmin spent talking with Hanz while Yunho tried to get them to the airport before 10, they just barely got to the airport in time and they rushed to their terminal, thankfully they had packed 2 suite cases and their carry-ons were backpacks. They skidded to a halt right next to Kyuhyun

“Yah!, what took you so long, you 2 almost missed the plane” Kyuhyun exclaimed opening his mouth to chew them out some more then stopped “damn it, I thought you said you weren’t going to do any investigations” Kyuhyun said

“I…we were driving here and he was so polite I decided to help him” Changmin answered

“aish, you really need to learn to control you gift, your so unpredictable its not even funny” Kyuhyun sighed, Changmin frowned and Yunho squeezed their hands together, the duo handed over the luggage and showed their passport and tickets then boarded the plane, Changmin being somewhat quitter after what Kyuhyun said. Their seats were right across from Kyuhyun

“Yun, I don’t wanna go to Germany anymore” Changmin said mournfully

“why” Yunho asked

“cause their gonna try to change me, make me adhere to rule, I don’t wanna change, it’s not my fault I have no control over my special gift” Changmin answered eyes filling with tears

“Boo, you know that kyu’s only trying to help, and you know I won’t let them change you” Yunho reassured letting the younger cry on his shoulder, the plane took off Changmin was still unhappy but sat curled against Yunho as the duo watched a movie on Yunho’s ipad

“Yun can I play tap tap revenge” Changmin asked when the movie was over

“sure, up for 2 player” Yunho replied, Changmin nodded smiling slightly, they both grabbed their respective side of the ipad and the games begun, Yunho won 2 round Changmin was 4, it was during their 7th round Yunho noticed Changmin reaction time go down and his eyes start drooping

“alright Minnie that’s enough your falling asleep” Yunho said exiting the game and tucking the ipad back in his carry on

“Yun don’t forget to call supervisor hyung and tell him about the case in Germany” Changmin said sleepily head resting against Yunho’s shoulder

“course Minnie, sleep, I love you” Yunho answered, Changmin smiled angled his had to kiss Yunho’s neck before letting sleep take over. When they arrived in Germany, Kyuhyun dragged them straight to the convention not giving them any time to rest from the jetlag & for Changmin the jetlag gave him a major headache and made him really grumpy, if Yunho wasn’t holding his hand he’d be beating the crap out of Kyuhyun right now. Kyuhyun soon found out that taking Changmin to a psychic convention while he has jetlag gets them nowhere cause Changmin’s attention span is pretty much nothing and after about 2 hours Yunho was carrying a completely cluncked out Changmin on his back

“Kyu, I am never trusting you again, I mean I understand this was for Changmin’s sake but did you have to do I right after we landed, he’s now got a mild fever and of course probably still has the headache he was complaining about earlier when you told him to it up, Changmin’s headaches as of recently are always directly linked to his ability” Yunho stated glaring holes into Kyuhyun

“hey, its not my problem, everything I’ve taught him seemed to have gotten him no where” Kyuhyun answered, Changmin groaned lifting a lazy finger to flip Kyuhyun off and his arms curled around Yunho’s neck peacefully

“whatever me and Changmin have things to do, and murders to solve” Yunho grumbled, and kissing Changmin’s cheek where is was settled against his shoulder

“boo do you have enough energy to visit the police headquarters its only 5 minutes away, you can stay there and sleep all you want while I we walk there” Yunho whispered

“my head still hurts, but I can handle an hour at the police station as long as Hanz doesn’t make show me anything” Changmin answered

“he’s still here” Yunho questioned

“he’s been following all day, he was telling me what happened, that’s why I got a headache he kept showing me things” Changmin answered “oh and Kyu, you’re a , I work my off to solve mystery’s and your telling me I can’t control my powers off” Changmin added groggily, Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and walked off

“well lets go, were being expected, supervisor hyung called the police station just after we landed and said we’d be there at about 4 or 5” Yunho mumbled hiking Changmin higher on his back

“Yunnie, aren’t I heavy I mean you’ve been carrying me the last 2 hours” Changmin grumbled he was falling asleep again

“its nothing Minnie just rest, you’ve got a fever and I’d rather take you home to rest but this is important, Supervisor hyung said that if we didn’t go see them today we wouldn’t be able to help with this case” Yunho explained

“ya’know ever since my power were drained in Japan, that seems to happened a lot” Changmin said, now he was starting to slur, he was losing his battle against sleep

“yea it seems that way, funny cause Kyuhyun said he returned it” Yunho said

“sometimes returning it doesn’t do anything, maybe since I was so close to losing it then that when it was returned my body excepted it but not without consequences” Changmin answered snuggled farther into Yunho’s neck

“you could be right, anyway lets go” Yunho answered and they started down the sidewalk, their supervisor had said that the police station was about 3 blocks from the convention centre they were in, it was across from a germen museum, Yunho had no idea how hard it was to find until he got lost with 3 minutes left before 5, Hanz appeared out of now where to Yunho leading him in the proper direction and they made it just before 5

“Min, up, time to get off the FBI team is waiting” Yunho mumbled nudging Changmin, who groaned and sleepily slipped off Yunho’s back, Yunho grabbed him by the arm as he almost fell over, then reached over to slap Changmin’s cheeks a little, he whined “awake now” Yunho asked

“not really, whatever lets get this over with” Changmin answered. The duo walked into the police station and were greeted by a team of agents, one stepped forward

“Hello, I am Agent Schwarz, you must be the two investigators we were told about” the man spoke

“yes, I’m Max, this is U-Know, we’re both psychic me more so than U-Know, were here to bring peace to a young boy names Hanz” Changmin answered

“ahh~ that case is nearly 2 years old, his mother was so upset about it she killed herself, the father left the country, he lives in Poland now” Agent Schwarz said

“oh, well I’d still like to help he needs to cross and can’t until justice is served” Changmin explained

“of course, tell me what you know” Agent Schwarz repled

“thus far U-Know said he seen a german Flag which was for where he was from, a jewish star, and the Nazi symbol, Hanz has told me about a concrete room with what seem to be torture instruments and also I seen a Nazi symbol pin fall to the floor” Changmin answered

“you seen these things” Schwarz asked

“yes” Changmin answered

“can you draw them for me” Schwarz asked

“of course, U-Know do you have my note book” Changmin replied, Yunho handed Changmin his notebook and he flipped open to a blank page easily sketching out a picture of Hanz on one page and the concrete room he’d been showing, on a third page he drew some of the main torture tools he’d seen and the pin

“that’s what I seen when we were driving before we got on the plane” Yunho exclaimed

“great we’re on the same page then” Changmin said

“we did find that pin on the floor by his body” Agent Schwarz stated

“so then we can assume that either the killer or someone was a communist and still hailed Hitler “ Changmin answered

“yes, and Hanz as well as the other boy with him were jews, thankfully the other boy survived and moved to Frankfurt” Schwarz exclaimed

“clearly communist” Yunho muttered. They talked with Agent Schwarz and were introduced to the rest of the team, though the others never talked, the duo figured they didn’t speak English and Yunho know hardly any Germen at all, Changmin knew basic germen, Agent Schwarz called them a private limo to take them back to their hotel for Changmin fell asleep again while U-Know was trying to talk to Agent Schwarz, did surprise Yunho when he found Changmin even warmer then previously, meaning his temperature went up

“he had an incident last year, his powers were almost completely drained, it seems that they haven’t stuck properly so he gets physically ill after” Yunho exclaimed

“is that why he’s scared like that” Agent Schwarz asked

“yea, it was a complicated thing, where the killer was the investigator in charge and he’d been draining Max since he invited us to stay at his Mansion castle, it turned out that the 4 children he killed were psychic like Max and Max was his next victim, he meticulously cut Max’s whole body and then left setting the cabin they were in on fire with Changmin still inside tide to the bed, he received 3rd degree burns to his arms and legs” Yunho explained

“and he’s still doing it, the investigating thing” Agent Schwarz exclaimed

“he doesn’t like to, I don’t either, we’re on one of our last investigations” Yunho answered

“ahh~ well that’s understandable” Agent Schwarz answered

“hey why do you believe what we’re saying” Yunho asked

“I believe in psychics my mother was one, guess I didn’t get the gene, but I occationally have dreams that come true a week later” Agent Schwarz explained, Yunho nodded and they heard a honk outside “that’s your ride, do you need some help with him” Schwarz asked

“no, I carried him 3 blocks to get here from the convention centre so he could sleep and I carried him for 2 hours before that, I got him” Yunho answered

“Jesus are you a muscle man or is he just really light” Agent Schwarz asked

“bit of both” Yunho answered chuckling, he easily hoisted Changmin into his arms and headed out Agent Schwarz following behind

“well boys you know what to do if you find anything else out” Schwarz said, Yunho nodded and loaded the sleeping Changmin into the limo before getting in himself “goodbye, make sure he rests up” Schwarz said and waved as the limo drove off, about half way to the hotel Changmin shifted looking up tiredly at Yunho

“where are we going” he asked sleepily

“back to the hotel so you can rest, you fell asleep at the police station, and your fevers gone up and I can’t do anything there isn’t anything in this limo cold enough” Yunho explained

“w-were in a limo” Changmin asked groggily

“yes don’t worry about just sleep alright, before you start getting delusional” Yunho answered, Changmin just groaned and snuggled closer he was exhausted. By the time they got to the hotel Changmin was out cold, probably unconscious from his own fever, Yunho carried him into the hotel and asked the receptionist where their room was, Kyuhyun had said he booked both their rooms, when she told Yunho and he headed up toward it, Kyuhyun was there waiting

“hey sorry about earlier, how’d the meeting with the FBI go” Kyuhyun asked

“good, Changmin’s still got a fever, do you think you could find some ice or something that I can wrap in a face cloth” Yunho replied, Kyuhyun nodded and disappeared, Yunho pulled off Changmin’s shirt and sat at the edge of the bed running his fingers through Changmin’s slightly matted hair smoothing it down in places, even while unconscious Changmin’s unconsciously leans into his touch, Kyuhyun returned with a regular ice pack

“thanks can you go wrap it in a small towel and bring it back” Yunho said, Kyuhyun nodded again and disappeared returning 2 minutes later with a towel, he wrapped it up and put it on Changmin’s bear stomach “thanks, and about earlier it was by fault I took out my frustration about Changmin on you” Yunho said, Kyuhyun smiled eyes scanning over Changmin’s sleeping body

“the scars, are they from Japan” Kyuhyun asked, Yunho nodded

“Changmin’s still very self-conscious about it” Yunho stated, Kyuhyun sighed

“I’m going to go get food, what should I get you and Minnie” he asked

“where were you going, downstairs of for takeout” Yunho asked

“takeout, probably McDonalds” Kyuhyun answered “then 2 double big Macs, 2 medium fries and 2 large cokes” Yunho answered, Kyuhyun nodded and left. Changmin woke an hour later

“Yun, hungry” he mumbled

“Kyu’s gone to McDonalds for food, he left an hour ago” Yunho replied

“okai” Changmin answered

“how are you feeling still tired” Yunho asked

“no, but I feel completely listless” Changmin answered, Yunho grazed his hand over Changmin’s forehead brush hair out of his face while at the same time checking his temperature

“well you’re not warm anymore” Yunho answered settling himself down next to Changmin, in turn the younger snuggled into his chest

“I love you” Changmin said propping his chin on Yunho’s chest and kissing him solidly on the lips

“I know, nado” Yunho answered when Changmin pulled away, only to claim his lips again, their kisses turned into a make-out session and from there Changmin bed them together the friction of one another’s enough to drive them insane, that and the fact that while Changmin was pumping their shafts Yunho was playing with their balls, they finished up just as Kyuhyun walked back in, Changmin tucked himself away as did Yunho

“okai so I had some language issues, so you 2 ended up with 2 chicken burgers instead of double big macs” Kyuhyun explained

“that’s fine thanks Kyuhyun” Yunho answered, and dug into the bag. They finished eating quite fast and the psychic duo claimed the bathroom, since their room was attached to kyuhyun’s via the bathroom, Yunho and Changmin just sat curled together in the heat of the water, Yunho used a sponge to wet their hair and rinse it clean and Changmin washed the rest of their bodies

“Yun I think this will be the last of my investigations, its to draining since the incident in Japan, I can’t handle it anymore” Changmin said as he dried his hair waiting for Yunho to finish t his pubs

“I figured you’d say that, and I will say that you can quit whenever you want I won’t think any less of you” Yunho answered wrapping his towel back around his waist and walking into their room Changmin following behind, he tossed Changmin some sweats and a pair of boxers, watching Changmin change into them, Changmin never was self-conscious about his scars around Yunho, because he know Yunho would never look at him any different

“you know Minnie, you’ve never ceased to amaze me with your bravery and strength, I know it bothers you but I think you should keep at this, you’re a pretty good cop” Yunho said randomly, Changmin looked at him

“I’ll think about it, and thanks, Ummm…as awkward as this is considering what you just said but, I seriously want you right now” Changmin mumbled, Yunho laughed “course my dear Minnie, I could never turn you down ever” he said. That night turned into a pretty much all-nighter and Changmin probably wouldn’t be able to walk for the next week, but they were both very happy and Hanz wasn’t causing Changmin to much trouble anymore, he’d occasionally show him or Yunho something vital in which they’d go the Agent Schwarz and tell him. By the end of the week Yunho had got Agent Schwarz to bring them to the untouched crime scene in hopes of triggering something, Changmin was weary about it because it’s in places like crime scenes where he goes full spirit mod and he’s not sure if he can handle it

“whatever happens I got you alrighty, share the duties, I can see spirits now to thanks to you” Yunho reassured, Changmin agreed and that night Changmin fell asleep curled in Yunho’s arms on the balcony looking at the stars.


A/N: sorry i took so long to write this Chapter, hopefully you still enjoy.

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Chapter 16: i like this story, :DD
the ending was so good too,
good job, u're great
Chapter 15: owwwwh yunho propose to changminnie, and min just passed out???
Chapter 14: oww poor changmin,
he's getting physical hurt more badly from his sixth sense,
Chapter 13: kyu's not bad right?
Hope min will get his power stable, it so sad saw him that weak,
Chapter 12: yaaayy for them, hehe,
i really enjoying this chapter,
Chapter 11: so feeling relief to know that changmin was okay, they need to catch that hirohito, as soon as possible,
Chapter 10: will min lose his ability?? Don't let it be please, and damn hirohito for making min suffering
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 4: oowww changmin :o <3
btw sooo goood, new reader ^^