Truth Revealed

Spirit Talker

Chapter 10: Truth revealed

Yunho woke the next morning to pained groaning, he knew it was Changmin, when he opened his eyes Changmin was hunched over sitting on the edge of the bed head in his hands like the night before

“Minnie are you okay” Yunho asked, Changmin shook his head

“there’s something a didn’t tell you when I was explaining the whole draining thing, every piece of info I receive from these 4 spirits come with a brutal headache its getting to the point where I can’t focus on what their giving me it hurts that bad” Changmin explained

“is there anything I can do to help” Yunho asked

“just hold me please” Changmin answered, Yunho nodded and pulled Changmin back onto the bed pulling the younger against his chest. When he starting rubbing at Changmin’s scalp, Changmin himself found he could focus more on what was happening and spoke

“I’m sorry you 4, I’m trying to help but something’s interfering with my power, can you bear with me” he said, Changmin sighed and looked at Yunho,

“this could end badly, I can’t focus and I lose my connection, we might be here for more than a month at this rate” he said sadly “Minnie, what happens after the fevers” Yunho asked “I won’t be a psychic anymore” Changmin answered

“oh” Yunho answered

“you know I’m with you all the way no matter what right” Yunho added

“yes, and I thank you a thousand times for it” Changmin answered, his mood had gone sour, and Yunho knew it was because Changmin’s power was part of him, if he lost it part of him is empty and he’s not Changmin anymore

“stop thinking negatively, come lets go down stairs and see if we can get Miki and the other 3 to lead us to that cabin you drew last night” Yunho said kissing the youngers temple, Changmin nodded and followed after Yunho limping, his leg wasn’t hurting as much as last night so he thinks he can handle to trip down the stairs, Yunho had his cane anyway. At the bottom of the stair was Mr. Hirohito

“going somewhere boys” he asked

“Hai, Changmin had a premonition last night and we want to see if the children will lead us to where the premonition was” Yunho answered “ahh, well I’ll join you” he said, Changmin’s fingers gripped Yunho’s arm and he felt nauseous, this man was definitely hiding something and was definitely drain his powers. They headed out, the children were waiting in the real form, Miki with no eye and a slit throat, Shinto had no jaw, Ren had his whole intestinal track oozing from his stomach and the new one whose name was Akira had a hole in the side of her head

“Changminnie, there’s for of them now right” Yunho asked

“Neh Hyung” Changmin answered, Yunho bent to whisper in Changmin’s ear

“I can see them, it’s a little unnerving, also I don’t think Mr. Hirohito can” he whispered

“that’s cause they trust you, and Mr. Hirohito scares them for some reason” Changmin whispered back

“well are we moving boys?” Mr. Hirohito question

“ah~ Hai” they said in unison. 2 spirits led while the others, who looked younger were told to stay close to Yunho and Changmin or they’d get lost

“Umm… Changminnie what are their names I only know Miki” Yunho asked

“Shinto, Ren, and Akira” Changmin answered, Changmin leaned forward and whispered

“Shinto is with Miki he’s the one with no jaw, you have Akira holding your hand and I have Ren next to me” he explained, Yunho looked down to see a young girl around 4 grasping his hand, she had pretty long black hair and a light blue dress with pink dots underneath was a pink long sleeved shirt and pink leggings, she wasn’t wearing shoes. They 3 of then stopped in front of a what looked like a 2 story log cabin when they got there Miki disappeared into the cabin door and they heard the lock click and swing open, Changmin almost throw up the moment he walked in the smell of rotting flesh was horrible

“holy , what the is the smell” Yunho choked pulling his t-shirt over his nose

“that would be rotting flesh son” Mr. Hirohito said. Ren and Akira lead Changmin and Yunho to the second floor where the smell got worse, they met Shinto and Miki under the attic

“we going up” Yunho asked, Changmin nodded and pulled down the latter bile rising up his throat, it was going to hurt if he threw up since he didn’t have any food in his stomach, he swallowed hard and breathed in and out a couple times against his scarf, well it was Yunho’s he’d borrowed it and he was making good use of it to

“hyung go first, Mr. Hirohito go up after, I’ll come last” Changmin said, Yunho looked like he wanted to protest but sighed and climbed up anyway and was followed by Mr. Hirohito. When Changmin reached the top, he lost what was left in his stomach, Yunho rushed to his side to help rubbing his back as he coughed

“Jesus Christ I can’t breath up here” Changmin huffed

“I know its bad, but I found something” Yunho said and lead Changmin to one of the bodies, Changmin spotted a golden locket in the floor next to one of the bodies and from behind him he heard ‘my necklace’ it was Akira’s voice, he picked it up and a soon as he touched it a premonition hit him along with it a splitting headache, but what he was seeing was their actual murders, he still couldn’t see the killers face though. He almost fell backward as the pain in this head increased but Yunho caught him and crouched behind him resting the Changmin between his legs and started rubbing circles on the younger’s scalp

“URGH I can’t it hurts, so bad my head feels like its going to explode” Changmin screamed, Changmin went slack in Yunho’s arms startling Yunho. Mr. Hirohito had disappeared and the 4 children stood watching

“can you 4 help me, Changminnie-sama is heavy and I need to get him down the stairs” Yunho spoke

“Hai” they all said in unison and each of them grabbed part of Changmin’s body till it was essentially floating, Yunho held Changmin’s waist in case they had dropped him. Once down the stairs Yunho hiked Changmin onto his back and walked out, there he found Mr. Hirohito, Yunho wanted to say something to him but decided it wasn’t worth it and let the 4 children lead him back he stomped up the stair and laid Changmin on the bed, he wanted to punch something, he hated seeing Changmin in pain or confused or anything but happy. Instead of punching something though, he started crying in frustration, he wanted so desperately to help Changmin but, he couldn’t there was nothing he could do but hold him close and hope they can get home to rest before Changmin loses his power. Changmin remained unconscious for 2 days Yunho had snuck some food in from super market in, only problem was everything he’d bought was dry good and most if it was unhealthy but he needed to be able to hid in, he’d also picked up a cooling pad in case Changmin developed a fever and he’d picked up some carbonated water. When Changmin woke the first thing he said was

“I’m hungry Yun, is there anything to eat”

“neh, dry ramen noodles of shrimp crackers oh and tuna fish and crackers in the Mini fridge” Yunho answered

“tuna” Changmin said, Yunho nodded and took out 3 packages of tuna with crackers, and brought them back to the bed

“I already at what the butler brought, I think your right about him poisoning yours though, I heard him talking to the butler while you were asleep, he said something about clearly not putting enough in it, I don’t know what he was talking about but I have a feeling he was talking about that, but it doesn’t seem like he’s poisoning mine though” Yunho explained, Changmin nodded as he opened a thing of tuna “also don’t worry I hid the Mini fridge in the wardrobe and padlocked it in case they find out I’ve been bringing in food, the keys on the cross chain I always wear” Yunho added

“thank you Yunnie, Saranghae” Changmin mumbled

“your welcome, I’m here to keep you safe, that’s why I fell in love with you” Yunho answered, Changmin smiled and went back to munching on his boxes of tuna and crackers. 2 weeks later Changmin started developing fevers and passed out after every premonition he had, they needed to figure out who’s the culprit here because if they didn’t get out of here Changmin would lose his powers. When Changmin was awake he was never allowed to leave the bed, not only because usually when Yunho left Changmin fever spiked, but because Changmin wouldn’t let him, he’d forgot Changmin was clingy when he was sick. What bothered Yunho was that every time he asked if Changmin had anything new he’d answer a tired almost inaudible

“no, its just the same premonition over and over, I’m on the last one I had, which was at the cabin”, it got to the point where every week Changmin’s premonition would knock him out cold for 3 days and they were running out of time. One morning 2 weeks after he started developing fevers he shot up holding his head

“URGH, wait, wait, It’s him, Hirohito, he killed them because they were special, they had powers like mine…..URGH….. Yunnie get me out of here, or call the cops….” Changmin said, holding his head tightly in his palms, Yunho could tell his was trying to stay conscious, Yunho instantly went for Changmin’s Note book which had a pencil already stuck in it

“Minnie, draw him, try to draw him, I need evidence” Yunho stated, Changmin took the pencil and let Yunho hold the notebook, Changmin sketched as best he could the man from his premonition but the pain increasing in his head wasn’t making it easy, he somehow managed though and before he passed out he said

“Yunnie, fingerprints on the locket and hair on Shinto’s clothes” Yunho knew he meant there was more evidence, so that night Yunho made sure to place the cooling pack he’d bought on Changmin’s forehead and locked and bolted their room door so the Mr. Hirohito couldn’t get in, he also stole the main key for their room from the butlers room when he was taking a nap, he then climbed out the window using the vine grower as a latter and when he got to the bottom Miki was waiting and she lead him through the forest to the cabin he got there and climbed up to the attic and with tweezers and a magnifying glass found the gray hair from Shinto’s decaying shirt and put it in a bag and wrapped the locket in a square handkerchief and ran back to the Mansion up the same way he came and collapsed on the bed, Changmin was still there, he’d ran back because he wanted to make sure Changmin was safe, Miki said that Shinto and Ren were guarding their room door. Changmin and Yunho woke the exact same time 2 days later, apparently he over worked himself to the point of passing out

“Yunnie, did you get it” Changmin asked in his head clearly too weak to talk

“neh, I need to call out supervisor to tell him what’s happening and then we can get him arrested and get you out of here” Yunho answered

“now call him now” Changmin’s voice demanded

“okay, hold on” Yunho answered and pulled out his cell dialing their supervisors number, Yunho spoke with him for 45 minutes explaining everything then click the phone closed

“what’d he say” Changmin’s voice echoed in his head

“right now, he said to somehow get out and get to the cabin, he’ll send someone to meet me in town to get the evidence and as soon as they can confirm your premonition, they’re going to arrest him” Yunho answered, Changmin nodded

“tomorrow, escape tomorrow” Changmin mumbled out loud this time. They fell asleep in each other’s arms with the door still bolted and Shinto and Ren guarding the door with Miki.

A/N: I think the next Chapter Changmin and Yunho will resign. sorry if the descriptions for what the spirits look like a to graphic, My sister gave the name for the 4 and last spirit child, Anyway enjoy.

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Chapter 16: i like this story, :DD
the ending was so good too,
good job, u're great
Chapter 15: owwwwh yunho propose to changminnie, and min just passed out???
Chapter 14: oww poor changmin,
he's getting physical hurt more badly from his sixth sense,
Chapter 13: kyu's not bad right?
Hope min will get his power stable, it so sad saw him that weak,
Chapter 12: yaaayy for them, hehe,
i really enjoying this chapter,
Chapter 11: so feeling relief to know that changmin was okay, they need to catch that hirohito, as soon as possible,
Chapter 10: will min lose his ability?? Don't let it be please, and damn hirohito for making min suffering
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 4: oowww changmin :o <3
btw sooo goood, new reader ^^