
Spirit Talker

Chapter 4: Gotcha

In the time between the duo got home from the pub and the point they were supposed to leave, Changmin got once again bombarded by the victims spirits, but with Yunho’s help they took it one step at a time and one by one got the spirits to leave him alone and that justice would be served by the end of tonight, Cyra appeared after everyone left

“did you find him” Cyra asked Changmin, Changmin nodded and pulled out the sketch he had produced with the image the latest victim gave him

“is this your Appa” Yunho asked, Cyra nodded eyes glowing red as she stared at the sketch in front of her, Changmin suddenly got a twisted image in his head of the man in the sketch, this time he had horns coming out of his head, a twisted smirk and off red skin eyes were black no pupil no iris nothing just black

“Jesus Cyra what the heck was that” Changmin exclaimed grabbing Yunho fear flashing across his features

“that’s what I seen the night he killed us, truth be told I was a spirit talker as well, and the person that killed me and mother that night wasn’t my father it was the devil and the other cases are the same, my father worshiped the devil” Cyra answered

“do the victims of this see the same thing or was it just you because of your power” Changmin asked

“just me, the other victims only see his eyes and hair, just like in that sketch” Cyra answered

“Min its 8 we gotta go” Yunho exclaimed looking at the clock, Changmin nodded and followed Yunho out of the room, he felt Cyra follow as well. They got to the station at about 5 minutes to 8 and jumped out the detective was waiting

“great you guys are here, here put this in the waist band of your pants lets go” he exclaimed handing Changmin and Yunho a hand gun, Changmin eyed it carefully “don’t worry the safety’s on so you won’t shoot yourself” the detective reassured, Changmin took the gun and tucked it under his belt and under his hoodie and the 3 of them jumped into a cop car

“are we doing this alone” Yunho asked

“no, we have back up on call incase something goes wrong” the detective answered, Changmin was gnawing on his lower lip eyes slightly distant

“Minnie what’s wrong” Yunho asked taking a hold of Changmin’s slightly trembling hands

“somethings seem off, I don’t know why” Changmin answered never moving from that position, Yunho patted the top of Changmin’s head kissing his forehead

“your just scared” Yunho said and pulled him into his arms. The car stopped 20 minutes later and they got out, they were at a worn out old apartment complex that gave Changmin the general creeps and the energy in the place made his sixth sense tingle

“this place creeps me out” Changmin muttered gripping at Yunho’s hand tighter, Yunho slipped his hand out of Changmin’s only to wrap an arm around his waist and pull him a close as possible and they followed the detective in, they crept up the stairs and stopped at apartment number 33

“get your guns out boys, we ain’t knocking” the detective said, they nodded and slipped the hand guns out of the pants holding them at the ready, with one kick to the door the detective had it crashing to the ground, they darted in and Changmin stopped stiffening

“t-there’s something in here I can feel it and it’s not human” Changmin muttered sense becoming more aware because if whatever this thing is possesses him he doesn’t know what will happen

“just keep yourself aware Changminnie, don’t let it at you and don’t let go of my arm” Yunho stated, Changmin nodded. They found their suspect dead in the closet literally mutilated the word satin compels you on the wall, Changmin felt a grip on his waist and he was yanked away from Yunho he screamed as he was dragged into a bedroom and when Yunho tried to get in he found it locked

“ Minnie” Yunho screamed


Changmin’s P.O.V The moment I walked into that house my senses went into overdrive. The air in the apartment was dark and scary and I know from the corner of my eyes I seen a shadow with red eyes, horns and claws at least 3 times as we walked though. When we found the suspects body in the closet with the words satin compels you on the wall the air in the apartment got heavy and I felt an arm grab me and rip me away from Yunho down the hall and into a room the door slamming and locking, I was thrown to the bed and something had be gripped to the bed frame, I looked up to find a soulless black eyes staring at me and a demented mouth with sharp teeth and no lips. There was black tattered wings behind it and horns in its head, I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed to Buddha

“your god won’t help you, you cursed him, your mine now” the thing said voice malicious and growly, it grabbed over my heart and pain burned though my vains making me scream out. It only seemed to get worse and worse till I lost consciousness, I could vaguely here Yunho pounding against the door praying to God and Jesus to protect me and to help me destroy the dark entity that had entrapped me, I used my subconscious mind, which was part of my sixth sense to battle him and even though I wasn’t Christian I called out

“the power of Jesus compels me” Yunho must have heard me somehow cause he started saying the same thing but with ‘us’ instead of ‘me’. The pain in my chest never subsided but I kept chanting the same thing over and over and it seemed to work cause he slowly disappeared and my spirit was left standing there, no I wasn’t dead its sorta like an out of body experience, I opened the door making sure that Yunho could see me in this form, thankfully he did and he seen my real body on the bed

“oh my gosh” he choked out and ran to my real body

“Minnie please tell me your not dead” he asked me

“ani, just asleep, you can bring me to the hospital, they’ll just dismiss it as a mild heart attack” I answered, Yunho nodded and backed away as I slowly released myself back to my own body then he scooped me up and we rushed out of the apartment closing and bolting the door. I spent a week in the hospital and Yunho had gotten a catholic priest to bless me with holy water and cast away any residue of the dark spirit that had attacked me earlier the week, he’d also gotten a priest from my own religion to do a ritual to help counteract whatever attacked me in the apartment. When we left the hospital we went back to Korea and after converting to Christianity we settled again. Word had gotten out that we’d solve a case in Ireland so we were now private investigators and spirits of murdered people came to me regularly.


A/N: another chapter. and now this might sound like the end but it ain't they'll be more spirit investigations for Changmin and Yunho to solve. anyway for those who are reading Enjoy, Comment and Subsribe, for those who already subsribed, that is if there is any thank you I.L.Y.

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Chapter 16: i like this story, :DD
the ending was so good too,
good job, u're great
Chapter 15: owwwwh yunho propose to changminnie, and min just passed out???
Chapter 14: oww poor changmin,
he's getting physical hurt more badly from his sixth sense,
Chapter 13: kyu's not bad right?
Hope min will get his power stable, it so sad saw him that weak,
Chapter 12: yaaayy for them, hehe,
i really enjoying this chapter,
Chapter 11: so feeling relief to know that changmin was okay, they need to catch that hirohito, as soon as possible,
Chapter 10: will min lose his ability?? Don't let it be please, and damn hirohito for making min suffering
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 4: oowww changmin :o <3
btw sooo goood, new reader ^^