
Spirit Talker

Chapter 11: Escape It actually took an extra day for Changmin to regain enough strength to escape. Yunho, Changmin and the 2 oldest spirits devised a plan to get out, hopefully it worked. Yunho pulled some cold ramen from the previous night when he’s snuck to the kitchen for a midnight snack. To be honest Mr. Hirohito didn’t seem to notice and the butler was always busy cleaning

“can you eat this cold” Yunho asked, Changmin nodded “do you want some rice too” Yunho asked, and again Changmin nodded, Yunho laughed at Changmin’s somewhat cute expression making Changmin pout

“just eat your need your strength to get out tonight, I promise that once we get to the cabin I’ll go out and by some food and a load of air fresheners” Yunho chuckled

“can we do that first, I’m already sickly enough I don’t need to add vomiting to it” Changmin mumbled

“of course, maybe it’ll get your fever down since your away from the mansion” Yunho said

“probably not, I won’t be visually better till I’m away from this how for a month” Changmin stated

“either way I think it would be better if I just brought you I have to meet the investigator our supervisor sent to give him the evidence to pin Mr. Hirohito” Yunho answered, Changmin shrugged slurping on cold noodles. By 12 that night Yunho got Changmin out of bed a cleaned, and their plan began, Miki and Akira had already started the commotion in the kitchen, there not going to have a kitchen in the next 20 minutes. Changmin had put a shield around both of them but the shield was weak because of the power drained from him already and with Shinto’s help they were able to float down the stairs silently. Mr. Hirohito appeared out of now where and broke through Changmin mental shield and rendered Changmin to a mass of pained moans and groans somehow, Shinto blocked Yunho from harm since Mr. Hirohito can’t see him so every time he tried to hurt Yunho he’s miss. It took about 20 minutes to get Mr. Hirohito away long enough to get out and that only cause Akira throw a plate at him for hurting her Oppa, that’s actually what she said, how she knew Korean Changmin and Yunho had no clue. Yunho hot-wired one of the sports cars in the garage and they took off into town to meet the investigator at a café, Yunho locked the car leaving a sleeping Changmin in it, he was out of sight anyway and headed in, he met the investigator who’d brought Changmin’s psychic mentor with him and he asked to immediately see Changmin after Yunho gave the evidence and got Changmin some tea they did exactly that, Changmin was still asleep

“my lord, his powers are half drained if he’d stayed there another 2 weeks he would have lost them completely” Changmin mentor said in shock

“as soon as he gave me the last reliable piece of evidence to pin this case closed I planned to get him out, Changmin isn’t Changmin without his sixth sense” Yunho explained, Changmin’s mentor smiled,

“when he wakes call me and I’ll try to recover what is rightfully his” Changmin’s mentor said

“Kyu” Changmin groaned

“Neh Minnie its me, don’t worry you’ll get all your power back” Kyu answered Yunho never knew Changmin’s mentors name until now and he figure the name Changmin used was a nickname

“hotel, no cabin, cabin is bad” Changmin mumbled

“what Minnie did you have a premonition” Yunho asked, Changmin nodded looking sleepily at them

“no bad feeling, really bad feeling” Changmin answered

“okai, Kyu, or whatever your name is, do you know of any isolated hotels around” Yunho asked

“my names Kyuhyun, Changmin calls me Kyu or GameKyu since I like games” Kyuhyun answered “and yes I do, there’s one on the outskirts on Tokyo, I’ll go with you” he answered, Yunho nodded and hopped in the drivers seat and Kyuhyun jumped in the passengers seat

“Please get Hirohito before he finds Changminnie and kills him” Yunho said to the investigator, who nodded and watched as Yunho drove away, breaking speed limits in order to get away as fast as possible. They got to the isolated hotel 20 minutes after they left the cafe, Changmin had been whining that his leg was bothering him since a mile after they left the cafe, so as soon as they got there Yunho sent Kyuhyun in to book them a room and he worked to get Changmin out of the sports car and into the hotel, Kyuhyun was already waiting for Yunho at the front door

“the girl that runs this place is also psychic, I know her from all the psychic conventions I’ve been to, but didn’t know she ran a hotel, I told her about Changmin and Mr. Hirohito, she heard about the cases and through premonitions found the same things but couldn’t do anything, she’s given us hidden room they’d found when they were renovating, its fairly big she said big enough for the 3 of us to stay in, come its on the very top floor” Kyuhyun explained, Yunho nodded and followed Kyuhyun to the elevators. Once they got to their room Yunho placed Changmin on the bed and pulled his attention to the left side of Changmin’s leg, that was what Yunho noticed that the leg of them was soaked with blood, he pushed the shorts leg up to find that the gauze was also soaked with blood

“, well that explains why he’s been so lethargic” Yunho curse and ran downstairs to ask if they had any gauze, he returned 5 minutes later with 2 rolls of gauze, he pulled off Changmin’s shorts and slowly pulled off the gauze

“why is it bleeding did he pull a stitch of something” Kyuhyun asked

“I dunno, he was fine up until we left the cafe” Yunho answered

“maybe Hirohito has something to do with it” Kyuhyun questioned, the gauze came off and blood was pouring down Changmin’s leg

“I don’t ing get it, Kyu go in the bathroom and bring me I towel in need to tie it around Changmin’s leg to get the blood to stop” Yunho exclaimed, Kyuhyun nodded and disappeared into the bathroom return a minute later and handed Yunho the towel, he wrapped it around Changmin’s leg and pulled it tight, the blood slowly stopped and Yunho examine the wound

“there’s nothing wrong every stitch is still in place not one is popped” Yunho mumbled

“maybe it was Hirohito” Kyuhyun stated

“I dunno but he’s still got a fever and now topped with the blood loss he probably won’t be conscious for another week” Yunho stated pulling the cold pack from his shoulder bag and placed it on Changmin forehead

“in the corner, there’s a girl with no eye, who is she, she keeps asking if Changmin’s alright” Kyuhyun asked, Yunho look to find Miki in the corner

“oh that would be Miki, she was one of the victims of Hirohito’s murders” Yunho answered

“can you see her” Kyuhyun asked

“yea, but only cause she trust me, since I’m with Changmin, I’ve seen all 4 of them” Yunho answered

“huh… you and Changmin have a very spiritual connection, wouldn’t surprise me if some of his spiritual power rubbed on you” Kyuhyun said

“eh? Really” Yunho asked

“yea, happens from time to time” Kyuhyun exclaimed. 2 weeks later Changmin woke still lethargic but aware and apparently very, very hungry

“what I haven’t had anything substantial since we left the mansion, now go get me food” Changmin exclaimed when they both looked at him funny, Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and disappeared to get some food

“how’s your leg feel” Yunho asked

“hurts, I noticed the blood stained shorts, did I break a stitch or something” Changmin replied

“ani, it was perfectly intact, not a stitch broke, we dunno why it started bleeding” Yunho answered, Changmin’s eyebrows wrinkled confused

“Yunnie, I wanna go home” Changmin whined

“I know, as soon as the results are in and Mr. Hirohito is captured we can go home and you can rest, Kyuhyun told me he could help you shut down your ability for a couple months” Yunho stated

“that’ll be considerably easy considering half my power are gone” Changmin muttered

“I’m sorry, I should have known better when I agreed to staying with him” Yunho pleaded, the Changmin that left the mansion wasn’t the same Changmin that was sitting here and it frustrated Yunho, he wanted his Changminnie back, Yunho got up and walked toward the door

“hyung where are you going” Changmin asked, again with the hyung thing, why, it made Yunho heart hurt, Changmin wasn’t treating him like they were together

“to get some air” Yunho answered hearing his own voice crack

“hyung are you crying” Changmin asked

“ani, I’m fine, just not feeling well” Yunho answered and left, he made it as far as the end of the hall before sliding down the wall and crying, Kyuhyun found him there an hour later

“Yunho what wrong, Changmin said you up and left, he said you sounded unhappy” Kyuhyun asked

“something’s different about him, I want my Minnie back” Yunho answered sobbing,

“Yunho, give him some time to sort his thoughts, he’ll be yours again” Kyuhyun exclaimed “now come before Changmin eats all the food I ordered” he added, Yunho nodded and followed him back, he sat alone while Changmin talked with Kyuhyun, he was picking at some Korean barbeque

“Yunnie, why are you sitting over there all by yourself” Changmin questioned pouting “I wanna cuddle” he whined, Yunho looked at Changmin confused “what?” Changmin questioned

“aish nothing” Yunho answered and got up walking over to Changmin’s bed and hesitantly sat down almost dropping his food when Changmin yanked him closer. This happened on and off all week one minute he’d be referring to Yunho formally and then out of nowhere he’d treat Yunho like he always did, it was honestly tearing Yunho heart apart, Kyuhyun kept telling Yunho to stop worrying and that Changmin would be back. After 2 weeks of staying at that hotel Yunho woke to a kiss on the forehead and a whispered

“sorry, I love you” it was Changmin, Yunho grabbed the body he felt hovering over him and pulled it close slitting his eyes open, he was greeted with sad milk chocolate doe eyes and trembling pump lips

“its fine your back that’s all that matters and I love you too” Yunho answered groggily

“its not fine I spent the last week treating you like you were my brother not my lover, I’ve never done that to you ever even when I was mad at you, I don’t know what was wrong with me I’m so so sorry” Changmin almost wailed tears now streaming down his cheek

“Jesus Minnie, Shh…. Its alright, I admit you were tearing my heart apart but you can fix it, your fixing it now, I just wanted my Minnie back and now he is back” Yunho murmured, Changmin just sobbed some more, Yunho flipped them on their sides and gently scratched the back of the youngers neck, Changmin buried his face in Yunho’s chest and slowly shuddered to a stop, Yunho let his fingers graze Changmin’s forehead, he still had a fever

“your still warm, rest I’ll tell Kyuhyun to get some fever reducers when he wakes” Yunho whispered, Changmin snuggled closer shivering slightly, Yunho smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around Changmin’s waist and easily fell back to sleep. Yunho woke again an hour later when he heard someone whine ‘OPPA~’ it sounded like Akira, he carefully sat up and looked around Akira was sitting on the edge of Kyuhyun’s empty bed

“Kira, why are you here” Yunho asked

“Miki sent me” she answered

“Wae” Yunho question

“Mr. Hirohito is still looking for Changmin oppa, he found the sports car you jacked, he thinks you’re here” Akira answered

“” Yunho groaned and unconsciously started massaging Changmin scalp, Changmin just purred

“where is he” Yunho questioned

“Miki said that she heard him say he’d leave late at night and take Changmin while you 3 are asleep” Akira explained, Yunho growled making Akira jump and making Changmin wake

“mmm… why are you growling” Changmin mumbled sleepily

“nothing Minnie just sleep okay” Yunho answered, confused on why Changmin hasn’t realized Akira was there, Akira was confused to and got off Kyuhyun’s bed

“Changmin Oppa~” she whined, Changmin squinted

“Akira” he muttered “why do you keep fading in and out” he added

“wae, what do you mean Changminnie” Yunho asked

“she’s there but almost transparent” Changmin answered,

“she’s not solid like before” Yunho asked, Changmin shook his head, something wasn’t right

“Minnie I’ll be right back, Akira watch him” Yunho stated, Akira nodded Yunho went in search on Kyuhyun, he found him in at the buffet table

“Kyu, Kyu, Kyu, something’s wrong with Changminnie, Akira came to tell me something and when I growled he woke and didn’t realized she was there so Akira tried to get his attention and he say the Akira he sees is transparent he used to see them as solid forms, Kyu what’s happening” Yunho said in one breath

“Yunho calm down, let me grab some food to bring up and I’ll see okay” Kyuhyun exclaimed

“okay, I just remembered, I have to hid the car we came in Hirohito seen it, he knows were here” Yunho stated and ran out of the hotel to the car he’d jacked and re-hotwired the car and drove it out into the middle of nowhere and parked it behind a tree then trekked back to the hotel, by the time he got back his legs were killing him and he passed out of the bed next to Changmin. The next morning Yunho woke to Changmin’s pained hollering and Kyuhyun chanting something, he figured Kyuhyun was giving Changmin his powers back, he pulled the pillow over his head trying to drown out the sound of Changmin’s pained screams, he figured he fell asleep again because the next thing he know there was a weight on the bed and fingers passing through his hair

“Yunnie, the result came back positive the person behind the murders of Miki, Shinto, Ren and Akira was Mr. Hirohito, and Kyuhyun sense him in the area and gave my power back, well after he filtered them, Hirohito is still on the run though” Changmin’s voice whispered against he ear

“hmm…. So it was Hirohito” Yunho mumbled

“neh” Changmin answered

“they better catch him I don’t want to lose you” Yunho grumbled

“they will, he was already here, but couldn’t find where we were hiding, you were asleep and I was unconscious from the pain it took to return all by power” Changmin explained, Yunho nodded and snuggled Changmin into his arms, they shared a few kisses and a nice before clunking out for the night.

A/N: another chapter, they escaped from Mr. Hirohito's Mansion castle and Mr. Hirohito is almost caught. Enjoy, Comment and Subscribe

P.S: how many ppl here have seen the new Twilight movie, because i have to point out that is has the most evil twist ever. Geh

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Chapter 16: i like this story, :DD
the ending was so good too,
good job, u're great
Chapter 15: owwwwh yunho propose to changminnie, and min just passed out???
Chapter 14: oww poor changmin,
he's getting physical hurt more badly from his sixth sense,
Chapter 13: kyu's not bad right?
Hope min will get his power stable, it so sad saw him that weak,
Chapter 12: yaaayy for them, hehe,
i really enjoying this chapter,
Chapter 11: so feeling relief to know that changmin was okay, they need to catch that hirohito, as soon as possible,
Chapter 10: will min lose his ability?? Don't let it be please, and damn hirohito for making min suffering
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 4: oowww changmin :o <3
btw sooo goood, new reader ^^