Chapter Seven: Never Bores

Small Bump







After a moment that could never be forgotten, ever, we went to the same café.

"They were wndering if I bought you to trouble." he chins up through the transparent windows as he talks about my girls.

"I doubt that I'll never be asked if I get you into trouble." I mirrored the same intonations as him and chins up to his boys this time.

He chuckles. "Seriously." Oh, you are Mr. Wu, I know.

I laugh it out as we head to the doors and pushes them.

"I've been missing that voice." I turn to to look at him and his eyes are soft.

"Where have you both been?" Taeyeon is here, they are all here.

Kris and I snort at each other and gaze back at them.

"Yes, uhm... She begged me out for breakfast because she hungry." he spoke out mercilessly.

"No, I did not- LIAR!" I shouted and glared at him and you know what's next?

"YAH, IT HURTS- IT TICKLES, STOP! OKAY-YY" He surrends as he tries to hold both his hands above.

I laughed mockingly. 

"Ha Ha." Oh, how I remembered Kris' sensitive spots that night. I flushed

"Get a room!" Baekhyun assumed out

"We already did..." Kris whispered huskily enough for only me to hear. He turns to me and watches me intently. I see warm, seductive, eletric and even fear through his eyes.

I flush and I saw that nobody seems to hear him. Oh, thank god!

"Just joking." he said dryly. Ouch, that hurts. Again, my heart leaps for death. This is boring me.

Then, he sets both of his long arms around my shoulders and drags me with his waist. Playful Kris.

We found ourselves outside. We heard angry hushes meters away from us. Still in the same topography, I tugged at his arm but he wouldn't let go anyway.

We both slowly peek at a distance.

So there, Yoona and Luhan seems to have an argument. Luhan rubs his face with both palms while Yoona looks away.

"Summer-ah, Sooyoung-ah I'll get some drink for us." he glimpse down below me. I'm stunned not only that his gorgeous face as always is shadowed by the rays, he called me Summer!

Girl, she called you Summer! But, why?






! You just called her Summer. I thought of how hot and warm she is in my arms, perfectly.

It's great to see her gape at me. Yeah, it's the face my dear.

The wheather brightens our moods.

I let go of her gently as I walked back.

"Kris, You love her!" someone shouted through my head and ears.

I froze. Someone just shouted at me with a voice how-am-I-supposed-to-know-who?

I looked back at Sooyoung but she's already there busy talking to them. Hell, Mr. Wu. It's abit obvious that a man talked to you, not a sweet voice like hers.

I entered and snoop each one inside. Studying each face carefuly and trying to read their mind as well, I failed.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Xiumin seems annoyed.

Hello? As you can see I don't mind seeing my face right now. I really don't care.

Now, where is that guy who shouted at me?!

"He needs help because he is stunned by Sooyoung-noona's beauty." Kyungsoo hissed comically.

Was my face like that all this time?

"You should be struck be her beauty" Yuri said proudly.

"You must be." Jessica pointed out and archs her eyebrows.

"Yeah you must be!" we laughed out as Chanyeol turns his time to talk.

He came back with his self again. I'm relieved that our problem has settled into the bottom of the sea.

"I always am." and with that I left their mouth hanging and neither of them speaks up. I smirked. Yes, really, I am and always does.

Fact, Sooyoung never fails to bore me.

Here is the list.

1) I'm stunned how naturally beautiful she is. 2) I'm stunned how naturally y she is. 3) I'm stunned how naturally brave she is. 5) I'm stunned how naturally kind and lovely a woman she is 4) I'm stunned how naturally she smart-talks

...This list about her is endless.

"Some Black Soya just for today ajumma." I heard it is Sooyoung's favorite drink. I think I should try it also.


I head out to see Sooyoung sobbing softly. I hurried to her and handed the drinks fast to Yoona beside her.

"Baby, hush." I surf to find her face but instead she leans on my chest more. I tighten my grip around her.

"What's wrong?" I flare both at Luhan and Yoona who, now, holding both of their hands together. I soften abit as I had upset them.

"Uhm, sorry, Kris. I had been harsh on her back in those days." he bowed at me. 

Wait, did Luhan just bow at me? Wow. Mighty Kris Now.

"What's done is done Luhan, you didn't know." Sooyoung spoke as set a remedy.

Look, how lovely and kind she is.

"Wait, is there something he knows now that I don't know?" I cast again at her.

"No, of course not. You were one of the first to know that I'm bearing someone." Her voice seems obstructed. Right, she is pregnant, she is young and I too! It's hard for her to say those words.

And as I am the father, I would care for both of them with all my will.






He eases his face now, tender. I wish he's gonna be like that always. Not the one.

"Yoona, explained me everything and that no one knows yet." Luhan cleared out as he thinks he's in trouble. Kris just nodded.

"All is understood Luhan and right now, both of you are distracting me. You should really take care of her, okay?" I looked at their hands gripped on each other and now lets go.

"Uhh- we are going out already." he chuckles and Yoona covers his mouth directly and Luhan laughed.

I laughed on how sweet they are. I can't hide my jealousy as it trace over me. I pout.

"Hey, don't overthink things Sooyoung." he glances below me as he fetches my lower lip.

Electric floods right now, a strong one. But I can't point what feeling it is responsible for.

"Oh my..." there, I've spoken it.

"I know, I'm feeling it too." Thank heavens, he feels the same! 

This day is a blessing.

"Let's welcome a new couple!" Hyoyeon exclaims and stands both at the couples across.

"Yah, shut up noona" Sehun nags at Hyoyeon.

"So, both of these couples will get married tomorrow," Suho prides highly. I laugh at him.

"You are so unexpected Summer, I would love to hear those giggles everytime." Kris held me back in his arms again and I lean to him.

"Gross, we told you to get a room." Kai startles us

"Just wait 'till you grow up Jongin-ah" Sunny pats him behind and pulls him while Kai keeps on growling. It's an excemption for us to call these younger ones by their true names.

"Let's celebrate!" Tiffany screams. Oh why, she loves partying.

Everybody just laughed out at her and I can see that Tiffany was serious but she joins them afterwhile. They settle back inside and between my girls, Seohyun's still with us.

She dragged me after Yoona and ensured no one is around.

"But unnie, you are both young." she clasps both of our hands in each of hers.

We both chuckle a soft, gently way.

"Seohyun, you're right. But it doesn't mean we can't live the way we like it." I cupped her cheeks as she understood.

She goes back to the others and now Yoona held by hand taut this time.

"Unnie, you okay?" I frown.

"What do you mean? Of course I am." we walked as where I don't know.

"Seriously, about that- these things. I don't know!" she tunes her voice high. I can see she's in preasure. It's not me that is okay.

"Take every step slowly, don't reach high." I replied her simply. Even though my words aren't direct, my girls kept on complementing that they understand me in every way.

She closes her eyes briefly and opens them now.

We both nodded and head to Kris and Luhan who is now talking to Lay, Chen and Tao.





"Hyung, we're not saying that you must not be with them." Chen presided.

"So, what is your point?" I can't control much my voice now.

"As you can see hyung, the tramps are back." Tao emphasized the word tramp. Oh, it is better to hear than a .

"No one is stopping them." Luhan fronted again, and I can see that Tao bearing how furious he is. We don't like it whenever he is being like this.

"We really care for you, for all, for the safe of the friendship between them." Lay implied.

I relaxed. Yes, he's right. They are back. They could get in between our friendship, our love...

Heavens, did I just say that?! 

Then, someone puts an arm around mine. I exhaled out.

"What's wrong?" Yoona asked.

"We discussed something about a business." Luhan replied. Oh right, we were in a talk about business and work, already. 

"Business as in business or mens' business?" Yoona pointed.

"Boys and their toys." Sooyoung shocked me with that.

All of them laughed and readies to walk out. Lay, Chen and Tao takes turn to make high-five with Sooyoung. I pulled her slightly.

They snort at me, even Sooyoung does. Hey, I was just doing what a father must be!

As everyone left,

"Seohyun said we are too young." she whispers as she mimic a pout.

"Even though you are imitating, you are still lovely." I put my arms around her as she colors her cheeks. How adorable.

"Chanyeol said I must be careful on these days, why would I be?" she smiles up at me. I'm glad she really now considers me, after those childish fights before we had.

We barely don't know each other back then. Not, until, she fell into my soul.

Realization hits me. Hell! Of course Chanyeol knew. Those 'tramps'! what Tao called them- whatever.

"So you mean you would like me to stay with you anytime? It would be my pleasure madam." I gestured.

She choked a fake shock laugh. I smile back at her.

"Let's go back." I grasp her hands back to them.

"Why?" she seems confused.

"I ordered some of your favorite Black Soya many minutes ago and I would really buy a pair now again." Yup, a pair.

She lifts a big smile which I really love. I pointed my nose to her and close my eyes. This one is a sweet moment to care of.

I breath in her charm scent all over. Oh Mr. Wu, you never get tedious with her.





Next chapter will be abit mess.

But, of course. The guys friendship will stay together still

...also Kris' love ;)

Oh yes, Luhan and Yoona made it out!

Tramp is better than a right?




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Make a way because Kris is up to his 'second joke' :-(


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soobeautifulchoi #1
Update please :(
I really like your story :D
Trappedbee #2
Chapter 17: update soon please hehehe
Chapter 17: Author-nim this is very beautiful :')
Please, update soon, pleeeaaaaseeeeeee
Chapter 17: KYAAAAAH! Kris Oppa proposed! But without his future wife.. Sooyoungie pls comeback..
exowuyifans #5
Chapter 16: hello! new reader here! this is so interesting!
KamiliaBBC #6
Chapter 16: aigoo...Kris,i dnt knw if u notice it or not but i think she just pass you by...i dnt think she notice you dumb can both of u be??aigoo...Kris,get SooYoung before her labour day...although she have to wait for 6 mnths but's ur child...fighting..

n Soo y?y??y did u go to tokyo??huh..things r getting more complicated now...
Chapter 16: So SooYoungie is in tokyo now? :)
Chapter 14: OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!! this chapter seriously had me teary eyed and I had to force myself not to cry poor Sooyoung T_T love your fic author-nim, the plot the writing technique EVERYTHING wahhhh please keep updating and all the best with your fic :D
Chapter 15: come on kris you're a man!!! go, just go for soo unnie!! author-nim I'm waiting for the next chapter xD
KamiliaBBC #10
Chapter 15: seriously??by the time Kris remembers EVERYTHING,SooYoung 'disappear'..Kris,get SooYoung FASTER!!Move,NOW!!