Tensions Rise

Hello My Ex

First off, thank you everyone so much for the comments!  I'm absolutely loving how people are choosing sides :D :D :D

So let me just say, this chapter, was the entire reason I started the story in the first place.  I really really hope it comes across as well as I had previously daydreamed it.  

Enjoy :)


Joon’s P.O.V.

It’s been three days since I’ve heard a word out of Seungho.  Although I’ve been busy with my own events anytime I’m back in the dorm he just glares.  I don’t know what’s on his mind or what’s going on with Alex.  I’ve tried to eavesdrop in his conversations with G.O. since he’d be the only one he’d want to chat with about that type of thing.  G.O. was acting strange around me now too just trying to nudge me and make me beg for forgiveness.  Until my eye was fully healed, I had no intention of doing so. 

I was wore out from another day and just wanted to crash in my bed.  I opened the front door to the sight of Seungho frantically checking under the couch cushions.  He stopped in his tracks when he noticed me entering. 
“What are you looking for?”  I asked.  He just glared.
“He lost his phone,” G.O. said, popping from behind the kitchen counter.  He was busy in the search himself. 
“Did you try calling it?”
“It’s on silent.” 
I shrugged my shoulders knowing by the look in G.O’s eyes I had to help.  I started my search under the coffee table that happened to be close to the couch; Seungho didn’t approve. 
“I’ll check in my room again,” he mumbled then went off.  G.O. walked over to me and sighed.
“We looked everywhere out here, just double check.”  He went into Seungho’s room and shut the door. 

“Stupid Seungho,” I grumbled to myself.  He was supposed to be the responsible one and things never left his side when it came to gadgets.  He most likely had it in his pocket but I wouldn’t dare make that remark right now.  I reluctantly crawled around the floor and checked under the carpet.  I moved up to the end table just to see a mess of papers with still no sign of it.  I scanned the room for any other good places to lose something.  Ah, the laundered clothes hanging up by the window.  It was worth a shot. 

The first place I checked was on the pile of underwear stacked neatly most likely by our maid.  It was Seungho’s so I knocked it behind the laundry stand.  After a moment of joy, I regretted that passive aggressiveness and reached down to pick them up.  Wouldn’t you know it I found his phone hiding back there.  I wiped off the front and was just about to take it and knock on his door but an idea struck.  This was my chance to find out everything.  I knew his password from watching him unlock it countless times.  I searched through his texts to see his conversations with Alex but the last message was from three days ago.  I decided to read anyways until there was an incoming call.  My eyes widened at the caller ID.  It read Alex’s work.  I shiftily headed to my room and shut the door quietly then answered. 

“Yoboseyo?”  I cleared my throat in hopes of hearing her voice.
“Is this Mr. Yang Seungho?”  The voice was female but definitely someone else.
“Uh, yes,” I lied.
“And you are Alex’s boyfriend?”
“Yes,” I rolled my eyes.  I still hated that sad reality. 
“I’m calling to find out if you know how she is doing.  I’m sure she told you she got very ill at work two days ago and we sent her home.  We have been trying to call her but she hasn’t answered.” 
“Wait…Alex is sick?!”  I covered my mouth realizing how loud I said that.  The last thing I needed was Seungho questioning me. 
“Oh, I’m sorry if that’s how you’re finding out.  Maybe she didn’t want you to worry.  I apologize.”
“No, it’s fine.  I’ll go check on her.”
“Okay, have a goodnight.”
I hung up. 

“Hey Joon, any luck?” G.O. called.  I jumped at his voice.
“Nnn…no,” I stuttered.  I stuck the phone in my pocket and opened the door.  They were busy checking on the mantle.  I slowly walked backwards behind the couch. 
“Hey hyung,” I said to G.O.
“I’m gonna go out for a bit.”  I scratched my head and bent to the ground, reaching in my pocket and slid the phone under the couch.  Neither one of them noticed.
“Where do you think you’re headed?”  Seungho sharply said.  The first thing he’s said to me in days and he sounded extremely suspicious. 
“It’s none of your business,” I snapped then headed for the door. 
“Okay, I’ll see you later,” G.O. said. 
I hurried to the car and drove off. 


Alex’s P.O.V


I can’t stop sneezing.  Some type of flu has hit me like a ton of bricks.  I’m not sure if I should blame the weather or the mounds of stress for my illness; most likely it’s a mix of both.  My boss made me leave work when I was nearly coughing up a lung.  I thought I could handle it but my throbbing head and nausea kept sending me to the bathroom.  I didn’t even know how bad I was until my boss came in and nearly broke down the stall door.  At some point I passed out asleep against the toilet bowl.  She reprimanded me for even trying to work then forced one of my coworkers to drive me home.  I have basically locked myself inside ever since.  I kept my phone off not wanting to social with anyone.  I managed to get my classwork over email from my professors.  I didn’t even attempt to catch up.  I knew I had to get better first. 

It was somewhere around the third night of this illness.  Seungho’s request for a break couldn’t have been timed any worse.  I wanted him so bad to take care of me but I knew I had to wait.  I dreamt about him swinging open the door and sweeping me up in his arms making everything better.  Chances were my fever was getting the best of me with such delusions.  I had tried to put such things out of my mind because I only felt sicker.  Picturing how much I hurt him made my head throb harder.  At the same time my lips were burn being reminded of Changsun’s kiss.  I wronged both of them. 

I stood at the stove, well, more so barely stood.  I leaned against the counter just to keep a balance.  My eyes kept threatening to close but I needed to make tea to settle my stomach.  I filled the kettle and turned up on a burner.  I made my way to the table and laid down my head.  I surely dozed off a few times only waking when the pot started whistling.  I clumsily made it to my feet and took a coffee cup out of the cupboard.  I readied the tea bag and gathered my mixture of honey, lemon and sugar.  I set the cup on the stove and began to pour.  I yawned until something caught me by surprise. 

“Alex!”  I heard my name called from behind. 
“Huh?” I jumped and snapped around completely forgetting I had a blazing tea kettle in hand.  The handle swung off  the grip of my fingers, boiling water splashing all over my arm!  The kettle dropped to the floor.  “AHH!”  I screamed from the burning pain.  I threw my arm under the faucet and the cold water full force. 
“I’m so sorry!”  I heard them apologize.  “Here, let me help.”  He reached to feel my burns but it hurt from the touch and I smacked his hand.  I noticed the hot water was still spilling out below me. 
“Take care of that,” I commanded, squeaking in pain.  He whipped around and grabbed a towel off the table.  He wrapped it around his hand to pick up the tea pot and set it on the stove.  He threw the towel to the ground and cleaned the rest. 
“Are you okay?” He calmly asked.  I could see the true concern in his eyes. 
“Yeah,” I sighed still keeping my arm under the cold water.  My head throbbed even harder causing me to squint.  He slowly backed to the kitchen table feeling terrible for what he caused.  He hung his head making me feel bad.  I had to be nice. 
“Can you do something for me?”  I calmly asked.  A slight smile formed when he looked at me. 
“Can you get the First Aid Kit from my bedroom?” 
“You can depend on me,” he happily said and hurried off.  Only a few minutes later he came back with it.  I sat at the table and signaled for him to join me.  I opened the kit and pulled out a tube of burn ointment and some medical gauze.  I started squeezing the tube until I heard an ‘ahem’ from him. 
“I can do it for you,” he shyly offered.  I handed it over.  He squeezed it out and spread it over my wounds.  I did my best to keep strong for as bad as it hurt to feel the ointment in contact with my skin.  He held my arm gently and made sure to cover the entire burned area.  Once he finished he grabbed the gauze.  I finally felt at ease as he applied the gauze. 
“Why are you here?”  I hoped to not sound uninviting I was just rather curious.  He seemed surprised by the question and stopped bandaging for only a second.  He lowered his eyes then answered.
“You should have told someone you were sick.”
“Wait, how did you-“
“It’s not important,” he interrupted me.  “Seungho should be taking care of you right now.”
Was that meant to make me feel guilty?  Why did he have to bring it up?  “Seungho isn’t talking to me right now.” 
He tried to keep his expression cool but I saw his ears spark up at that.  “Did you two break up?”
“Not quite,” I mumbled glancing at the tea kettle.  I still wanted that tea. 
“Well,” he sighed, “I owe you.”  I didn’t expect him to say that.  I curiously looked at him. 
“For what?”
“For taking care of me last time.  I never thanked you.”  I couldn’t tell if he was truly sincere or not but I smiled.  He was finally finishing wrapping my arm then let go.  He tried so hard to act so chill but he came off as clueless and cute. 
“You’re welcome.”  I watched at it made him blush.  Just then I noticed something.  “What happened to your eye?”  He seemed embarrassed.
“I uh…” he stuttered, “it happened when I was filming a fight.”  He was a terrible liar, I couldn’t help but laugh.  The laughing however made my head pound even worse.  I moaned in pain then rested my head on the table. 

“Ya, you should go to bed,” he strongly suggested. 
“I don’t know if I can even make it there,” I moaned. 
“Well you somehow made it out here,” he mumbled.  I sat up and glared at him.  He tried to hold back laughing from probably how goofily serious I looked.  I cringed from another shock of pain. 
“Ugh,” I whined.
His eyes widened as he unthreateningly reprimanded me.  “Why are you even up!  You shouldn’t have left your bed today.  I was so afraid you’d be unconscious on the floor when I walked in.  I’m happy I got here when I did.” 
“How did you even get in here?!?”  I didn’t mean to raise my voice but that was probably the first thing I should’ve asked. 
“You never moved your spare key,” he mockingly remarked.  I scanned my mind and realized he was right about that.  It wasn’t exactly on my mind when we broke up.  Feeling rather dumb, I slowly stood up from the table.  I nearly fell over from the dizzy spell.  He noticed and hopped to his feet ready to assist.  The pulsing in my head and threat of eyes closing, I was hesitant to take another step.  With all my might I tried but actually tripped this time, but he caught me.  “Don’t move,” he said.  Before I knew it my feet were wiped from underneath me.  I squeaked and shut my eyes afraid of hitting the ground but instead felt his arms holding me.
“What are you doing?”  I asked just now opening my eyes. 
“I’m carrying you.”  I felt him take every step as I held around his neck for my life.  I was scared to death of him dropping me or running me into a wall.  He slowly made his way down my hallway and kicked open my bedroom door.  Before I knew it he gently set me down on the bed.  I just stared with my jaw dropped as he stood up and rolled his shoulders.  Did that actually just happen?  I rubbed my head wondering if my headache was making me delusional. 
“Changsun…”  I whispered it for no reason.  He ducked down to be at the same level as me. 
“Is there something you need?”  He sounded so kind.  I just laid there gazing at him not sure of what to say.  He looked so…so perfect.  For some reason I could see a sparkling aura of bubbles around him.  Was he just a figment of my imagination?  My eyes were slowly shutting but I could see his hand waving in front of me.  “Alex ah?”  That was the last thing I heard before falling asleep. 

Joon’s P.O.V

I felt her forehead once I was sure she was asleep.  She was burning up; a clear sign of a fever.  Her nose was red from blowing most likely while the rest of her was pale.  I couldn’t imagine how sick she was actually feeling but I don’t know how she managed to be alone up to this point.  She was sweating as her body shivered so I carefully pulled the blanket from below her and covered her.  I headed to her bathroom and grabbed a washcloth from the cupboard.  I ran it under cold water then rung it out.  I headed back to her, brushing the loose strands of hair from her face then placed the rag right above her eyes hoping it would cool her down.  I turned off the lights then crawled on the other side of the bed.  I just leaned on my arm and watched her sleep.  I wanted so much to hold her and take her illness away.  I listened to the rhythm of her breaths and knew full well she was deep asleep. 

“Alex,” I whispered, gently her hair.  I closed my eyes and lightly kissed the back of her neck.  Why wasn’t she mine?  I was the one there for her when she needed someone the most.  Seungho had probably yet to even find his phone.  I deserved her.  She needs me.  I needed her.  The sad reality of the daydream hit me and brought a tear to my eye.  I checked to see if her eyes were still shut to make sure she wouldn’t catch me then kissed her shoulder.  All I wished was they would sink in and let her know how much I loved her.  I littered her with them until my tears stopped me.  As much as I wanted to change reality I was doing it wrong.  For the time I had to accept how things were.  I carefully got up hoping not to disturb her then walked around.  I sighed looking at her once more then turned to the door.  I heard her shift her body behind me. 
“Changsun,” she said half yawning. 
“Yes?”  I didn’t want her to see me crying so I kept facing the door. 
“Don’t go home.  Please?”  I turned to see her eyes were still covered by the washcloth.  I wiped my eyes and cleared my throat. 
“I’m just going to sleep on the couch.”  I smiled weakly. 
“Make sure you grab a blanket.”  It didn’t take long for her to pass back out.  I found a blanket stacked in the corner.  I took it with me and left for the living room.  I noticed the tea cup she had sitting in the kitchen that was half filled with now lukewarm water.  I hated for something to go to waste so I heated the water for myself.  Once it was done I poured myself a serving.  I couldn’t help but laugh noticing how much water was in there.  “You always heat up too much,” I chuckled.  I cleaned everything up then shut off the lights and just stared into the darkness with my cup of tea on her couch.  I spread the blanket over me and laid there scanning my thoughts.  I had to do something for her in the morning but wasn’t sure what.  I tossed and turned until I eventually slept. 


Alex’s P.O.V.

*Knock knock*

I rubbed my eyes to realize it was already morning.  I must have been completely out of it.  I heard a knock again at my bedroom door.
“Come in.”  I watched the door handle turn and Changsun came walking in holding a tray. 
“Breakfast in bed,” he said being careful not to tip it over.  I sat up quickly rather puzzled by it.  He never did something like that for me.  He put it down on the bed and I observed the items.  There was a cup of tea in the corner, a plate of slightly overdone eggs with a side of slightly burnt toast, a bowl of something I couldn’t figure out and silverware.  He wasn’t exactly the best chef in the world but I appreciated his attempt.  The problem was the smell made my stomach nauseous. 
“Uh, thanks,” I said trying to hold my breath from the scent.  I faked a smile hoping he would feel proud.  He grabbed a fork and stabbed a bit of eggs.
“Here,” he offered it raising it to my mouth.  I nearly gagged at it being so close and started coughing then pushed it away.  I think he was a bit offended.    
“Erm, I’ll just have some toast right now.”  I took a small bite of the toast and tried to eat it cheerfully while sneakily pushing the tray a bit further.  I petted him on the head hoping his frown would dissipate.  Next I took a sip of tea to help wash the toast down.  It was bitter but sweet enough to drink.  I just kept sipping at it until I eventually finished.  “Man, I’m so full,” I said rubbing my stomach.  I slipped from under the covers and swung my feet over the bed.  He watched my every move still disapproving of me not finishing the meal.  I smiled nervously then switched the subject.  “I could really use a shower,” I said getting to my feet.  I was hit with yet another dizzy spell and fell to the floor. 
“Aish stop doing that!” He reprimanded helping me to my feet.  I shook him off then tried walking across the room.  “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I said I’m going to shower.” 
“What are you crazy?!  You’ll collapse and hit your head off the faucet!”  Well atleast I got his mind off of the breakfast.  I wasn’t sure myself if I could actually manage.
“I don’t have another choice.”  I went to my drawer and pulled out a t-shirt and sweatpants.  The one good thing about being sick was getting to dress comfortably.  I noticed he was staring blankly at the ground trying to think of something.
“Wait!”  He halted me.  “I can help you shower!” 
“Huh?!?”  I dropped my clothes.  “I can’t let you see me like that!” 
“No…I…I mean,” he stuttered.  “I just mean for washing you!  NO!  WAIT!”
“You’re sick,” I teased picking my shirt up from the floor and throwing it at him. 
“But that’s not what I meant!  I just…” 
I started heading towards the bathroom until his shouting stopped me again.
“Wait, can you shower with clothes on?”
I raised an eyebrow.  “Umm…”
“Yeah, just wear a t-shirt and shorts.  That way I can’t see anything but I can still help.” 
“I…I guess that would be okay.”  I shrugged my shoulders.  I grabbed a white tank top of Seungho’s I found draped over the desk and a pair of sleep shorts then walked to the bathroom.  Changsun followed.  “Let me change first,” I said shutting the door in his face.  Only after a minute I was ready and opened the door to see him down to his boxers.  I gave him a suspicious glare. 
“I don’t want my clothes soaked either.”  I just sighed trying to keep my eyes off of his amazing body.  I reminded myself I still was technically dating Seungho. 

I went into the shower holding myself against the wall.  I the water then grabbed a loofah and my shower gel.  I let the loofah sop up some water then spread over the gel.  My head started to pound and I leaned against the shower wall. 
“I’ll get your back,” he said taking the loofah from me.  He scrubbed through the shirt while I held myself still.  I could hear him chuckling in back of me.
“What so funny?”  I reprimanded. 
“Nothing,” he firmly said handing me the loofah.  With one hand against the wall I had one open to wash my front.  While I did that he had grabbed the bottle of shampoo and started lathering it in his hands.  Before I knew it he started washing my hair.  I seemed to be enjoying making it stand up straight on my head. 
“Now you’re just being a pain,” I teased and ducked under the water.  He playfully flicked a few drops at me.  I kicked him with the back of my foot. 
“Yah, what was that for?!” 
“I just felt like it.”  I laughed, washing the soap out of my hair. 
“Well maybe I’ll just feel like it.”  He poked me in the side.  Now the soap was all gone and I whipped around to face him and stick my tongue out.  He made a face and splashed water at me. 
“Hey!”  I shouted and jokingly pushed him. 
“Yah?”  He pushed me back. 
“Don’t be mean to the sick girl.”
“I think you’re just faking it.”    
“Oh do you now?”  I teased. 
“Yeah you just wanted to shower with me.”
“You’re the one that suggested it!”  
He pouted.  “You accepted it.” 
“Fine then,” I sneered quickly turning off the water.  “I’m all done.”  I opened the curtain to take a step out and suddenly tripped over my own feet. 

“Wah!” I wailed. 

Before I knew it his arms were full throttle around my wet body catching me from yet another fall.  All I could hear were my breaths and his own.  My heart was beating like crazy for some reason.  He kept holding me in that position as if time froze.  Neither one of us knew what to say or do.  After a moment I took a hold of a corner of the shower curtain and helped myself back up. 
“Thanks,” I mumbled leaving the shower quickly and grabbing a towel.  I wrapped it around myself then walked out of the bathroom without even looking at him and shut the door.  I needed a moment to collect my thoughts. 

I slid on the floor in the hallway trying to even out my heart beat.  I felt dizzy again but this time it wasn’t because of the illness.  No, this time, it was different.   My eyes started to water, not sure from the pain or mess of thoughts.  How could I be doing this?  I wasn’t broken up with Seungho just taking a break.  I still loved him with all of my heart yet I always gave in to Changsun’s games so easily.  I couldn’t bear to think about what Seungho would do if he heard about this.  With that, I suddenly heard my front door unlocking the entire way from the hallway. 

“Alex, are you home?”  My head snapped up at the voice.  I could hear his footsteps as he moved quickly to the hallway.  He smiled when he noticed me sitting on the floor. 
“Seungho?” I weakly said, feeling my heart in a panic.  He was holding a bouquet of flowers. 
“Honey, why are you sitting out here?”  He smiled and hurried down to give me a kiss.  “I’m sorry I wasn’t around earlier.  I lost my phone and missed when your work called.  I just called them back and they told me about you.  Why didn’t you tell me?” 
I was too stunned to speak. 
“Let me help you stand up.”  He said gathering himself and reaching out his hands.  Just at that moment, the bathroom door opened. 

“Alex, I-“ Changsun stopped. 

Time froze.  Seungho stayed in his position with his head towards Changsun.  Changsun just stood there in boxers partially soaked from the shower.  I just sat on the ground with my hands attached to Seungho.  

I couldn’t breathe.  


Oooo what's going to happen?  I'll try to update soon!

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I just dropped by to say that I love your story! I know that you wrote it way back, and I had already read it on Tumblr, but I didn't know you had a AFF account to post a comment...
So, about the story: I really liked how the character of Alex was realistic, and how her struggle between Seungho and Joon was portrayed. We say the conflict, and we were able to see that her choice wasn't esay.
Also, Joon and Seungho... Ah, how could you do this to me? They are my two ultimate biases, and I was struggling so much during the story, seeing them hurting and all! :P
The ending left me completely satisfied, though. I was sadfor the one who "didn't get the girl", but it seemed like Alex made the right choice. And it was truly great, how I was doubting until the end about who she would finally choose. I really have to give you a thumbs-up for making it difficult to foresee the ending, it's very hard to do so in a story.
All, in all, I loved your story, and I hope you keep writing! :))
Toxiicfox #2
Chapter 4: Mir... and a hand puppet... Haha, I started laughing loudly and I'm in public right now! people look weird at me Ö
ammilla #3
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
ammilla #4
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
Chapter 13: TT.TT But of course, of course she'd end up with him! *giggles*
Nie story, unnie!
Chapter 8: Now that girl's crazy! O.O
Who on Earth would feel moved by Joos kiss, be he an ex-boyfriend or not, when there's Seung Ho near AND your boyfriend as well?!
Chapter 9: Poor G.O. getting caught of the middle of everything lol You know that can't be easy on him ^_^
Chapter 13: good job~~~
please write more :)
Chapter 6: Awesome job! ^_^ Sorry I'm so behind but I'll finish it soon!! Great work!