The Aftermath

Hello My Ex

Yet again, I am loving the comments <3.  Thank you so much for your support.  This chapter may seem a little shorter than the last but the last one was quite long.  Either way, please enjoy :D


Seungho’s P.O.V.

“You have one week to decide.”


“C’mon, die already,” I whined staring at my computer screen.  I attacked the mob of skeletons with my powerful mouse clicks.   My bandaged hand was still killing me from throwing punches yesterday but I wouldn’t let that stop me from mindlessly playing a game.  I was lucky we had the day off.  I spent the day hiding myself only leaving the room to mix myself a messy concoction for breakfast/lunch/dinner.  I hadn’t even woken up till about 2 PM.  I didn’t care if I wasted my time.  I had nothing to care about anymore.  I didn’t want to see the face of the man that was ruining my relationship.  I only let her go for a moment for him to sweep in and destroy nearly 6 months of work.  Our love was so strong until he knew I was with her.  How could I be so blind to his intentions?  I slammed down the mouse at the sight of his face in my head. 

“Hyung…please open the door.”  The voice snapped me out of my gaming hypnosis.  I heard a light knock at my door.   
“Please let me in.  I hate being alone.”  I could hear Mir scratching at my door.  I found a save point and rolled my chair over to open it. 
“Yes?”  My eyes were blurry from the sudden shift.  My back was aching from my horrid gaming posture and I moaned in pain. 
“Hyung, you’re bleeding!”  His face was full of concern.  I my lips and found the cut had broken back open.  I wiped off the blood.  “What happened to you?”
I had kept the maknaes in the dark about the incident.  They didn’t need to know about my personal grudge or about the turmoil with Joon.  “Got in a fight,” I coolly said, glaring him down to inform him I didn’t want to talk about it. 
“Oh…okay.”  He stared at the ground.  His mood quickly shifted.  “Can I hang out with you?” 
I shrugged my shoulders.  “Sure, why not.”  I rolled back to my desk and he took a seat on my bed.  I started my game again.
“I thought more people would be home on a day off.” 
*Click click* “There’s no one else home?”  I realized how in the dark I had been in all day. 
“Well, G.O hyung is in his room but he screamed when I tried opening the door.  I think he’s doing his bad habit.”
I chuckled at Mir’s innocence.  “Where’s Cheondung?”
“He said he’s spending the day with his girlfriend.” 
“His girlfriend…” I sighed.  I envied their perfect relationship.  He had only introduced me to the girl once but he always talked about her.  He must be happy.  I wondered how Alex was doing on the decision I gave her.  Joon’s face had popped in my mind again.  I felt my blood boiling.  “Where’s Joon?”  I gripped the mouse tightly and stared at the screen.  Just saying his name brought the devil out of me.  For all I knew he could be trying to get to her again. 
“He has another filming today.” 
“How long?”  I took a breath and glanced at the clock. 
“I think he’s doing it all day.”
“Maybe he’s trying to steal Cheondung’s girlfriend now,” I mumbled. 
“What was that?”  Mir appeared to only hear a portion.  I took a breath and sighed.
“Cheondung needs to hold onto that girl,” I said.  I dropped my head on the keyboard.
“He won’t let anyone near her.”  He came over to me and rested his head on my back.  “How has noona been?  I’ve missed her.”  I closed my eyes trying to suppress the tears from forming. 
“She’s been fine,” I lied.  I couldn’t let him know.  I moved myself up to start playing my game again while Mir took his position back on my bed.   I clicked away.
“What are you playing?”  He asked leaning his head forward.
“Diablo III.” 
“Wow it looks so cool!”  I smiled at his excitement.
“Yeah it’s pretty fun.”  I checked the map to find my next mission.  I had a long track of land to go.
“Does noona play video games?”  At his words I halted the game again.  I leaned back in my chair watching as the memories flashed through my mind. 
“She loves them.”


“What?  You think you’re a better gamer than me?”  The look on her face was intimidating.  Perhaps it was an insult to tell her ‘we can play when the big boys go to bed.’  I set down the controller waiting for my character to respawn. 
“No, I just know not many girls are into first person shooters.” 
She shot me a glare.  “So you think I’m not any good at this game?”  She sat beside me and pointed at the screen.
“Well, I just don’t want you to get too frustrated.”  I was clearly not helping my case.  I reached for the controller I set on the table but she nudged me and stole it.  “Hey, I’m about to respawn!”
“Perfect.”  She pressed start and ran to position.  I wanted to steal the controller back before my team started yelling at me.  I got nervous seeing her reload her gun.
“Erm, you can play after-“
“Let’s make a bet.” 
“If I can survive for 10 minutes and get 40 kills, you buy dinner.  If not, I will.” 
“Honey, that’s not easy to do in this ga-“
“Deal?”  I glanced to the screen and saw her ducked behind a box.  When I checked her expression she was dead serious.  I gave up. 

A smile crept up on her face as she devilishly her lips.  She sat on the edge of the couch. 
“Watch and learn.”  She leaned to the side on screen and set her scope.  First kill within an instant! 
“I didn’t even see him there,” I said in awe.  She decided to make a move.  Her character ran up behind a Jeep.  Her teammates were running passed.  She stayed hidden checking through her scope. 


She fired, saving a teammate.  She decided to run forward and charge right at the enemies; I hid my eyes between my fingers afraid to watch it commence.  All I could hear was gunfire.  I knew soldiers were falling down from every side! 
“How many kills do you have?” I asked still unable to look.
“I’m up to 30.” 
“How!”  I threw my hands in the air.  In that short amount of time?  She laughed and her character ran to a stack of ammo and weapons.  She picked up a grenade launcher. 
“Heh, this is how I can get the rest.”  She whipped around noticing an enemy at her back.  She quickly stabbed him.  She charged onward and searched the bases.  “They have to be hiding somewhere.”
“Check the-“
“Shh!”  She shushed me.  “Don’t worry, I got this.”  She snuck along the outside of a building.  She changed the camera to make sure she was still safe.  Before I knew it, she found the rest of the other team!  She leaned over an open window, shot in two grenades and the entire team went up in explosion!  My jaw dropped as my team sent messages of joy in the chat.  The round ended. 
“Wow, you’re amazing.” 
“I told you.”  She stuck her tongue out then kissed me on the cheek.  I just sat there staring at the game screen.  “I could really use something to eat now.”  She teased. 
“Fine, get the phone I’ll order whatever you want.” 

I turned off the game.


“Hey, what’s that necklace on your desk for?”  Mir’s random question popped me out of my deep thoughts.  He was holding the necklace right above me.  I sighed watching it sparkle in the light. 
“It’s a gift for Alex.”  I wanted to give it to her when I showed up yesterday.  After finally finding my phone I discovered a call from her workplace.  Apparently someone had answered it, that someone being Joon as I learned.  I saw it in the received calls and decided to call back, only to find out she had been deathly ill.  I felt so guilty so break her heart over getting upset at one little kiss.  She wasn’t even the one that made the move.  I hoped to win her back until I found Joon over there in his boxers.  Instead of giving her a necklace, I gave her a choice.

“You have a week to decide if you want me or him.  It’s your choice.”    

I left her with that.  

"Hey hyung, are you excited for Chile next week?"  Mir asked.  
"Wait, huh?"
"Yeah, we're doing that big concert with other groups next week.  How could you forget?"
"Oh, heh."  It finally clicked.  It must have slipped my mind with all of the drama with Alex.  Being reminded of it, I realized I wouldn't be able to hear from Alex in person until later.
“Do you remember when we’re supposed to get back?” I asked.
“Eh, a week and a half later maybe?  I know we go there and we have some other events.  All I know is I had to push back my show filming until we got back.” 
“Hmm… so we’ll say three weeks.” 
“Three weeks for what?” 
“Eh, it’s nothing.  I need to make a call real quick.”  I grabbed my phone and let Mir stay on the bed.  It would only be a minute.


Alex’s P.O.V.

“ACHOO!”  I was in middle of another sneezing fit.  I reached for the box of Kleenex sitting on my coffee table.  I was fighting off the tail end of my epic flu and had to deal with my entire body clearing out.  Even so, there was work to be done.  I was trying to figure out how to fill in the new hole in my wall.  Seungho managed to create it while swinging at Changsun.  Changsun was lucky he missed. 

My body shivered as I noticed a few drops of blood staining the carpet. 


“Why are you here?”  Seungho let go of my hand just letting it drop to the floor.  His eyes were staring lasers through Changsun. 
“I um…” he stuttered.  He was panic stricken unable to move as I was on the floor.  Seungho charged at him grabbing him by the neck and slamming him against the wall. 
“I asked you a question.”  I knew there was a fire burning through Seungho’s mind.  He’s always told me he has a devil side but has always hidden it from me.  This was my first time witnessing it; it was terrifying. 
“Taking care of her.  What’s it to you?”  Changsun pushed Seungho back, rubbing his sore neck.  Seungho slammed him back again. 
“Is that your job?  Taking care of someone else’s girlfriend?” 
Changsun broke loose and flashed him an evil smirk.  “Someone needs to.” 

Seungho backed up, chuckling as he rolled his shoulder.  He wiped his lip.  “Oh yeah?” 
“Yeah,” Changsun taunted.  I gulped, waiting for what was about to happen. 
“Well I guess you want to die!” 

Seungho launched a punch out of nowhere!  It just scraped Changsun barely and rolled behind, knocking Seungho in the back.  Seungho knocked his lip off the wall.  He whipped around back and kicked Changsun in the stomach!  Changsun groaned in pain while returning a jab to Seungho’s chest.  Seungho grabbed Changsun and dragged him to the living room.  I sat there in the hallway, completely frozen, scared to death.  I couldn’t watch the monstrosity.
“STOP!”  I yelled.  Neither one listened.
Seungho threw Changsun into the coffee table.  He hit his back against the edge. 
“OW!”  He screamed dodging Seungho’s attacks.  He fumbled to his feet and kicked Seungho to the kitchen counter.  He landed a hit on Seungho’s cheek.  Seungho managed to gain the upper hand again tossing Changsun right into a corner.  He fired again, missing and putting his fist through my wall! 
“AH!” He shouted, tugging at his arm.  Changsun took the advantage and tripped Seungho making him fall to the ground with his hand stuck in the wall.  He bombarded Seungho in a series of blows; I couldn’t take anymore!  I hurried to my feet as weak as I felt and ran over! 
“Changsun!”  I cried, running to pull him off.  He kept attacking even with my full effort of yanking him away.  “PLEASE!”  I pounded my fists into his back wanting him to stop!  I started bawling feeling so helpless.  This wreckage was my creation and I couldn’t do a thing.  I just wanted it to end. 

After my tears began flowing heavily, Changsun stopped.  He escaped from my attacks and stood up.  I watched his chest heave in and out as he caught his breath.  I had to worry about Seungho.  I hurried to his side and helped him retrieve his fist.  I noticed a huge cut in his hand and I stumbled up again.  I ran to get the First Aid kit afraid to leave them alone to long again.  I set his hand on my lap and cleaned the wound; Seungho and Changsun just staring each other down.  I wiped my face for a moment. 
“Changsun,” I said, my eyes focused on Seungho’s injury.  “Please go home.” 
He seemed offended by my request.  “But-“
“Go home!”  My tone was sharper.  I glanced up at him with more tears coming down my face.  How could I give into him again? 
“Fine,” he shot back once more kicking Seungho.  He went off to gather his things from my room.  I took a breath as the water from my eyes was dripping into Seungho’s cut. The wound was throbbing. 
“This might burn,” I warned him grabbing a tube of ointment.  He simply rested his head against the damaged wall and didn’t say a word.  I couldn’t imagine how much he was hurting, not just from the physical wound.  I didn’t know how to begin to beg for forgiveness. 

As I finished bandaging him in the silence, Changsun was already dressed.  He stood before the door scowling at me.  I had hurt him too. 
“Go home.”  It was my last desperate plea.  He kept his eyes on me as he made his leave.  The door slammed shut behind him.  All of my pressure came outright at that moment, making me break into a sweat and dropping on the floor.  The woozy feeling of my illness came back.  Seungho reached down for me and pulled me to lean on him.  I burst into another round of tears.  I felt the warmth of his arms holding me pressed against his chest.  Maybe he would forgive me and give me another chance.  Alas, his voice countered the passion I felt in his caress. 
“You have a week to decide if you want me or him.  It’s your choice.”   His voice was so cold.  Somehow I knew a silent tear was falling from his eye.  His body slowly shifted from below me and he gently let go.  He offered his hands and led me over then set me on the couch.  He laid down a blanket on top of me.  Without another word, another look, another touch, he left. 


The blood stain wouldn’t seem to come out.  I scrubbed and scrubbed until the spot was faded.  I wiped my forehead feeling another wave of heat to come then I heard my phone ring.  I saw it was Seungho calling.  My heart skipped a beat as I picked up.

“Yoboseyo?”  I choked on the word. 
“Slight change of plans,” he sighed.  I was even more worried.
“I forgot all five of us are going to be in Chile for a bit.  I’ll make the deadline three weeks instead of one.  You have more time to think rationally that way.”  His voice was still void of emotion.  It broke my heart. 
“Okay.  Seungho, I-“
“I’ll talk to you later.”  He hung up. 

“Three weeks eh?”  I tossed my phone to the ground and stared back at the gaping hole. 

I didn’t want to make a choice. 


Oooo big decision coming up!  Who do you think she will choose?  I think this story will have either one or two more chapters depending on how I break it up.

Please feel free to comment as always.  I love all of you!

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I just dropped by to say that I love your story! I know that you wrote it way back, and I had already read it on Tumblr, but I didn't know you had a AFF account to post a comment...
So, about the story: I really liked how the character of Alex was realistic, and how her struggle between Seungho and Joon was portrayed. We say the conflict, and we were able to see that her choice wasn't esay.
Also, Joon and Seungho... Ah, how could you do this to me? They are my two ultimate biases, and I was struggling so much during the story, seeing them hurting and all! :P
The ending left me completely satisfied, though. I was sadfor the one who "didn't get the girl", but it seemed like Alex made the right choice. And it was truly great, how I was doubting until the end about who she would finally choose. I really have to give you a thumbs-up for making it difficult to foresee the ending, it's very hard to do so in a story.
All, in all, I loved your story, and I hope you keep writing! :))
Toxiicfox #2
Chapter 4: Mir... and a hand puppet... Haha, I started laughing loudly and I'm in public right now! people look weird at me Ö
ammilla #3
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
ammilla #4
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
Chapter 13: TT.TT But of course, of course she'd end up with him! *giggles*
Nie story, unnie!
Chapter 8: Now that girl's crazy! O.O
Who on Earth would feel moved by Joos kiss, be he an ex-boyfriend or not, when there's Seung Ho near AND your boyfriend as well?!
Chapter 9: Poor G.O. getting caught of the middle of everything lol You know that can't be easy on him ^_^
Chapter 13: good job~~~
please write more :)
Chapter 6: Awesome job! ^_^ Sorry I'm so behind but I'll finish it soon!! Great work!