The Final Result (Part 1)

Hello My Ex

Ok so there are actually 2 parts to this ending!  This is Part One, Part Two will be up within the next hour or so.  I promise!  


“Yes, this is her.”
“Hey, it’s your Aunt Susan.  Your mother collapsed.” 
“Oh my gosh is she alright!?”
“We’re rushing her to the emergency room.  We don’t know what’s going on.  You may want to come home.” 
“I’ll be there as soon as I can make arrangements. Please keep me updated.”
“I will.  I love you.  Goodbye.”

Seungho’s P.O.V.

“You ready?”  G.O. massaged my shoulders and looked at my rough expression in the mirror.  My body was intense with anticipation.
“Yeah,” I sighed.  G.O. gave me a pat then left the room. 

It was finally the day.  In less than an hour Alex would be here giving me her answer.  Will she remain mine or go to Joon?  It scared me to believe I’d lose her.  If I did, it would be my fault.  I’m the one that gave her the chance to walk away.  My head and my heart didn’t know what to think.  Our relationship never had a hiccup until her past came to haunt her.  I never thought I’d need to fight with Joon over a woman.  All I know is I love her and so does Joon although I can’t blame him.  She’s smart, beautiful, talented, everything a man could dream.  She always puts others before herself and that’s what I love about her.  The problem is I know how guilty she feels when she needs to hurt someone.  This decision can’t be easy on her but no matter what happens I’ll support her.    

I combed my hands through my spiky hair as I studied my reflection.  It’s been two weeks since I’ve even said a word to her.  Since then my physical appearance has changed.  My hair is now blonde, my ears are pierced and I’m more fit than before.  A part of me wished she’d fall back in love from just seeing my improved physique.  I put on a white v-neck t-shirt because she loved seeing me in them.  She would always kiss my neck when we were alone and tell me how perfectly it showed off my collarbone.  I also slipped on her favorite pair of jeans and pulled on a belt.  I applied some chap stick to hope she’d remember my kiss and put on my watch.  One final look and left the mirror.  This was the best I could do.  On my way out of my room I grabbed the necklace I bought her weeks ago.  I hoped within a little while it’d be sitting gracefully around her beautiful neck. 

G.O. watched from a chair as I entered the living room.  Thunder was sitting at the kitchen counter reading a manga.  Joon was sitting on the couch and staring at the ground.  I could imagine he was feeling just as nervous.  As I glanced around, I realized the only open seat was beside Joon.  We came to consensus only days earlier but I still hadn’t completely forgiven him.  He knew what he did was wrong.  I it up for the time being and took my place on the couch.  He looked up and gave me a shy nod. 
“Good morning hyung,” he quietly said shuffling his hands.  I could tell he was just as nervous.  I leaned back against the cushion.
“Good morning,” I coughed and glanced over at his expression.  He was taken back I even acknowledged him.  I watched as a small smile crept on his face.   Much to my surprise, he extended his hand in front of me. 
“Let the best man win,” he said, bowing his head.  After all this time he finally seemed sincere.  I took his hand and shook it. 
“I wonder where Mir is,” G.O. commented staring at the door.  We sent Mir to pick her up.  Knowing how she probably felt we figured Mir would be the best option.  He has the personality to take the stress out of any situation.  They appeared to get along once they met, in fact, Mir may have a small crush on her.  Luckily I never had to worry about her falling in love with him.  She told me she sees him as a little brother.  My hope would be she’d walk in with her winning smile and just be herself.  Mir was the likely chance to make it happen.  The problem is Mir’s habit of getting lost.  They were late probably due to Mir’s habits of taking detours.  It just made me more uneasy.  After about ten more minutes, the door knob was finally turning.  Mir came running in the room.  He slammed the door behind him as he rushed over. 

“Hyung, Alex is missing!”  His breaths were heavy and sweat was dripping from his face.  Joon jumped to his feet.
“What do you mean?”
“I knocked on her door like twenty times!  I only found a note she had sitting on her welcome mat.”  He whipped the note out from his pocket and handed it to me.  I read it outloud.

Dear everyone,
I’m so sorry for the short notice but I can no longer be there.  An emergency came up and I need to leave for my actual home immediately.  I’m not sure if I will be coming back to South Korea other than to collect my things.  Therefore, I can’t choose. 
I’m sorry but I don’t have a choice in this.
I’ll call when I get there.

“What?!”  Joon yelled, ripping the note from my hands and read it over.  My heart was pounding so hard I could barely breathe.  I couldn’t collect my thoughts.  Thunder, Mir and Joon were each throwing out remarks. 
“How can she just leave?!”
“How can she do this?!”
“What do we do?!?”
“What happened!?”
“Just wait,” G.O. spoke, throwing his arms in the air to calm us down.  He took the note from Joon and scanned it.  “She wrote this in a hurry, I can tell.  It must be because of something serious.  I doubt she’d leave out of spite.” 
“Yeah, that’s not like her,” I commented.  I looked at Mir.  “You sure this was all that was there?”
“Yeah,” he nodded.  “I tried to open the door too but it was locked.  There was no one around I could ask about anything.”
“Well, let me make a call.”  I took out my phone and dialed her work.  If she really didn’t plan on coming back I know she’d tell them what was going on.  I anxiously tapped my fingers listening to the rings.

“Yoboseyo?”  Someone finally answered.
“Hey, this is Alex’s boyfriend, Yang Seungho.  I was wondering when she worked next.”
“Oh, actually she called us earlier and told us she was quitting immediately.”
“I see.  Did she say why?”
“She said she was moving back home.  That’s all I know.”
“Okay.  Thanks.”  I hung up.  I could feel all eyes in the room on me. 

“She quit.” 
“Aish,” I heard a collective sound of shock.  I exhaled, feeling disheartened.  G.O. observed the note again. 
“Hey…” he spoke curiously.  “There’s something on the back.”  He turned it over and read the content.  I leaned over and joined him. 
“This looks like her flight information.” 
“What?  Really?  Let me see?”  Mir nudged in. 
“Yeah, it looks like her plane leaves…forty five minutes from now,” G.O. announced.  Joon rushed towards the door.
“Where are you going?”  I said.
“I’m going to see her.”  The rest of us looked at each other. 
“Let’s go,” I announced. 

We hurried. 

Alex’s P.O.V.

“Your flight will be at Gate 20E,” the flight agent informed me.  I handed over my luggage and gathered the paperwork. 
“Thank you,” I said then headed for the gates. 

It’s funny how life changes so suddenly.  My aunt called the other night to tell me my mom was rushed to the hospital.  They weren’t sure what happened at the time, just that she collapsed to the floor without warning.  They’ve been running every test under the sun to find out what’s wrong and there still aren’t many answers.  Something about her brain only working at half capacity and she’s barely responsive.  I fear for her life and hold so much guilt for being away all this time.  I put my desires before my family and I couldn’t do it any longer.  I had to drop everything the second I found out.  I quit my job and withdrew for the next semester.  I arranged to have my finals sent via email and just get a mild penalty.  My grades and credits would carry over to the school I planned on attending at home.  I told my landlord that I would be moving out as soon as possible and would send for my things.  I’d have to return at least once and box everything else.  My apartment is a mess from packing in a hurry.  It was all I could do for now. 

I was lucky my gate wasn’t in a huge walking distance.  The airport was fairly empty other than a few adjummas scattered around.  I found a seat facing out towards the runway and took my place.  I was worn out, unable to sleep the entire night.  I recall rolling in and out of consciousness and having some passing half dreams.  I thought about Changsun, I thought about Seungho, I thought about everything that I had to say goodbye to.  I never meant to leave that entire group hanging but I knew it would be too hard.  Seeing any of them or even hearing their voices would tempt me to stay. 

I reached into my purse trying to find a way to occupy my time.  I had a while till I had to get on the plane.  If I tried to sleep now there’s a good chance I’d sleep through the flight.  I wasn’t willing to take that chance.  After searching around I managed to find a notebook.  It was better than nothing.  I pulled it out then watched as two loose pieces of paper slipped out.  They fell right to the ground.  I picked them up.  I sighed, realizing what they were. 

“Dear Seungho…Dear Changsun,” I read, feeling a tear form in my eye.  They were notes I had written to each one, spilling out my heart.  The truth was I made a decision within the three weeks.  It wasn’t easy, but all my time alone I had it figured out.  I knew which one I loved and with which one I was actually in love.  It was the hardest choice I had ever made and now it didn’t matter.  I planned on taking the letters in the room with me and handing them over.  I knew I’d be unable to speak and watch someone’s heart shatter.  I wanted them to both know how important they are to me.  I really feared their animosity towards each other would continue but I thought the letters would give them both a part of my heart to keep.  Alas I didn’t have the chance to hand them over.  I could have left them on the door but it’d only make matters worse.  He’d read ‘I want to be with you’ but then forced to live with the reality that I’d be on the other end of the world and possibly never come back.  I hurt him too much already.  I set the notes down beside me then searched for a pen in my bag.  I started drawing myself a picture. 

“ALEX!”  I heard a familiar voice yell my name.  My eyes widened seeing Mir charging my way.  Before I knew it he dove in for a hug.  “Please don’t leave!”  I could hear him beginning to cry.  I gently patted him on the back in complete shock at seeing him.  Tears started falling from my own eyes. 
“I’m sorry Mireu.  I can’t stay.” 
“There you are.”  I noticed Seungho jogging over from the corner of my eye. 
“Alex…” Changsun was following right behind.   G.O. and Thunder arrived moments later.
“Guys…” I dropped out of Mir’s hug.  My heart plummeted.  “Why are you here?” 
“You left without saying anything.  We were worried.”  G.O. sat by my side with a look of concern.
“What happened?”  Seungho worriedly said staring into my eyes.
“My mom is very sick.”  I choked out the words.  “I’m not sure how long she has or even what’s wrong.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Thunder sympathetically said.  Changsun kept quiet only glancing at the ground. 

“Flight to New York is now boarding,” I heard over the speaker.  I tried to gather myself and got to my feet.
“I’m so sorry, I have to go.”  I couldn’t look any of them in the eyes.  The words barely tumbled out of my mouth.  I wanted to break down.  I turned and started to walk only to feel a hand holding me back. 
“You can’t leave,” Changsun finally spoke up.  I tugged but I wasn’t getting away. 
“I’m sorry Changsun,” I muttered, trying again.
“Yah, you can’t leave me again!”  He shouted.  The world seemed to fall silent all around.  I faced him and saw him filled with anger, regret…fear.  What could I say…
“Changsun…” I whispered, hearing them call for my flight again.  “Please…”
“Let her go.”  Seungho placed his hand on Changsun’s shoulder.  “There’s nothing any of us can do.”  Changsun swung around to him.
“Are you seriously letting her go this easily?”  Changsun shoved him.  “How could you ever claim to love her but just let her walk away?!” 
“Because she doesn’t have a choice!”  Seungho shouted in his face.  “I’m letting her go because I love her.  You should do the same!”

“Final call for Flight 203,” I was paged again.  There was no time left. 
“Please don’t fight, I beg you!”  I pleaded, sobbing uncontrollably.  “Please get along, that’s my last wish.”  They fell silent.  I took a deep breath.   “I’ll try to call.”  I headed to my exit.

“Wait!” I heard G.O. shout.  I felt his arms wrap around me.  “Please be safe,” he whispered in my ear.
“Thanks,” I smiled.  The rest of the men followed suit and gave me a hug.  No fights.  No arguments.  I went to hand my ticket to the flight attendant. 

“Enjoy your flight,” they greeted.  I glanced once more over at my lovely group of men.  I gathered up enough strength to smile at them and wave.

I boarded the plane.

Joon’s P.O.V.

She’s gone.  There’s nothing left.  I stood there and stared at the exit, unsure what to do.  I wanted to run on that plane and drag her back.  I don’t care if she loves me I just need her to stay.  I need to know she’s close by every day even if she’s in the arms of another man.  I can’t believe I let her go.  I dropped to my knees unable to hold up any longer. 
“Come back,” I whimpered pounding my fist at the floor. 
“Hyung,” I felt Mir’s hand on my shoulder.  He came down to my side and hugged me.  “I’ll miss her too but you know she had a reason.” 
“I know…I just need her.”
“Let’s go home.”  Seungho offered a hand to help me to my feet.  His face seemed so cold but I knew he was hurting just as much.  How could he appear so much stronger than me?  I accepted his help.  I wiped my eyes and took a breath. 
“Okay,” I nodded.  I stared at the window and watched her plane move to the runway. 
“I guess this is really it,” G.O remarked.  We waited until it flew away before moving an inch. 

“Well…there it goes.”  Thunder pointed to the plane flying in the air.  I took one final look where she was sitting and waiting.  I noticed there was something she left behind. 
“Let’s go,” G.O. sighed and started to leave.  The rest of them followed as I picked two notes up.  One was addressed to me, the other to Seungho. 
“You coming?”  Mir called, only a few steps ahead of me.  I stuffed the notes in my pocket. 
“Uh…yeah,” I stuttered.  I joined the rest. 


But wait, it isn't over yet!  Comment while you wait for Part 2 :D.  It will be up very shortly!


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I just dropped by to say that I love your story! I know that you wrote it way back, and I had already read it on Tumblr, but I didn't know you had a AFF account to post a comment...
So, about the story: I really liked how the character of Alex was realistic, and how her struggle between Seungho and Joon was portrayed. We say the conflict, and we were able to see that her choice wasn't esay.
Also, Joon and Seungho... Ah, how could you do this to me? They are my two ultimate biases, and I was struggling so much during the story, seeing them hurting and all! :P
The ending left me completely satisfied, though. I was sadfor the one who "didn't get the girl", but it seemed like Alex made the right choice. And it was truly great, how I was doubting until the end about who she would finally choose. I really have to give you a thumbs-up for making it difficult to foresee the ending, it's very hard to do so in a story.
All, in all, I loved your story, and I hope you keep writing! :))
Toxiicfox #2
Chapter 4: Mir... and a hand puppet... Haha, I started laughing loudly and I'm in public right now! people look weird at me Ö
ammilla #3
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
ammilla #4
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
Chapter 13: TT.TT But of course, of course she'd end up with him! *giggles*
Nie story, unnie!
Chapter 8: Now that girl's crazy! O.O
Who on Earth would feel moved by Joos kiss, be he an ex-boyfriend or not, when there's Seung Ho near AND your boyfriend as well?!
Chapter 9: Poor G.O. getting caught of the middle of everything lol You know that can't be easy on him ^_^
Chapter 13: good job~~~
please write more :)
Chapter 6: Awesome job! ^_^ Sorry I'm so behind but I'll finish it soon!! Great work!