The Date

Hello My Ex

Fighting a serious case of the flu.  Hopefully the chapter is alright -_-


“Double date?!”  I shouted, puzzled at Seungho’s words.
“I was hoping you wouldn’t mind…” he scratched his head and looked elsewhere clearly thrown off by my reaction.
“Can’t we just go with Thunder and his girlfriend?”  Or G.O. and some girl, or Mir and a… hand puppet?
“JaeMin doesn’t handle horror movies very well.  Plus Joon asked me if he could go.”
I sighed.  “Who is his date?” 
“It’s his wife.”
“Wife?!”  I flailed my arms around probably appearing like a crazy person.  As of when did he have a wife?!?
“Yeah, from We Got Married.  YeonSeo.  Fake wife.” 
“Ohhhh…” I felt a bit embarrassed for my minor freak out.  I nervously laughed it off.  Hopefully Seungho wasn’t suspecting anything.
“Heh, you thought he was actually married?”  He chuckled and rubbed my head.  “So, is it alright if they join us?  I mean, it’s only for dinner and the movie.” 
“Eh, I don’t know about that…”  The thought of seeing Joon with another woman made me feel uneasy even when I had Seungho by my side.  Seungho clearly wanted to hear another answer.  He got close, wrapping his arms around my waist.  He whispered in my ear while rocking me gently back and forth.  He smirked, obviously trying to get my permission.   
“We only need to be with them at dinner.  After that we’ll be in a dark theater and can kiss all we want.”  His offer was very tempting.  Usually he was very straight forward with his approaches but for once he was acting cute.  I couldn’t turn him down. 
“Okay, I guess that’s fine,” I nodded.
“I’ll call him and let him know.”  I had a bad feeling about it.


Joon’s P.O.V.

-Night of the Movie-

“Aish what’s taking her so long?”  I said to myself.  I was sitting on YeonSeo’s couch waiting for her to get ready.  When I asked her to the movie, she gave me the code for her apartment and said for me to let myself in.  I checked my watch.  I wanted to leave her apartment by 7 but it was already a quarter after.  I impatiently tapped the arm rest in an attempt to occupy myself. 

I decided to take up Seungho on his offer…well…partially.  I rather have my own date instead of just meeting some new girl.  Plus this way I can show off to Alex how much better I am doing now.  What does she see in Seungho anyways?  Yeah he’s a great guy and if I were a woman I’d probably date him but is he seriously better than me?  I bet she’ll cry from the scary movie and Seungho won’t know what to do. 

“Okay, I’m ready,” she said, entering the room.  She looked pretty in her white blouse and short green skirt.  Her brown hair was partially tied back to display her rosy cheeks and v-shaped face.  I felt a little underdressed with my dark jeans and sweater.  I stood up and straightened myself out. 
“You look nice,” I commented.  She was busy looking at my hands for some reason.
“No flowers?”
“Ah, I completely forgot.”  It never even crossed my mind. 
“Some date you are,” she muttered under her breath.
“Yah, I…I” I stuttered.  I didn’t have a good comeback.  To break the mood I checked my watch again.  “We need to go.”  I started rushing to the door.  She grabbed her purse from an end table on the way out.

The car ride was a bit awkward.  We were still getting to know eachother on screen and had virtually no relationship off of it.  It’s hard to believe I was playing her husband with how little I knew about her.  Unsure of what to say I the radio for some background noise. 
“I don’t like this song,” she remarked.  I signaled her to search the channels if she so desired.  She did so and eventually ended up on K. Will’s new hit.  I was too busy focusing on the road to sing along.  “Where are we going?”  She asked. 
“It’s an Italian restaurant that Alex picked out.”  It was actually a restaurant I remembered well.  I’ll never forget the night I went there with Alex.


“Changsun, this food is delicious!”  She smiled, swirling spaghetti around her fork.  She looked so gorgeous in the candle light.  Our table was located in a perfect place to enjoy the city scenary through the window. 
“I’m happy you’re enjoying it.”  I reached for my wine glass, ready for a toast.  As I leaned in to clink my glass to hers, I heard a loud crash behind me.  I couldn’t help but turn to look. 


A waiter dropped an entire tray of plates! 
“Changsun!”  Alex shouted trying to get my attention.  I whipped back to her and before I knew it, I dropped the wine glass right on the table!  It shattered and red wine splattered all over Alex’s new light blue dress.  She jumped. 
“Oh I’m so sorry!”  I pounced at her with my white cloth napkin trying to soak up the mess.  Little did I know a waiter came running to help but I flung around and knocked him back. 
“Changsun, I’m alright, I’ll take care of it!”  She wanted me to stop.  I turned to find the entire restaurant staring at me and the waiter I had knocked back jumped to his feet.
“I’m about to deck you!”  He was clearly unhappy.
“I’m…I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
“I don’t want to hear it.”  He rolled up his sleeves.  I readied my stance to fight.  He threw a punch.
“Hey!”  Alex jumped between us blocking the hit.  “It was a mistake.  He didn’t mean it.”
“That jerk knows exactly what he did!”  He tried taking another swing.
“Stop!”  She shouted then got in close to him.  “Do you know who that is right there?”  She pointed to me.  “If you punch him you’ll be pummeled by about a million fangirls.”  The waiter checked me over quickly realizing who I was. 
“I’m…I’m sorry to disturb you.  Please, let dinner be on us.”  He apologized and quickly ran away.  I didn’t know what to say. 
“Well I guess we get a free dinner,” she smiled. 

“Alex?  Is that Seungho’s girlfriend?”  Why did she have to remind me?

We arrived at the restaurant about ten minutes late.  I practically dragged YeonSeo behind me.  As soon as we got inside I spotted Seungho and Alex at a table in the corner.  We hurried on over. 
“Oh hey, there you are,” Seungho said.  He and Alex stood to greet us.  I couldn’t take my eyes off of Alex.  She looked ravishing.  Her black dress displayed her curvaceous figure in a beautiful way.  The light made her lip gloss sparkle tempting any man for a taste.  My jaw must have fallen open in awe because YeonSeo smacked me in the arm. 
“Pull my chair out for me,” she commanded.  I snapped back to my senses and followed her order.  She pleasantly smiled as I pushed it in then got to my seat.  Of course I was sitting right across from Alex.
“So this is your wife?” She asked.  The second our eyes met I was at a loss of words.  A sudden shyness overtook me.
“Eh hem!”  YeonSeo sharply nudged me. 
“…yeah.”  I could feel all of them giving me strange looks. 
“Oh Joon must be working too hard,” Seungho chuckled.  I appreciated his attempt to ease the awkward.  I found a menu on the table and buried my face in it. 
“Should we order?”  I mumbled.  I felt YeonSeo slip her arm through mine.    
“You should order for me” she whispered.  I read down the menu trying to decide. 
“Oh honey, you want split that with me?”  I could hear Alex say to Seungho.  How could she speak so sweetly to him in my presence?  A jealous rage was growing inside me. 
“My love how does this sound?”  I pointed somewhere randomly on the menu.  I glanced to see Alex making a face.  Heh. 
“Are you serious?” YeonSeo looked disgusted.  Turns out I pointed to something that was essentially fried baby eels.    
“Wah, how about this?”  I shuffled the menu trying again. 
“That’s better.” 

The waiter came over to take our order.  I set the menu down and stared at Alex while Seungho ordered for them.  She had a huge smile on her face watching Seungho take charge.  What was so good about him anyway? 
“And for you?”  The waiter asked me.  I froze. 
“Uh…uh…”  What was I doing?  “We’ll have this.”  I sharply launched the menu to his face to point out the item. 
“AH!” YeonSeo squeaked.  When I looked down I realized I knocked my water all over her lap.  Seungho handed his napkin to here before I could even react.  The waiter stood there unsure how to act.
“Uh…thanks.”  I set my menu down and he walked away keeping his eye on us.  Now I had to make up for my other mistake. 
“Sorry…” my apology seemed so halfhearted.  I wasn’t in the right mind. 
“Here, I’ll help you clean up,” Alex offered her a hand.  She accompanied her to the restroom.  Frustrated, I hid my head in my hands and laid it down on the table. 
“What’s going on with you today?”  Seungho leaned in and patted me on the back of the shoulder. 
“I’m just not having a good day.”
“Well, just do your best to get through.  We’ll be at the movie soon.”

Alex’s P.O.V.

“Ugh he’s such a pain,” YeonSeo complained drying her shirt under a blow dryer.  She was so overdramatic about everything.  Did he really have an interest in a girl like her?  Her face makes her seem so stuck up.  If I were him I would’ve dumped water on her on purpose.  Alas, I was raised to be respectful. 
“Well atleast it’s only water,” I said. 
“Aish it wrinkled the bottom!”  I rolled my eyes. 
“No one will notice.”  Eventually I got her out of the restroom and back to the table.  Changsun still looked so embarrassed but it was adorable.  No matter how much of a fool he was sometimes he always made me smile when he did something stupid.  I always had the best intentions even when mistakes were made.  I smirked watching him trying to recover until Seungho squeezed my hand. 
“Thanks,” he whispered. 

It didn’t take long for the food to arrive at our table.  Seungho had the majority of my attention while we ate.  We shared a dish as many couples do. 
“Let me feed you,” Seungho lifted a fork to my lips.  I opened and let the delicious flavors fill my mouth.  I chewed slowly enjoying the experience.  I couldn’t help but peer at Joon and that woman. 
“Here, try this,” he said to her repeating what Seungho did.  She took the bite and chewed only to turn bright red like a balloon. 
“It’s too hot!” 
Changsun snatched her water and handed it to her.  I giggled to myself watching her suffer.  He hid his face again.  Seungho attempted to fix the mood yet again.  It’s something I loved about him. 

The rest of the meal went the rest of that way.  Seungho treating me like a princess while Changsun tried to mimic.  I knew exactly what he was doing and I was amused by every minute of it.  I couldn’t let him know that though.  The bill was quick to come after we finished. 
“Really??”  Changsun was reaching in his pocket searching for something.
“What’s wrong?” Seungho asked.  
Changsun’s eyes were focused on the floor.  “I think I left my wallet in the car,” he embarrassingly mumbled.  YeonSeo looked disgusted.
“Oh, I’ll take care of it,” Seungho offered.  Seungho saved Changsun yet again. 


We headed straight to the theater after we ate.  Seungho luckily reserved four tickets in advanced as we saw the theater was almost packed.  We managed to find four seats right in a row near the very front.  Although we should have been full on pasta a movie isn’t the same without popcorn and soda.  Seungho left with Changsun to grab some snacks.  I was stuck there two seats away with YeonSeo.  She still seemed so lost.
“What movie are we watching again?” She asked.  
“Scary Kimchi 2.”
“What’s it about?”
“Someone that kills people and hides the body parts in kimchi.” 
“Ew gross…he didn’t tell me that part.”  I couldn’t help but laugh at her discomfort. 

The men returned, both with a big bucket of popcorn and large drink.  Seungho sat beside me and Changsun beside him.  I could feel Changsun’s eyes on me as Seungho handed me the bucket.  He kept the drink on his other side in the cup holder, putting the arm rest up to get close to me.  His arm reached around me as the lights began to dim.  The previews started rolling.


“Hello?” The girl on screen called hoping for an answer. 

The movie was getting intense.  I got chills watching the woman carefully sneaking through the building, knowing the killer was close behind.  The music added to the eerie feeling of lurking death.  Seungho held me tighter as I slowly munched on the popcorn. 
“Don’t…” Seungho whispered to the air.  I checked down the row and saw Changsun completely entranced by the scene.  His eyes were full of fear of what was going to happen.  He held his large drink in one hand and popcorn in the other.  When I looked down further, YeonSeo was picking at her nails completely bored.  That was when, it happened.  The killer creeped up behind the actress and…


“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” Changsun screamed and threw everything in the air!  The lid flew off the drink and it landed right in YeonSeo’s lap!  The popcorn joined the wet mess.  The ice ran down and made her jerk to her feet.  She smacked him right across the face. 
“You are the worst date ever!” She shouted, rushing out of the theater. 
“But.. wait!!”
“SSHHH”  The crowd collectively said behind us.  I slid down in my seat to pretend I wasn’t a part of the group.  Seungho pulled Changsun’s sleeve to whisper something. 
“Go after her,” I could overhear him say.  Changsun ran away.  Seungho sighed then returned his focus to the movie. 

They didn’t return to the theater. 


Maybe comments will help me feel better :)

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I just dropped by to say that I love your story! I know that you wrote it way back, and I had already read it on Tumblr, but I didn't know you had a AFF account to post a comment...
So, about the story: I really liked how the character of Alex was realistic, and how her struggle between Seungho and Joon was portrayed. We say the conflict, and we were able to see that her choice wasn't esay.
Also, Joon and Seungho... Ah, how could you do this to me? They are my two ultimate biases, and I was struggling so much during the story, seeing them hurting and all! :P
The ending left me completely satisfied, though. I was sadfor the one who "didn't get the girl", but it seemed like Alex made the right choice. And it was truly great, how I was doubting until the end about who she would finally choose. I really have to give you a thumbs-up for making it difficult to foresee the ending, it's very hard to do so in a story.
All, in all, I loved your story, and I hope you keep writing! :))
Toxiicfox #2
Chapter 4: Mir... and a hand puppet... Haha, I started laughing loudly and I'm in public right now! people look weird at me Ö
ammilla #3
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
ammilla #4
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
Chapter 13: TT.TT But of course, of course she'd end up with him! *giggles*
Nie story, unnie!
Chapter 8: Now that girl's crazy! O.O
Who on Earth would feel moved by Joos kiss, be he an ex-boyfriend or not, when there's Seung Ho near AND your boyfriend as well?!
Chapter 9: Poor G.O. getting caught of the middle of everything lol You know that can't be easy on him ^_^
Chapter 13: good job~~~
please write more :)
Chapter 6: Awesome job! ^_^ Sorry I'm so behind but I'll finish it soon!! Great work!