
Hello My Ex

“Watch, this is the best part of the movie,” Changsun instructed, making sure my eyes were on the screen.  I felt him pull me closer, kiss my cheek then rest his forehead on my shoulder.  It was a chilly rainy night in March so we decided to stay in and watch a movie.  I let him choose and he brought over Ninja Assassin.  He had been telling me since our first date in was in the movie but I never got around to seeing it.  To be honest I felt too odd to rent it since I knew someone in it.  Of course he wanted me to see his work and I couldn’t turn it down.  It was definitely nice to see a movie in my native language after so long.  I couldn’t help but laugh however when his character walked on the screen. 
“Don’t I look good, jagiya?”  He asked.  I thought it was cute how he wanted my approval. 
“Mhmm,” I bit my tongue and tried to hold back my laughter.  He noticed my face turning red.
“I see, it must feel weird to see your y boyfriend talking to another woman.  Don’t worry, I was just acting.” 
“Yeah, that’s what it is,” I squeaked out, completely lying. 
“Well, you shouldn’t do that,” he said in sync with the movie line.  I couldn’t hold my laughter anymore. 
“Changsun,” I coughed.
“Yah, what?”  He said sternly.
“I never realized how big your ears were,” I said, hiding my face.  I caught another glimpse of his character and laughed even harder. 
“Wha…what?”  He stuttered, taken aback by my reaction.  “Your…your television just makes them look bigger!”  He tugged at them trying to point out their ‘small’ size.  “See??” 
“I’m sorry,” I tried to stop.  “Just please don’t shave your head again.” 
“Aish, it wasn’t by choice,” he mumbled.  I patted him on the head then watched. 



I smacked my alarm clock sitting right beside me on my nightstand.  I was already half awake just reminiscing about things.  For some reason I was dreaming about ninjas half the night.  I blame it on a combination of history night class and a pint of ice cream I ate too late.   Eating ice cream so late, I respectively, probably shouldn’t have done that. 

I got out of bed and checked the time.  It was a bit too early for me but I didn’t have a choice.  Seungho had called me the other night and asked me to visit him during his workout.  That was the night he took Changsun home from my apartment.  I hadn’t exchanged many words with him during that phone call.  His workout wasn’t until the afternoon but I wanted to make him a healthy lunch.  I hadn’t spent any time with him yesterday because I had to work and had that night class, plus they had that huge performance.  Not to mention that ‘kiss’ still weighed heavily on my mind.  I brushed my teeth staring at my lips in the mirror.  I shouldn’t have given in to whatever pulled me.  I shook my head trying to get him out of my mind.  Plus, I had Seungho to daydream about. 

As I showered I remembered I recorded their live television broadcast.  I was excited to finally see it.   I hurried and got changed then hopped on my couch. 

 “Ladies and gentlemen, MBLAQ!”  The announcer said.  The crowd went crazy at the sight of the five men.  They were voted as one of the top ten bests in the industry and this concert was to show off each of those artists.  Of course they weren’t ranked the highest but they had no reason to be ashamed and I was one proud girlfriend.  I partially wish I could have been there in person but if any fangirls found out I was dating Seungho I’d probably be murdered. 

I the recording and skipped through the chitter chatter from some random host.  I zoomed past some rookie group doing an opening act and finally got to my men.  I turned up the volume, leaning forward on the couch, finally understanding the feeling of a fangirl.  The violins started playing the intro to “This is War” as the lights slowly brightened across the stage.  The crowd was screaming, chanting something to praise the name of MBLAQ.  I could hear the deep recorded narration voice speaking and I squeaked knowing the amazement was about to begin!

Wait…Changsun!?  I’ve heard the song a million times and for some reason forgot he was the first to sing.  A chill ran up my spine seeing his face; my jaw dropped at his overwhelming stage presence. 
“No Alex!” I yelled at myself, feeling ashamed my eyes ever met his image on the screen.  I bit my lip until Seungho appeared.  How silly of me to get so giddy about Changsun.  Right there, I had the leader and his beautiful voice, his gorgeous eyes and his precious lips to make my heart go wild.  I leaned forward to gaze into my lover’s virtual embrace, knowing he was all mine.

The vocals switched to Mir but I watched Seungho dance as much as the camera allowed me to see.  It still felt strange to hear Mir’s voice so serious when his personality is very much the opposite.  G.O was next to follow and the song is taken to a new level.  I even told Seungho before that G.O has the best voice in that group.  He only smiled and agreed with me.  If I would’ve told Changsun that same thing, he’d accuse me of cheating.  At that very thought the camera flashes to him peeling my attention away again.  Changsun’s expressions were so passionate and drawing me in.  Those sweet lips mouthing the words to the chorus just…

“No!” I shook my head, blinking and hoping Seungho would appear again.  Instead Thunder was in front and the crowd roared louder.  He had a mystery about him since we barely actually talked.  I found it funny how he was the only one with competent English skills yet we hadn’t held our own conversation.  I could definitely see him as an adopted little brother if my relationship continued with Cha-…I mean Seungho. 

The camera kept rotating between the five.  An occasional shot of the crowd would appear, girls of all ages holding signs of their favorite.  Every new angle gave the performance even more energy.  As the song it his pinnacle I jumped and cheered.  Once the song ended, I loudly applauded.  I sat myself back down as they slowed things down with “Scribble.”  Just then I noticed the time again and had to start on the boxed lunch. 

I didn’t fully know what I was doing.  After the countless K-dramas I’ve seen and cooking shows, everyone made it seem so simple.  I lacked the artistic skill to make something beautiful; I was lucky if it were even edible.  I had rice cooking in the rice maker while I chopped up the other ingredients.  I knew he liked sushi and that it was fairly healthy.  All I hoped was my sushi rolls would hold together once I had them fixed up.  I glanced over at the television as I sang along.  Their aesthetic was so much different from the other song.  I sat my elbow on the counter and leaned on my hand drinking in a beautiful falsetto.  Oh the sound of Changsun’s voice…wait, I’m doing it again!  My sushi deserved my attention anyway.  Once that song stopped, I paused the recording. 

After way too much time, I got the lunch box set up.  It was my best work so far!  I smiled taking a bite of the extra sushi that wouldn’t fit in the box.  It tasted even better than it looked.  I turned the performance back on to watch their last song.  It was “Run.”  Some force of nature must be plotting against me to see Changsun dancing with swords.  I gave up and shut the television off and headed to see Seungho. 


“Hey, I’m here,” I gave Seungho a quick call on my cell phone.  He ran out the door to meet me.  He was sweating heavily but didn’t hesitate to hug me.  I nearly dropped the lunch box. 
“Hi honey,” he said, kissing my forehead. 
“Hey sweetie.”  He let go.  I bowed my head and handed him his lunch.  “I made this for you.” 
“Perfect timing, I’m really hungry.”  He grabbed my hand and took me into the gym.  He walked me to his trainer standing by a piece of exercise equipment.  “This is Kim Ji Hoon sunbae.  I would like you to meet my girlfriend Alex.”   He reached out to shake my hand.  Boy, was he a gorgeous man.
“Nice to meet you,” he said, reaching out his hand.  “I’ve heard so much about you.” 
“It’s nice to meet you,” I blushed.  Wow, his arms were crazy muscular.  I stared at his pecks that could probably break through walls by how firm they were.  I nearly broke into a sweat just by admiring this man’s body.  Seungho broke me from the trance by rubbing my back. 
“Sunbae, may I take a short lunch break?  She made me lunch.” 
“I hope she made you something healthy,” he joked with a slight bit of concern. 
“Don’t worry she’s been keeping me on track.”  That was true.  I was keeping him on track but I was slacking on my own diet.  Luckily that wasn’t relevant. 
“Then I suppose it will be okay.”  Seungho was ready to lead me to a quiet area to eat but he got a sudden phone call. 
“I need to take this.  I’ll be back in a second.”  He left me alone with the trainer.  I was too nervous to make eye contact. 

“So,” he wanted to make a casual conversation.  “How long have you and Seungho been together?” 
“We’re close to six months,” I shyly said. 
“He must be a lucky man.”  The trainer walked around me and picked up a huge dumbbell.  He started working out his bicep.  My eyes widened at that muscle pumping so much iron and I gasped.  Embarrassed I looked elsewhere.  He chuckled.  “Don’t worry lots of women react that way.”
“Oh?” I gulped.  He set the weight down and got closer. 
“Would you like to feel it?”  He flexed his arm in front of me.  I looked around then took up the offer.  Oh man, no give when I squeezed that massive bulk.  I giggled.
“Wow, impressive.”  I bit my lip as he offered me the other arm.  Of course I felt that as well.  Was this man even real?  I figured if Seungho caught me he’d understand.  I mean, this man’s body was something sculpted by the gods.  I’m sure Seungho had even wanted to do this. 

He put his arms to his sides, smirking at me drooling over him.  I must have noticed my eyes going straight towards his chest.  “Here,” he said, grabbing my hand.  He slowly led it up for me to feel his chest.  I hid my face as my hand touched his muscle.  “Oh my gosh,” I squeaked.  I patted the chest and watched him smile until suddenly-

“Get away from her!” I heard a familiar voice yell.  Before I could turn to see who it was I felt my arm ripped off Ji Hoon’s chest.  Unsure of what was going on I closed my eyes feeling ashamed.  “You think you have the right to touch her?!”  The man shouted.  I rubbed my eyes and saw the sight in front of me.  Ji Hoon had a fist to his face and a hand pulling at his shirt by…Changsun? 

“What’s going on here?”  Seungho ran over from wherever he was on the phone.  He broke up the two men while I backed away. 
“Don’t you ever touch her!”  Changsun yelled trying to break through. 
“What are you talking about?”  Seungho shot at him. 
“This jerk made her touch him!”  He pushed Seungho back. 
“What business is that of yours?”  Ji Hoon asked. 
“Yeah really,” Seungho glared at Changsun. 
“Because she’s…” he was clearly scanning his mind for the right words.  Seungho poked his index finger right into Changsun’s chest. 
“If Alex needs protected, that’s my job, not yours.”  His words were so firm. 
“I don’t care.  I’m secure enough in my manhood to give her some freedom.” 
“Hey, I didn’t mean any harm,” Ji Hoon said, waving his hands in surrender.  “I’m sorry I caused anything.” 
“I believe you,” Seungho replied.  He turned to me.  I just stood there afraid to react. 

“Let’s go eat,” he said, taking my hand in his.  I kept standing still when he started to walk. 
“Sorry Seungho, I…”  I couldn’t look him in the face.  “I should probably get ready for work.”  Without another word I let go and speed walked out the door.  Once I hit the outside I ran to my car ready to break into tears at any moment.  I felt so terrible for causing that mess, but I don’t even know where Changsun came from.  I jammed the key into the door when I heard someone run up behind me. 
“Don’t leave,” I heard whispered in my ear.  Seungho kissed the back of my neck trying to calm me. 
“I need to,” I lied, hiding the tears now dropping from my eyes. 
“I don’t know why Joon did that but don’t let him get to you.  He’s just stressed out.”  I smiled at his attempt to calm me down.  I turned and wrapped my hands around his neck and buried my head in his chest. 
“It’s okay oppa, we can meet up later.”  I only called him that when I wanted to assure him I was alright.  I know he didn’t believe me but didn’t want to fight. 
“Well, if that’s what you really want.” 
“Please enjoy your lunch and work hard,” I said, drying up my tears.  He opened the car door for me and I got in.  He leaned down and kissed me then stepped away.    
“If you’re okay with it, I’ll be over tonight.”
“Okay,” I nodded.  “I love you.”
“I love you too.” 

I drove off.


Joon’s P.O.V.

“Joon,” Seungho demanded my attention.  I could see fury in his eyes.  I looked forward and continued lifting my weights. 
“What hyung?” 
“I think we need to have a talk.” 
I sighed.  “Whatever you say,” I mumbled, rolling my eyes.  “After my workout though.” 
“Sounds good to me.”

I worked out for an extended amount of time.  I didn’t want to explain myself to him.  I kept stealing glances at that so-called trainer.  He thinks he’s so tough being a boxer and all but he couldn’t take me on if he tried.  Well, except for in a boxing match.  Either way I had to step in when I saw what he was doing.  I never expected to go to the gym today and witness Alex’s hands all over him.  He’s the one that seduced her and I wasn’t about to watch it.  Seungho shouldn’t have left them alone in the first place.  What kind of boyfriend did he call himself?  It’s not that he can’t trust Alex he just shouldn’t trust other men.  Any man would want to have her. 

“You done yet?”  Seungho tapped his foot on the ground.  I didn’t realize I was just standing there holding weights by my side.  I set them on the ground. 
“Yeah.”  We both went to the locker room and changed, his scary eyes gazing at me the entire time.  I didn’t know what to say and only laughed nervously hoping he would break his glare.  He finished changing first. 
“I’ll be outside.”  I watched him walk out and took a breath.  I wonder what he had planned. 

“Okay hyung,” I notified him.  He looked down the street at the nearby restaurants. 
“Let’s go have a drink,” he said.  We left our cars in the gym parking lot and went to a small place.  He walked me to a corner table and ordered us a few bottles of soju.  I could’ve used a drink anyways.  A full shot glass was set in front and me and I gulped it down then got poured another. 
“So,” I said, trying to break the awkward silence.  “What do you want?”
“Why have you been acting so weird around Alex?”  His question was way too straight forward, something I would expect from Seungho.  I quickly drank my next shot. 
“I’ve said before, I’m just overworked.”  He saw right through me. 
“You’re always overworked but you’re different with her.  Did something happen between you two?  I took another drink.  “Why would you think that?”
“Joon.”  He snapped.  “What happened?”  I wanted so bad to escape the subject but it wasn’t happening.  Perhaps it was time he found out.
“We used to date,” I blurted out, taking another shot.  He laughed.
“Is this some kind of joke?”  He took a shot.  I sighed.
“Remember when I said I had plans for New Years?  Well, I asked her out that night.”
“Are you serious?”  His eyes were intense.
“She broke up with me on her birthday.”  Seungho leaned back in his chair, stunned by the news.  I thought he was going to kill me. 
“Ah I see, that makes sense.”  He seemed to accept it so easily.  I couldn’t understand. 
“You’re not mad?” 
“What’s done is done.  I just don’t get why either of you told me before.  You probably have your reasons.” 
I couldn’t believe it.  Did he seriously not think anything of it?  “Why doesn’t it matter?” 
“She left you didn’t she?  I don’t have anything to worry about then.  Clearly she moved on to someone better.”
I hated the cockiness in his voice.  This was how he was going to ask?  I took another shot; my blood boiled.  His content manner made me sick.  “You think you’re so much better?” 
“Well, it’s like I stole her from you if you think about it,” he smiled.  “I just find it funny.”
“Oh you think it’s so funny?”  My voice got louder.  “Then you should know something else.” 
“I’m sure you did stuff together back then.  I don’t really care.”    
He seriously thought he was that much better.  Without thinking, I said it.  “I kissed her two days ago!”  Seungho dropped his shot glass on the table spilling his alcohol. 
“What?”  His eyes were terrifying.  I wanted to take it back. 
“Erm, I mean-“
“Say it again.”  He had me by the shirt collar. 
I gulped hard.  “I kissed her before you took me home the other day.”  Before I could react, I saw stars flash before my eyes.  He punched me hard right in the face.  I knocked my head off the back of the seat.  He nearly dove over the table to attack me. 
“You son of a-“

“Stop!”  A standby ran over and pulled him away.  I sat there feeling my head throb in pain.  I waited till I could see again then stood up. 
“How dare you!”  He yelled, still taking swings barely being held by a stranger.  I pulled out my wallet and threw money on the table then ran out the door.  He kept yelling behind me.  I took a few steps outside and felt the liquor sloshing inside me.  I wanted so much to just run to my car and drive away but could barely stand up.  I gave Mir a quick call.

“Hyung!”  He sounded excited. 
“Can you pick me up?” 
“Of course I can!  Wow, you never call me I’m so happy-“
“Mir, I don’t care.  I’m at the gym.  Get here quick.”
“Erm…okay!  I’ll see-“

I hung up and stumbled to the gym.  I planned on hiding in the showers until Mir arrived. 


Seriously, has anyone seen the trainer from Idol Manager?  I started calling him my trainer bias >_ Please leave comments, I love them :).  Thanks for the support so far!  

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I just dropped by to say that I love your story! I know that you wrote it way back, and I had already read it on Tumblr, but I didn't know you had a AFF account to post a comment...
So, about the story: I really liked how the character of Alex was realistic, and how her struggle between Seungho and Joon was portrayed. We say the conflict, and we were able to see that her choice wasn't esay.
Also, Joon and Seungho... Ah, how could you do this to me? They are my two ultimate biases, and I was struggling so much during the story, seeing them hurting and all! :P
The ending left me completely satisfied, though. I was sadfor the one who "didn't get the girl", but it seemed like Alex made the right choice. And it was truly great, how I was doubting until the end about who she would finally choose. I really have to give you a thumbs-up for making it difficult to foresee the ending, it's very hard to do so in a story.
All, in all, I loved your story, and I hope you keep writing! :))
Toxiicfox #2
Chapter 4: Mir... and a hand puppet... Haha, I started laughing loudly and I'm in public right now! people look weird at me Ö
ammilla #3
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
ammilla #4
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
Chapter 13: TT.TT But of course, of course she'd end up with him! *giggles*
Nie story, unnie!
Chapter 8: Now that girl's crazy! O.O
Who on Earth would feel moved by Joos kiss, be he an ex-boyfriend or not, when there's Seung Ho near AND your boyfriend as well?!
Chapter 9: Poor G.O. getting caught of the middle of everything lol You know that can't be easy on him ^_^
Chapter 13: good job~~~
please write more :)
Chapter 6: Awesome job! ^_^ Sorry I'm so behind but I'll finish it soon!! Great work!