A Decision Approaches

Hello My Ex

Aish this chapter took me forever :/.  Hopefully it turned out well.  Enjoy :)


Three weeks…he gave me three weeks to choose who I wanted to be by my side.  Only a week has passed since he gave me that choice.  Today is the original deadline but the change of plans pushed it back.  Good thing it was because I still had no idea what I was going to do. 

It almost took me an entire week alone to recover from my illness.  I struggled to get my homework done between coughs, sneezes, dizziness and nausea but I couldn’t afford to fall anymore behind.  I hadn’t attended the classes since before I fell ill.  With finals only being a couple weeks away I had to work my hardest.  Today is the first day I’m going back to class but the thought of needing to deal with students and professors horrified me.  I know I’ll get the questioning such as ‘how are you feeling’ and ‘where have you been’ and I’ll fake a smile and answer.  During lectures I already know what will be stuck on my mind.  I just hope I can hold myself together. 

I returned to work yesterday after the long unwanted vacation.  I was lucky enough to have a boss that had true concern for my health as she was fairly easy on me.  I stopped by the bank afterwards to check my account and it wanted to cry.  Along with being ill the majority of my bills were due that week.  No matter the circumstances I managed to pay on time but it hurt handing over my rent check.  On top of that when I handed my landlord the check, I received a paper detailing that rent would go up at the end of the year which was only about a month away.  My lease would be up by the end of December so I had the choice to leave, but I hadn’t made that decision.  I didn’t quite live in an area with cheap rent costs, only being fortunate enough to land that apartment.  I didn’t make a lot only working part time but my schooling was too rough to take on many more hours.  It was something I had to consider. 

For now I had the morning free, only having classes in the afternoon.  I rolled around in bed but eventually gave up on sleeping; it just wasn’t happening.  I took a shower somewhere around 8 AM and ate some breakfast.  Trying to clear my thoughts I started writing a letter to both Seungho and Changsun.  They weren’t letters I planned on giving them; it was more so a way to weigh out the positives and negatives.  I truly do love them both but the type of love is to be determined.  Both are handsome, strong, y and talented.  I’ve had good moments with each as well as bad.  Both made me smile more than they ever made me cry.  The amount of time I’ve spent dating them is almost the same as well.  The similarities make the decision tough but the differences make it even harder.  In a perfect world I would have both to call my own.    

“Aish, why is this so hard?”  I shook my head in my hands.  I felt so guilty no matter what I wrote knowing someone will end up broken hearted in the end.  How could I even be so selfish?  A girl would only dream for one of them to fall in love with her but somehow I had both.  It’s not something I could even imagine happening but reality is strange.  I’d be happy with either. 

Frustrated, I set down the pen on the coffee table.  I dropped to lie on the couch and bumped my head off the arm rest.  I probably deserved that small shot of pain.  I had to find something to keep my mind occupied and off of the duo.  Looking around the room, I realized I hadn’t cleaned.  I managed to fix the destruction from the fight but there was an immense amount of clutter.  The living room carpet just had crumbs about from my habit of eating at the couch and watching television.  I had books and homework scattered all over the kitchen table and empty ramen packages scattered about the floor.  I just noticed how full my trash was completely forgetting to take it out for how long.  Knowing I had plenty of time to kill I decided to take on the task. 

I started in the living room and ran the vacuum.  I straightened the couch cushions and dusted off the shelves.  I noticed the picture of my family sitting on the mantle and felt a knot in my stomach.  It had been over a year since I visited home.  From the combination of boyfriends, work, school and life I just never managed to go back.  I barely even Skyped them anymore.  It wasn’t only them but my friends from home as well.  With the holidays weeks away I had to plan something.  I sighed then surveyed the progress.  Approving, I moved to the kitchen.

I couldn’t believe how badly my trash was overflowing.  How could I not notice this?  I picked up the debris strewn about and crunched it on top.  I lifted the garbage bin to remove the full bag and noticed a paper on the floor that had managed to slide underneath the bin.  I tied the bag and took it outside to the dumpster then returned with a new garbage bag.  Once I washed off my hands and slid the bin over and picked up the paper.  It was slightly crumpled but something was written on it.  I noticed quickly the handwriting wasn’t mine.  It was sad but I still wasn’t the fastest at reading Hangul.  I only managed to get by in college because most of the written exams were given in English.  After mumbling through the symbols, I managed to read it out loud.

“I’m sorry I forgot your birthday.   I made this breakfast in sincerity.” 
Below it something was written but scratched out.  “I love you…”

My heart was shaken.  I wiped a tear that suddenly formed in my eye.  He must have meant to have this sitting on the breakfast tray but changed his mind.  Nowhere did it read him apologizing for the kiss.  I didn’t know how to take that.  Unsure of what to think I took the note with me to my room.  I opened up the drawer where I left the picture of us.  My eyes were cloudy from the water flowing out as my mind ran through flashbacks.  I wiped my tears then set them both in the drawer, only then spotting the picture of Seungho and I that was sitting on the corner of my vanity.  We looked so happy together.  It was taken on a piano bench.   I was slowly falling asleep to him playing a peaceful melody. 


“Mmm, oooppppaaa,” I pouted.  “Can we go home and sleep?”  I slid my arm through his as he continued to play.  I rested my head on his shoulder enjoying the music. 
“Yeah you had a long day right?”  It amazed me how he could hold a conversation while concentrating on gracing the keys with his fingers.  I nodded my head. 
“You play so wonderfully.”  I reached to touch a higher note on the piano.  I tried my luck at playing and he smiled even for as terrible as it sounded.  I laughed then let him play solo again. 
“I wrote a song for you by the way.”  I sat myself back up with a surprised expression.  He snuck a kiss on my cheek then played the most beautiful sounds in the world.  He started to sing softly along with the soothing melody.  My heart fluttered. 
“Seungho, that’s so sweet.”  He must have seen the sparkle in my eye. 
“So you like it?”
“How couldn’t I?  No one has ever written a song for me before.” 
“Well, I’m happy I’m the first.” 
He took his phone from his pocket and the camera.  “Let’s remember this day.”  I quickly fixed my hair then cuddled close to him. 
“For a happy three months,” I said.

He snapped the picture. 


I took the photo out of the frame to get a better look.  I turned it over suddenly remembering he wrote something on the back. 

“You’re the music of my heart.”

Yet more words to mess with my head. 

Only two more weeks to decide. 

Seungho’s P.O.V.

“Hyung, wake up!” I heard Mir shouting a few seats in front of me.  He was sitting beside Joon on the plane. 
“Aish, I’m up!”  He yelled; I smirked.  I saw them turn into a smacking fight.
“Yo, settle down,” I demanded then returned to reading my magazine. 

It was a long flight from South Korea to Chile.  My neck was sore from sitting so long and all my gadgets were dead.  All I wanted to do was jump on my hotel bed but of course once we landed there was still a schedule.  The concert wasn’t for a few days but we had interviews and photo shoots galore.  I couldn’t manage to get much sleep on the plane so my mood was grumpy but once we’d see our fans waiting at the airport I had to show them the best side of myself. 

“Please prepare for landing,” the voice said over the speaker.  I buckled my seatbelt and gazed at the ground below through the tiny window.  It was a nice break from ocean that we had hovered over the majority of the trip.  I couldn’t wait to walk on land again. 
*Yawn* “Are we there?”  G.O asked just waking up from his nap and tapping me on the shoulder. 
“Yeah,” I said pointing out the window.  

Only a few more minutes and we were on the ground.  Once the door opened I waited until G.O. gathered his stuff then I took my own backpack.  I double checked to make sure I wasn’t missing anything then left the plane.  I was the last one off.  As soon as we were all off we were surrounded by our body guards.  Our manager stayed in front of us as we went through the airport.  There were probably around a thousand fans cheering around us; it was a beautiful feeling. 
“Seungho oppa, over here!”  I could hear some of them shout.  Some fans were holding signs while others were just waving.  I smiled and waved back at as many as I could.  Near the end of the line we were halted for a second.  A girl reached out with a pen and booklet in hand to me. 
“Oppa, will you sign this please?”  I took the pen in hand.
“Yes of course.  What’s your name?” 
“Alex…” I paused.  I wondered how she had been.  We hadn’t had any contact.  “That’s a beautiful name.”  My hand shook as I wrote the same name on the booklet. 


I wanted to write ‘I love you.’  I wanted to write ‘I’m sorry for not trusting you.  All I want is you in the end.’  Alas, this wasn’t her, only someone blessed with the same beautiful named.  I sighed as I settled on what to write.

“Thank you for supporting MBLAQ.  Please be careful of catching a cold.”  I handed the book back to her.
“Thank you so much oppa!”  She ran back through the crowd. 

“Okay, let’s keep going,” the manager informed us.  We eventually got to the van and rode over to the hotel.  I sat in the middle with G.O. and Thunder while Joon and Mir were in the back.  We enjoyed the sights on the way and took a few pictures from the window.  It only took about 15 minutes to make it from the airport to the hotel.  We followed the manager through the entrance doors and waited for our room assignments.  The manager quickly brought the keys over to us.  He passed us each a set with a number on them. 
“Everyone, go check out your rooms.  Meet me back down here in 10 minutes.  You have an interview.”  We each made our way to the elevator.  Suddenly, Joon got a phone call.
“I’ll meet you guys up there,” he mumbled then left.  We entered the elevator without him. 

“Hyung, what room are you in?” Thunder asked trying to check the number of my key. 
“Erm, 403.” 
“I’m in 404.” 
“Oh I’m in 404 too!”  Mir overheard us. 
“G.O where are you?”  I asked.
“Wait…so we’re not together?”
“I guess not.” 
I grunted and banged my head against the elevator doors.  I was either rooming with the manager or Joon, neither that I really desired.  I crossed my fingers hoping for the best of the worst as the door opened and we went down the hall.  I opened my door and threw my luggage by the window.  I dove onto the bed and just relaxed.  It wasn’t more than 5 minutes when the door opened.  I turned to see who was entering. 

“Yo,” he called hesitantly.  I glared.  I hated my luck. 

Joon’s P.O.V.

“Of course,” Seungho mumbled.  I let the door slide shut behind me.  I didn’t even want to make eye contact with the man.  I dropped my luggage on my bed and started unpacking.  I took my shower supplies and set them in the tub for less work to do later.  Once I was finished I headed to the lobby without a word.  We had an interview to attend.


“Thank you,” we said bowing in unison to the interviewer.  Three separate interviews and two photo shoots later, we were finally done for the day.  I was ready to shower and crash on the bed.  As we rode back to the hotel I kept to myself.  I knew the night ahead of me was going to be awkward.  I wanted to complain to our manager but it would only look bad on me.  I really hoped Seungho would take charge as leader and complain; he could be useful for once.  Mir napped on my lap as I stared at the city in the night.  I brushed through his hair wishing it were Alex laying there sleeping peacefully.  She would love to see this place I thought if only I could bring her here.  I had a small light of hope hearing about Seungho’s ultimatum to her.  My head was telling me shed go for him but my heart was telling me I’d win her back.  I’d call her right now and beg for her except I’m forced to stay away.  G.O. had made Seungho and I sign an agreement to keep out of contact and let her make up her mind.  I both dreaded and anticipated the answer. 

“Okay, get some sleep,” the manager said, opening the van door.  I tapped Mir on the head waking him up.  Everyone dragged themselves out and to the elevator.  We were all very worn out.  As soon as we reached the floor we said our goodnights then went to our respective rooms.  Seungho beat me to the door.  I hid my face until the door clicked open.  I followed him in.  I hurried to plug my phone into the charger then grabbed a towel from my bag.  I headed to the bathroom only to find myself unable to get through the doorway; Seungho was right there trying to squeeze in at the same time. 

“Hey, I need a shower,” I grumbled.  He shoved me out of the way.  “Yo!”  I pulled him around to face me. 
“What?”  He sneered. 
“Let me shower.” 
“Why should I?”  He beat his chest into mine. 
“You think you can boss me around?”  I clenched my fists. 
“Why are you in such a rush to shower eh?”  His eyes widened.  “Is there a woman in there waiting?”
I cackled at the remark.  “Yeah.  Alex.”   
“You-“  He launched his hands around my neck.  I threw him against the door.  I found myself throwing punches left and right countering his attacks and getting in some of my own hits.  I could very vaguely here someone shouting outside the door as we rumbled in battle. 

“Open up!”  I heard Mir banging against the door.  I ignored it and continued fighting. 
“Hey, what’s going on?!”  It sounded like Thunder was now on the other side.  Neither of us cared grabbing each other by the hair almost breaking a lamp and tripping over a chair.  We wrestled until the door was forced open.

“STOP!”  Our manager shouted!  G.O and Thunder came running to pull us apart while Mir stood there scared in the doorway.  I wanted so bad to get in another punch.  I kicked attempting to fight Thunder off but his grip was tight.  I eventually caught my breath and calmed down.  Thunder forced me to sit on the bed while Seungho was forced on his.  Fear instantly ran through my veins as our manager paced in front of us. 

“WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU TWO!?”  He shouted, waving his finger around in the air.  I hid my face afraid of the reprimand.  I glanced over at Seungho that was glaring back at me.  “I asked you a question!”  Manager demanded again.  I bit my lip too frightened to speak.  I heard a heavy sigh from Seungho and then he spoke. 
“I’m sorry manager hyung.”  He bowed his head.
“Yeah I’m…I’m sorry,” I stuttered hanging my own head.  We both received a slap.
“What were you two fighting over?”  My eyes widened at the question.  If he found out it was over a girl we’d both be dead.  Chances are we’d be locked down and not even able to date secretly.  My heart beat fast at the thought of losing Alex for good for either one of us. 
“We just had a disagreement,” Seungho spoke up.  I held my breath looking over at him again.  This time he nodded signaling he had this taken care of. 
“Well you two better work it out.  Now go to sleep.”  Our manager seemed happy enough with the response.  Without another word he left the room and shut the door.  Now it was us and our group. 

“So what happened?” Mir said wiping his tears.  He was quick to sit by my side.  Neither Seungho nor I wanted to discuss it. 
“Yeah why were you guys fighting?”  Thunder remarked. 
“You should tell them,” G.O. suggested.  I finally had my arms free from behind my back and just fell to my pillow.  Seungho decided to speak.
“Joon and I are fighting over Alex.  It turns out they used to date.”
Mir and Thunder gasped.  “You used to date noona?”  Mir remarked nudging me.  I slapped him away. 
“Anyways, we both have feelings for her.  Some things happened and now she has to choose which of us to date.”  I was surprised how he left out so much detail.  He could have easily represented me poorly but took the higher road.  Perhaps that’s why he’s the leader. 
“So, you two are broken up?”  Thunder asked Seungho.
“We’ll find out in two weeks.  Till then, both Joon and I are sorry for worrying you.  Please go get some sleep.  I promise everything will be alright.” 

The room fell silent for a bit.  No one really knew what to say.  I just tried to keep my cool and act as if I was okay.  Eventually, G.O. got up.
“Okay guys let’s go to bed.”  G.O. led Thunder and Mir to the door.  They all said goodnight and then headed out.  I glanced over at Seungho that was staring at the ceiling. 

“Hyung?”  I choked out.  I barely ever called him by the titled.
“Hmm?”  He silently responded.
“Thanks for handling that.” 

I rolled to my side and closed my eyes.  I decided to just shower in the morning. 


Next chapter is the final chapter!  Who do you think she will choose?  Thanks again for the support <3.  Comments are always welcome!
Also, if anyone is bored, I made a twitter the other day.  Feel free to follow me.  I go by the same name 'Linkfan1989.'  I might start posting story updates on there.  

Love you all!

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I just dropped by to say that I love your story! I know that you wrote it way back, and I had already read it on Tumblr, but I didn't know you had a AFF account to post a comment...
So, about the story: I really liked how the character of Alex was realistic, and how her struggle between Seungho and Joon was portrayed. We say the conflict, and we were able to see that her choice wasn't esay.
Also, Joon and Seungho... Ah, how could you do this to me? They are my two ultimate biases, and I was struggling so much during the story, seeing them hurting and all! :P
The ending left me completely satisfied, though. I was sadfor the one who "didn't get the girl", but it seemed like Alex made the right choice. And it was truly great, how I was doubting until the end about who she would finally choose. I really have to give you a thumbs-up for making it difficult to foresee the ending, it's very hard to do so in a story.
All, in all, I loved your story, and I hope you keep writing! :))
Toxiicfox #2
Chapter 4: Mir... and a hand puppet... Haha, I started laughing loudly and I'm in public right now! people look weird at me Ö
ammilla #3
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
ammilla #4
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
Chapter 13: TT.TT But of course, of course she'd end up with him! *giggles*
Nie story, unnie!
Chapter 8: Now that girl's crazy! O.O
Who on Earth would feel moved by Joos kiss, be he an ex-boyfriend or not, when there's Seung Ho near AND your boyfriend as well?!
Chapter 9: Poor G.O. getting caught of the middle of everything lol You know that can't be easy on him ^_^
Chapter 13: good job~~~
please write more :)
Chapter 6: Awesome job! ^_^ Sorry I'm so behind but I'll finish it soon!! Great work!