The Final Decision (Part 2) - The End

Hello My Ex

(To any of my subscribers): I updated uber fast so PLEASE make sure you read chapter 12 first.  Enjoy :D

“Dear Changsun,” I read. 
“The few months we dated I had some of the best experiences of my life.  You were the first love I’ve had for a long time and I couldn’t have been happier.  I remember the day we met and how timid you were on the subway.  I’ll never forget the surprise on your face when you found out I knew Korean.  Your broken English was just so adorable to hear that I didn’t even want to tell you.  I never expected a beautiful man like you would ask me out in a million years.  I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to be called your girlfriend.
It’s sad that things went sour.  I know I’ve blamed you for things but I deserve some of the blame as well.  I knew you had your reasons to not trust me and I should have respected your feelings more.  I was afraid to lose myself and depend too much on you and perhaps that was my mistake.  Somewhere along the line I forgot one of the reasons I loved you was for your flaws and I’m sorry I broke up over something so small.  I probably should have given you another chance, and for that, I apologize. 
I’ve thought a long time on this decision and possibly harder than you could imagine.  The last thing I want is to see either of you hurt.  But in the end, my heart can only belong to one person.  I love you both but the one I want to be with is…


?’s P.O.V.

-A Few Weeks Later-

“Are you going to bring Noona back, hyung?”  Mir tugged on his arm.  He simply laughed with a smile.
“We’ll see what happens.”  I helped my former rival finish packing his luggage.
“Does she know you’re coming?”  I asked. 
“No.  I want it to be a huge surprise.” 
“Oh man, I wish I could see the look on her face!”  Mir happily said. 

I never expected things to turn out this way.  As soon as Alex arrived at home she called us as promised.  She informed us her mother was doing much better and was able to speak with her.  She decided it was best to stay home and wanted to follow through with her life plans.  We thought it’d be a goodbye forever but we’ve all kept in close contact.  After a few calls we told her we found she left those notes behind.  She seemed so embarrassed but realized she couldn’t do anything about it.  We both read her choice.  In the end, he was the one she loved.  The best man won, I guess.  All that mattered was she was happy.  He told her he wanted to be with her even when thousands of miles apart and she accepted the offer.  Now he planned on surprising her with a visit for the holidays. 

“You sure this is still okay with you?”  He asked, concern feeling his eyes.  I shrugged my shoulders.
“Just please take care of her.”  I couldn’t help but still be in a bit of pain.  I was still trying to find a way to let her go.  At least someone I trusted was going to be by her side.   
“It means a lot to me.  I know it’s hard for you.  Are you sure?”
“I said it’s okay.  Stop asking before I change my mind,” I mumbled.  He chuckled.
“Okay, I better head to the airport.”  He gave me a quick hug then said his other goodbyes.  “Where’s Thunder?”  He asked, noticing him missing.
“I think he’s out with his girlfriend,” Mir remarked, scratching his head. 
“Lucky guy to have his girlfriend close by,” he said.  He picked up his luggage and headed out the door.  I stopped him before exiting, remembering I had something.
“Hey,” I said.  “Will you give this to her please?  I know it might be uncomfortable but-“
“It’s fine.”  He cut me off.  He took the note I had in my hand.  After everything, I had to make amends with her, even if she wasn’t mine anymore. 
“Thanks,” I weakly spoke. 


Alex’s P.O.V. 

-One Day Later-

“Everybody on the left,
Everybody on the right,
Everybody ba body,
Everybody in the house,
Say La la la la la”

I horribly sang along to the song, doing my best impression of their dance as I cleaned my room.  My best friend sat on the couch laughing at my performance. 
“Your boyfriend is in this group?”  She joined in jamming to the song.
“Mhmm,” I blushed, waiting for my favorite part to pop up: the chorus.  I stomped my foot on the ground doing the silly lip swipes.  I never managed to understand how it made them look so cool. 
“Wow, he must be really talented!” 
“Oh, he’s daebak!”   I serenaded the MBLAQ poster on my wall.  I pecked his paper lips then dusted off my bookshelf.  After a few more cheerful minutes of MBLAQ, I jumped on the bed. 
“So…” my friend started.  “When am I going to meet this man?”
“Hmm…” I pondered, “I’m not sure.  If only he wasn’t so far away.”
“What?”  She pouted.  “How can I know if you’re actually dating him then?” 
“You don’t believe me?”  I whipped my phone from my pocket and scrolled through the pictures.  I found my favorite and showed her.  “See??  This is us together.  We’re clearly dating.”
“Psh, how do I know this wasn’t just you randomly meeting him in person?  I’m sure they take pictures with lots of fans.”
“Aish, whatever,” I stuck my tongue out.  “I know we’re dating and that’s all that matters.”  I started another song on my computer. 
“Okay,” she rolled her eyes.  “Oh by the way, when am I getting my Christmas present?” 

“Hey Alex!”  I heard my mother call from downstairs.  It was a Christmas miracle for her to be home.  Only a few weeks ago I thought we’d lose her for good.  The doctors said she passed out from high blood pressure.  She hadn’t been taking care of herself like she should, always worrying about other problems and having no one to balance her out.  She seemed thrilled to have me home and I told her I was staying.  Ever since I’ve tried to keep an eye on her and help her through her stress.  I’m relieved to just have her alive today. 
“Yeah?”  I called back, turning down the sound of the song. 
“Someone is at the door for you.” 
“I’ll be down in a minute.”   I threw a pillow at my friend that was now lying on my bed.  “I’ll be back.”

I quickly but carefully went down the steps.  I’ve had a history of slipping and face planting at the bottom.   I could feel the cold air sweeping in from the doorway.  Whoever was there needed to shut it.  My mom was happily conversing with them.  I stopped the second I saw their face; his cute smile flashing right in my direction. 

“Alex…” His sweet voice said my name.  My mom stepped to the side as I went rushing towards him.  I leaped into his arms. 
!”  I cried, feeling the warmth of his embrace.  I felt him gently kiss my forehead as he rocked me back and forth. 

“I guess you’re surprised,” he chuckled. 
“Surprised?  That’s not even close!”  I held him as tight as I could.  I never wanted the moment to end. 

“Is this your boyfriend?”  My mother finally asked.  Catching my attention the two of us separated.  I let him step inside and finally shut the door.
“Mom, this is Seungho.  Seungho, this is my mom.” 
“Pleased to meet you,” she said, giving him a hug.  “He’s really cute,” she whispered in my ear. 
“I see where she gets her looks,” he said to her.  It made her smile. 

“Oppa,” I tucked myself under his arm, “I'm so happy to see you.”  He snuck a kiss on his cheek. 
“I'm happy to see you too.”  I finally tasted his perfect lips again.  It was the most satisfying feeling in the world.  I nearly melted at the touch.  We passionately kissed until I heard a shout from upstairs. 

“Who is at the door?”  My friend remarked.  I took Seungho’s hand. 
“You have to meet my best friend.”  I started dragging him towards the stairs.  Before we got far he halted. 
“Wait,” he said, taking something from his pocket.  “Before I forget, Joon asked me to give you this.”  I reached out for the letter.  He wrote his real name.  I took a breath then opened it up. 

Dear Alex,
Have you been well?  I know it’s been a little while.  I hope you and your family are in good health.  From the minute I saw you go on the plane my heart felt as if it was about to fall out of my chest.  I thought about you constantly, just wanting to see you and know how you were.  My only wish was you were going to be okay and that you could somehow stay in my life.  In a way, my wish has been fulfilled.  My heart aches knowing he’s the one you want to be with but I’m happy that you’ll still be around.  I was wrong to ever interfere with your relationship with him I just missed you so much.  It’s going to take time for me to get over you, so please be patient.  Please tread slowly when you come by the dorm.  For me, just for now, don’t let me see the two of you holding hands.  Whatever you do, please never forget that I still do love you.  While I can’t call you my girl, please forever stay in my life.  If Seungho ever hurts you, please know I will pick up the pieces.  I wish you the best. 
Your ex,

I quietly folded it back up, feeling a tear in my eye.  Seungho wrapped his arms around me. 
“He’ll be okay,” he said.  “We talked.”

Seungho’s P.O.V.


“Hyung,” Joon’s voice sounded defeated.  He joined me at the kitchen counter.  I was downing a few shots of soju reflecting on Alex leaving so suddenly.  Maybe I should have tried to stop her but knew it would be pointless.  I poured him a shot.
“What’s on your mind?”  It was something I didn’t really need to ask.  He gulped down his shot.
“I found something at the airport.”  He caught my attention.
“What is it?”  He pulled something from his pocket.
“She left these notes behind.”  He handed over the one with my name.  I was hesitant. 
“Do you think she meant to leave them?” 
“Who knows…but it has her decision.” 
“How do you know?” I remarked, pouring another shot.  He buried his face.
“Because I already read mine.” 
“Oh yeah?”  I gulped down another drink.  “What did it say?”  He pulled out his note and pointed to the very end. 

‘I love you both but the one I want to be with is Seungho.  You will always be special to me, please know that, but he’s the one I’ve fallen in love with after all this time.  While you swayed my heart it was Seungho that I would think of at the end of the day.  I’m sorry; I never wanted to hurt you.  I know you will find someone that can love you as much as you love them.’

His head dropped to the table.  I wanted to comfort him. 
“I’m sorry Joon.”  He patted him on the shoulder and offered him another shot.  “Now that she left I can’t be with her either.” 
“No,” he sighed.  “You should go after her.  I rather lose to you than someone else.  I deserve it after the pain I put you through.  It didn’t matter what I did, she’d still stay with you.” 
“Let’s just drink.  If she calls tomorrow, tell her you love her.  Make all of our fighting worthwhile.” 
“Okay,” I raised my shot glass.  “Let’s drink.” 


“What he IS your boyfriend?”  Alex’s best friend exclaimed.  The look on her face was priceless.
“I told you,” Alex .  I couldn’t help but laugh.  “He’s cute isn’t he?”
“He’s even more amazing in person than on the posters!” 
“I knew you’d approve!  Now, go home so we can have some alone time.”  She quickly shoed her friend away as she led me upstairs.  As soon as we entered the room she pulled me on the bed.  I gently caressed her cheek, leaving kisses all over her lips until we both took a breath.  I rolled to her side and glanced around the room.  Her walls were covered in MBLAQ posters. 
“I didn’t know you were such a fan,” I joked. 
“Eh they’re okay.”  She made a face. 
“I heard that group has a really talented singer.” 
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.  His name’s Seungho.” 
“Mmm…I prefer Joon," she smirked.   
"Oh, that's it!"  I playfully wrestled her, wrapping my arms around her and catching her with my legs.  She giggled and threw a pillow at me.  We toyed around until we both were wore out.  Our breaths were heavy as she rested on my chest.  We felt silent, just listening to each other's heartbeats.  

"Seungho?"  I heard her whisper.
"Yes, jagiya?"

"I love you."   

-The End-


So what did everyone think?  Thanks for the support :).  Comments are always welcome.  Please look forward to my other stories.  

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I just dropped by to say that I love your story! I know that you wrote it way back, and I had already read it on Tumblr, but I didn't know you had a AFF account to post a comment...
So, about the story: I really liked how the character of Alex was realistic, and how her struggle between Seungho and Joon was portrayed. We say the conflict, and we were able to see that her choice wasn't esay.
Also, Joon and Seungho... Ah, how could you do this to me? They are my two ultimate biases, and I was struggling so much during the story, seeing them hurting and all! :P
The ending left me completely satisfied, though. I was sadfor the one who "didn't get the girl", but it seemed like Alex made the right choice. And it was truly great, how I was doubting until the end about who she would finally choose. I really have to give you a thumbs-up for making it difficult to foresee the ending, it's very hard to do so in a story.
All, in all, I loved your story, and I hope you keep writing! :))
Toxiicfox #2
Chapter 4: Mir... and a hand puppet... Haha, I started laughing loudly and I'm in public right now! people look weird at me Ö
ammilla #3
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
ammilla #4
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
Chapter 13: TT.TT But of course, of course she'd end up with him! *giggles*
Nie story, unnie!
Chapter 8: Now that girl's crazy! O.O
Who on Earth would feel moved by Joos kiss, be he an ex-boyfriend or not, when there's Seung Ho near AND your boyfriend as well?!
Chapter 9: Poor G.O. getting caught of the middle of everything lol You know that can't be easy on him ^_^
Chapter 13: good job~~~
please write more :)
Chapter 6: Awesome job! ^_^ Sorry I'm so behind but I'll finish it soon!! Great work!