Update 07


    Hoon was on his best behavior as far as you could tell, not like there was mischief or demons during the day in a open widely populated area, or so you hoped.  But it seemed cute e made every effort to ensure that you were holding hands the entire time even when you tried to run ahead and window shop at the cute clothes.

    "Maybe you do have a fashion sense," he piped up as you admired a cute tank with dark denium jeans.

    "Really?" you gave him a semi dirty look. "Do you have to start that? I mean realisticly what would be the point if there wasn't a jacket to put over it?"  clearly thinking about public appearance of yourself you didn't wanna look ty.

    "Well, I would walk around with you if you wore that," He stated plainly.

    "Yeah, but its totally not conservative, you know that showing your shoulders is like a desperate cry for attention, not to mention the older generation judges people harshly."  it was almost like a real conversation with a real boyfriend.  Then again that would be normal and he clearly wasn't normal.  "Would you want your girlfriend parading around grabbing the attention of other men?"  You made a slightly pouty cute face at him in an attempt to show your innocence.

    Hoon seemed to ponder for a moment before looking at the outfit then you and back again.  "Maybe me letting my girlfriend wear that would seem more like I get some and no one else could," He was starting to think like a man, and not the boyfriendly type just a typical guy.

    Looking at him like he was some kind of vermin you pulled him away from the store. "Why don't you try and be modest like anyone would sleep with you?"

    "Well you've already been in my bed," He was quick to retort which only fuled your anger.  You scoffed, adverting your attention to anything but his presence, though it was hard to do when he held your hand so tightly and even harder when he pulled you into a back hug.  "I'm just saying you wouldn't look half bad in something that showed a little skin, you told me to act normal right?" Hoon whispering in your ear was aggitating and somewhat comforting, almost like he actually cared.

    Then you snapped back to reality and remember that this was all a front so that he could lure in more bad guys to be slaughtered at his disposal.  You turned around to face him, your bodies pressed against each other faces rather close as you could feel his warm breath on your skin.  "If you want me so badly, then why even pretend that we're dating when you could have the real thing?" You leaned in close to him your lips just inches apart.

    Hoon didn't even move, straight faced like he didn't know what you could be up to.  It was appaling so you retreated breaking out of his embrace and grabbing his hand to continue the droll walk.  He didn't flinch, he didn't blush, he didn't even lean in like he would want to kiss.  This definately wasn't a normal relationship, not that you had ever really been in one anyways, but still it was nice to think about.

    It was mostly quiet the rest of the time you spent in public with him, though that was probably because you refused most conversation due to clearly hating his existance.  Other than that it was like a normal date that you had seen some of your friends go on.

    As you left the mall you assumed Hoon was trying to be cute or something as he wrapped his arms around you again, his tight chest muscles against your back as you continued to walk down the street.  "Did I do okay today?" He asked, leaning over your shoulder to look at your face.  "Usually the girls in manhwa blush when a guy hugs them like this."

    "Clearly you didn't read the part where the girl was actually interested in the guy," You were still acting sour though you weren't so sure why anymore. "Today was fun, next time we should eat icecream or something, couples look cute doing that." You put out a suggestion of something that you wanted to try.

    "Okay," Hoon was by your side again, holding your hand, his face resting at it's normal in thought look.  "Though, ice cream is fattening, and full of sugar, it's bad for you."  Now he was being logical and heathy, you noted it as another thing to try and hate him for.

    "It's one time, not every meal," you rolled your eyes, you weren't even sure how to handle him, let alone how to date him.  Hoon was rather quiet after that until he walked you up to your front door.

    He looked like he was going to say something as you turned to face him, still holding hands.  He looked you dead in the eyes for a moment, you couldn't help it as a small rush of pink painted itself on your face.  Hoon pulled you into a hug, his face inches from yours as he let a hand run up into your hair.

    "Uh," you tried to say something but he pressed his lips to yours in a sudden motion.

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Chapter 6: Amazing ~~ can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 5: 'And that's how it would stay. You hoped.'
I hope that they really do start acting like a couple.
Cause that would be cute & funny to see.

But what I'm curious about is why are there demons following her..?
& what exactly is Hoon..?

Waiting for the next chapter..!
totaltrash91 #3
Chapter 4: This is cute, I'm waiting for her to hit him and then epically fail lol. I can't wait for an update, good work so far XD
Chapter 4: '...I think we should start dating, it would look less conspicuous to the public.'

Well, then...
I don't think I'd mind if a guy said that to me...
Especially if it was Hoon...
Chapter 3: Ooh this is very interesting. I like it :D

~update soon
Frijoles #6
Chapter 3: Oooohh, the suspense... I like it >:D
Chapter 3: This is gettin' interesting ^^
Suspenseful... I wonder what it could be that Hoon is hiding... dundundundunnn~ ...^^;;
Chapter 1: Wow sounds very interesting ^_^ cant wait
nobodycares #10
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting! Please update soon ^^