Update 03


       It was dark out and you were waiting in the alleyway, looking back and forth every few seconds to check if anyone was coming. You checked your phone for the time and just sighed, it wasn't too late and you could wait for a while longer, it was warm out so you weren't cold you were just slightly agitated that you were the one who had to wait.


       You started to hear footsteps and looked out towards the street to watch as a figure made their way to you. "You really are curious huh?" Hoonmin tried to tease you but you kept a straight face and crossed your arms as you looked him over.


       "What took you so long?" you asked still irritated that you had waited so long. He just smiled and looked at you for a moment before it faded and he moved closer to you his hands in his pockets. He leaned towards you and you leaned away to hit the brick wall as he sniffed the air around you. "What are you doing?"


       Hoonmin pulled away and smiled at you again. "Your scent is easily recognizable to them," he started and you were starting to think that maybe he was answering your question from earlier in the day. "Come here," he grabbed your hand and pulled you over to where the creature had dissolved last night. You looked to Hoonmin and saw the silvery color of his eyes as he looked at the ground. "Look closely,"


       You did as you were told but didn't see anything at first, as his grip tightened on your hand you started to see a small blue puddle of what appeared to be a gooey substance. "What is that?" you backed away slightly disgusted by the sight.


       "That is the remains of a demon, it's essence that's what the blue light was until the body was destroyed to leave this," he pointed to the puddle.


       "And what are you?" concerned about his silver eyes you were curious, also he killed something that flung you a considerable distance without much force.


       "I'm a hunter, it's how I was trained and I'm here to protect you until you learn to protect yourself," you blinked a few times in disbelief as you tried to piece everything together.


       "So there are more of these demons?" he nodded to confirm your suspicions. "How do you kill them?" you didn't think that he was using a regular kitchen knife to stab things.


       "There are many ways, I use the blade that was given to me after I completed my training though I guess I don't really need it if I just beat it with my fists," he laughed to himself for a moment before noticing how in shock you were by his words. "Are you okay?" You nodded for a moment as you ran through everything in your mind in search of your next question.


       "Why do you have to protect me?" worried that these things would come after you it seemed like an inconvenience.


       "Well I was doing it from a distance for a while but then one got close enough so I should probably stay by your side. But that's enough questions, it will all be revealed soon." he seemed calm and just looked to the sky with a small smile before he started to leave the alley way. "Also I think we should start dating, it would look less conspicuous to the public." with that he left you there to ponder his words.


       'What just happened?' you thought to yourself before looking at the back of his head with a piercing gaze. There was no way he was just going to force you into a relationship with him, you would refuse any such thing and that was final. But something told you otherwise.


        Were you really in danger?

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Chapter 6: Amazing ~~ can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 5: 'And that's how it would stay. You hoped.'
I hope that they really do start acting like a couple.
Cause that would be cute & funny to see.

But what I'm curious about is why are there demons following her..?
& what exactly is Hoon..?

Waiting for the next chapter..!
totaltrash91 #3
Chapter 4: This is cute, I'm waiting for her to hit him and then epically fail lol. I can't wait for an update, good work so far XD
Chapter 4: '...I think we should start dating, it would look less conspicuous to the public.'

Well, then...
I don't think I'd mind if a guy said that to me...
Especially if it was Hoon...
Chapter 3: Ooh this is very interesting. I like it :D

~update soon
Frijoles #6
Chapter 3: Oooohh, the suspense... I like it >:D
Chapter 3: This is gettin' interesting ^^
Suspenseful... I wonder what it could be that Hoon is hiding... dundundundunnn~ ...^^;;
Chapter 1: Wow sounds very interesting ^_^ cant wait
nobodycares #10
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting! Please update soon ^^