

        You could feel it again, the strange sensation that someone was following you, sneaking a glance over your shoulder you saw nothing as usual.  You continued your way down the sidewalk and turned a corner into an alleyway.  Of course walking around at night wasn't the safest thing and there were a plethora of things that could go wrong especially in an alleyway but you hated being tailed by anyone.  As if fate hated you, a large human like form crashed against you, throwing you into the brick wall of a building.  It was painful and the throbbing of your arm told you that no human could have done that to you.  You looked in the direction you were attacked from and saw glowing gold eyes, shaking your head you told yourself it was the moonlight though the first experience would have seemed odd enough.

        It was approaching you, the brave person you were, you gripped your wounded left arm tightly and stood up to face it.  Not sure what you were going to do to defend yourself, you would rather go out this way than like a coward.  The attacker was suddenly moving away from you at an alarming pace, steadying your eyes you saw that something else had pushed it against the far wall away from you.  Completely focused you saw the second creature pull a blade from nowhere and your eyes widened at the sight of it being plunged into the first creature.

        Everything seemed so inhuman and not at all earthly as a blue light poured from the wound and the creature pinned to the wall seemed to dissolve before your eyes.  In shock, your back hit the wall and you slid down to the ground trying to wrap your mind around what had just played out before you.  The second was now rounding on you, that blade had disappeared from it's hand as it squatted down in front of you, silver eyes looking briefly into yours before they faded to a dark, what you assumed, brown shade.  It was male and he took your left arm, you did nothing to stop him as he ran a hand over it, a green light flooding your eyes as the pain dispersed.

        The light died down and you caught a glimpse of his face, afterward the moonlight wasn't strong enough for you to see it as clearly.  Heavy eyelids were starting to fall and you wondered why you felt sleepy as you fought to try a catch another glimpse of the familiar face.  Racking your mind as you saw nothing but black you remembered it, found a consensus and recognized the face.

        Yeo Hoonmin.

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Chapter 6: Amazing ~~ can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 5: 'And that's how it would stay. You hoped.'
I hope that they really do start acting like a couple.
Cause that would be cute & funny to see.

But what I'm curious about is why are there demons following her..?
& what exactly is Hoon..?

Waiting for the next chapter..!
totaltrash91 #3
Chapter 4: This is cute, I'm waiting for her to hit him and then epically fail lol. I can't wait for an update, good work so far XD
Chapter 4: '...I think we should start dating, it would look less conspicuous to the public.'

Well, then...
I don't think I'd mind if a guy said that to me...
Especially if it was Hoon...
Chapter 3: Ooh this is very interesting. I like it :D

~update soon
Frijoles #6
Chapter 3: Oooohh, the suspense... I like it >:D
Chapter 3: This is gettin' interesting ^^
Suspenseful... I wonder what it could be that Hoon is hiding... dundundundunnn~ ...^^;;
Chapter 1: Wow sounds very interesting ^_^ cant wait
nobodycares #10
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting! Please update soon ^^