Socially Awkward

Can I Stay At Your Place?

Kyuhyun entered the kitchen later the same day, feeling rather sluggish. After protecting Sungmin's laptop he had strenghtened the fire walls and such. Then he had napped, for about four hours straight. When he had woken up, he had played some Starcraft as he heard that Jungsu, Kangin and Hyukjae was still in the living room with Sungmin.
About an hour later Sungmin had called him out to the living room and he had ordered some take out with the Tracking crew.

Hyukjae had joked around the whole time, showing off more engery then Kyuhyun thought was possible for someone his age. He acted like a sugar high child, occasionally making Kangin practically growl and shove him away. Hyukjae somehow ended up on the floor at least twice,while Sungmin laughed at his brothers misfortune. Not that it crushed Hyukjae's spirit. He was up again in a matter of seconds, skipping out of Kangin's reach and hide behind Jungsu while sticking his tongue out. Incredibly childish, yet charming and nice.


Kangin seemed to get annoyed by anything Hyukjae did, and he often took to violence. And that meant shoving the younger off the couch, smack him or catch him in a headlock. Kyuhyun soon realized that Kangin wasn't angry, and was just messing around like Hyukjae. And he never did anything to actually hurt the younger.


Jungsu seemed to take everything in a stride. He carried the air of a parent patiently dealing with his children. Not even once did he get annoyed and raised his voice. He did however have this amused glint in his eyes, and Kyuhyun understood that Jungsu was very much enjoying himself like the others. He was just more quiet and calm about it, every now and then throwing in a comment himself that would make everyone laugh out loud.


Sungmin was clearly enjoying himself. Kyuhyun had never seen him so relaxed before, the smile never leaving his lips as he messed around with his little brother and when he tried to tackle Kangin to the floor with Hyukjae cheering him on. Of course he lost that one, and Kangin ended up sitting on the poor boy.

Kyuhyun did feel a bit misplaced and outside at first, like a stranger invading something. But soon he had been carried away by the carefree aura. He laughed quietly at the jokes and foolish acts displaying in his living room. He did keep his distance though, never
participating in the conversations. He wasn't good at it, and always felt awkward if it wasn't with someone he knew very well, like Ryeowook.


But soon Jungsu noticed his quiet laughing and amused smile, and kindly included him in the converstion by asking him about his life til now. The others gladly included him too. He even become victim of one of Hyukjae's random dramatic hugs when Kangin directed an insult to the brunette. Then Hyukjae proceeded with telling stories about his and Sungmin's childhood. Mostly embarrassing ones about Sungmin, which made the older desperately trying to shut him up. It all resulted in a chase around the whole apartment, Hyukjae laughing while Sungmin yelled insults and not so kind words.

It was all in all a very cheerful lunch with new people. Afterwards he had once again left the crew to work, and he had played some more Starcraft before napping some more. That was why he was so sluggish when he entered the kitchen, he had just woken up. He looked around and found Sungmin sitting by the table frowning at his laptop. The rest of the crew had left sometime when Kyuhyun slept.


Sungmin lifted his head and looked right at him with a thoughtful look. "You're pretty good with computers, right Kyuhyun-ah?" He asked.
Kyuhyun froze in the doorway, eyes widening slightly. Was Sungmin on to him already? "Yeah, I guess I am." He said slowly and tried to compose his facial expression.
The older nodded at his answer. "Is it easy to hack a computer?" He asked and gestured to the second chair by the table.


Kyuhyun made his way over and sat down, still a bit nervous but trying to hide it. "Well, that depends on the security and codes of the computer, and if you have a stationairy computer or a laptop. It can also depend on the network being used and other aspects. And of course the skill of a hacker."
Sungmin looked back at his screen. "I dare to say that my laptop is pretty well protected. Would it be hard to hack?"
Kyuhyun frowned slightly. "It has to be an elite hacker then, probably."


"My laptop is hacked Kyuhyun-ah. Does it mean that the hacker is very skilled?"
Kyuhyun felt his insides twist and he gulped. "Yeah, I suppose."
"Do you know how to hack?" Sungmin was looking right at him now and Kyuhyun thought he was going to faint right there. He had never handled pressure very well. He nervously his dry lips and thought of an answer.


"I have great knowledge about how a computer and a network works." He slowly answered.
To his surprise Sungmin's eyes suddenly softened as the older leaned forward. "Oh my God, calm down Kyuhyun-ah. I didn't mean to make it sound like I'm accusing you or anything. I'm just curious, and you obviously know more about this than me. I'm sorry if I worried you."

Kyuhyun was sure that his heart stopped beating for a moment. Sungmin wasn't even suspecting that it was him. He was safe, Sungmin didn't know. "It's okey." He managed to squeak out as he tried to collect his thoughts. The older sighed and leaned back in his chair. "The thing is Kyuhyun-ah, I'm hacked. But the guy, I'm assuming its a guy, I guess it could be a girl too. Anyway, he's helping me with the case. He has access to the police register and such, and it seems like he's not out to ruin anything for me. Should I let him?"

Kyuhyun took a deep breath and slowly let it out. This was awkward. "You could. Not all hackers want to ruin things, I mean, they want the network and such to work. Many just wants the challenge. If he doesn't have any bad intentions I guess you could let him, its your choice."
"Aish Kyuhyun-ah! You're not making this any easier for me." Sungmin whined and ruffled his black hair. "But I have sort of already decided to let him be for now. He's valuable to me right now, I need his help."


Good, Kyuhyun thought, I want to keep helping you too. Out loud he said. "Tell me if he becomes troublesome, and I'll see what I can do about throwing him out."
The smile Sungmin sent him was beautiful and full of gratitude. "Thank you Kyuhyun-ah."
"You're welcome." He stuttered out as he looked down at his hands, feeling his cheeks heat up. That smile had sent his heart beating in a way that was new to him, and he didn't know how to react to it.


Sungmin smiled slightly to himself as Kyuhyun bowed his head in sudden shyness. It was cute how awkward the younger was sometimes. He was grateful to the younger for all help, and he felt a bit better knowing that Kyuhyun might be able to do someting about the hacker if he become troublesome. 

He observed the brown haired younger male for a moment, remebering what Hyukjae had brought up earlier. He really didn't want anything to happen to Kyuhyun. The younger was sweet and caring, if not a bit socially awkward sometimes. Today he had seen a glimpse of what he suspected was the true Cho Kyuhyun. Laughing, teasing and ganging up on him together with Hyukjae. 
He found that he wanted to see more of that side of the younger. He wasn't sure why, but he had a feeling he was starting to like Kyuhyun.


As in like-like. As in more than as a friend. He wasn't even sure if they could be called friends. He didn't know much about the younger at all. The thought disturbed him.
"Kyuhyun-ah, tell me about yourself." He suddeny said, making the younger snap his head up and stare at him. "About myself?" He questioned and Sungmin nodded his head.
"I want to call you my friend Kyuhyun, but I just realized that I don't know much about you. I want to change that. I'll tell you about myself in exchange of course."


"Well.." The younger started of slowly, hesitantely."There isn't much to say. I'll lived in Seoul my whole life with my parents and noona. I've always liked computer and video games, later even wanting to learn about the technology itself." He scratched his cheek in a show of insecurity, and Sungmin gave him an encouraging smile. "I have always been very smart, and I chosed to study and play games instead of playing with friends. I'm not good with people, like making friends. I don't know what to do and oftens end up doing nothing. That's why I don't have many friends, people thinks I'm a stuck-up and doesn't want to hang with me."

Sungmin's eyes widened slightly. Sure, the younger was shy and a bit socially awkward, but he didn't think it was that bad. So, Kyuhyun had ended up chosing games over friends, because no one took the time to get to know him. "They're diots then." He found himself saying. "You're so sweet and caring under that shy and timid act. I don't even think you're actually shy, you're just insecure. I saw how you acted today, you're anything but shy when it comes down to it."

Kyuhyun was now staring at him with big eyes. " really think that way about me?" He asked, eyes suddenly hopeful, and Sungmin realized that he had been right. You needed to see through the younger's walls, and only then you met the real Cho Kyuhyun. 
He smiled warmly and nodded his head. "You have proved it yourself. You just need a little help with dropping your defensive walls." He saw the younger's cheeks turn a soft shade of red that was not because of the fever.
"Thank you hyung." Kyuhyun said with a smile, that was genuine and happy.


Then he realized it. "Oh! I finally earned that title huh?" He grinned and he saw Kyuhyun's smile twist into a smirk. 
"For now. Don't make me take it back."
Sungmin laughed. "Don't worry Kyuhyun, I won't." He had now earned the younger's respect and had a feeling that he was now considered a friend, not the awkward roommate.


Sorry for the long wait guys. I have started school, and its stealing all my time. I'm getting the hang of it now, so hopefully I'll be able to write much more now. As a matter of fact, I've gotten a lot of inspiration for this story again, and would love to give you a longer chapter. But I wanted to show everyone that I was still interested in the story, so here it is. A bit short, but the next will be longer. (P.S It's not edited yet guys, so sorry for any mistakes)

So, please comment and subscribe~ that Sungmin and Kyuhyun can keep bonding <3


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Alice_K26 #1
Chapter 16: Hello authornim.. the new reader is here~~^^
Sorry for the late comment.. i just found this story and read it until the last chap before write a comment...
I really like how you write kyu n ming character here..
Shy kyu and gentle ming... i love it and hope it will be a minkyu story coz a kyumin story with gentle kyu and feminim min just too many and i need something new about kyumin like this fanfic...
Hope you will update soon and fighting for you authoenim...^^
shivasina #2
Chapter 16: I love this story so much!~ I really want to see what happens next but I don't mind waiting a little. :)
auwchris2775 #3
Chapter 16: I like your story ^^ i'm waiting for the next chap
Chapter 16: I'm loving thissss! everything is perfect :3
keobukbi #5
Chapter 16: Thank you for this story. Your humor is very nice and makes me laugh. Study hard and we shall patiently wait for your next chapter. I wish I knew how to post stories like you do. Happy Chuseok.
katiemae01 #6
Chapter 16: Omg I honestly forgot about this story but something told me to hang on to it. I am beyond happy. It's been so hard finding good stories so I'm happy that one of the best will be returning. Can't wait!
Chapter 16: how come I never saw this fic in the kyumin tag before o.o anyway I just read everything and can't wait for update and more kyumin x3
Chapter 16: Omo it's been so long since this updated! I forgot what the story was about GAH >_<