Contacts in the Underworld

Can I Stay At Your Place?

Sungmin stepped into the dimly lit nightclub. The warmth and loud music slapped him in the face and all the flashing lights were enough to make anyone dizzy. Slowly he made his way forward, pushing pepole away as he searched for a familiar face. As he stood there looking around he felt someone tug at his arm and he turned around hoping that it was the person he was looking for.
But it wasn't. The one now clinging to his arm was a young girl with heavy makeup and pretty much no clothes on. She was smiling at him in a way that creeped him out, and she was clearly tipsy and possibly high.

He tried to shake her off, but she stubbornly held on, pressing her body against his in an intimate way that disturbed Sungmin greatly. He was just about to push her away when someone else appeared and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, this time a muscular body. "Sorry girl, this one is mine."  A soft voice spoke over his shoulder, and amazingly the girl backed off!
The person currently claiming him chuckled and started to lead him to one of the booths in a corner of the club.
"With a pretty face like that, you have to look out for men and women alike Sungmin." The person stated.

"Oh, should I look out for you too then?" Sungmin asked as he was released and faced by his "rescuer". Hangeng shook his head with a laugh as he dropped down in a chair. "No, not me. You're pretty, but not my type."
Sungmin smiled as he sat down opposite of Hangeng at the table. "You seem to be in a good mood today." He commented as he opened his coat, not wanting to sweat to death.
"I just have a good day. Do you drink? Doesn't matter, I'll order two bacardi cocktails anyway." Hangeng waved at another girl, telling her the order and then turned back to the table with a grin.


Sungmin just shook his head at the older, Hangeng had actually managed to get him so drunk once that he couldn't walk at all. Hyukjae had liked it a lot, until he had to clean up the mess Sungmin made in their living room.

"Do you have anything for me hyung?" He asked as two glasses were placed on the table and the girl left with a annoyed look as she didn't get any tip.
Hangeng took a big gulp of his drink before answering. "He is planning something, something big. There is also going to be an arranged meeting between one of his guys and a rather well known politican. Rumor says that its about a weapon delivery."
Sungmin leaned forward on his elbows. "Do you know when and where?" He asked, feeling excitment coming creeping at such a chance.

To his disappointment Hangeng shook his head. "I don't know the exact time or position, only that its on thursday afternoon at dock 4 at a quay."
Sungmin sighed softly. "It's better than nothing. Now, I have something for you. I'm in contact with a hacker and he has given me some information. I need you to try and comfirm that its all true. Can you do that?"
He got an affirmative nod and Sungmin pushed a small notebook over to Hangeng. "There's information in there, don't lose it or I'll kill you. You can write down whatever you yourself finds out, and then you can give it back, I fill it with more and you'll get it back and so on. Sounds okey?"


Hangeng picked the small black notebook up. "A bit risky with a book like this, but so is sending texts and talking over the phone today. I'll see what I can find out." He smiled and put the book in a pocket of his leather jacket.
"Thank you Hangeng." Sungmin said with a smile.




Sungmin hurried down the dark alley on his way to his next destination. He's meeting with Hangeng had got somewhat well in the end, and now he was on his way to meet another contact of his.
He turned around a corner and walked over to a door that looked like any other door. But he knew better. He opened the door and stepped into another world.


This was another club for the underworld people, but this one was not as loud or rowdy as the one he met Hangeng at. This one played softer music, was cleaner, quieter and served drinks as well as coffee drinks. Here the more important criminal business men and such met up to talk and have a drink.

Nodding at a buff guard in a corner, Sungmin made his way over to the bar and looked around for a mass of blonde hair, this time belonging to a girl. Said girl suddenly popped her head up from behind the counter, making Sungmin jump in surprise and then glare at the giggling female. "Very funny Sunny." He muttered and the girl waved him off as she placed a box on the counter and started to unpack it.

Sunny was a short girl with short blonde hair and a cute face, and one of the owners of the club. She was also a good source of gossip and rumors.
Sungmin jumped up on the tall bar stool and got served an Irish coffee by one of the other workers who recognized him and knew what he liked. He thanked her, took a sip of the coffee and sighed in satisfaction, as he enjoyed coffee more then alcohol. Most of the time.

He turned back to Sunny who was done unpacking and was now looking at him with curiosity. "Anything interesting going around that I should know about?" He asked and took another sip.
Sunny shrugged her shoulders as she thought about it. "Well, I heard that there's a big weapon dealing going on. Obviously some politican or something." She finally said.
"Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri. The names familiar?" Sungmin asked in a hushed voice.


The girl seemed the realize how important their little talk was and leaned closer. "Actually, Taeyang is the name circulating with the weapon dealing." She said in a soft voice, glancing around to make sure that no one was listening to their conversation.
Sungmin smiled, this was a good day. He was actually getting somewhere. And he knew where his next stop was.

"It has soemthing to do with your work oppa?" Sunny asked and tilted her head in a cute way. Sungmin chuckled and shook his head. "I'm not going to tell you anything about it. It would put you in danger, and you don't want that." The girl pouted but didn't say anything more about it, as they had already had that conversation, and Sungmin wasn't going to change his mind about it.


Sungmin turned his attention back to his Irish coffee, enjoying the taste as he let Sunny return to work.



Deciding against walking to the other end of the city, Sungmin took a cab towards the last destination for the day. He was hoping to get something valuble there as well, and then get back to the apartment and just chill and maybe see a movie. He hadn't seen a movie in ages, and he decided that he deserved to see one now.

The cab stopped outside of a police station and Sungmin got out and walked towards a small cozy cafe on the opposite side of the road. He walked inside and sat down at a table by a window, fully visible to the outside world. He choosed to not have anything more to drink and just waited.

He didn't have to wait for long. The bell by the door rang as a tall and muscular man stepped inside. The man was rather handsome and was neatly dressed. Sungmin smiled and waved to get the man's attention, and was quickly joined by his friend.
"Hello Sungmin hyung, I came as soon as I could leave. They're drowning me in paperwork." The man said with a smile as he waved for the woman behind the counter, and was soon served a cup of black coffee.

"It's okey Siwon-ah, I haven't been here for long either." Sungmin said with a smile. He and Siwon had known each other since high school, and had went similar yet different ways in life. Sungmin had turned out as a Tracker, and Siwon was a police. And thanks to their friendship, they sort of stretched the rules.
Siwon was allowed to have contacts to get information from. But he wasn't allowed to give any information back. However, they always changed information with each others. They were both working against the criminal society anyway.  And now Sungmin knew something that he knew that Siwon would love to hear.


"Either you have something for me, or you want something." Siwon stated as he sipped on his coffee. The younger was sharp, that's why he was doing so well as a police, and there was already talk about making him police officer, after he had gained more experience.
Sungmin nodded his head and leaned forward and spoke in a soft whisper. "The Dragon is having a big weapon deal going on. Possibly with a politican, but its not confirmed. Taeyang, Dong YoungBae is going to handle it."


Siwon lowered his cup and leaned in closer. "Dong YoungBae? Not a new name to me. And a politican? That's pretty heavy news."
"It sure is. Thursday afternoon, dock 4 at a quay. Don't know which one though." Sungmin said. "Are you going to try and take him?"
The younger took another gulp of his coffe. "Probably. I have to run it through the higher ups. Now you probably wants me to tell you everything I know about Dong YoungBae?"

Sungmin smiled sweetly. "Yes please~"
The other chuckled and leaned back. "He's a dangerous guy which we are trying to keep tabs on, but its hard. He's been in jail for armed robbery, and there's something fishy with how he got out so quickly. I suspect that he already had some involvement with The Dragon then. I'm sorry that I can't give you much, but I promise to tell you everything if we tries to take him."
The older of the two nodded his head, satisfied for now. "Thanks Siwon-ah. Anything else you know that I want to know?"

The young police studied the contents of his cup for a moment, obviously thinking about something. "Do you have pen and paper?" He then asked and Sungmin nodded his head, fishing a notepad and pen up from his coat pocket and pushed it over to the younger.
Siwon picked the pen up and wrote a few adresses, some complete, others only fragments. "This is a few places that we have managed to connect to The Dragon's gang. It's not really confirmed, but its something." He said and gave the notepad back.


Sungmin read through the adresses, some being familiar to him, most weren't. "Thank you Siwon-ah, I'll check these places."
"Just be careful hyung." The police said softly and emptied his cup. "I need to return to work."
"And I need to return to homebase."




'Kona Beans' a big sign read, catching Sungmin's attention as he was on his way back from the bus stop. The coffee shop looked cozy and had a lot of attracting cakes in the display window. Especially one chocolate cake caught his attention, and he decided that he deserved a cake today. Kyuhyun did too, since he was sick.

With a small smile Sungmin entered the coffee shop and walked over to the counter. "Can I have that chocolate cake please?" He asked the woman behind the counter and she smiled warmly at him and placed the cake in a box and tied a ribbon around. Sungmin paid for it as well as a few new tea flavors that seemed interesting and got everything in a bag.
He quickly left the coffee shop and steered his steps towards Kyuhyun's apartment.


After about ten minutes he stepped through the door and into the silent apartment. Quietly he took his shoes and coat off and walked into the living room and smiled at the sight.
Kyuhyun was sleeping on the couch with one of the pillows Sungmin borrowed. The TV was and Sungmin went over and picked the remote up and lowered the volume. Then he placed the box on the coffee table and took the tea with him into the kitchen.

He quickly prepared two cups of apple and cinnamon tea and placed it on a tray with two plates, spoons and a knife. Then he brought everything with him back into the living room and placed it on the coffee table.
Kyuhyun hadn't moved an inch while he was in the kitchen and Sungmin sat down beside him and gently shook his shoulder. "Kyuhyun-ah, I'm back." He got a grunt in reply. "I brought something sweet back with me. Do you like cake?"


The feverish boy finally opened his eyes at the mention of 'cake' and looked around. "Where?" He mumbled and straightened, rubbing his eyes in a rather cute way.
Sungmin chuckled and opened the box and the younger's eyes widened at the sight of the chocolate cake.


"What are we celebrating?" Kyuhyun asked as Sungmin gave him a plate with a big slice of the cake, and Sungmin shrugged in reply as he cut a slice for himself.
"It has just been a very good day for me today, got a lot of stuff done. Wanna watch a movie?"

He got a delighted grin in reply as the younger picked a dvd cover up from the floor, and so a movie night started.



A new chapter, and so fast! I honestly started to type it right after the previous one as I felt the need to do this for my loyal readers who has been waiting patiently for me to return, and also for any new readers out there c:




The cake Sungmin bought~


Sungmin's contacts:

Hangeng, a formal criminal acting as Sungmin's spy. He's the main source of all information.


Sunny, owns a club that is visited by many criminal business men and high up criminals, hears a lot of rumors and gossips.


Siwon, is a police that changes information with Sungmin, even though he's not allowed to do that.


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Alice_K26 #1
Chapter 16: Hello authornim.. the new reader is here~~^^
Sorry for the late comment.. i just found this story and read it until the last chap before write a comment...
I really like how you write kyu n ming character here..
Shy kyu and gentle ming... i love it and hope it will be a minkyu story coz a kyumin story with gentle kyu and feminim min just too many and i need something new about kyumin like this fanfic...
Hope you will update soon and fighting for you authoenim...^^
shivasina #2
Chapter 16: I love this story so much!~ I really want to see what happens next but I don't mind waiting a little. :)
auwchris2775 #3
Chapter 16: I like your story ^^ i'm waiting for the next chap
Chapter 16: I'm loving thissss! everything is perfect :3
keobukbi #5
Chapter 16: Thank you for this story. Your humor is very nice and makes me laugh. Study hard and we shall patiently wait for your next chapter. I wish I knew how to post stories like you do. Happy Chuseok.
katiemae01 #6
Chapter 16: Omg I honestly forgot about this story but something told me to hang on to it. I am beyond happy. It's been so hard finding good stories so I'm happy that one of the best will be returning. Can't wait!
Chapter 16: how come I never saw this fic in the kyumin tag before o.o anyway I just read everything and can't wait for update and more kyumin x3
Chapter 16: Omo it's been so long since this updated! I forgot what the story was about GAH >_<