~Chapter 4~

My 6 Brothers...

(Lunch)Jiyoon's Pov

After the teacher dismissed us from class, I went to my locker to put my things down and headed for the cafetiria... I went to our usual place with my lunchbox and saw Soyeon already there.. 

Jiyoon:I am going to ask my oppa's for permition now, wait here!


I ran to BEAST's table and saw their 'Fans' crowding around them...I squeezed my way through and after A LOT of squeezing, I FINALLY got to them...Everyone looked at me weirdly. I just rolled my eyes and went towards Doojoon oppa since he was the oldest...

Jiyoon:Oppa! Can Soyeon come over to celebrate today?

Doojoon:AWH! But we were planning to go out today!

Jiyoon:Ohhhh Sorry oppa!Why not the 6 of you guys go without me?

Yoseob:ANDWAE! It is for the 7 of us!


Jiyoon:Ok then, I will postpone the "Celebration"

Junhyung:YAY! Ok...

I smiled before squeezing my way out again. I went towards Soyeon.

Jiyoon:Sorry Soyeon! My oppa's and I are going out today!

Soyeon:PHEW! My omma also didn't allow me... She texted me saying she would pick me up after school since we were going out... So erm, Can you follow your oppa?

Jiyoon:Ya... It's fine! Let's eat! 

I opened my lunch box... And shared with her...

(After school)

FINALLY! Boring lessons are OVER! I walked out of the school alone... I forgo to tell oppas. It's actually ok... I walked pass the park as I felt like walking. I felt like, I was being............ Followed! I turned to the back and saw nobody but, I saw a shadow! I was afraid! I took out my phone and speed dialed number 1 which was, Yoseob oppa!

*Ring, Ring*

The phone rang twice before Yoseob picked up.



Yoseob:Oh Jiyoon?

Jiyoon:Erm oppa... I am being followed! 

Yosoeb:Where are you?!

Jiyoon:At- At the par-park near our house!

Yoseob:Ok I know where! I will be right over!

At the background I could hear the rest's voice.

Then, I heard a voice.

??:Hey you girl!

I walked faster. I passed an alley.

??:Playing hard eh? Let's play together!

He ran towards me and blocked me and pushed me into the alley. There was no way out! I screamed.


Guy:Shut your fat mouth!

He came closer and closer. He used one of his hands to block me from running and then used his other hand to throw of my schools jacket. There was still extra clothing.

Jiyoon:P-Please Don-t P-Please! 

I screamed! And sobbed!Then I heard voices. It sounded like my oppa's

Yoseob:YA! Don't touch her!

Yoseob's Pov

The moment I recieved the call, I rushed out. The rest ask me what happened and I explained. In the end, we took two seperate cars and went. 

(At the park)

We split up into 3 and 3. I doojoon and Dongwoon while the other 3. I heard someone screaming for help. I ran towards that voice and saw Jiyoon.She was sobbing. I shouted.

Yoseob:YA! Don't touch her!

Guy:Woah! Who the hell are you?! What I do to her is none of you three's buisness!

He pointed at us...


Guy:Woah missy! You called your brothers?! HA! JUNK! 

Then, a few men came out of no where and towards us.Junhyung kikwang and Hyunseung also came. We started fighting...

Jiyoon's Pov

The guy turned towards me.

Guy:Now! Let's continue shall we?

Jiyoon:An-andwae! P-ple-ase!

I sobbed...

He ignored my statement and was about to rip out my button. I kneed his stomach as hard as I can... It was the first time I did that.

Guy:I was kind to you! NOW! YOU!

I sobbed.

He walked faster towards me.


All the guys men were down. (Did I mention that BEAST knew how to fight? Well they do... Sorry!)

My oppas ran towards me when he was about to rip my uniform. I sobbed and sobbed. Junhyung oppa high kicked him while the rest came towards me.

Jiyoon:Th-Thank you*Sniff* Oppas...

Kikwang:Hey hey! You are our little sister! It's our duty to protect you!

Doojoon oppa helped me wear the jacket and helped me to the car. I sat in the car beside Doojoon oppa who is comforting me. I really am lucky to have 6 such awesome brothers!

(At home)

Doojoon:Go take a shower Jiyoon.We will go out another time ok?

I nodded and went to my room.

Everyone's Pov

That was close! I need to protect her more now! 

Author's note.

YAY! My 4th chapter! HEHE! Bye! Subscribe and comment! Thank you! Bye~ 


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Chapter 19: Omo omo! Who did that? Thanks for making sequel
Chapter 20: WHATT??!!!!
helleicious #3
Chapter 19: Omg what an ending. Cool story though!!
samara12 #4
Chapter 19: what the hell?????????????
b2strockz #5
Chapter 16: It can be soohyun since she was only suspended for a week...Hehe
Chapter 19: who shot them & can't be sohyun???
sequel please...
Chapter 19: sequel please .
Chapter 19: Please write the sequel