~Chapter 3~

My 6 Brothers...

Jiyoon's Pov(Dinner)

Jiyoon:Thank you for the food Doojoon oppa~

Doojoon:No problem! Let's eat~


We started eating. At first it was peaceful until.....

Yoseob:YA! I want the last chicken~

Dongwoon:Andwae! I am younger~ I get it!

Yoseob:I am your hyung! Give me!

I decided to tease them. I took my fork and took the chicken and bit it.

Yoseob&Dongwoon:YA~ I want it Jiyoon!

I just gave an innocent smile and continue eating.

Doojoon:Can I have the chicken?


I placed the chicken on Doojoon oppa's plate.



I chuckled and broke my chicken into half. I placed it onto their plate since I was full.

Jiyoon:Here! I am full~ 

I walked up to my room after saying goodnight to my oppas. I did my work with ease and went to bathe. I changed into my pajamas and was about to sleep when...

*Knock knock*

Jiyoon:Come in!

My door opened, revealing my 6 oppas wearing their PJ's at my door.

Jiyoon:Oh! Oppa's! Yes?

Kikwang:Erm... We were wondering... If you would like to sleep in the living room with us? Like a sleepover at the living room?

Jiyoon:Sure! But why you are asking so nervously? We are siblings!

Dongwoon:Because... We were afraid you would reject our offer.

Jiyoon:HAHA! Why would I?Let's go!

I carried my pillow and blanket downstairs. When I reached, I saw their pillows were layed in a circle. I found an empty space beside what seems like Kikwang and Doojoon's pillow and layed my things there. They all slept and we all said goodnight. Then...

Junhyung:Hyunseung! Stop kicking me!

Hyunseung:I would not if you don't come into MY space!

Junhyung:Maybe you are just taking too much space!

Hyunseung:No! You are just too big!

Doojoon:SHUT UP! 

Junhying&Hyunseung:YOU SHUT UP!



Kikwang:Now go sleep! We have school tomorrow!

Jiyoon:AND! Don't be so rude to doojoon oppa! Oppas!

Doojoon:HEHE! SEE?

Jiyoon:Don't use SHUT UP too!


Yoseob:Just sleep!


No one's Pov(Next morning)

Doojoon woke up first and he accidentaly kicked Jiyoon, making her wake up.


Jiyoon:It's fine...

They both walked up to their rooms to wash up and then woke the others up since it was only 6.30am and their lessons all starts at 8am. Everyone washed up and ate breakfast before going to school.Jiyoon as usual, walked out alone to the bus stop, meeting Soyeon... She wanted so ask Soyeon whether she liked Yoseob but, she decided not to since it was a little too early...

Jiyoon:Hey Soyeon~

Soyeon:Oh hey! The bus is here let's go! 

We boarded the bus and went to school.

(At school)

The speaker suddenly sounded.

Speaker:Dear students, please go to your class and your teachers would bring you to the hall as the results of the winner of student body president is out... Thank you.All the candidates please assemble at the hall now...

I walked to my class alone since Soyeon was one of the candidates... 

(At class)

I went to my seat and placed my bag down. The teacher came in and brought us all to the hall. We settled down and the principal came out.

Principal:*Hits the mic*Students! Please settle down!

Everyone stopped talking.

Principal:Ok! The student body president is..... Kim Soyeon! Let's give her a round of applause!!!!!!

OMG! Soyeon walked up the stage to get her tie and bowed before giving her speech.

Soyeon:Thank you for voting for me! Kamsahabnida! I will make sure I would carry out my duties well! Once again, thank you!

She walked down the stage and towards me. 


Jiyoon:Hahas! Chukahae! Let's celebrate later at my house after school! I will ask my oppas for permision later during lunch!


The teacher brought us back to class...

Author's note

YAY! Another chapter! Subscribe and comment PLEASE! Gomawo! 

                                                   ~Next chapter~  ------>

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Chapter 19: Omo omo! Who did that? Thanks for making sequel
Chapter 20: WHATT??!!!!
helleicious #3
Chapter 19: Omg what an ending. Cool story though!!
samara12 #4
Chapter 19: what the hell?????????????
b2strockz #5
Chapter 16: It can be soohyun since she was only suspended for a week...Hehe
Chapter 19: who shot them & can't be sohyun???
sequel please...
Chapter 19: sequel please .
Chapter 19: Please write the sequel