Peaches and plums




I screwed up everything as I always did. I should have never come here. Now I have even disappointed Lu and Taeyeon unnie. I immediately decided to head back to America . But of course I just couldn’t leave like this , with the house having just suffered an Amburricane  so I fixed everything that I destroyed and even added a few details to it. I waited for them to return from work so that I could at least say goodbye to the two of them and then leave.

I came into the living room and saw the two of the staring at me. I forced a smile .

“ I am sorry Taeyeon unnie for having given you all this bad lucks but for a while I had forgotten that I had nothing in me but bad luck. I am sorry Luhan , for having disturbed your married life , but trust me Lu, I had never meant it. I am just a stupid jinxed friend of yours and I am more then happy to have you call me as your friend. Please forget my deeds here and don`t let it ruin our friendship. And Taeyeon unnie, I am sorry for everything that I did again. It was great being here but I have to go back now. Bye and I will miss you all” I bowed to the two of them and quickly left before Luhan could stop me .

I finally let the tears drop from my eyes which I had been trying to control all the while inside. As I opened the front gate which led to the road I suddenly felt a warm hand catch my wrist . I looked up and saw Taeyeon looking at me . “ I..” But Taeyeon put  a finger around my mouth indicating me to keep quite.

“ Unfortunate are the ones that have not learned to cherish even though they have everything in life . Unfortunate are the ones who has never learned to thank god when they have someone to love and live with and its me Amber, not you . Tonight I have relished the mistake  I have done and if you leave then I will never forgive myself for this. Please stay Amber, if you consider us as your family.” Taeyeon said while Luhan came from behind and watched the two of us. Okay so maybe this was a bit awkward and all but the three of us was sharing a rather emotional moment right now . I didn`t know whether to smile or to cry because  no one in my life had ever been this kind to me. I managed a weak smile before breaking up . Luhan suddenly came and hugged me followed by Taeyeon unnie and the three of us shared a good long family hug or so you call it if the bloody rain didn`t shower all of a sudden forcing the three of us to run inside. When we were inside I remembered all of sudden that I had bought another surprise for Taeyeon unnie. I had bought another dog of hers with the same name. I had to search for a full 4 hours in every pet shop in town to find a dog named Fluffy.

“ Guys , there is something I need to tell you. I bought a new Fluffy . “

Taeyeon and Luhan both looked at me and I quickly took them to the guest room where I had kept him.

“ Tadaaaaa” I said pointing towards the dog lying on the couch.



All Luhan and Taeyeon saw was this dog with the same thoughts. Amber took out a note from fluffys collar and handed it to Taeyeon.

“ This is the note given to me my the pet shop owner. I didn`t read it because I wanted you to read it first unnie. Here , go one and read it to us. “ Amber said handing Taeyeon a folded note .

Taeyeon unfolded the note and read it aloud. “ This is Fluffy . He is a psychopathic dog who has major mental problems . His main habits are eating and peeing in any place he likes. He loves playing balls so be sure to keep many rubber balls near him or else he will go round In circles trying to bite his own balls off.”


So this is how I became a part of LuTae`s family member. I explained to them about how Nicole had rejected me and I had come to Korea to get over it when I saw Taeyeon`s eyes suddenly sparkle .I kenw she suddenly hit a light bulb.

( The  next day) MY POV

“ No , guys I  don’t think it’s a good idea. I don`t even know her. How can I marry her all of a sudden like that and ….”

“ Amber , Please shut up and be calm. And you don`t have to marry her if you don`t like her but at least met her . I have talked with Mr. Kim and he says he will be glad to see his daughter get married if he likes you and the two of you like each other too. Come on Amber, don`t you want to live a jinx-free life?” Taeyeon said as she and Luhan forced Amber to walk upstairs in the balcony of BLUE MONEY . Finally Amber agreed and of they went . They saw Mr. Kim smoking in the balcony all my himself . He waved at the .

“ lets go guys and hey Amber , be clam okay. “ Taeyeon whispered .

“ Anyoung haseyo Mr. Kim. “

“ Anyoung anyoung kids. And who is this new friend of yours?” Mr. Kim said as he looked lazily at Amber. He was always lazy .

“  Oh, this is the person which I told you about yesterday Mr. Kim. “ Taeyeon said with a smile as Amber blushed hard. So this was what Taeyeon has done yesterday , thought Amber silently .

“Ohh I see I see. Well your not that bad looking after all kiddo. Just see if my daughter likes you or not and be sure to mention that you are a girl to her . Oh there she is, near the balcony. Go and talk to her kid. Go , go quickly and all the best Okay .” Mr. Kim  pushed Amber forward with all his force that Amber nearly lost her balance and kissed the floor. She nervously glanced back at LuTae who gave her a ` fighting ` sign.

She stepped forward and saw a slim girl in a simple white long skirt . Amber nervously walked towards the girl who was looking at the city below.

“ Um…ahh an…anyoung hasey..yo” Amber chocked up a small greeting and the girl glanced at her. Okay so Amber was totally taken aback at the sight of the girl. She was pretty, no doubt about it but what caught Amber`s attention was her simplicity. She wasn’t wearing any makeup , her hair was its natural colour, her fashion dated back to the late 40`s and she did not at all seem like the type of girl you would expect  from a gambling dude like Mr. Kim.

“ Um Anyoung haseyo . Who are you if I ask ?” She said in a polite way.

“ I ..uhhh well I … “

“ Oh hahaha . I see so dad send to here right. Well sorry if he was a bit to harsh or cold or anything like that oppa but my dad is always like that though his heart is as pure as gold. Ever since mom died he has been trying to look for a good husband for me and I just believe he sends me tens of boys everyday . “

Amber laughed a sarcastic laugh. “ Well Mr. Kim isn`t bad at all . I like him very much actually ( A total lie). Well I an understand your father`s feelings, after all who would not want to see his beautiful daughter get married a live happily ever after. I think he worries that he won`t be there for you forever to take care of you so he is trying to secure your future. “

“ hahaha you got a point there oppa. Haha you’re the first one who ever said something like that. “ She said as she laughed .

“ Well I say what I feel haha and well I am not an oppa actually, umm it may come as a shock to you but I happen to be a girl actually.” Amber laughed at her own statement but that girl didn`t. Her eyes went huge .

“ are a g..girl?” She asked with the same disbelieving expression. Amber nodded with an awkward smile.

“ So she will just freak out and ask me never to show my face again” Thought Amber to herself while crossing her fingers . But the expected reply didn`t come. Instead the girl smiled , to which Amber could not believe.

“  I…I am Kim Hyuna . And what’s your name. Its funny that we didn’t eve say our names to each other “ Hyuna said as her smile became brighter and brighter.

“ Um I am Amber Liu. I am not Korean actually. I am an American Chinese haha. “ Amber said while trying to hide her surprised feelings.


“ That’s cute. “ She said and so we ended up talking for what seemed like hours though I am sure it could not have been more then half an hour in reality.

Finally My friends and Mr. Kim showed up. “ So kids what’s the news?” He asked as he slapped my back and took a huge glup of wine form his other hand.

Hyuna and  looked at each other and smiled. “ YEYYYYYYY” The three of them shouted and so I finally married Hyuna and everything was going to be okay in my life. ( WRONGGGGGG) Hyuna and I set of to a small so called honeymoon trip to a resort named WHITEVIEW located in Jeju island. 

The resort was owned by a weird guy named heechul. He  gave us the weirdest welcome.

“ hello, anoyung, gracious, bonju, nehou, Namaste my dear lovebirds . Welcome to my resort . I am heechul, the owner of this whole resort. Too bad the rooms are all booked and you two can go back” He said in a French like accent .

“ What?” Hyuna and I both said .

“ I am joking “ heechul said and laughed at his own so called joke.  Our room was located on the top floor with the greatest view of the sea . What could be better now, I couldn’t help feeling happy for myself. I had finally conquered my bad lucks and now I am going to live the life which I have always dreamt of.

Hyuna and I unpacked our things and both of us got changed into something lose since it was very hot in the area. I placed my arms around Hyuna as she was taking off her light makeup. “ Your pretty “ I said with a –supposed to be cute – voice to which Hyuna just giggled.

It was soon night so we had our dinner and went straight to bed. I feel asleep as soon as my head reached the pillow. The next day I woke up I found that Hyuna was missing . I got up lazily and thought she might have gone outside to have some freash air so I stepped outside the balcony and took in a huge air and enjoyed the view when suddenly I thought my eyes might pop out. Far of near the beach, I saw my _ JUST _ MARRIED wife in the most  revealing bikini with a dude and kissing him like as if I did not even exit in the world………..


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Chapter 6: OMG! You havtya updatde author! >;O
Hyuna whyy?!~
Awh, Amber's so cute! I cried on this chapter lol.. (tbh)
Chapter 6: Ouch O.o ... jajaj Amber has a bad luck even when it comes to love? lol .. her wife cheating on her on their honeymoon? jajaj.. ouch ><!
Chapter 5: jaja omg! I couldn't stop laughing while reading all the chapters xD!! Amber... poor baby!!
spygenl #4
Chapter 5: Amber hunny D': why you so unlucky careless careless shoot anonymous anonymous.... why you so poor so my heart aching for you....
Chapter 5: Poor amber....she was just curse that's all :C keep up the good work author!!
hehe seems like my story isn`t a fail so far. Anyways I will try to write more and well Miuraa , tae is not dead haha and sorry meewa haha.
meewa321 #7
Chapter 4: AAHAHAHHA OMG I was reading this on the train looking like an idiot laughing to myself I blame you author! Ahaha Keep up the good work :)
Chapter 4: OMO! please don't tell me Taeyeon just died? NOOOOOOOO let her be alive!!
naruyu93 #9
Chapter 3: Poor Amber LOL!!!!!
Btw this is interesting!!
Like it!
hahaha well thanks guys for the wonderful comments. Haha well yeah our dear llama is jinxed beyound belief. hehe