My life might change



Team EXO was losing badly against the so called ` White Page`. This was the most important match of the year. If they win this match then they will all get to participate in the summer Greenwich tournament  in Mexico.  But coach Kent’s was sweating despite the weather being chilly and him being the one sitting all the time and the poor boys playing their butts off. He bit his lower lips and crossed his fingers when he saw his best player Kris taking a huge goal kick. But luck had his own way and the ball veered away from the post .

“ That’s it.” Coach Kent’s shouted and took out his cell phone. He dialed his most precious players number. It rang twice before the person picked up .

“ Hello Ambs. Can you make it to the ground right now. Oh thank god. I owe you one Ambs.Okay I will be waiting “ And with that coach kents sat down on the bench with a relieved face.  His new water boy looked at him and asked “ Umm who were you speaking to coach? An extra player who happens to be soo good that you summon only at the time of desperate need? “

“ Haha you will see. This particular person is my lucky charm. She is no player but her luck is such that as soon as she enters the field and passes the teams the winning teams becomes the losing team. The previous teams happiness turns into sorrow. And that’s how the losing team will win and in my case it’s the best thing ever. I just need to make sure that I don`t call her when my team is winning.”

“ Gosh. Is she really such a bad ominous person?”

“ No , she is the king of all such bad omens. You`ll see.”


I was busy clicking photos of a cat tearing apart a bird that the phone call nearly made me jump into the ugly muck pool. Somehow I got saved when I accidently landed on a poor old hag and she fell in instead of me. I just sighed. Just another normal incident of my life. The old lady stood up from the pool and called the police so I had to run away from that place.

“ He..loo” I said on the phone while running down street.

“Hello Ambs.” It was coach porkpie.” Can you make it to the ground right now? “ Umm .. y..yeah “ I said while panting hard from running.

“Oh thank god. I owe you one Ambs.Okay I will be waiting”

I finally stopped when I was sure the old lady won’t come looking for me with the police. It was my day of and I was just on the streets doing my  photographing for national geographic. I had to reach the field within a short time so I decided to make a short cut route through the cramped buildings. As I made my way through garbage bins and homeless dudes a certain dusty old shackcaught my eye. I had never been in this area before so I had never seen it . It looked really old and ancient and totally out of place. I know I could spare a minute or two to shack this place out. The hut ( it seems best to  call it that) didn`t have  a door but was having an old purple curtain covering it. I went inside and saw a woman resembling a picture from  my kindergartens picture book of evil witches. She was watching closely at a stupid round glowing crystal ball . I rolled my eyes. I wouldn’t have wasted my time coming to visit some psycho witch wannabes or psychic or whatever you call it so I decided to make my way out then the woman looked up to me and said “ Do you really think you can live your life while being a total jinx?”

Duh! I glanced at her with a wide open mouth .” How on earth do you know that?”

“ 10 $ if you want to know .” She said. I again turned my back and again she said something that made me stop.

“I can tell you the solution to your problem.” Okay so maybe you might think I am some super stitious freak but I was dying annoyed with my life that I just took out 10 bucks and shoved it to her. She smiled .

“ Good girl. Marry your true love and everything will work out”

“ wh..?” But before I could ask her she just left through the back door ( purple curtain again). I stood there dumfounded. But just then I remembered about the match and ran out. So basically when I entered the field , team White Page saw a live version of Doomsday and team Exo flew in the air . Coach Porkie was hugging me like a sausage and I had to keep keep my mind focused to overcome the bone breaking pressure. Team Exo basically won thanks to be but when I looked at the other team my heart suddenly fell. This wasn`t fair.  Those players also have feelings and basically they were winning fair and square. I felt like poo.

I refused to go to the teams celebration lying that I wasn’t feeling well. My mood fell all of a sudden. Why , from  all the 7 billion people on earth , did it have to be me?

I leaned on the marble table and the banana milk to refresh my mind. I had sat there for an hour or so thinking hard. Victoria finally sat near me after the last costumer left. Nichkhun was grilling sea food for dinner and my stomach was rumbling hard .

“ Whats up with you huh Amber? You look like you just swallowed a lemon” Vic said looking at my melted like face.

“ Sigh* Sis nothing has worked out for me till now. Everything that I do has just been having horrible endings. It wont be long before I get fired from this job as well . I can never forgive my fate for making me a jinx but well today I met a psychic who told me that my luck will turn over if I marry my true love. “

“ Come on Amber. Don`t be like that. You know I am there for you always. Hahaha but this psychic is funny and stupid . There are a whole bunch of this fakes around town. I can`t believe you believed them. But then again if I take it in some other  way , I think marrying will not be a bad idea afterall. I mean who knows, things might work out if you have someone who will remain with you forever.  “I looked at my hands.

“ So what do you think of key?” Vic said teasingly. Key happens to be this annoying guy in our neighborhood who has the hots for me and he creeps every single hair in my body. I gave vic an evil eye to which vic just laughed off. Jut then nichkhun called for dinner . As we were making our way , I know just what to do. I am going to purpose my girlfriend Nichole tomorrow.


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Chapter 6: OMG! You havtya updatde author! >;O
Hyuna whyy?!~
Awh, Amber's so cute! I cried on this chapter lol.. (tbh)
Chapter 6: Ouch O.o ... jajaj Amber has a bad luck even when it comes to love? lol .. her wife cheating on her on their honeymoon? jajaj.. ouch ><!
Chapter 5: jaja omg! I couldn't stop laughing while reading all the chapters xD!! Amber... poor baby!!
spygenl #4
Chapter 5: Amber hunny D': why you so unlucky careless careless shoot anonymous anonymous.... why you so poor so my heart aching for you....
Chapter 5: Poor amber....she was just curse that's all :C keep up the good work author!!
hehe seems like my story isn`t a fail so far. Anyways I will try to write more and well Miuraa , tae is not dead haha and sorry meewa haha.
meewa321 #7
Chapter 4: AAHAHAHHA OMG I was reading this on the train looking like an idiot laughing to myself I blame you author! Ahaha Keep up the good work :)
Chapter 4: OMO! please don't tell me Taeyeon just died? NOOOOOOOO let her be alive!!
naruyu93 #9
Chapter 3: Poor Amber LOL!!!!!
Btw this is interesting!!
Like it!
hahaha well thanks guys for the wonderful comments. Haha well yeah our dear llama is jinxed beyound belief. hehe