....And you blew up their house too!



MY POV ( conversation in korea. Please excuse Amber`s broken Korean cuz I don`t want to write broken English haha)

“ Baby please listen to me. She`s my best friend …..”

“ Friend? Friends don`t come uninvited like this and even if they do they don`t barge into the house like this and even if they do they DON`T GO AND SLEEP ON SOMEONE`S BED LIKE THAT and on top of this all it turns out that HE is actually a SHE !” Taeyeon shouted at her husband who was busy placing ice packs on her head.  Taeyeon had been lucky to have fallen on something soft and dirty rather then something clean and hard ( And there`d be a lot of mess if she did fall on something clean and hard. And this time it be her mess )

“ Come on Tae. Please don`t say like that. I know she can be slightly stupid but trust me she is is really nice. Her heart is pure gold. She never meant  anything that she did today , I swear it. Please baby….” Just then Amber stepped in the living room from outside . She had a plastic bag in her hand .

“ I cleaned up the mess outside. I am soooo sorry  unnie . I didn`t mean to scare you all like that . I just wanted to surprise Lu but it went all wrong and I am not surprised . SIGH * “ Amber said in a very apologetic voice but Taeyeon just rolled her eyes while Luhan prayed in silence .

“ I know I shouldn’t have come all of a sudden like this and all that but you see I needed to have a change of atmosphere so I came here. I would like to stay here for about 2 to 3 weeks and go back maybe but well if I like being here then I would love to stay here for about 2 to 3 years before going back “ Amber said with an innocent smile , not noticing Taeyeon`s  twisted face.

“ Ta…to….two weeks or twwoo to th…three yea..years? Taeyeon stammered as her breath was having a hard time being in its normal speed.  Amber nodded her head . “ Ahh… I  am going to bed okay. Goodnight “And with that Taeyeon left upstairs.

Amber suddenly felt a ping of cold air in the room. Did she do something wrong? “ Lu.. did I do something wrong ? “

Luhan forced a smile. “ No Ambs. Its just that well.. you know she’s got some issues with herself.”

“ Is it really okay if I stay here with you guys?” She asked her friend .

“ yes of Corse  Ambs. This is as much as your house as its mine and hers.” He  assured her .

“ Is my stay here too long ? “ Amber asked .

“ No its to short for someone like you in my life Ambs. I don`t know what kind of a welcome celebration we are having but well lets hug buddy “ Luhan said and both them shared a good hug .


Luhan entered his bedroom and saw Taeyeon reading a novel with an angry face. He gulped. “ Baby… “

Taeyeon just looked away. “ Baby .. I am sorry but whatever Amber did….” Taeyeon ignored him .

“ You were without cloths on top of her and I WAS WITHOUT CLOTHS INFRONT OF HER. Imagine how embarrassed I AM FEELING “ Taeyeon growled “ And to top the winning award , I was thrown off two stories from a window directly into a bed of dreams of our kitchen waste!!!!!”

Luhan took huge breaths. He just panicked when his wife got angry. He didn`t exactly know what to do so a light blub lit in his head. “ Where is my baby’s hand?” He said as she took her hands and kissed it. Taeyeon pouted her face.” Where is my baby’s eyes?” Luhan said and Taeyeon looked at him with and expression which  now looked like half anger and half something else. Luhan giggled and he kissed her eyes. “ And now where is my baby’s luscious lips? “ Taeyeon showed her lips and both of them were about to kiss when someone came in the middle and they both ended up kissing Amber`s cheeks on both sides.

“ Ah.. Sorry guys. Can you tell me where the bathroom is ? “ Amber asked as she rubbed both her cheeks. Taeyeon pointed her towards the bathroom downstairs while her eyes and mouth was petrified without movements. “ Thank you unnie” Amber bowed and left. Luhan`s heart was  beating twice its normal speed now. “ So where is my baby’s …..” Luhan managed to say before Taeyeon kicked him in the crotch and Luhan saw stars around his head.

The next day…

Taeyeon woke up from the bed while Luhan woke up from the floor. Both were woken up by the sound of a vacuum cleaner coming to life downstairs. Luhan smiled at his wife.

“ Haha didn`t I tell you Tae baby? Amber has already stared helping you with the household chores . Do you still think she is that bad?”

Taeyeon didn`t say anything but she managed a small smile. “ Was I to hard on her last night?” She thought to herself . ( No you weren’t tae. )


I woke up early and decided to make up for Lu and Tae unnie today . I felt bad for what I did yesterday so I knew just what to do to make up for my mistake, I decided to clean the house!! ( NOOOO)

I went to the living room and looked around. This place sure needed some dusting so I decided to start off by vacuuming the room. I found a huge vacuum cleaner in the corner and I switched it on. I started vacuuming the carpet when I found that the speed was too low so I switched it on to SUPER SPEED which turned out to be a great mistake when the darn cleaner went out of control. I caught the pipe and tried to force it down towards the couch then the pipe in the couch cushions and feathers exploded in the room. The pipe went in all the directions everything possible. The photo frames on the wall all had the pictures missing while the clay figurines were lying in bits and pieces on the floor . As I tried to catch the pipe again by jumping on it, I accidently landed on the TV and well you know what happened.  But the most horrible thing I did was this. I didn`t notice a dog sitting on a couch nearby so well when the tube went past by it , it sort of  got in as well. I heard a small yelp .

( Photo of LATE FLUFFY , just before the imapact of getting inside the horrible vacuum. )

( Rest in peace fluffy. You will always be remembered on this earth. You were the best dog one could ever have. Who con forget that you were a lazy couch potato who used to do nothing all day but sit on the couch and watch TV. Who can forget that when buglers used to enter the house, you minded their tools so that you wont disturb them in their job and who can forget that you did nothing at all to be remembered about)


Luhan and Taeyeon got up to see Amber. “ I will apologize to your friend about my coldness last night. I  was too harsh on her “ Taeyeon said to Luhan . Luhan gave a peck on her lips in reply.

“ Amber look who’s to come apo…” Luhan couldn’t finish his sentence when he fainted. Taeyeon screamed.

“ WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY HOOOOOOUSEEEEEEE” Taeyeon shouted . “ GET OUTTTTTTTTT”  And with that she walked out of the house .


Luhan kept glancing at Taeyeon who ignored him. Whenever  Luhan tried to approach her she just went to serve some customers furthest from him. Stacy noticed this so she approached her best friend. “ Oh come on Taeyeon what’s up with you and Luhan? Did you guys have a fight or something?”

“ No its nothing Stacy. “ Taeyeon said while giving Luhan evil glares when he tried to smile at her.

“ haha you better not leave that guy Tae. I heard that Mr. Kim has an eye for that guy. I heard that he wants him to be his only daughter, Hyuna`s husband but since he Is  already married to you he can’t. If you to get separated then you won`t even have the time to blink an eye before that man gets his hands around him with his daughter” Taeyeon gulped at this statement. Surely it wasn’t really something huge but still she felt sorry for him so She decided to forgive him . She finally returned his smile and Luhan made a silent YIPEE . Taeyeon suddenly felt the urge to call her father . She went to the nearest restroom and took out her phone. Her dad had never answered her words even though he picked it up btu she talked to him even though.

Mr. Psy is a miser of the worst kind. He wanted his daughter to get married with a man named Onew who owned a chicken factory and ate chicken 22 hours a day but Taeyeon had refused Chciknew and married with Luhan while she was in Korea , studying . Mr. psy could not bear that.

The phone rang and Mr. Psy picked it up. “ Yeboseyo appa. How are you? I am fine and you don`t have to worry about me. Do you know appa, Luhan has opened 2 more factories and has made a profit of 23 millions this year. We have bought a big mansion here but everything seems dull without you. Appa, please talk to me . Pleasee” She kept the phone down before she could break donw the phone. Surely lying to her father about Luhan`s richness was sinful but that was the only way of convincing mr. Psy that Luhan is a suitable guy for his daughter.


“I don`t care who she is to you. Do whatever you want with her but I am throwing her out of the house today no matter what !” Taeyeon said as she and Luhan headed back from work late at night. Luahn didn`t say anything. He didn`t know what to say now.

But as the sight of their apartment came into view their mouths fell open. The hosue was filled with Christmas lights . When they entered the house, they saw that everything had been perfectly cleaned up.


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Chapter 6: OMG! You havtya updatde author! >;O
Hyuna whyy?!~
Awh, Amber's so cute! I cried on this chapter lol.. (tbh)
Chapter 6: Ouch O.o ... jajaj Amber has a bad luck even when it comes to love? lol .. her wife cheating on her on their honeymoon? jajaj.. ouch ><!
Chapter 5: jaja omg! I couldn't stop laughing while reading all the chapters xD!! Amber... poor baby!!
spygenl #4
Chapter 5: Amber hunny D': why you so unlucky careless careless shoot anonymous anonymous.... why you so poor so my heart aching for you....
Chapter 5: Poor amber....she was just curse that's all :C keep up the good work author!!
hehe seems like my story isn`t a fail so far. Anyways I will try to write more and well Miuraa , tae is not dead haha and sorry meewa haha.
meewa321 #7
Chapter 4: AAHAHAHHA OMG I was reading this on the train looking like an idiot laughing to myself I blame you author! Ahaha Keep up the good work :)
Chapter 4: OMO! please don't tell me Taeyeon just died? NOOOOOOOO let her be alive!!
naruyu93 #9
Chapter 3: Poor Amber LOL!!!!!
Btw this is interesting!!
Like it!
hahaha well thanks guys for the wonderful comments. Haha well yeah our dear llama is jinxed beyound belief. hehe