Lutae`s nightmare or Dear Amber, you threw my wife out of the window



My POV ( Conversation in Korean.)

Meanwhile in a fabulous casino named BLUE MONEY in seoul, korea , a 22 year old man was busy making fabulous deals with gambling . He was always great in his job and he was the pet of Mr. Kim who has even promoted him to become the casino`s  wine manager . ( Seems like a stupid thing but he gets lots and lots of money for it ) .

While Luhan was busy with his own game two  ladies were busy talking to each other“ Your husband sure is one of a kind Tae . He always has that look and aura in him which makes him look dashing and powerful. Your one lucky woman aren`t you huh !” Said Stacy, a black woman who has lived in Korea after marrying a korean husband. Taeyeon had instantly became friends with her when she frist time joined the casino .

“  Haha shut up Stacy . He`s a bit of a showoff sometimes and it gets on my nerves when he gets even more cheesy if the players are women . But well he is indeed the best husband in my eyes. I can`t believe its already been three years since we got married…...”  Taeyeon said as she and Stacy handed drinks to various customers when Mr. Kim entered his Casino .

He got on a small karaoke podium and coughed to gather attention. “ Ladies and gentlemen , most of you know me. I am Kim Soo bom , the owner of this fabulous casino. Today I have come here to say that the next round of drinks of all of you are on me to CELEBRATE THE 3RD ANNVERSITY OF MY STAR DEALERTO TAEYEON.!!!!”

Everyone clapped and cheered . Luhan grabbed taeyeon and peaked a kiss of her lips. “ Happy anniversary baby , for being the best wife in the whole world. “

“ How ?” taeyeon said while trying to stop herself from blushing.

“ Because of me your dad has not talked to you for the past three years . because of me you had to move from japan to korea and because of me no other guys can take you” Luhan said with a sly smile . Taeyeon couldn’t help hugging her husband and the celebration continued till late at night.

AFTER 4 hours.

Luhan stopped his motorcycle near his house. Taeyeon snuggled close to him .

“ baby time to get off.” Luhan said .

“ No I don`t want to. “ taeyeon said childishly as she hugged him even more closely.

“ Hehe and what about our other things? Don’t you want to have fun ?” Luhan said seductively . taeyeon hit him on the head and laughed. They both went inside and instantly Luhan started kissing tayeon. “ Oh I love you soooo much.” He said as he started pressing her on the wall. Just then taeyeon`s dog Fluffy came in and interrupted their passionate kiss. Taeyone being the biggest dog lover instantly went to hug and `KISS` her dog while Luhan rolled his eyes.  He didn`t want the glorious night to be wasted so he want and grabbed taeyeon by the waist and pulled her from Fluffy.

“ Awww come on baby, forget the dog , and lets celebrate our anniversary eee…” luhan said seductively.

“ Hehe I have prepared a surprise for you actually babo . You will see it upstairs but for that you have to wait for a few minutes while I go up okay? “taeyeon said as she also passed him a naughty smile.

“ Why later huh baby?” Luhan said pouting his face.

“ because , I will transform into your dream lady . I already bought the cloth that you wanted to see me in. Soon you will see the jungle cat in her most dramatic form grrrr” And with that taeyeon quickly fled upstairs with excited leaps. Luhan stood there with an open mouth. A smile soon formed on this mouth.

“ hehe she will wear a lingere for me tonight , oh yeah oh yeah” Luhan begun dancing.

Meanwhile taeyeon , in her excited mood quickly made her way straight to the bedroom bathroom and didn`t notice a huge bulk in her bed. She closed the bathroom door to get changed while Amber was dreaming happily . So yeah she somehow didn`t know that her buddy shares a bed with a woman now. She didn`t tell Luhan about her arrival since she wanted to surprise him. She knew where he lived since they had shared letters so many times. But somehow luhan had never mentioned anyone else other then himself . But when she reached the front door she found it locked.

“ haha “ She laughed at herself. “ Why should I bother about locks when this is lu`s home. What’s his is mine and I am sure he wont mind at all if I enter the house before him. I am sure I will be able to surprise him even more now . Haha” And so with that Amber jumped from the back window and made herself  at home. She had waited and waited but her friend didn`t show up . Feeling quite tired from her travel she decided to sleep. She searched for a bedroom and found a warm and cosy one upstairs. She wore her pajamas and snuggled in the soft bed and fell asleep.

So our luhan couldn’t hold his excitement so he dragged himself in the bedroom and jumped at the sight of his dear wife hiding under the blanket. He quickly took of his outer cloths in his boxers he jumped on the bed. He started to place his fingers on top of the blanket.

“ I can`t believe you have worm a lingerie for me tonight baby. “ And he started kissing the blanket tops. “ So you want to play under the blanket huh? Well that’s okay with me hehe. You smell like chocolate tonight. Wow. And wow your short hair smells like aloe vera. “  And she begun rubbing his hands against her .

“Wait.. SHORT HAIR” Luhan suddenly shot up. Amber also woke from someone touching her and Taeyeon  came at the wrong time with the lingerie. “ Tadaaaa” She presented herself.

“ OMFG “ All the three of them shouted at the sight of each other. Luhan fell from the bed while Amber got up and taeyeon pulled her lingerie sheer as low as possible.
“OMG a psychopath has invaded our room Luhan. Call the police . “ Taeyeon screamed . Luhan quickly noticed that it was his best friend when the streetlight fell upon her face.

“ AMBER? What on earth…?” Luhan said with a shocked face while Taeyeon continued to scream in her lingerie.

“ I .. ah…” Amber managed to say when Luhan jumped on the bed and shouted at Amber to close her eyes to save his embarrassed scared wife who was still screaming like as though she saw Luhan with the same lingerie as hers. Amber pulled her hands around Luhan`s eyes. “ Not my eyes idiot. Your eyes. Close your eyes now” Luhan shouted while Taeyeon kept screaming. Amber pulled her hands around her eyes and then Taeyeon suddenly stepped on a coffee table and when she fell backwards , she fell straight through the glass window and directly down the to kitchen waste garbage bin. THUNDDD!!!

Luhan`s mouth fell open.

“ Umm.. Lu? Why  is it so quite all of a sudden. Did your wife go inside ? “ Amber said while her eyes were still covered.

“ No. She went o…out.side” Luhan managed to say while eyes still couldn’t blink.

“ Oh thank god . I am sorry for seeing her like that” Amber said as she pulled her hands from her eyes.

“Oh not outside the room silly. She went outside from the window. She fell. FELLL” Luhan shouted.

“ Oh lord “ Amber said as both of them ran outside.



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Chapter 6: OMG! You havtya updatde author! >;O
Hyuna whyy?!~
Awh, Amber's so cute! I cried on this chapter lol.. (tbh)
Chapter 6: Ouch O.o ... jajaj Amber has a bad luck even when it comes to love? lol .. her wife cheating on her on their honeymoon? jajaj.. ouch ><!
Chapter 5: jaja omg! I couldn't stop laughing while reading all the chapters xD!! Amber... poor baby!!
spygenl #4
Chapter 5: Amber hunny D': why you so unlucky careless careless shoot anonymous anonymous.... why you so poor so my heart aching for you....
Chapter 5: Poor amber....she was just curse that's all :C keep up the good work author!!
hehe seems like my story isn`t a fail so far. Anyways I will try to write more and well Miuraa , tae is not dead haha and sorry meewa haha.
meewa321 #7
Chapter 4: AAHAHAHHA OMG I was reading this on the train looking like an idiot laughing to myself I blame you author! Ahaha Keep up the good work :)
Chapter 4: OMO! please don't tell me Taeyeon just died? NOOOOOOOO let her be alive!!
naruyu93 #9
Chapter 3: Poor Amber LOL!!!!!
Btw this is interesting!!
Like it!
hahaha well thanks guys for the wonderful comments. Haha well yeah our dear llama is jinxed beyound belief. hehe