Presenting the ATOMS






She is Jinxed. ( Bad luck bad luck bad luck)

Works as a photographer and lives with her cousin Victoria and Nichkhun in America

Also works a part time job named ` CHRAM ` for team EXO ( You will know about it later

Recently turned 20 years old and celebrated a birthday with massive earthquakes and thunderstorms.



She lives an independent life ( She always wanted to )

Works as a wall pattern and window designer in Korea .

Recently moved to Korea from America because she wanted to live by herself.

She is 18 and has finally earned a driving  license ( Don`t let her drive if your life is dear to you)



Amber`s best buddy in Korea. Also Taeyeon`s hubby

Works in a fabulous casino and bar named BLUE MONEY in korea

He loves is wife so much and leads the perfect married life he always dreamt of.



Luhan`s gorgeous wifey

Works is the same casino as a waitress .

She loves her husband and her dog , Fluffy.

She wants to have twins .



Krystal` s brother  in America

Works as an FBI agent in a top secret quarter

Lives by himself in America after his sister left for korea so pursue her own path.

He is cold towards everyone accept his only baby sister.

P:S He loves torturing criminals


Mr. Psy

Taeyeon`s dad in Japan.

He owns a hot spring spa and lives with his old mother.

He is hurt by Taeyeon when she refused to marry the man of his choice.

He spends his time riding horses  and shouting at his workers.

P;S  open gangnam style



The romantic girlish nose poker

Has a fake French accent and ows a resort in korea.

He loves jocking but his jokes are not funny.


Mrs. Luciana ( Aka LUCY)

A middle aged Korean American millionare lady.

She is a lonely life and owns a huge mansion .

( Mr. Psy , you better watch out. But shes got money you know )




BLUE MONEY`S owner Mr. Kim`s daughter.

She is known for her simplicity and shy attitude ( That’s what they thought)

Little does people know whats behind her mask.


Mr. Kim

Owner of BLUE MONEY. 

An overweight man who has less sense but more money.

Loves his casino more than his family.


And many many more......



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Chapter 6: OMG! You havtya updatde author! >;O
Hyuna whyy?!~
Awh, Amber's so cute! I cried on this chapter lol.. (tbh)
Chapter 6: Ouch O.o ... jajaj Amber has a bad luck even when it comes to love? lol .. her wife cheating on her on their honeymoon? jajaj.. ouch ><!
Chapter 5: jaja omg! I couldn't stop laughing while reading all the chapters xD!! Amber... poor baby!!
spygenl #4
Chapter 5: Amber hunny D': why you so unlucky careless careless shoot anonymous anonymous.... why you so poor so my heart aching for you....
Chapter 5: Poor amber....she was just curse that's all :C keep up the good work author!!
hehe seems like my story isn`t a fail so far. Anyways I will try to write more and well Miuraa , tae is not dead haha and sorry meewa haha.
meewa321 #7
Chapter 4: AAHAHAHHA OMG I was reading this on the train looking like an idiot laughing to myself I blame you author! Ahaha Keep up the good work :)
Chapter 4: OMO! please don't tell me Taeyeon just died? NOOOOOOOO let her be alive!!
naruyu93 #9
Chapter 3: Poor Amber LOL!!!!!
Btw this is interesting!!
Like it!
hahaha well thanks guys for the wonderful comments. Haha well yeah our dear llama is jinxed beyound belief. hehe