
Last Stand

I guess I would just have to wait until tomorrow to set things straight...

But I knew I would.



I woke up the next day, still completely drained. Next to my head, the most annoying machine created in human history was still blaring. I groaned, summoning all my energy just to throw back the covers and sit up. I dreaded touching the freezing floor with my bare feet, but anything was better than getting yelled at that director again. I winced, touching my aching ears. Who knew someone could yell that loud, even without a megaphone?

Finally, I sauntered to the bathroom and sighed in relief as the cold wooden floor under my feet was replaced by a fuzzy carpet.

I stared at my complexion in the mirror, dissatisfied by my appearance. Deep bags lounged right under my eyes, broadcasting the fact that I had barely slept for over a week.

After much delay, I put on all my clothes and slowly began to drag myself toward the shooting place. What a fitting name, I thought. We might as well get shot there, for how dead I feel afterwards.

I stood in front of my hotel, awaiting my when I saw a familiar figure making its way toward me.


Jiyong sprinted toward Seunghyun, heart leaping for joy as he saw the familiar face. “Seunghyun!” he yelled, trying to catch his attention.

Seunghyun stared at Jiyong, not believing his eyes. Recalling their past conversation, Seunghyun asked, “Ji, how are you… why are you…?”

Jiyong smiled, out of breath from running. He huffed as he said, “I have a Japanese CF to do, and I just thought I’d stop by and…” Jiyong’s words faded as did his smile.

Now’s the moment, he told himself. Here’s your chance. Don’t mess it up.

“S-stop by and say that…” Jiyong’s words knocked together, his throat suddenly felt dry and his heart was beating a million miles per hour.

“Say that I l-l-l-o…”

“Ya! Choi Seunghyun!”

Seunghyun whipped his head toward the road, hearing the familiar voice.

His devil director stood there, his arms folded menacingly. “You’re late, again! I’ve been calling your name ever since you came down to the street! How did you not hear me?”

Seunghyun stood, dumbfounded. Why was his director here? Shouldn’t he be setting up the set?

“I’m tired of your tardiness Choi! You better get your act together or I’ll…” the director stopped his rant as he noticed Jiyong. “Is this your friend? Send him away, you have to film now! It’s your job, dammit!”

Seunghyun finally pulled out of his stupor and turned to Jiyong, sheepishly smiling. “Sorry Ji, you better tell me later. It looks like I have to-” Seunghyun’s words turned into a grunt of pain, courtesy of his director who was pulling his ear.

“I said to send him away, not make more small talk!” Seunghyun’s director screeched. The man stomped away, Seunghyun in tow.

Jiyong could only stare, frozen, as the car sped off.


What happened?

I was confessing to Seunghyun, and then… that man just-

I don’t ev-

I can’t even-

I- What?

Jiyong finally came to when he heard his name, followed by some familiar screams. “It’s G-Dragon! Omo it’s really him! Why is he here? Is he meeting someone in the hotel?”

Jiyong groaned, not willing to deal with that right now. I’m trying to confess to the love of my life! Please, just leave me alone for just a little bit!

He sighed, flipped his collar up and quickly walked away, hoping no one else would notice him.

The walk from Seunghyun’s hotel to his own was a long but not unwelcome one. Jiyong was thankful for a time to just think about what happened, but more importantly, what he was going to do.

As he felt the cold on his skin, he suddenly thought of an idea.



I sat on a bench, grateful for the temporary rest. My legs were aching from all the running in the drama, and I knew this break was ending soon. For the millionth time, I asked myself why I ever agreed to act in this drama.

As my body rested, my mind began to wander. Immediately, I thought of Jiyong. What was he doing, coming to my hotel that early in the morning? How did he even know where my hotel was in the first place?

…Where was he now?

I had tried hard to suppress my feelings, and I even put a bit of distance between us, to allow Jiyong to organize his thoughts and calm down. But what now? He was here, in Japan, and he wanted to see me.

Wanted to “tell me something.”

I knew it was a lost cause, but even this made my heart leap in hope. I couldn’t deny the fact that I wanted nothing else but for Jiyong to return to me, and these actions – whether intentional or inadvertent – made me dream.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone enter the studio. Thinking it strange, I got up and went to the door, only to find myself dumbstruck by my own imagination.

There stood my love, my Jiyong, in his full glory, dressed in a delicious V-neck that exposed just enough of his chest, and those jeans…

I snapped my mouth shut and slowly massaged my temples. Stop it, Seunghyun, I told myself, Stop hallucinating. This is going too far.

I felt Jiyong’s hand on my shoulder, his sweet voice penetrating my ears and I almost fainted. Did this happen to normal people? Was it even possible for hallucinations to have sound and touch?

“Ya, Bingu Seunghyun!” Jiyong yelled, snapping me out of my panic. “Aren’t you going to greet me?”

I stared at him, mouth slightly open. “J-Jiyong, are you actually there?”

He rolled his eyes and handed me a coffee I didn’t notice before. “I bought this for you,” he said, ducking his head down, a slight blush on his cheeks. “It’s your favorite, with extra whipped cream and chocolate sauce.”

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

I couldn’t believe my ears.

Heck, I couldn’t believe that I was actually awake at that moment.

I stuttered incoherently, trying to spell out words of thanks. After a minute of trying, Jiyong cut me off, patting my shoulder and whispering “You’re welcome.”

Still frozen, I gripped the coffee Jiyong gave me and continued staring at the man who stood in front of me. Sensing my gaze, Jiyong looked away from the window and met my eyes for the first time in weeks.

I lost myself in those eyes, those mesmerizing eyes that I forgot were so beautiful. Without thinking, I blurted, “Jiyong, you’re beautiful.”

He was surprised, but he recovered quickly. “T-thanks, hyung.”

I was barely focusing on his words, however, as I was studying his every habit. The way his Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed, the nervous flicker of his eyes, the way he would his lips every once in a while was driving me insane.

Jiyong cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable from my unfaltering stare. “I wanted to tell you something, remember? This morning?”

Finally, the clouds cleared in my head and I gathered what was left of my frazzled brain. “That’s right, you came to my hotel. What was it you wanted to…” my voice trailed off as I again was lost in his beauty.

This time, Jiyong wasn’t as forgiving. I felt his hand across my face as he demanded my full attention. “Choi Seunghyun! Would you give me your attention, please?” he said, voice louder and a bit strained.

I nodded.

He wasn’t convinced.

His expression changed from frustrated to brooding, and finally to mischievous.  “You leave me no choice.”

The next thing I was aware of were his lips against mine, pressing me into a simple, sweet kiss.


Shipallthepeople, why are you updating slower than when you had finals?

The world may never know.

In other news, I have an upvote. I... I cannot even begin to express my thanks. I love you, melonsmash. I truly do.

And for all you commenters and subbers, I love you too.

Thank you.

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Chapter 8: ha! conveniently listening to monster when suddenly...
i think I'm sick, I think I'm sick
talk about foreshadowing
Anisoara #2
Chapter 2: I was reading this chapter and my twitter pops up posted "Elvis Presley-Love me tender. " omg .. My heart!!!!
Chapter 18: Awww this was really ... it was sad and angsty but in the end it was happy ^^
Chapter 18: Just re-read this wonderful story, you know while I wait for the next update of "It's All an Act" (nudge) it is still as wonderful at the first time!
llvip59 #5
Chapter 18: Aaaaaw I loved the ending cx n I liked how it was dramatic n suspenseful n heartwarming it was a great story c:
Chapter 18: Aww to cute i love the story (:
Mii-yoh #7
Chapter 18: This story is AMAZING. Like really. Hehe~
I have been reading it and I just realized... That it's 2 in the morning... O_o
anyways... XD I really enjoyed it ^o^
Please write more stories that are so awsome autor-sama! :D (since it ended in Japan I tought that I can use a Japanese honorific XD)
okay I have to sleep now .___. byeee~~
Chapter 18: I love this, I really like how they were able to get through jiyong's sickness and misunderstandings and finally be together ♥
blockb-bbc #9
Chapter 18: Awwwwww this was an amazing story!