The Studio

Oppa! Why can't I see you?

"Oppa!" Hyun puffed her cheeks as she held onto Kyuhyun’s hand

"Da~e?" Kyuhyun lazily replied

"OPPA! Where are we going?!" Hyun yelled as she stopped in her tracks

"Hyun! We can’t stop right here! Do you wanna get hurt?!" Kyuhyun scolded Hyun

"Anniyo" Hyun pouted and followed her brother

--1 hour later--

"See. I told you it’d take a while to get to my workplace!" Kyuhyun looked back at Hyun who was frowning

"Well I wanted to come either way!" Hyun crossed her arms "You’re not even supposed to have a job if you’re going to school! Umma and Appa will work! All you have to do is study!"

"If you say so" Kyuhyun pinched Hyun’s cheek "But I like earning my own money"

"Hmph!" Hyun pursed her lips as her head lowered

"Stop with your temper tantrums" Kyuhyun hugged Hyun "We need to hurry unless you want me to be late"

"Araso" Hyun grabbed Kyuhyun’s hand and followed his lead as they climbed up the stairs

"Watch your step okay" Kyuhyun glanced back at Hyun from time to time as they traveled to the studio where Kyuhyun was going to be shooting Foresight

"Araso" Hyun nodded and her nose tingled "It stinks oppa. Does it always smell like this?"

"Hm?" Kyuhyun turned around and looked at Hyun who ran into him

"Oppa!" Hyun hit Kyuhyun’s arm "Why’d you stop walking?!"

"Well you asked me if it always smelled?" Kyuhyun chuckled at his sister’s silliness "What smell? I don’t smell anything weird"

"Oppa" Hyun shook her head "It smells like sweat and food mixed together, which reminds me, I’m hungry oppa. Get me some food or I’ll starve!"

"Who made you queen?" Kyuhyun ruffled Hyun’s hair "Follow me and I’ll get you something to eat"

"You never told me why it stinks" Hyun took steady steps as she followed her brother

"It probably smells since there are some bands who are practicing on their dances and whatnot. Food smells are because--"

"There’s food ten feet away in that direction!" Hyun pointed forward

"Heh" Kyuhyun smiled "How’d you know?"

"Because I have a keen sense of smell" Hyun smiled proudly "When one cannot see the other senses kick in and kick !"

"I like your analogy there" Kyuhyun shook his head "Now what do you want to eat?"

"Give me bread!"

"Bread?" Kyuhyun rose a brow

"Da~e" Hyun nodded

"Araso" Kyuhyun gave Hyun a loaf of bread

--10 minutes later--

"Alex?" Kyuhyun had his phone to his ear

"Ye~ah" Alex rubbed her eyes as she looked at the collar ID "What is it?"

"Are you coming to the studio?" Kyuhyun whispered into his phone as he took quick glances at Hyun who was sitting on a chair eating her almost finished loaf of bread happily by herself

"Why would I go there?" Alex groaned "Do you want me to get mobbed again by ELF’s?"

"………….No" Kyuhyun mumbled

"Then why do you want me to come?" Alex sighed "Is there any significance to why I am going to be over at the studio?"


"Kyuhyun!" Alex yelled over the phone

"………….I need you to watch my sister" Kyuhyun bit his lip

"………….Why didn’t you say so earlier?" Alex rolled her eyes

"You mean you will?" Kyuhyun’s face began to brighten

"You’re lucky I like her. And now you owe me" Alex groaned but Kyuhyun could hear her bed creaking

"Just woke up?" Kyuhyun smirked

"So what if I did?" Alex grumbled

"Nothing" Kyuhyun chuckled "Just get here soon okay. I need to get in the set for Foresight"

"Yeah. Yeah. Bye." Alex hung up

"Goodbye." Kyuhyun smiled a bit as he closed his phone

"Who was that on the phone?" Eunhyuk tapped Kyuhyun’s shoulder making him jump

"Hyung! What was that for?!"

"Who were you talking to on the phone?" Leeteuk walked next to Eunhyuk’s side

"None of your business" Kyuhyun walked away from the guys and looked at where Hyun was sitting.

"Where’s Hyun?" Kyuhyun turned around and stared at Eunhyuk and Leeteuk

"You brought her along?" Eunhyuk rose a brow

"Where is she?" Leeteuk looked past Kyuhyun

"That’s what I wanna know!" Kyuhyun yelled

"How do you lose your sister?" Eunhyuk chuckled

"This isn’t something to laugh about hyung!" Kyuhyun glared at Eunhyuk "My sister is missing. My sister is blind! If I don’t find her then I’m dead! My parents are going to kill me if I tell them that I lost their baby girl!"

"Well then what are you yelling at us for?" Eunhyuk rose is hands up in defense

"True" Kyuhyun looked down at the ground then back up at Eunhyuk and Leeteuk

"What?" they both blinked

"You two are going to help me look for her" Kyuhyun pointed at them both "Tell everyone to be on the lookout for a blind girl. If anyone finds her contact me immediately! Knowing Hyun, she couldn’t have gone that far. She’s somewhere in the studio, I just don’t know where." 


hahaha. sorry for the lateISH update. i have been having NO insperation and i just thought of something really funny and i also have a craving for bread right now! probably the reason why i had hyun eat bread? lol. but i hope you all liked the update. if i feel like it ill update again later tonight but most likely no since im hungry and i havent eaten since like.........12? yeah......its been 8 hours since ive eaten. but thank you all for reading and subscribe/comment. i like comments they make me smile. REALLY big XD hahaha ^^ but i gotta go now. im gonna eat. chao! byebye! annyeong!

aniimeefann out! v(>__<)/"

PS : Ive been working on this new poise since my friends say that im like sailor moon! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! lol. but im gonna check out sailor moon to see how she does it ^^ lol annyeong! byebye! v[^w^]/"

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Please update soon. T.T
eastseaelfish #2
update soon~
so cute and adorable !!! and funny love it :))
hahahahahaha. hyun is effing hilarious :'D ah, the innocence. kibum + hyun = cute!
midnightfantasy #5
ayee!!!I can't wait for the next update!!!!weeh! Hyun is so cuute!!!hahaha...she kinda remind me of Luna from Harry Potter..and Kibum and her? waah! cute!!
aww hyun and kibum <3<br />
Update soon please!!
hyun and kibum! CUTE!! ^^
so Kibum and Hyun cute!
StrawberryMinz #9
OMG !! ~ please please update soon !! (:<br />
Great job on the story ^^ I love it <3