SMEntertainment people

Oppa! Why can't I see you?

Hyun’s POV

“We are SHINee!” I heard a group of boys shout and jumped a bit

“Oh. Okay. Are you really that bright?” I mean, being SHINY? They should be really bright!

“Hyun. This is a band. They’re famous. And my friend Kibum is here” Alex patted my head…I think and did she just say…

“Kibum?! Kibum! Let’s go shopping again!” I yelled

“Not Kibum, your brother’s friend. Well, I guess they are friends, but this is Key, Kibum” Alex chuckled

“KEY?!” I dropped my jaw “LIKE A KEY TO A LOCKET?!”

“Yes. That’s me” I heard Key’s voice

“Come here!” I stuck my hands out and waited for a face to come close “Where are you?!”

“Hyun” Alex pushed my hands down

“Yes” I nodded

“You’re blocking the way” she sighed

“Who’s way?” I tilted my head cutely

“SHINee’s way” she chuckled

“Oh. But I know KEY!” I raised my hand and smiled

“That’s good to know” she patted my head again and grabbed my hand

“What’s going on?” I pouted

“We have to get going! There are a LOT more people for you to meet!” she pulled me and ran to places that I could not see. But that’s okay since I like surprises! *smile*

“Alex? Where are we going now?” I blinked as we ran up and down and zig zag and any other way that you could move

“AH! THERE HE IS!” Alex pulled me and ran REALLY fast in a VERY straight line. Haha. Straight.

“Jino!” she yelled and stopped while panting, is it that tiring to run? Well, I do run a lot……*nods*

“Yeah” I heard a male voice and listened for him “What is it noona?”

“What did I tell you about calling me that?” Alex sounded like she was pouting

“Y-yeah. A-Alex” the male voice stuttered

“UWAH! He’s so cute!” I voiced my thoughts, which is what I ALWAYS do…now that I realize it. Hehe~

“E-eh?” the voice cracked and I heard it clearer than ever

“Are you facing me?” I blinked curiously

“Yes, Hyun. He is facing you. And this is Cho Jino” Alex introduced me to this guy

“CHO?!” I yelled “*pats self on chest* I AM A CHO TOO! *raises hand* I AM CHO HYUN!”

“Ah.” Jino seemed to be stuck on words

“It’s okay. I can’t see you” I whispered “You don’t have to worry about not looking nice”

“I don’t look nice?” he sounded hurt

“NO! NONONONONONONONONONO! Not like THAT!” I shook my head and hands “I can’t see though. I’m blind”

“Wha--?” Jino sounded confused

“Jino. She is terribly blind. She CANNOT see at all. Under ANY circumstances. She CANNOT see.” Alex nodded

“Oh. I’m sorry~” Jino apologized, and I think he bowed since his voice sounded like it got softer…as in it moved to a different spot

“NO! That’s okay! I’m fine! I’m still Hyun! So everything is ‘AY’ Okay!” I gave a double thumbs up one after another

“Oof!” I heard Alex muffle

“Alex?” I reached my hands out “Where did you go?”

“It’s okay!” Alex sounded like she was breathing deeply for air “I just got tackled by something

“Alex, you sound angry” I pouted

“No” she grabbed my shoulders “I was just surprised by Yunho”


“Yes Hyun, the ROCK man” Alex chuckled and took my hand taking me away

“Bye Jino!” I waved my hand in the air hoping that he could see. I hate leaving people behind

“Hyun, Jino already left a while ago” Alex lead me to another spot

“Oh” I pursed my lips and followed obediently “Then I’m okay! Yay! Hehe~ that rhymed! *smile*”

“Okay Hyun. Now be ready. These people are very scary!” Alex whispered in my ear

“What?” I whispered back

“Yeah” Alex spoke normally and pulled me somewhere “Beware! OF Dong Ban Shin Ki!”

“A disease?” my mouth quivered “I don’t wanna die yet! I haven’t even seen anyone! UWAH! *covers face*”

“Hyun. We are not scary” I heard Yunho speak

“Rock man?” I listened for his voice and wandered around bumping into something “Ah! *bow* Mianhe *touch in front* ……….pole. *bow* Mianhe”

“Hyun, that’s Changmin” Alex chuckled and held the sides of my shoulders

“Oh. Mianhe Changmin ajushi” I bowed and smiled “You’re not hurt right? *raises hand* Oh yes! And I am Hyun!”

“O….okay” I heard a male voice

“Are you Changmin?” I asked the voice

“Yes” it answered me back

“Yosh! I was right!” I victory danced to myself

“Okay! Now Hyun, onto the next stage!” Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me away to another spot.

EVERYWHERE! That is all I can say. I went EVERYWHERE with Alex and then we came back to Kyuhyun who was finished with his job and I want to know what he does for his job~ But I will ask him next time since, well, I shouldn’t bother him. Aha~

SO now I’m back home and Kyuhyun is with me but Alex has to leave now since her brother doesn’t like her staying alone with Kyuhyun….but I’ll be here so how is she alone? I have no idea how Donghae’s mind works~ But omo! Kyuhyun! I’m not talking out loud! And it’s dark! And I don’t know where I am! And Kyuhyun! OPPA!

“KYUHYUN OPPA!” I screamed in terror


 “WHAT?!” I heard Kyuhyun’s voice yell frightened that something happened

“I just wanted to hear your voice. I got scared since….I…….couldn’t……….see anything……”

“Oh. Well I’m just making some food so--” 

“No!” I shook my head “I am not eating your food!”


“Last time I ate your food I choked on a chicken bone while eating macaroni and cheese! How is that even possible?!” I blinked evilly

“It won’t happen again”

“No! Order out!” I pouted and pointed to somewhere random

“Fine. I’ll order out”

“Okay. Love you!” I smiled and sent Kyuhyun oppa an air kiss  

Ah……being innocent helps……whatever innocent is…….hehehe….*evil grin* 


I UPDATED! YAYYYY! AND ITS SPRING BREAK BABY! YAYYYYY! YEAH-YUH! i hope you enjoyed and annyeong! sorry its boring~ T^T. annyeong!

aniimeefann out! v(^w^)/"

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Please update soon. T.T
eastseaelfish #2
update soon~
so cute and adorable !!! and funny love it :))
hahahahahaha. hyun is effing hilarious :'D ah, the innocence. kibum + hyun = cute!
midnightfantasy #5
ayee!!!I can't wait for the next update!!!!weeh! Hyun is so cuute!!!hahaha...she kinda remind me of Luna from Harry Potter..and Kibum and her? waah! cute!!
aww hyun and kibum <3<br />
Update soon please!!
hyun and kibum! CUTE!! ^^
so Kibum and Hyun cute!
StrawberryMinz #9
OMG !! ~ please please update soon !! (:<br />
Great job on the story ^^ I love it <3