Now I meet ROCK MAN!

Oppa! Why can't I see you?

“WHERE DID SHE GO NOW?!” Kyuhyun screamed

Key and Donghae both shrugged

“Aish!” Kyuhyun ruffled his hair “And to think I finally found her…again!”


Hyun’s POV

I hear footsteps……*tap.tap.tap*……I don’t like this feeling. I feel like I’m being followed……hm…..

“Excuse me!” I turned around, or at least I think I did, I mean I placed my….*sticks up right hand then left*…my right foot over my left foot and spun. I hoped I’m turned ALL the way around~……..Oh. No more footsteps…

“Never mind!” I turned around again….or I think I did and walked forward


“What is this rock thing I ran into?” I rubbed my forehead “I hope I didn’t walk into a wall~”

“Um~” I heard a male voice, well… never know! But I think it’s a male voice *smile*

“Yes!” I bowed and smiled widely

“I’m over here” the voice replied

“Oh. Sorry!” I drew myself closer to the voice and placed my hands in front of me feeling a rock, a very bumpy rock “What is this rock thing?! I am NOW certain I did not run into a wall!”

“Yes. I am not a wall” the voice laughed a bit

“Why are you finding my hurt funny? Do you think that it’s nice to pick on a blind person?” I pouted

“No” he chuckled

“I think you are~” I crossed my arms

“I am not” he placed his hands on my shoulder

And now I am certain that he’s a HE since his hands are practically…..well they’re very big compared to my shoulders. Let’s put it that way!

“Oh really now? I’m telling my oppa”

“You do that now” he released his grip on my shoulders “But who is he? Do I know him?”

“How should I know?” I puffed my cheeks “For all I know, so far, you’re a rock”

“Haha. You’re cute” he ruffled my hair

“So who are you?” I pursed my lips

“You can’t tell by looking?” he chuckled a bit

“Um~ HELLO~!” I pointed at my face, I think, I mean of course I did! Duh~ “I’m blind!”

“I can tell, but how blind are you?”

“Can you just let me know who you are?” I shook my head

“Tell me who your brother is first, then I’ll tell you…..maybe~”

“NO!” I yelled

“Well then I’m going to have to kick you out” he turned me around and started pushing me to move

“You can’t!” I rebelled

“Why is that?”

“You can’t leave a blind person in the middle of nowhere!’s just like leaving a baby… a……*think think*……a…… a--in a SOMETHING! You know what I mean right?! It’s just not good!”

“How blind are you again?”

“Tell me your name and then I will reveal……OMO! ARE YOU A SECRET AGENT LIKE ALEX?!”

“A what?”

“I feel special. Alex wouldn’t reveal that she was a secret agent, but I was smart. So I figured it out myself!”

“Alex is a secret agent? For what?”

“You know Alex?!.......Okay. I trust you. I shall reveal my secret”

“And *chuckle* your secret is….?”

I motioned for him to come closer with both my hands and as soon as I reached out I searched for his ear and grabbed it pulling it close to my mouth

“What are you--”

“I am as blind as a unicorn” I whispered cupping my hands around his ear then took a step back “Unicorns are blind right? Like really REALLY blind. Like I can’t see at all!”


I nodded and smiled cheekily “And my oppa is K--” 

“HYUN!” I heard Kyuhyun oppa yell and whipped my head around in the direction his voice came from as I spread my arms wide


“Come hug me!” I stuck my tongue out and smiled

“Okay” Kyuhyun hugged me

I can tell. He’s tall and skinny and I can hear his heart beat. That’s good. He’s still alive. Phew~!

“You’re still alive” I rested my head on Kyuhyun’s head and closed my eyes….not that it would make much of a difference but…..*sigh* keeping them open is too much of a hassle! Just because I can’t see doesn’t mean that my eyes have to be open the entire time! I need to close and blink my eyes too! Aha~

“It’s good that I’m alive” Kyuhyun patted my head hugging it tight

“I’m suffocating!” I pushed away from Kyuhyun “I feel like I’m forgetting somethi-- OMO! Kyuhyun! Who is this guy with me! *point*”

“Are you talking about Yunho?”

“Is he a rock?”


“Then no! It’s a rock man!”

“Hyun. There is no such thing as a rock man”

“Yes there is! I ran into one!”

“No you did not. You ran into a wall or a very big man”

“Well it was hard and bumpy like a rock! That’s what I ran into”

“Then dan-da-da-dan! I present to you…..drum roll please…..*I pat my thighs like a drum roll*…..Jung Yunho!”


“What?” Kyuhyun questioned me

“He is not Yunho!” I scrunched my face “He is not a yoon whatever that is, and he is DEFINITELY NOT a hoe! He’s male. Males are not hoes. Are they?”

“You can have that talk with Alex. She’ll be here soon”

“But he is not Yunho and okay I will talk with Alex!”

“I am Yunho” the voice spoke

“You are?” I dropped my jaw

“Yes” Yunho answered

“You’re a hoe?!” I covered my face

“NO!” he sounded a bit ticked off

“Okay then. Good thing that’s settled. Well it’s nice to meet you Yunho! Who are you? Or actually, what I mean is, what are you?”

“I’m a singer and actor and dancer and…..I’m a member of DBSK. I’m famous”


“Mhm~” he mumbled

I searched for Kyuhyun and pulled his ear down to my mouth whispering “Why didn’t you tell me this guy was famous?!”

“Uh~ I am this guy” Yunho stuttered

“Sorry Yunho” I released his ear and sighed “KYUHYUN OPPA! I AM MAD AT YOU!”

“What?!” Kyuhyun seemed shocked, don’t you go all shocked on me!

“What’s going on here?” I heard Alex’s voice

“Alex unni!” I had a large grin plastered on my face

“Don’t call me unni, well just call me Alex” Alex sighed

“Okay unn--Alex!” I giggled

“Good” she patted my head

“Can we go somewhere….not by my oppa?” I asked Alex biting my lip

“Sure!” Alex grabbed my hand and led me….somewhere

“Where are you go--” I heard Kyuhyun’s voice in the distance

“Where are we going?” I innocently asked Alex

“We’re gonna go meet some of my friends”



thank you all for being patient and waitng....I TOTALLY APOLOGIZE! My writing thing at home was not working....well on one of my laptops....the one i write on and it just wouldnt turn on AT ALL! soooo.....sorryyyyyy. TT^TT but i got 2 pictures of hyun drawn! i shall paste them! YAYYYYY!



 haha. the first picture is the first one i drew. and ahaha. kyuhyun is the one who dresses her up since all her outfits are not as extravagent as i would actually draw......thats one reason....the other is because it takes SOOOOOO long to color these. this is what i did in my spare time! this and i have another new story coming out! its gonna be a drama! T^T but yeah~ so i'm sorry like UBERLY SORRY for updating so late and thank you all for reading! annyeong!

aniimeefann out! v[^w^]/"


Hyun : Omo! Why can't i see the picture! Give me my surgery already! KYUHYUN OPPA! ........i wanna know what i look like! *smile*

Kyuhyun : Wait. There is no schedules for any person with.......there are no doners!

Alex : Way to break it to her

Kyuhyun : What does that mean?

Hyun : Yeah. I dont get it? does it mean that oppa is gonna break me?

Kyuhyun and Alex : .........*silence*.......*cricket cricket*........

Hyun : Oh well! I'll ask umma and appa when they get back. Alex let's run quick so oppa cant catch us!

Alex : Wait! I dont want to.

Hyun : Yeah~ Running means using energy, which means using ATP, which means eating alot, which means getting fat.......i think?

Alex : How did you come up with that conclusion?

Clea : Finally! You're on again!

Donghae : I found her maknae! MAKNAE! MAKNAEEEEEE! I FOUND HYUN!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND YOUR SISTER!!!!!!

Kyuhyun : Shut up hyung. i'm right here,

Donghae : Dont sass me! im your hyung!

Kyuhyun : And im awesome!

Donghae : Wh--

Kyuhyun : You cant beat the facts!

Donghae : ........

Hyun : He's got a point you know~

Alex : Save it Hyun. he cant take in too much information at once. he is a fish

Hyun : So he IS a fish!


Alex : I came to play with Hyun. Not you

Donghae : But--

Alex : You see me everyday! And i just met Hyun!

Donghae : But--

Alex : NO! we need bonding time!

Donghae : But--

Alex : I said no BUTS!  

Donghae : .......*pout*........

Hyun : It's okay fish. I'll be your friend! *pats Donghae's head*

Clea : Why are you patting my head?

Uki : Be happy it's your head and not your

Clea : haha. true *smile*


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Please update soon. T.T
eastseaelfish #2
update soon~
so cute and adorable !!! and funny love it :))
hahahahahaha. hyun is effing hilarious :'D ah, the innocence. kibum + hyun = cute!
midnightfantasy #5
ayee!!!I can't wait for the next update!!!!weeh! Hyun is so cuute!!!hahaha...she kinda remind me of Luna from Harry Potter..and Kibum and her? waah! cute!!
aww hyun and kibum <3<br />
Update soon please!!
hyun and kibum! CUTE!! ^^
so Kibum and Hyun cute!
StrawberryMinz #9
OMG !! ~ please please update soon !! (:<br />
Great job on the story ^^ I love it <3