A Strange Call

Oppa! Why can't I see you?

Oh! Darling don’t you ever grow up! Don’t you ever grow up! Just stay this little~

Alex’s ringtone went off and she reached out for her phone

“Yea?” Alex mumbled into her phone

“A-Alex?” Hyun’s voice quivered on the other line

Alex’s eyes popped open and she sat up in bed “WHAT HAPPENED?!”

“Uh~” Hyun choked on her words “I don’t know what’s going on…but someone wants to talk with you…here you go sir”

“SIR?!” Alex jumped out of bed and ran out of her room storming Kyuhyun’s room “HYUN! DON’T YOU GIVE THE PHONE TO SOMEONE ELSE AND KYUHYUN! GET UP! YOUR SISTER IS IN TROUBLE! CHO KYUHYUN! GET UP NOW!”

Alex kicked Kyuhyun off his bed and he looked up at her smiling like an idiot

“Good morning” Kyuhyun smirked scratching his head “And what did I do to deserve being kicked out of my own bed?”

“KYUHYUN! NO FUNNY BUSINESS! HYUN IS IN TROUBLE! SOMETHING HAPPENED TO HER!” Alex yelled as she heard a man speak over the phone and she placed it to her ear once again “WAIT! WHAT DID YOU SAY?!”

“WHAT?!” Kyuhyun sat up and popped his eyes open

“SHHH!” Alex hushed Kyuhyun and apologized to the person on the other line

“I’m sorry to bother you, but are you the guardian of the young lady who was on the phone before?” the man asked a bit tired

“Um…well her brother is right here” Alex bit her lip “Would you like to talk with him?”

“Could you please give him the phone then?” the man calmly replied

Alex gave Kyuhyun the phone and he stared at it for a long minute

“I’m Hyun’s br-brother” Kyuhyun talked into the phone

“Would you mind coming down to XXXX hospital now and picking up your sister then?”

Kyuhyun froze and dropped the phone as his eyes rolled back.

“Kyuhyun?” Alex stared at Kyuhyun and shook his shoulder causing him to fall over

Kyuhyun wouldn’t budge and Alex grabbed the phone out of his hands

“Stupid Kyu!” Alex rolled her eyes and spoke into the phone “Excuse me, but what did you tell Hyun’s brother? He seems to have fainted…”

“Well then, would you mind coming to XXXX hospital?”

Alex’s POV

The words are echoing in my head

XXXX hospital



What happened to Hyun…?

Why is she in the hospital…?

I looked over at Donghae who was sitting next to me. I saw Kibum holding Kyuhyun in the back trying to snap him out of his trance. Sungmin was crying and Siwon was probably praying. Eunhyuk was talking on the phone, probably with Clea, telling her about what was going on. Uki was sobbing with Ryeowook as he was trying to help her stop, but miserably failed since he began crying as well. Heechul and Leeteuk were in a really deep conversation probably going over what they were gonna do about this…Yesung…he was sleeping and Shindong was doing breathing exercises or something. Henry and Zhoumi were both crying together. Yeah. I ended up telling everyone about what happened. We decided to take the bus to go see Hyun and EVERYONE wanted to come…I said for everyone to come one at a time so the paparazzi wouldn’t get suspicious and so Hyun wouldn’t find out about Kyuhyun being…famous but they just all decided to come together…*sigh* not my problem, that’s Kyuhyun’s problem

“Alex?” Donghae shook my shoulder and I looked back at him


“What did the man say again?” Donghae choked on his words

“He said that Hyun’s in the E.R. because something happened and we need Kyuhyun there for her to…I DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED OKAY! STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!”

The van got quiet and so did everyone else in the car.

“We’re here” the driver stopped the van and I stood up grabbing Kyuhyun as he slowly walked out of the van behind me. I walked up to the hospital and gulped walking inside ready for the worst thing possible and then I saw Hyun sitting outside the Emergency room talking with a nurse

“Hyun!” I yelled and her head turned my way

“Alex!” she stood up but fell to the ground

…What happened?

“Hyun, what happened…” I looked behind her and saw the nurse walk towards me and bowed slightly

“Are you a friend of Hyun’s?” the nurse smiled at me

“Yes” I nodded and looked behind me and pointed at Kyuhyun who was half dead “This guy is her brother though”

“Oh!” the nurse held her hand to and her eyes widened in delight “Is that…?!”

I smiled and whispered “Could you please not freak out, Hyun doesn’t know too much about her brother”

“O-Oh y-yes!” the nurse nodded happily

“Thank you” I smiled and pulled Kyuhyun over too Hyun “Look bedhead! It’s Hyun!”

Hyun’s eyes popped open and her hands searched for Kyuhyun

“Oppa?” she smiled softly

“H-H-Hyun?” Kyuhyun grabbed Hyun’s face and hugged her tightly

“Y-yeah” Hyun smiled “I missed you oppa”

“You’re safe!” Kyuhyun squeezed Hyun

“O-Oppa--…I c-can’t…b-breathe--” Hyun gasped for air

“O-Oh!” Kyuhyun released Hyun from his hug and kissed Hyun’s forehead “Sorry! I’m just happy that you’re safe!”

“O-Okay oppa~” Hyun rested her head on Kyuhyun’s chest and sighed

“What’s wrong?” Kyuhyun looked down at Hyun

Hyun bit her lip and pushed Kyuhyun away from herself “I need to tell you something oppa”

Kyuhyun looked shocked and scared. I’ve never seen him like this. It was like when I told him he was never gonna have a chance with me…but he seems more…scared than anything else…

“What happened?” Kyuhyun’s voice suddenly went serious

I don’t know about you but Kyuhyun’s serious voice is SCARY! It sends chills down my spine…it’s like he’s angry or something…

I looked over at Hyun and she was turning her head away from Kyuhyun. What happened? Hyun’s never acted like this before… 

WAHHHHHHHH! It's been SOOOOOOOOOOOO long since i've updated this story...I need to update From 2208 to 2008 too~ TT^TT...I fail as am authorrrr :'( Let's see what everyone has to feel about this...hahaha

CAST CHAT ......

Hyun : I'm tired...can I go to sleep and...sleep?

Alex : Hyun...you can sleep all you want

Kyuhyun : Alex...*whispers* I'm scared about what Hyun's gonna say~

Alex : ...Kyuhyun...grow up a little...it's not like she got pregnant or anything...*sigh*....*looks at Hyun*...you didn't get pregnant? did you?

Kibum : I don't think she'd get pregnant

Kyuhyun : How would you know?

Hyun : Because Kibum is nice and he visits me *pout* Unlike some oppa here~

Alex : She's got a point you know

Kyuhyun : What?!

Alex : Boys...*shakes head*

Hyun : Oppa. To tell you the truth...I don't love you anymore oppa...

Kyuhyun : WHAT?!

Alex : She's going through her rebellious stage

Kyuhyun : What's that mean?

Alex : *shakes head*....it means she's found something better than you

Kyuhyun : Is that what you did with Donghae?

Alex : Yupp. I found a man *smile*

Kyuhyun : Oh...*lowers head*...okay then....*pout*

Donghae : ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex : *stares*......*glares at Donghae*

Donghae : What?

Hyun : Kibum...you wanna go buy me some food?

Kibum : Okay...what did you want to eat?

Hyun : It doesn't matter....just take me away from my oppa...

Kibum : Okay then...*smiles*....where you wanna go?

Hyun : *whispers*.....I wanna eat waffles and pancakes and yummy foods

Kyuhyun : KIBUM! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY INNOCENT SISTER! ARE YOU TWO--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex : *smacks head*....Oh my goodness~

Donghae : Now you know what I have to go through EVERYDAY because of YOU, you evil maknae~

Kyuhyun : ....Kibum is dead now

Alex : But if you get rid of Kibum...then Hyun will cry

Kyuhyun : Why would she cry?

Alex : He's your replacement...hahaha

Hyun : Come on Kibum! *drags Kibum* I'm bored!!!!!!!!!!!

Kibum : Okay. Okay. What did you want?

Hyun : *opens arms* A HUG!

Kibum : Okay *hugs Hyun*

Kyuhyun : ....*pout*...that's supposed to be MY hug....

Alex : You have been OFFICIALLY replaced as of now

Kyuhyun : What?...*pout*

Donghae : Alex, you didnt replace me did you?

Alex : ....

Donghae : Alex?

Alex : Ask yourself that question...haha

Donghae : *tears fall*....Hyukkie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alex REPLACED me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eunhyuk : Leave me out of this!

Clea : I'm here! What'd I miss?!

Uki : Alex and Hyun replaced both their brothers...

Clea : Oh.....The guys found out about that?

Uki : Theyre starting to realize it

Sungmin and Siwon : .....What?

Clea : Nothing! *hugs Sungmin* Nothing at all

Uki : Yeah. Nothing...*hugs Siwon*....

Sungmin and Siwon : ......?????

Uki : Theses two are too stupid to realize it too

Hyun : Kibum! Can I have a kiss too?

Kyuhyun : KIBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex and Uki and Clea : HAHAHAHA....Wow....

Alex : Way to go Hyun~

Kibum : *blush*...

Hyun : Then I'll kiss you! *grabs Kibum's hand and pulls him in kissing his cheek* Yay!

Kibum : *shocked*...*blushes DEEPER SHADE OF RED*

Kyuhyun : *frozen*....


Hyun : Oh....*nods*....Sorry Kibummie! I'll do better next time!

Uki : So much for staying innocent

Clea : Oh....she's still innocent...she didn't even know where she kissed him. She thought it was his cheek

Uki : Poor Kibum.....He's gonna be killed tonight....That was the maknae's sister that he kissed. hahaha~

Alex : We'll.....nahhhh

Hyun : You can sleep over at my house tonight and I'll pray for you Kibum!

Kibum : *touches lips*....*blushes again*

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Please update soon. T.T
eastseaelfish #2
update soon~
so cute and adorable !!! and funny love it :))
hahahahahaha. hyun is effing hilarious :'D ah, the innocence. kibum + hyun = cute!
midnightfantasy #5
ayee!!!I can't wait for the next update!!!!weeh! Hyun is so cuute!!!hahaha...she kinda remind me of Luna from Harry Potter..and Kibum and her? waah! cute!!
aww hyun and kibum <3<br />
Update soon please!!
hyun and kibum! CUTE!! ^^
so Kibum and Hyun cute!
StrawberryMinz #9
OMG !! ~ please please update soon !! (:<br />
Great job on the story ^^ I love it <3