
Oppa! Why can't I see you?

Hyun’s POV

"Oppa?" I pursed my lips as I whipped out my walking cane. Aha. I had it with me the entire time. It was in my other hand since oppa said to keep it with me just in case………..Aigoo. Where did oppa go?

"Kyuhyun!" I yelled tapping my surroundings with my cane as I walked around

"Excuse me Miss, but how--" I heard a strict voice behind me but it eased as I turned around "…..did you get in here?"

I searched for him with my cane and I felt something

"Ow!" I heard him yelp.

"I hit him! Yes!" I smiled a bit then bowed "Sorry I hit you. I needed to find you. Hehe."

"No worries. You didn’t hit me hard" I heard a crackle sound and widened my eyes

"Are you okay?!" I screamed and I heard him take a step back

"Ah-- yeah" I reached my hand out and my hands landed on his face

"Are you sure-- Wait! I know this face!" I pinched the man’s cheeks and felt his face for a while longer "Aha! I know who you are!"

"Bwoh?" he struggled to speak and my finger slipped into his mouth

"It is you! You drool too much!" I removed my hands from his face and checked my pockets for a handkerchief with my DRY hand

"Uh" he chuckled and patted my head "What are you doing here?"

"I should ask you that question!" I pointed my finger and it poked his cheek

"I asked first though"

"I guess" I sighed and sat down on the ground pulling him with me "I came with oppa since he has quote *imagine Hyun having both her hands up in bunny ear form making a QUOTE sign with them both* work"

"Mm…….Where is he anyway?" I heard him sit down next to me

"I dunno?" I shrugged and held my knees together wrapping my arms around them "Donghae oppa?"

"Yeah?" he sounded a bit distracted

"Who’s all dating between everyone?"

"Bwoh?!" Donghae oppa sounded surprised

"Well are you dating anyone?" I switched my legs around and sat pretzel legged with my elbows resting on my knees as I cupped my face in my hands

"Uh………" he stuttered his words "If y-you h-have any i-i-interest in m-m-me th-then I’m sorry b-but I’m d-dating U-U-Uki"

"Okay?" I nodded "But is there anyone else dating?"

"Uh………" he jumbled his words together "C-Clea h-h-hyung is H-Hyukkie ‘s b-boy-girl-friend?"

"You mean Clea and Hyukkie are dating?" I rose a brow "Who’s Hyukkie?"


"Oppa?" I scooted forward a bit "Is Alex unni dating anyone?"

"BWOH?!" I think Donghae oppa stood up because I heard his voice from REALLY far away, like the sky far away. Aha.

"Is she?" I got up on my feet and tried to calm down Donghae

"Hyun, I’m over here" I heard Donghae oppa’s voice behind me

"Then who is this?" I searched the person and felt for a face and smiled as I hugged the person "Unni!"

"Uh………" I think Donghae oppa tapped my back "Do you know her?"

"Mhm!" I nodded with a large grin plastered on my face "This is my Unni! My Unni from America! Myunghee unni!"

"Chincha?" Donghae oppa grabbed my hand chuckling

"Bwoh?" I pouted and grabbed Myunghee’s hands "Unni! Why are you here in Korea?! I thought you had one more year of teaching then you’d come back to Korea?!"

"Hyun" Donghae oppa sounded like he was trying not to laugh "I don’t think this is your Unni"

"Why would you say that?!" I frowned "Unni is obviously Unni!"

"Whatever you say" Donghae oppa sounded sarcastic "But he’s obviously not an unni"

"Bwoh?" I’m confused. What is Donghae oppa talking about? "Unni let’s leave Donghae oppa by himself, so he can feel bad about saying you’re not a girl"

I walked away with unni trailing behind me as I held onto her hand dragging her and had my cane leading us both to wherever we were going to go

"So unni?" I stopped in my tracks and turned around "Why are you here in Korea?"

"Um" I heard a male voice "I’m not your unni"

Awe darn! And I thought that I finally met someone I knew!  


just when i started to feel all better and i thought i wasnt sick.....i got a runny nose and i feel like crap! ugh! hyun. rubb off some of your healthiness on me....they not being sick part ugh! XC uwahhhh! sorry hyun! T^T i've gotta take meds now and rest a bit...but i wanna write. annyeong. and thank you for reading. annyeong! byebye!

aniimeefann out! v(;__;)>"

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Please update soon. T.T
eastseaelfish #2
update soon~
so cute and adorable !!! and funny love it :))
hahahahahaha. hyun is effing hilarious :'D ah, the innocence. kibum + hyun = cute!
midnightfantasy #5
ayee!!!I can't wait for the next update!!!!weeh! Hyun is so cuute!!!hahaha...she kinda remind me of Luna from Harry Potter..and Kibum and her? waah! cute!!
aww hyun and kibum <3<br />
Update soon please!!
hyun and kibum! CUTE!! ^^
so Kibum and Hyun cute!
StrawberryMinz #9
OMG !! ~ please please update soon !! (:<br />
Great job on the story ^^ I love it <3