Chapter 1

The Jock and the Student President


.... OH MY EFFIN GOD . 24 Subscribers already ??? GAHHH ~ Thank you very veryyyy much !!! Believe me, i thought i woouldn't even get a subscriber ! But thank you for subscribing !!!  

P.S : Comment ! Comments are my motivation for writing !





"O-oppa ... will you go out with me ?" 

"No. " Sweet, isn't he ?

The girl ran off, crying. The cold, yet beautiful man went back to eating his meal, not giving a care what happened to the girl.

"Geeze hyung, at least reject them nicely." Junsu, Jaejoong bestfriend and cousin nagged. Jaejoong just shurg before gluping down his Milk .

"That's the most nicest thing i can say." With that, he stood up and walk away. Junsu sigh before putting his head on Kibum's head. 

Who's kibum, you might be asking ? Well, Kibum is jaejoong's cousin and bestfriend.

"Come on." The 2 got up before walking out the canteen. 


And that is your Ice P- I mean, that is your first Main Character. Kim Jaejoong . The Student President .


"Yunho oppa.. c-can you g-go out w-with me?" The girl looked down on the floor as if it was the most intresting thing.

"I'm sorry, you seems like a really nice girl, but right now. I'm not looking for a relationship. I'm sorry." Yunho smiles apologacally. The girl just nodded smiling a bit before walking away .


He smiles at me, i'm fine with that, the girl thought happily before skipping away with her friends .


"Your such a gentle man, yunho." Yoochun, Yunho's bestfriend smirk . Yunho just smiles back.

"I know."


And that is Yunho. The Jock/Kingka . 

What a gentle man he is, huh ?





What's the difference between the two ?


Jaejoong is cold and distante, Yunho is the prince charming.






"Jaejoong-ssi , The principle is calling you." The student bowed at jaejoong who nodded, looking at his paper.


Jaejoong stood up, putted the paper in orders before he walk out the room with the student behind him.




"Come in." Jaejoong turn the door knob before opening the door and walking in.

"You called?" Bowed jaejoong.

"Yes. Please take a seat." The Principle smiles. " The reason why i called you here is because .." Jaejoong look up, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"Is .. because J.I.N is going to collied with S.M high ." The principle paused, searching jaejoong's face for any emotions, but didn't see anything except coldness in jaejoong's eyes.

"I see. Okay . Does that mean all of the students will be going to SM high ?" 

"Yes. Actually, J.I.N students were supposed to go to S.M High since S.M and J.I.N used to be twin . The 2 schools principal made a deal about colliding the school back together. Please inform the students." Jaejoong nodded before standing up, bowing down and walking out the principal office.


"Even if he's my nephew ...... he acts like he doesn't even know me.." The princial , Kim youngwon mumble sadly , staring at the chair jaejoong just sat on.






"STUDENTS !" Jaejoong's cold voice echo thru the auditorium. The students quite down, turning their attention to jaejoong who was stanidng up on the stage.


"Staring tomorrow. We will be going to S.M high." 


"WHATTTT !?!?!?!?!?!!?"  The students shouted . The auditorium were now fill with shouting, protesting and whining .


"Yes. Scream louder. " Jaejoong spoke sarcastically . " I REPEAT !! WE WILL BE GOING TO S.M HIGH STARTING TOMORROW !"









"Good." Jaejoong smirk inwardly before walking off the stage.




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Crying_Masks #1
Pleeeeeeeeeease T^T
Chapter 12: its okay we understand you, take your time and you too marry christmas and hope you family have a good time too and hey im single too and im super duper happy, theres nothing wrong if your single, life can still be happy, enjoy life, have fun dont think too much except things you have to do hehehe, life isn't just about finding your destined one, its about happiness, making ppl happy, your mission to this world, making the world a better place to live, taking care of mother nature and more importantly sharing blessings and yes enjoying life ^-^....all the best and hwaiting!! ^-^
Crying_Masks #3
Chapter 9: Why this two days became a month???!!!!!
Please update this story
I really want to know what will happen next
Chapter 11: NIIIICE :O

jae~~~ yun~~~.

you two so cute ><

that's fine author ssi :3
Chapter 11: it's okie... :) congrats on your moving...:P

Chapter 11: its okay we understand you, all the best and hwaiting!!! we'll wait for you and take care ^-^
hobo_terrorist #7
Chapter 9: a kiss? Lol sly yunho XD I wonder if jaejoong will end up punching him in the face AGAIN. Thank you for updating~ :)
Chapter 9: Eeeyyyy tree jung lol.....kiss kiss kiss
mar1adyve5sa #9
Chapter 9: awwwww I can't wait for the next chapter..update soon..
Chapter 9: Lol yuhoe xD