Tickets for Two, or Three

Oneshot For lilprincess :)










Seohyun shook her head for the second time around. She was counting the pieces of ticket on her hand and never expected to see an extra piece. She then stared back to her hand again, but still finding the third ticket. “Oppa…” She called her manager who was unusually quiet on the front seat of the van. “Here, you gave an extra ticket.” She handed him the third one, thinking that the man unintentionally gave her an extra piece.


The manager, who was pale and wasn’t able to meet her eyes looked back in front of the moving vehicle. “Keep it…” He quietly replied, the shaky voice wasn’t that much audible.


“Eh?” Seohyun raised an eyebrow. “Why? Are you…by any chance, going with us?” She asked again.


“No, Joohyun-ah.” He sincerely replied as he wiped away the cold beads of sweat on his forehead. Despite of the air-conditioner inside, he managed to break a sweat.


“Oppa…then why, why’s there an extra ticket when it’s only me and Kyungsan who will be going to the cinema?” Seohyun stubbornly insisted. She didn’t know why but her heart couldn’t rest in peace. She knew too well that that ticket wasn’t an extra for nothing. Just by the odd expression of her manager, she could tell that there’s something he’s hiding from her. “Oppa...” Seohyun trailed off, squinting her eyes as she met the eyes of her manager from the rare view mirror. “Are you hiding something from me? What’s this third ticket for?”


The manager sighed in defeat. He knew that the girl knew him too well for him to keep the secret away. But a job is a job. He’s going to be professional no matter what. He tilted his head, staring at Seohyun with a sheepish, small smile. “The third one…is for someone whom Kyungsan requested for.”


Seohyun’s eyes widen at the confession her manager admitted. “S-someone?” She asked once again. She didn’t saw if the man in front of her nodded or whatsoever but the awkward atmosphere inside tells it all.


“Who is it? Oppa! Tell me please!” She begged, slightly rocking the front seat in front of her.


“Yah, Joohyun calm down. I’m driving you know…” The driver butted in, afraid that Seohyun might fret and he’ll fail to concentrate on the road in front of him. As a driver, the lives of his passengers were trusted on him. The manager sharply glared on Seohyun while the girl ducked back in apology. He knows that he had kept something from her but he didn’t expected Seohyun to be that surprised about it.


“Well I’m so sorry if I have just discovered that someone’s going with me and Kyungsan for today without me knowing it at all…” She sarcastically muttered. She then crossed her arms, murmuring incoherent and inaudible words about the secret. “I would have accepted it more if I knew it beforehand, but no! No one even hinted me that there’s someone with us!” She continued to talk to herself, intentionally making it that loud for the two managers in front of her to get bothered.


“I mean-“


“Okay, stop it!” The manager who isn’t driving looked back at her, glaring. “I know I’m at fault. I’m sorry.” He sincerely stated. “I know that’s my fault but I never expect you to whine like Jessica or complain like Sooyoung.” The manager blabbered. He then sighed again, calming his nerves. “Why are you even reacting like it’s the end of the world?” He just mumbled, taking Seohyun aback.


Seohyun froze, flushed and embarrassed at her manager’s observation. “I-I’m…” She stuttered, finding words to defend herself. “Ugh, whatever…” She just rolled her eyes. Actually, she didn’t knew exactly why either. Recently, she became conscious of herself. She began to notice how she acts with others. She didn’t know but…she felt like she’s already a grown up lady. She became conscious of her image; what she looks like and things that normal girls would feel when rowing up. And the fact that it was too late for her to realize made her more anxious.


The manager who was driving caught a glimpse of her. He then glanced on the other manager, signalling for him to drop some clues. At first, the other manager was hesitant. But looking back on it, he sighed.“It’s someone from EXO-M; Kyungsan’s favorite hyung.” He blurted out all of a sudden, giving that much clue for her.


Seohyun jolted, her insides going on a riot. “EXO-M?” She then realized that half of them are her older than her. And it bothered her more that she wasn’t that much close with them because they’re a rookie group. She inhaled and exhaled again. “If he’s from EXO-M, there are only six members to consider.” She muttered to herself, holding her six fingers out.


“Hmmm, Kris? Lay? Tao? Chen? Xiumin? Lu-


She then paused, even before finishing the name of the very last member. Bad and terribly bad memories with him flooded her mind. She remembered his never-aging face, doe-like eyes and angelic smile. But behind all such innocent image was the true Luhan which only she knows.


Devious, annoying and mischievous…


She immediately shook her head. “Hahaha…he would be the last member.” She assured herself. Though there’s a possibility of him, she erased it all. “Yes, they’ll be either Kris-ssi or Lay chingu...” She trailed off; thinking of the two most probable members instead. She knew that she and Kris would be better since they have a lot of the same likings. As for Lay, they’re on the same age and that’s more comfortable. Besides, those two can be funny without being annoying.


And knowing Kyungsan, the little boy likes cool and charismatic types. The little kid doesn’t go for innocent and soft types of hyungs.






With grudging steps forward, Seohyun dragged herself. She was actually wearing a dazzling smile on her face but instantly crumbled down the moment she saw Kyungsan, together with Luhan, waiting for her on a quiet and crowd-less cinema. Of course, the staff picked a place that wouldn’t be scandalous for them.


Kyungsan wore a keroro t-shirt and plain shorts with his converse. His hair obviously had some gel on it which made him look like a cool young boy. He was simply rocking his feet back and forth on the chair he was sitting at.


He definitely grew up into a fine boy. But what caught Seohyun off-guard was the fact that Luhan was with him. He wore a simple green t-shirt with a small backpack slung on his shoulders, gray pants and a mask that covered half of his face. At such sight, he looked more of a teenager on his early high school. And the smirk that was covered by his mask but was completely obvious with his sly eyes irked the heck out of her.


“Seohyun noona!  Luhan hyung and I have been waiting for you!” Kyungsan greeted as he stood up from the chair, running to her.


The lady then flashed a fake smile as she bent down to Kyungsan’s level, making sure that the kid wouldn’t notice the grumpy and devastatingly disappointed smile she had the moment she saw the least expected member.


“Kyungsan-ah! Sorry if I kept you waiting. Noona was stuck on a traffic jam…” She softly explained, kissing the bridge of the kid’s nose. “Forgive me eh?”


Kyungsan pouted, crossing his arms as if he’s complaining. He was totally ignoring the radiant beauty of the lady in front of him. “But it’s my birthday and you’re late…”


Seohyun sheepishly smiled, ruffling his hair in defeat. “Okay baby, I’ll grant you three wishes to make up with my tardiness.”


“Three wishes?” Kyungsan asked again with sparkling eyes, hearing the famous wishes he had been hearing from fancy stories. Honestly, Seohyun wasn’t late since Kyungsan and Luhan came there just earlier. But to satisfy the young boy, she’ll always swallow her stubborn side.


“Yeah…you can tell me those three wishes anytime of the day if you don’t have one right now.” She said, affectionately carrying the kid as they went towards Luhan, who was left out at their reunion. She still had a decent side to treat the man maturely.


“Good Afternoon Seohyun-ssi…” Luhan greeted her, smiling as innocent as ever. He really knows how to get into her nerves.


“Same to you Luhan-ssi…” She just quietly replied, observing him from head to toe. She was making sure he doesn’t have anything he could use to pull pranks again on her. She didn’t know why but her defenses are on mode when she’s with the boy. She must have destined to hate him.


“Noona…you know Luhan hyung?” Kyungsan innocently asked, twirling her hair.


Seohyun fixed him again on her arms, noticing how much weight he gained over the past few years. “Unfortunately, we’re from the same company.” She nicely answered though she’s mocking on the man.


Luhan raised an eyebrow, keeping his wide smile by the mask on his face. The mask has actually two purposes; for him not to get noticed by the fans and for him to hide his expression from the girl.


Kyungsan, who was oblivious of what she meant, nodded. “Hmm, that’s why…”


Seohyun frowned, not really knowing what Kyungsan was trying to imply. But nevertheless, she ignored it and just smiled.


Luhan then scoffed, uncomfortable with them. He was actually conscious since he’s the guy but Seohyun was the one carrying the kid. “Kyungsan, do you want hyung to carry you instead?” He asked.


“Why? I can carry him…” Seohyun butted, taking his gentlemanliness negatively.


Luhan shrugged though he was kind of hurt by Seohyun’s interpretation of his suggestion. “Well, I’m the guy…I should definitely carry him.”


Seohyun was about to speak when Kyungsan cut her off. “Okay hyung. Seohyun noona actually almost slipped me off…” He snuck his nose up, extending his arms to Luhan.


Seohyun gasped, wasn’t really able to react from it. She just weakly watched as Kyungsan transferred to Luhan’s arms. Luhan just chuckled, enjoying her appalled face.


The fact that the lady kept her gorgeousness with any expression she made, amused him.


“Do you want to buy some popcorn and drinks?” Luhan asked as the boy, who nodded at his question. Then they went to the counter of snacks and drinks, leaving Seohyun whose feet were glued on the ground.


“The nerve of these boys!” She muttered as she arranged her cap and forced herself to the counter. It was already her mentality, and the rest of the sneaking out idols, to be attentive and careful of their surroundings.


“Three small buckets of popcorn please. One caramelized, one cheese and one barbecue flavored please.” Luhan lowly talked at the oblivious lady.


“What would you like to have for the drinks sir?” She asked, smiling politely at him. She didn’t even know that a rookie idol, the baby/angelic/whatever-word-that-means-good face of EXO-M, was in front of her.


“Hmm, three bottles of iced tea please…” He anxiously stated.


He then was about to hand her his card when Seohyun softly pushed him aside.




“Yah, I’m handling this. I’m the man, remember?” Luhan emphasized. Since he’s older and he’s a man, it would tarnish his ego if Seohyun’s going to pay for them.


“But rookies don’t earn that much. Let the senior pay, understand?” She proudly beamed at Luhan as she now handed her credit card to the lady. The lady, who was slightly intimidated by Seohyun, slowly moved. It was as if she was seeing some goddess in front of her; as if the lady was an idol. She just can’t pinpoint it out since Seohyun was wearing a cap on her head.


 Luhan watched as Seohyun leaned on the counter, waiting for the ever-so-slow and stunned cashier lady. He noticed how even Seohyun’s simple Keroro loose shirt and gray shorts, emphasized her curves and slender legs. Even without makeup, her skin shone beautifully. Her curls were hanging carelessly as her cap covered the upper half of her face.


“Hmm…if you don’t mind, are you an idol?” The lady quietly asked, shocking Seohyun with her assumption.


But even if she was slightly surprised by the question, she kept her expression unbothered. Instead, she fake a flattered face. 


“Ah me? Thanks for the compliment but I’m not. And I’m not considering being one of them if you’re a recruiter.” She simply denied, much smoother with how she handled the situation. 


Beauty and Brains.


Not only a lady with a pretty face but also a pretty lady with the brain. Girls like her are actually rare since they come either as pretty only or smart only. She wasn't hailed as the wise and mature maknae of SNSD for nothing.


He then snapped out of daze when Seohyun got the stuffs and looked at her. Luhan was about to help her with it when Seohyun spoke. “No need, I can handle this by myself…” She then stared at him as if he’s weird. “Don’t fake to be a gentleman, it’s very weird to me…” Luhan blinked at her. “Who said I’m being a gentleman? I just wanted to get my part…” He excused, annoying her more. He and Kyungsan then headed inside the cinema, leaving again the aghast lady.


“Jerk.” She muttered.


It was truly a long day ahead.




The End...

Seohyun felt her own steaming tears on both of her cheeks. Good thing she wasn’t wearing eyeliner or any makeup on her face or else it’ll become smudged.


The fluffy yet heartfelt story of the relationship between a young princess and her own mother queen melted her. Even if she had a strong relationship with her mom, as long as it’s about a mother, she’ll break down. She didn’t even mind that she’s currently with Kyungsan who was just smiling all throughout the film and specially Luhan who was composed.


She was about to wipe her tears from feverish flowing when a handkerchief appeared of her blurred vision. She slowly tilted her head and realized that the hand was none other than Luhan’s.


“Here…” Luhan softly mumbled, affectionately gazing back on her. She was actually expecting already that he would be making fun of her, teasing her about being a crybaby and mocking her; just like the usual jerk.


But, no…


Instead, his eyes were full of sincerity and understanding. And it confused her most since she hadn’t seen such side of him, never. “It’s clean, so rest assured…” He spoke and shifted his eyes in front. It was as if he respected her privacy by not staring more into her crying session. “I guess Kyungsan and I have to go out first. We’ll be waiting for you outside eh?” He simply patted her shoulders, carrying the kid out along with him.


Seohyun felt that her heated tears slowly stopped from flowing out. And instead, her heart was now the one affected. It was, weirdly, beating irregularly. As if everything went into a slow motion, realization hit her that her cheeks aren’t now heated due to the hot tears but because of blushing.


She then massaged her flushed cheeks, feeling the heat by her palms. She then realized the handkerchief that Luhan gave her and slowly used it for her own good. She could even smell the fragrance of Luhan himself from it. “Weird…” She only muttered as she also got up from her seat. She wouldn’t want the birthday boy, and him, waiting for her.


“Noona, we are here!” The enthusiastic voice of Kyungsan hollered, making Seohyun looking at her sides. She just flashed a small smile, shy at both of the guys in front of her. “Sorry, I was to absorb with it.” She mumbled; kind of feeling just now the embarrassment she caused.


“Noona, it’s okay. You must really be a softie…” Kyungsan maturely observed, though he didn’t really know why his noona was crying. He just knew that the story touched his noona’s heart.


“I guess, I really am…” Seohyun sheepishly grinned, rubbing the back of his neck. “Anyways…where would you want to go at?”


Kyungsan’s eyes went wider, excitement filling in him. “Noona, I have three wishes from you right?”


Seohyun nodded, bending down again on the kid’s level. “Why, have you already thought of it?”


“Actually, I already have two!” Kyungsan clapped his hands, enjoyed. “I want a banana cake and banana ice cream!”


“Eh…?” Seohyun chuckled, ruffling gently his hair. “Kyungsan, either you wish it or not, we would be giving you a cake and ice cream, silly…”


Kyungsan just blinked at her, didn’t get what she meant.


“How about this little boy…” Luhan trailed off as he caught the attention of the three. “We will go to the nearest mall and you’ll buy three things in there you wanted to buy. After that, we’ll be eating a banana cake and banana ice cream.” He suggested thoroughly.


Kyungsan nodded. “I love that idea hyung!”


Seohyun just shook her head as she let the two hold hands like father and son. She then realized how easy and smooth it went for Luhan with a whiny and picky boy like Kyungsan.


“He must be prepared…” She mentally noted though something in her mind tells that the boy was just naturally good with kids. “He might not be a jerk after all…”


Her thoughts were disrupted when Luhan looked back at her. “Seohyun-ssi, I guess you have to make more effective plans on the near future, huh?” He smirked, letting the lady to catch up with them.


Seohyun stared at him in disbelief. “Just when I have thought of complimenting him...Oh well, he is still a jerk to me…” She ranted inwardly.


Unconsciously, Kyungsan held Seohyun’s left hand while holding Luhan’s right hand at the same time. And in the eyes of everybody, they looked like a perfect family.




After some tiring getaway in the mall, Kyungsan had picked three things he wants; credits to Seohyun and Luhan who almost fought on who’s going to pay, again. In the end, they have decided to pay the half so that the two of them would be paying.


Such generous parents…


The cashier and salesclerks were all watching the ‘couple’ treating their own son on his birthday. Such young, responsible and good-looking parents melted their heart.


Kyungsan chose a pair of expensive shoes, pair of cute and fluffy pajamas and some couple chains. About the last item, Seohyun and Luhan assumed that Kyungsan was already growing up. They thought that Kyungsan was going to give it to the girl he had been talking about.


And for their last activity, they went into SM’s suggested sweets and dessert shop. The shop was obviously quiet and has fewer customers. Then they ordered the banana cake that Kyungsan was yearning for. Since he loved bananas, everything he wanted in food must have bananas on it, especially on desserts.


“How is it? Did I pick a good banana cake?”  Seohyun instantly asked the moment Kyungsan engulfed the mouth-watering slice of cake in his mouth.


Seohyun chose not only a good-looking one but also a health-conscious one. She even had to ask for the yummiest yet healthiest cake since Kyungsan was still a young child. Luhan was once again amazed at how Seohyun’s picky attitude was put into a good use.


“Wah, it’s the best banana cake ever!” Kyungsan held his two thumbs up, his lips for the leftover icings.


“That’s a relief then…” Seohyun cozily sighed, satisfied at how it also satisfied Kyungsan.


Meanwhile, Luhan ordered a plain red velvet cake and a bubble tea. “How about you Seohyun-ssi? You didn’t get anything for you…” Luhan noticed that Seohyun came empty.


Seohyun, who miraculously didn’t felt annoyed by his presence, just sheepishly grinned. “I’m on a watch since we’re currently promoting as a sub-unit.” She explained.


Luhan then got what she meant since he was also watching his diet and eating lifestyle. “Try this bubble tea then…” He trailed off, giving the tea that he ordered. “These drinks are the best! I always have bubble teas with the other members of EXO.”


Seohyun blinked first at him, before sighing in defeat.


“It’s healthy and has less sugar…” Luhan added when Seohyun had a sip from it.


Slowly, the atmosphere between the three became silent, comfortably silent, as they became absorbed with the yummy foods they have on the table.


Seohyun chuckled when she saw how messy Kyungsan got on eating his cake. “Aigoo…that must be heavenly good huh?” She then wiped off the excess on the boy’s mouth.


“I wish I was with the other soshi noonas…” Kyungsan pouted, mumbling audible words. “How come only Seohyun noona arrived on my birthday?”


Seohyun softened as she caressed his cheeks. She was just actually waiting for him to talk about that matter but she didn’t expect that he had been waiting for the girls all throughout. “Oh, I’m sorry for that Kyungsan-ah.  It’s not that I was the only one who wanted to go here with you on your birthday.” She slowly explained. “The other eight noonas are very, very busy. So instead, they got you your Luhan hyung instead. You said you would like this hyung to be with us right?”


Kyungsan slowly nodded.


“Kyungsan-ah, why did you choose me? There are 11 other hyungs in EXO…” Luhan curiously asked.


Kyungsan’s cheeks were now painted with light pink as he remembered his reason why. “I want to learn from Luhan hyung since Eunji likes him a lot…” He admitted, playing with his fingers on his lap.


“Eunji?” Seohyun and Luhan asked at the same time.


Kyungsan looked up to them with a shy grin. “Eunji is the girl….who caught my heart.”


Seohyun almost choke on her bubble tea while Luhan just laughed.


“Aren’t you too young for that?” Seohyun asked, eyes widening at his confession.


“Eunji must be really beautiful and nice that she caught our Kyungsan’s heart eh?” Luhan asked, averting the topic on the girl.


He knew that Seohyun might just discourage the boy from his puppy love.


“Of course! She’s very beautiful and she very nice! She even wrote me a letter for my birthday!” He proudly beamed.


“Wow, Kyungsan is growing up eh? If you wanted more tips, just approach your handsome Luhan hyung eh? I’ll help you with those stuffs, Promise?”


Kyungsan smiled and nodded, his little pinky intertwining with Luhan’s pinky finger.


Seohyun didn’t have anything else to do but to shake her head in disbelief. Actually, at the sight of Kyungsan’s pure eyes, she knew that she shouldn’t get in the way.


“You must be giving her the couple chains huh?” Seohyun just teased.


But to her, and Luhan’s surprise, Kyungsan shook his head in disagreement.


“The cute bears aren’t for me and Eunji. We still don’t have cellphones for phone accessories…” He explained as he got the two chains.


“This pink bear is for Seohyun noona while this blue bear is for Luhan hyung!” He said, as he handed the accessories on them.


“What?” Seohyun gasped, blinking innocently on the small pink bear in her hand.


“Since you two accompanied me for my birthday, I’m giving this couple chains for my awesome noona and great hyung.”


The two softened as they met eyes. All of the teasing and mocking melted from Kyungsan simple yet sincere words.


“Besides, you two are a cute couple! Just like me and Eunji!” Kyungsan added, oblivious to the reaction of the two adults.


They both reddened and quickly looked away from each other. They just wouldn’t dare to meet each other’s eyes.


“T-Thanks…” They could only say to the young cupid.




It was already the end for the celebration of Kyungsan birthday. His mother fetched him at that shop. The bright face that emphasized his bright day made his mom thankful at the two young idols. She was even shocked when Kyungsan showed her the gifts he had both from EXO and SNSD.


It was truly a long day for Kyungsan birthday and it ended happily, at least.


Not for Seohyun and Luhan though. They have to endure each other’s presence as they headed to SM’s main building. Worse, they’re stuck on a traffic jam. “Oppa, why did you even take this route? You do know we stuck here on traffic a while ago right?” Seohyun complained, glancing at her hand phone.


She doesn’t actually have to rush things out but every second she spends with Luhan feels like a decade. Her palms are getting sweaty for no reason as her heart seems wild at the moment.


“Are you that excited to leave me?” Luhan raised his eyebrow. He actually looked normal but looks are deceiving. His condition was worse since he was keeping it.


Seohyun rolled her eyes and just diverted it on the scenery outside their van. Both of the managers chuckled at them, curious as to what happened. “Luhan-ssi, how’s the birthday party for Kyungsan?” The manager who wasn’t driving asked with a sly tone.


Seohyun had to check him out if he’s just mocking or plain curious. And by the look of her manager’s twinkling eyes, she knew already that he was up to something; something she doesn’t want to know.


“It was tiring since Kyungsan was so energetic. But it was fun, all in all…” He stated. He actually felt old while he’s with Kyungsan since even his energy wasn’t enough for the kid. Not to mention that he’s using that energy for practicing and training.


“I know right, he even out-powered the whole SNSD once he was just a little baby. Everyone member must work together; they have individual task for Kyungsan.” The manager told.


“How about Seohyun? How did you found her while she’s with you?” The manager, who was driving, glanced at him by the rear view mirror and impatiently asked. He had just to ruin the mood created by the other manager.


“OPPA!” Seohyun hissed, having the urge to kick him if wasn’t for the fact that he’s driving.


Luhan chuckled at her. “Well, she’s pretty as usual…”


The two men cooed while Seohyun glared at him.


“She’s a mother item actually; she’ll make a very, very pretty and nice mother…” He slyly commented, shifting his gaze in front instead of meeting Seohyun’s eyes.


It wasn’t that he’s just faking his words or whatsoever. He can’t meet her eyes since he’s indirectly confessing to her. If even she would see his eyes, she’ll immediately get the idea of him, liking her.


“That’s true. Even without makeup, our Seohyun is one perfect girl, right?” One of the managers said.


“Except for her mood swings and stubbornness, yeah…She’s perfect.” Luhan stated as a matter of fact.


Seohyun glared at him but kept herself quiet. She won’t let the boys affect her as if she’s flattered. She just wouldn’t let them know that “The Seo Joohyun” was now affected by a guy’s sweet words.


“Ayy, Hyunnie…you should be thankful that Luhan was showering you with his compliments. A lot of fangirls would kill to be in your place…”


Seohyun smiled too innocently. “He should be thankful the SNSD’s maknae was with him all along. A lot more of fanboys and fangirls would kill to be in his place.” She proudly beamed; SNSD didn’t teach her for nothing.


Luhan was more amused to see this conceited side of her. He actually fell for Seohyun’s demure and silent character. But seeing the other different sides of her made him fall deeper. He realized that the calm girl would lose her composure when he’s teasing her, that she easily gets angry but will only flare her nose and definitely, she’s not that stiff and boring as the media portrayed her as.


A few more minutes and the two finally arrived on the building.


“Joohyun, just wait for the other girls on the office. The President will announce his plans for your future promotions as a whole.” The manager instructed the lady. “Oh, Luhan-ssi, I think some of the members are still here. Especially Kai since you two are taking part SM’s dance unit.”


Luhan gaped and slowly nodded. “Dance unit?”


“Oh! So your manager still hasn’t told you yet?” SNSD’s manager asked in embarrassment.


“Err, not yet hyung…” He slowly replied.


Seohyun chuckled at her own manager’s misery.



“Oh well, just pretend to be surprised once your manager finally announced it.” He shrugged, getting on again on the van. “I’ll be going now!”


“Yeah! Thanks oppa for the ride!” Seohyun waved her hands with gratitude. Luhan also bowed, thankful for his good treatment. Once the van left, the two found it awkward to be with each other.


“I guess, this is it…” Luhan scoffed. As a man, he’s responsible for things like that.


Seohyun simply smiled and nodded. “I guess…” She then paused, sighing mentally. “Thanks for the day. It turned out very well…so yeah.”


Luhan nodded, slightly disappointed to part from her. “I enjoyed it as well so don’t mention it…”


“Honestly, I didn’t expect this to be this good since we don’t really have that good connection. We must work together better in the future…”


“Ah really? I must have left a very, very bad impression on you huh?” He asked sheepishly.


Seohyun dismissively waved her hands. “It’s just that, you’re always teasing me and all…but not that bad. And I don’t dwell that much on first impressions. I actually saw your positive side a while ago with Kyungsan.”


Luhan felt his heart racing at every word that’ll escape . He was beyond flattered. He then seized the opportunity. His feelings are already overflowing and he’ll erupt anytime sooner. So for Pete’s sake, he’ll nicely admit it now. “I don’t know if you’re familiar with this saying but men have the tendency to act like a jerk in front of the women they like.”     


Seohyun blinked innocently at him, revising his words as if it baffled her even more. “Hmm…what do you mean?”


Luhan inhaled, and then exhaled. He didn’t have any idea that it would be that hard for him to explain either. Words aren’t enough to express what he really felt at the moment. “You see…men who couldn’t directly express their feelings for the women they like, tend to just tease and mock them. They don’t have that much confidence so they’ll simply have their way just like that…” He thoroughly explained; still couldn’t directly say what he meant.


“And by that, I meant that…” Luhan paused, smiling with flushed cheeks. “I like you.”


Seohyun stared at him, getting her first straightforward confession on such an unexpected night. Though a lot of men were trying to court her, her thick innocence was hindering her to get their signs and motives.


Unlike Luhan, who bravely admitted it now, right in front of her.


“I’m sorry if I creep you out but I am just saying this. I just need to tell you this since anytime it’ll explode in my heart.” Luhan quickly explained. He then nervously rubbed his nape and chuckled. “I hope we’ll have more quality time so that we’ll have a better relationship, Seohyun-ssi. Good night!”


With that, the shy yet relieved boy began to march his way to the entrance.


“Luhan-ssi, you didn’t even want to hear me out?” Seohyun softly asked.


Luhan paused, hearing her voice at that airy night. It sounded so melodic that it enchanted him just like a fairy in the movie they watched a while ago.


“Once a jerk will always be a jerk…” Seohyun started, smiling since his back was facing her. “And I guess that acting-like-a-jerk paid off…”


Luhan smiled.


Being an extra was actually worth it.




 I hope you guys got what my title meat right? The story actually focused more into Seohyun's and Kyungsan's viewpoint right? At some point, Luhan looked like a third-wheeler :P But yeah, in the end, it paid off. Gosh, all in all, it was 16 pages with 5, 301 words. (I guess it was just because of the font, eh?) This is probably the longest oneshot I've ever created. I hope everyone enjoyed and didn't get bored at the length! <3




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Chapter 1: Hey, you make me smile while reading your fanfics >.< You did great job!!!
Chapter 1: WOW!!!!! Such a cute and great story! I hope that there would be a sequel? But anyway, I really enjoyed reading it ^^
love_seohyun #3
Chapter 1: i love this story!! great job!! it was so intresting and cute!! <3
Chapter 1: aww so cute<33
shinyshinee4 #5
Chapter 1: It's adorable~ I really enjoyed reading it.
aaaaaaaaah.... this is so sweet...... luhan's confession aww...
unexpected! i giggle kkkk
thank you for seohan one-shot! this is truly so cute......
ur a great author.
kyungsan, the young cupid kkkk eventhough he's oblivious to the embarrassed, awkward, blushed, uncomfortable two adults coz of him... but he have succeessfully match them kkkk.
Eycha_sk11 #7
Chapter 1: Omg dear ! This seohan oneshot jeongmal daebaaakkkk !!! Totally love it ! Thnks dear for making this oneshot ly !

Ahah lol ! So luhan already keeping his feelings towards seobaby all this while eh ? :D aww seobaby...
Chapter 1: OMG. This is great. Lol I love this oneshot. I really enjoyed reading it. :)
Chapter 1: wah. I love it. so much. It's a cute story actually.I love the way Luhan confessed wkwk. He's such a cutie and also manly. and yeah SeoHyun also feel the same!
I enjoyed it and didn't feel bored at all. You're such a great author actually. I love your writing style, too wkwk. keep a good work and thank you for the nice seohan one shot^^
P.S. I hope this story can happen in their real life wkwkwk because I love SeoHan so much.