서명~ Name

용문신 ~ The Dragon Tattoo

Onew gulped and cleared his throat. His palms were sweaty at his nervousness, making him lose his grip on the silver cutlery multiples of times. It was worse enough with Taemin observing each bite he took, frowning at him whenever he slowed his pace; but with five other men who stared until he was sure that they could look straight through him. The fact that they were all depressingly beautiful did not help – he felt so ugly and low in contrast to their model-like appearance.


A man with a mass of soft black hair and porcelain skin started to talk to him across the table: ‘So, you’re the famous Onew…’


His tone was gentle and humorous, and Onew automatically relaxed at the calming, safe voice.


‘We’ve heard a lot about you.’ He smiled, revealing his small white teeth. ‘You’re very special you see; the only person our little baby bothered to mention in the period of years he’s been around his age group…’


Onew blinked. Little baby? Who was that…?


Taemin growled and shot daggers across the table to the man.


… I see.


The room turned quiet once again, but the atmosphere was less heavy than before, granting Onew the courage to speak out.


‘S-so, you live here?’


‘It depends where we want to stay.’ The tallest said quietly, not taking his eyes off the Victorian styled plate. ‘But you are partially right, as we reside in the penthouse the most.’


‘Oh, I see.’ Onew nodded and concentrated on his plate of food to hide his amazement. Just how rich were they? The room upstairs seemed to cost more then his house put altogether. ‘Are you currently staying in the apartment upstairs…’ He froze when he saw Taemin’s hand moving towards him. ‘T-Taemin?’


Taemin gently brushed off the crumbs from Onew’s shocked face, resisting the urge to grab the boy and kiss him there and now. ‘You’ve got food all over you…’ His hands brushed his soft cheeks lightly, causing Onew to shudder at the touch.


The whole table turned to look at the pair, their astonishment and surprise embarrassing Onew even more then he already was. His body was frozen in mid-reach for his cutlery, and his face burned crimson as he tried to process what had happened. When he could no longer bear the stares of amusement and interest, he acted on instinct and rushed out of the room, ducking his head and tripping on the marble floors at his hurry.


Taemin stared at the rounded back, smiling and sighing lightly. ‘…If you’re going to be embarrassed with just that, how are you going to cope with me in the future..?’ He whispered; a predatory gleam lighted his eyes.




Onew stood in the luxurious corridor, wondering where he should go now that he couldn’t go back to the dining room. When he was getting a tad nervous at the silence, his phone rang out, startling him. He quickly rummaged through his large hoodie pockets (burrowed off Taemin), and flicked his phone.




‘Where are you Onew?!’


‘Leeteuk hyung?’


‘Lee Jinki,’


Onew winced at his tone.


‘I swear, if you don’t tell me exactly where you are right now…’


Onew gulped at his hanging threat. ‘I-I’m in club Phoenix-’


A pause. ‘What??!!’


He started at his sudden change in tone. ‘I-I’m at club Phoeni-’


‘Why the hell are you there Onew!!!! Oh my ing god!!!!’


Onew felt tears springing up at Leeteuk’s horrified fury. He had never sworn at him before, and the fact bothered him more than anything.


‘Why…? What’s wrong hyung?’


‘…I’ll be there in five minutes. Please promise me Onew; don’t do anything – don’t move, don’t talk, don’t breathe if that’s what it takes to be unnoticed any further. Do you understand?’


‘What? I-I don’t get it…’


‘I’ll explain to you later – Just PLEASE,’


Leeteuk’s voice reached an almost begging tone.


‘Please promise that you won’t give them your real name...!’



!! This chapter wasn't too bad actually :D I enjoyed writing it ~ I KNOW - it doesn't have any action or anything =_= but transitional chapters are needed for impact :) thanks for reading and please comment ^^

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Chapter 23: hi I've been wondering if there is a possibility of you continuing this fic one day? I've been a long time follower of this fanfic, and I love the plot is really interesting! I hope to hear a reply from you! no rush tho for updating this fic I've just been wondering! have a good day ^^
seems interesting
This is totally DAEBAK!
A story of epic proportion!
And absolutely addicting!
Are you ever gonna update? I wanna find out more. Addicted to Taemin and Onew and everything!
i really like this story :D
nice storyline! im totally hooked!
do up date soon ya :)
Update sooon <3 really missed this fic didnt rad in a long tme XD
Please update!
I love it !~<br />
Please update soon ~
When will you update :(