A Story of 4 Best Friends




I'm so sorry for not updating for so long :( I lack inspiration.... And if I try to write without inspiration, it could take me hours just to write a chapter DD: And it's not going to be a very good chapter too :( So yeah.. I'm not a very good writer when I lack le inspiration o.o ANYWAY. I have two things to say in this author's note :D

1: I've decided to insert some fun, cute, animated emoticons in this story :3

and 2: MY SISTER IS GETTING MARRIED THIS SATURDAY!!! :DDD Just wanted to throw that out there :3 ♥


I'm happy for her... But I also feel like crying because I'm gonna miss her so much when she moves out... :((( I already feel like crying now... T____T

But yeah... That's all I have to say for now... Have a good life, and live it to the fullest! And always smile :) ^-^ Till next time, I'll see you guys latuhr~ OH AND I LOVE YOU ALL, ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT :D ♥




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sunny and sutton..... really! wat about me and ate ellen! and why american girls? and u and ria are the only ones asian