Plan Details

A Story of 4 Best Friends

Ria's P.O.V

Onew: Okay, so our week off is next week..

Me: Great, Oppa! So... I guess Greyson's gunna be okay with the date.. Hold on, I'll call him right now.. *dials Greyson's number*

Greyson: Hello?

Me: Hey Greyson! It's Ria.. I'm with SHINee right now and we're gunna discuss the details.

Greyson: Oh okay..

Me: So uhh, *grabs a notebook out of her bag* I wanna talk about the hotel. Which hotel do you guys want to stay in?

Taemin: I heard from my teacher that The Shilla was an awesome place to stay..

Me: The Shilla huh. *searches it up* *eyes widen upon seeing the pictures* We are totally going there! Greyson you okay with it?

Greyson: Yeah. I'm okay with anything. I mean I'm going on a vacation, what else could make me happier? Hahaha.

Me: Hahaha, I guess. So that's that. *sees the time on the laptop* Oh my. I have to go guys. If we have more stuff to discuss, I'll make sure to call you guys, or you guys make sure to call me okay?

SHINee and Greyson: Sure. Bye!

Me: Alrighty, bye! *hangs up on Greyson and then leaves the cafe*
Phase 5: Complete.

At The House

Me: Girls!

Girls: Yes?

Me: I have some news for you :)

Sutton: What is it???

Me: We. Are going. On a VACATION!

The girls squeal as she finished her sentence.

Me: Hold on, I'm gunna go tell Min Rin. *goes to Min Rin's room*

Me: *knocks on door* Min Rin-ah~

Min Rin: *looks sideways as she's listening to music on her bed* Hmm?

Me: We're going on a vacation next week so make sure to have your things packed by then, kay?

Min Rin: Sure. Where? And how many days?

Me: Jeju Island, and we're staying for the whole next week. So make sure to bring plenty of clothes. :D Oh, and don't forget to bring a swimsuit~ *wink* *closes door*

Me: *goes to living room* Oh yeah, girls, I forgot to tell you, we're going to Jeju Island and we're going to be staying there for a whole week so pack enough clothes to last for the whole week.. And don't forget to bring a swimsuit~ Lalalalala~ *skips around happily to her room*

Nobody's P.O.V

Sutton and Sunny looked at each other while Ria just skipped.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" They both screamed in excitement and hugged each other. "We're going to Jeju, we're going to jeju, we're going to jeju~" They said that line over and over again as the were prancing around.

Min Rin: A vacation? Ehh, why not? I guess this could be a good experience.


Soooo, I finally got the feeling I HAD to update.. And I usually never have that kind of feeling.. XD Now to watch some dramas and then  update on my other story~ >^< Oh Min Rin. If only you knew what's in store for you while in Jeju ;) P.S: Sorry it's a little short.. :(


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sunny and sutton..... really! wat about me and ate ellen! and why american girls? and u and ria are the only ones asian