Talent Show Winners Are...?

A Story of 4 Best Friends

Ria's P.O.V

This is it.. We're up next.. Sutton and Sunny did pretty well remembering the dance steps.. Considering they didn't know about KPOP that much. I hope we could do well and win the grand prize..

And up next.. A group consisting of Sunny Paguia, Sutton Marvil, Min Rin Park, and Ria Lee, they call themselves: The Unbeatable!

We heard the principal announce our group and we went out on stage, waving, while listening to the sound of applause. We turned our back to the audience to start our dancing stance. Min Rin gave a thumbs-up to the DJ person and he started the music..

Click Here to watch a vid of Gee~ Those are not the real girls from this story, just at least try to imagine they're "The Unbeatable" xD

Applauses and screams were heard at the end of their dance as the girls were panting. They peeked at the judges and they were all smiling.. That's definitely a good sign. We were the last ones to perform so we didn't have to get off of stage, but they called all of the other performers.

And the 1st place winner who will get the trip around the world is.. The performers were clasping their hands together. The Unbeatable!!!

We were all tearing up and jumping up and down and hugging each other - Even Min Rin! O.o - but we knew we had to be quiet so they could announce the other winners.


"So, ladies. You've won the grand prize! Where do you plan to go?" Principal Shin asked us.

"Korea, Principal Shin!" I answered.

"Oh, Korea is it? That's a pretty good place to pick! Alright, here's information you're gonna want to know. You're going there as exchange students, and the school's going to provide your housing and food, but for the maximum time of 3 months. Here's a VERY important decision that you will need to think about thoroughly. Do you guys want to stay there permanently?" 

We all looked at each other and ferociously nodded to the principal. "Alrighty then. You're decisions and this prize involve you're parents' too, so we will call them on the phone and discuss this matter to them." We bowed, said our thanks to Principal Shin, and started spazzing out when we got out of the office.


I've changed Min Rin's.. Mostly everything xD So be sure to check it out in the foreword okai? It just seems that her personality descripted now is more suitable in the next chapters and also for later on in the story :) Oh and one more thing.. I GOT A NEW PUPPY!! >v< He's so cute~ LOOKIE!! ^^


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sunny and sutton..... really! wat about me and ate ellen! and why american girls? and u and ria are the only ones asian