The Beginning

A Story of 4 Best Friends

Min Rin's P.O.V

Anyonghasaeyo~ ^^ Park Min Rin here! So here's our first chapter of wonderful adventures with me and my other 3 friends. So I'm guessing you want to know how our friendship all started. Yeah? Okay, just look there.. Yeah, there~ *Flashback starts* (A heads up: The school just provides grades Pre-school to 5th)


10 Years Ago

"Min Rin, honey, let's go!" Mommy called softly to me.

"Coming!" I entered the car, not really excited to go to school.

"Look, honey, that's your school. It's called Valle Vista." Mommy pointed to a big school. I asked why the place was empty and she said because the big kids were already having classes. "Come on out and let's go to the office to put you into a class." I jumped off of the car and we walked to the office.

Mommy went up to a nice looking lady and they talked for a while, filling out papers and stuff. "Hi Min Rin," The lady smiled at me. How does she know my name? "Are you excited for your first day in school?" I smiled and nodded as the thought of how she knew my name was dismissed. She chuckled at me and led Mommy and me to my classroom.

"Are you ready to meet your teacher and your classmates?" I nodded and we entered the classroom. "Meet your teacher, Ms. Smith." A white, tall person with yellow hair crouched down in front of me.

"Hi, sweetie, what's your name?" She smiled.

"Min Rin," I replied. I had a poker face on as I looked around and saw a lot of other kids. I saw a girl with pigtails who caught my attention because I saw that she looked Korean too.

"Alright then Min Rin, take a seat over there." She guided me to me seat. 

"Are you okay being by yourself now, Min Rin?" Mommy asked. I nodded. (I was a girl who didn't talk a lot) "Okay then, see you later, sweetie." She kissed my cheek, smiled, and left. Ms. Smith showed me my seat and it was by the girl with pigtails. She smiled at me and I just stared at her with a poker face. We both looked away from each other and the class started.

*Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding*

Class ended and Ms. Smith led us out to the playground. I was sitting by myself on a bench, waiting for a turn on the swings, when the girl approached me.

"Hi, my name is Ria, what's yours?" She smiled widely.

"Min Rin," I said.

"Wow.. That's a nice name! ^_^"

"Thank you. Your name is nice too. Are you Korean like me?"


"Cool! Do you know how to speak Korean?"


"Oh my gosh, me too!" I finally smiled at her. This girl is getting through to me. A first friend.

"Do you wanna be friends?" She asked. I nodded my head. We talked throughout the whole day and soon became best friends.


About half-way through the school year

Ria and I were sitting down at our usual spot when I heard laughing, crying, and.... teasing. I do NOT like people getting bullied so I went over to where the commotion was coming from. "Min Rin, where you going?"

"Just hold on," I said, not even looking back. I got there and saw a girl who was sitting on the floor, her arms around her knees, and head in the space between her knees and chest. A lot of kids were surrounding her, laughing, while a boy was punching and kicking her. A girl (I suppose it was her friend) tried to stop the boy, but she just got pushed back and landed on a floor with a THUD.

I walked over and pushed some kids aside because they were in my way. The kids looked at me in an annoyed way, but I gave them my hardcore glare. Their faces looked scared and they backed off. I am seriously mad right now. "Hey." I said in a serious voice. The surroundings were silenced except for the crying girl. The boy turned around.

"What?" He said, panting. 

 "Why are you beating this girl up?"

"None of your business." He replied. He turned around and started kicking the girl again, I heard little giggles behind me.

I gave my infamous glare and threatened them. "The next person who laughs or makes a cheering sound, will get hurt." They all looked scared and silenced. "And YOU," The boy turned around again.

"WHAT NOW?!" Boyyyy. You did not just give me an attitude.

I went up to his face and said, "I wasn't done talking to you." He just snickered and turned around again. Oh now I'm REALLY ANNOYED. I smacked him on the side of the head and I heard gasps behind me. They must be enjoying this more than they were enjoying the scene before. When he turned around, I grabbed him by the collar and said, (or should I say growled) "Listen here, boy. I don't agree to bullying. And the reason you gave me, here's what I say to it: NOBODY deserves to get treated that way for no reason. And most of all, I don't like rude people who ignore me when I'm talking."

"Hey! What's going on here?!" A teacher behind us yelled.

"Teacher, this boy here was beating up this girl." I told her with a calm voice. She gasped as she saw the crying girl on the floor, with cuts.

"Jacob, is that true?!" His name is Jacob? Tch. He kept silent and looked down on the floor. "Jacob, you come with me. We're going to call your parents." He cried while being dragged away.

"What are you guys looking at? Go over there to the playground!" I shouted to the other kids. They all started running. I sw the girl that tried to help the girl and pointed to her. "Except for you." She walked over to me, shaking. I asked her a simple question, "Are you her friend?" She nodded. "Okay then, you can stay here." She had a confused look on her face and I went over to examine the other girl.

Wow, those are some deep cuts. And she has bruises too. "Are you okay?" I asked softly. She lifted her head up and nodded. Her face showed dried up tear streaks. While new tears kept coming down. "Shh, shh.." I hugged and comforted her. She eventually stopped crying and I asked her what had happened.

"Jacob sits beside me and he was talking and laughing in class and the teacher asked me if it was me and I said it was Jacob. He got in trouble and he said that I would be dead.."

"Oh, then, from now on, you and your friend have to hang out with me and my friend, okay?" She smiled and nodded. We started to talk and we introduced ourselves and our friends. It turns out their names were Sutton and Sunny. Hey, they're both S's :D At the time when we were talking, Ria explained that I wasn't really that mean, and that she's never seen me mad. Sunny was scared of me at first, but once she learned that I was only mean because I didn't like what that Jacob was doing, she became more comfortable around me. 

And THAT. Was the beginning of our friendship. :)


LULZ. Somebody has watched A LOT of action movies xD That's some hardcore 6 year old.. Kekekeke, Yay for the first chappie~ ;D


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sunny and sutton..... really! wat about me and ate ellen! and why american girls? and u and ria are the only ones asian