
SHINee Family 101
A scream was heard throughout the house along with some "Oh my gosh!" and "Really!"s. "Yah!Why are you guys screaming so loud!It's only 8 (am)!" yelled Chelsea." Do you even know why we're screaming?" asked  Miku."She just asked that!" Joon Hee,Seo Yoon, and Mika said."Ohhh..."replied Miku noticing that she had another blonde moment(no offense to blondes)."Well, are you guys gonna tell me what happened or not?" said Chelsea.
"Oh yeah!We were just told that we were going to be on Family 101 with a boy band."Miku said
"What the heck's Family 101? It sounds like a show that married couples watch."said Chelsea
"Oh i know!it's a show where they take celebrities or groups with the same amount of people to act like a married couple."
"Of course, leave it to the shining star Seo Yoon. She would know this kind of stuff always wanting to be prepared cause she's the star!"said Joon Hee using her hands to make it seem like something was shining or flashing and making everyone laugh.
'Wait, so when are we supposed to meet them?" asked Chelsea
"Uhh, we were supposed to be ready by tomorrow MORNING AT AROUND 6 and then they have someone pick us up." said Seo Yoon.
"Well,we could leave you here and meet the boy band ourselves" said Miku emphasizing "boy band'
"Never mind!I'll, wait... SOMEONE will have to wake me up"
"Miku!"Everyone one said and pointed at her
"Wha!Why me!"
"Cause YOU made her want to come" said Joon Hee


"Ugh!!!Chelsea!!WAKE UPPP!WE"RE GONNA BE LATE!" Miku yelled while smacking Chelsea with a pillow.

"Need help?" asked Seo Yoon



Seo Yoon and Miku dragged Chelsea,who soon woke up, to the bathroom.

When everyone was ready, they all went outside and saw a limo outside waiting.

"Misses, you're right on time!Let's go before Director gets mad." said the driver

"Kay!" all the girls replied

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This story was deabak! lol.
Although the ending was rushed.. hahaha
ConsequencesBeDamned #2
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I can see Key on the roll here in being a er && an annoying naggy diva-umma here in this chapter! 8DDD<br />
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Taemin and Seoyoon moments are so fluffy and cute! And slightly evil Taemin is just love. ;D<br />
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Jonghyun, Joonhee and Junsu family moments! And aww, I just noticed all their names start with 'J' :D But anyway, it's so cute how Junsu freaks out in just taking a bath, and how Jonghyun was able to convince him. That just shows how he can go down to the childs eye-level. :]<br />
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And I love Mika's laziness here and their full out battle with Key but in the end Ayumi gets the last word. I can so picture Key and Mika looking O_______o like that. XDDD<br />
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But where's the MinKu and OnSea moments with their kids Yoogeun and Joonmi? D:<br />
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Hope you would update soon! Fighting! :DDD
Key's totally gonna kill me for the KeyUmmaZilla thing/ If I ever see himm, Ima have to bow and dance to Sorry sORRY BY sUPERjUNIOR FOR HIM
KeyUmmaZilla!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH! XD
ChocoChips14 #5
LMAO @ KeyUmmaZilla
__eccedentesiast_ #6
they're fun to be around when you need a laugh but they can sure be annoying.<br />
Though they irritate me sometimes, i luv em.<br />
& omo! i really love key umma in this chappie and the soon to come ones!<br />
&& i'm sure your brother will come along soon.<br />
I waited 12 years for mine and finally got my sister.
lMBO ! This is sooo cute ! Miku is funny <3<br />
&& 0oohhhyeahhhs ! WATER PARK ! XD<br />
&& Nahh` it's actually really hard have lots of sisters :D<br />
don't know how to share at all ! && pshh you're not a pabo `!<br />
lMBO ! I'll trade my sister for your brother :D jkjkjk !<br />
I want a brother >:(
__eccedentesiast_ #9