Chapter 8 - First Date


Junho’s POV


It was date night. I had to admit it’s been a while since I’ve been on my last date, but I wasn’t worried. I wore simple blue jeans, a pair of black leather dress shoes, a red button down, and a black vest. Chansung spent three hours before we even left freaking out about what he was going to wear. He settled on a pair of white skinny jeans, a black long sleeve shirt, and a gold necklace. It was strange to see him dressed up especially with how happy he’s seemed recently. It was like a baby wearing a full tuxedo. Either way he did look good.

All I was thinking about was Junsu, Junsu, Junsu. He was like a good song you couldn’t get out of your head, but I wanted him more than in my head. I wanted him in my arms, I wanted to be in hi--- I’ll stop.

Chansung and I were waiting at the restaurant.

“H-hyung… I’m nervous” Chansung poked me in the shoulder.

“Wae? You have nothing to worry about. Taecyeon was the one who asked you” I laughed.

Chansung pouted as he twirled the straw around in his cup.

“HEYYYY!” Taecyeon and Junsu walked up to our table like they owned the place, “Sorry we are a little late”.

Instantly I saw Chansung perk his head up to look at Taecyeon. He was wearing all black with a grey leather jacket, I swear I could have seen Chansung drop his mouth, but he dropped his head in embarrassment instead as quickly as it came up. Then I noticed who was behind him. Mmmm… Junsu. He was wearing tight purple skinny jeans, with a deep scoop neck shirt showing his collarbones, boots, a blazer, and thick eyeliner. He looked damn good.

“Hey baby” I said getting up for Junsu.

“I’m not your baby” Junsu rolled his eyes.

“Not yet, but you will be” I grinned.

Junsu chuckled, but tried to look annoyed. I knew he was trying to cover up how he really felt. He liked me… I knew it.

I watched as Taecyeon sat next to Chansung who was looking down towards the ground.

“Chan… it’s hyung” Taecyeon said, his face advancing on Chansungs, trying to get him to cheer up.

Chansung was still staring at the ground fiddling his feet together. Poor kid, I could tell how nervous he was, and sadly he was definitely showing it. Junsu “awed” feeling bad. Taecyeon looked at me and Junsu, without speaking a word we all understood not to give Chansung a hard time. After all, this was his first date.

Taecyeon grabbed my brother’s hand with the most gentlest of touches and spoke loudly, “Oh what am I gonna do with these flowers that I have?! Who will I give them to?” he spoke sarcastically trying to hint to Chansung.

Chansung looked at Taecyeon with open eyes.

“Want them?” Taecyeon took a beautiful bouquet of flowers from behind his back and gave them to Chansung, who immediately smiled. His eyes were watering like a kid in a candy store; dazzling yellows, vivacious reds, soothing purples, and blush pinks decorated the bouquet.

“H-hyuuung…” Chansung was speechless.

“You look beautiful tonight yeobo” Taecyeon said smoothly, Chansung blushed to the heavens.

Damn… Taecyeon was smooth, and caring. I couldn’t ask for someone better for my little brother. Taecyeon easily got Chansung out of his shell as the two began to giggle together as I looked back over to Junsu. Game on!

I scooted closer to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulder, “You look y tonight”.

Junsu blushed but then pushed me away, “I know I look good, I don’t need someone like you telling me that”.

“Aw don’t be this way baby” I rubbed his thigh. He blushed again, but then pushed me away.

Taecyeon laughed, “Su you should see your face right now”.

Junsu reddened even more and got up, “I-I’m g-going to the bathroom!” He said in frustration.

“I’ll come with you” I got up.

“NOO, you won’t!” He stomped his foot, which made a long echo across the room. He walked off swaying his hips… back and forth… back and forth… mmmm

“Hyung… you’re too much. Now I know why you haven’t had a girlfriend in the last 5 years” Chansung said shaking his head.

“What?! Chansung, your hyung is the smoothest guy around!”

Taecyeon laughed more.

“Watch this!” I got up and headed to the restroom door. I stopped in front of the door with my arm on wall, waiting for my Junsu. I waited a few minutes before he finally came out.

“Hey baby”

Junsu rolled his eyes, “You’re the worst date! What do you want?!”


Junsu’s POV


He backed me into the wall, lust deep in his eyes. I could smell how much he wanted me.

“I want you baby” his voice was smooth, sending shivers down my spine. No he could not win me this easily! I pushed him back.

“Get off me!”

“Mmmhm” He shook his head and pushed his chest onto mine, “I know you want me too, you’re just too stubborn to admit it”.

… Damnit he was right. For as much as a pabo as he was, he really, I mean really got me going.

“JUNHO!” Chansung came rushing into the hallway to push Junho off, “I told you you’re TOO much! Leave hyung alone!”

“Chansung-ah!” Junho whined

Chansung ignored Junho, linked our arms, and lead me back to the table.

I sighed heavily, “Thanks Channie”

He smiled “Your welcome hyung!”

Chansung was adorable. He was definitely growing on me. He led me back to sit at the table, and Taecyeon wrapped his arm around Chansung casually, who tried to hide his smile. Obviously it didn’t work.


Chansung’s POV


“Hyungg…” I blushed, pushing back Taecyeon gently.

“Wae?” he grinned.

Just then Junho came back with a large frown and plopped down in his seat in a huff.

“You’re real smooth Junho” Taecyeon said laughing

“Shut the hell up!”


Nichkhun’s POV


I was at Wooyoung’s house. He was discharged from the hospital a few hours ago, and I couldn’t be happier. Wooyoung hating hospitals was an understatement. I had to hold him all night; otherwise he’d flinch from the simple sound of someone sneezing. Though I couldn’t complain, I wouldn’t want anything more than to hold my Wooyoung all night. I slept there and he slept in my arms all night, not moving once…


We walked into the apartment. It was a simple studio, yet it every corner was decorated with K-pop memorabilia.

“Whoa… Woo… you really like-”

“Yup!” He answered as he flopped onto his bed. He already knew what I was thinking. I started walking around inspecting every poster.

“Hyuuung!” Wooyoung wined from the bed, “Come over heeere!”
I smiled and walked over to the bed, taking my seat on the edge. Wooyoung had a full sized bed, with a lime green puffy comforter and a large blue body pillow at the headrest. I watched as Wooyoung crawled up to me:

“Relax” he whispered.

“I-I” what was he thinking? He started to rub my shoulders then down to my…

“Woo!” I stood up in shock, “I-I-I… You can’t do this you were just in the hospital yesterday!”

He pouted, “You don’t want me to?”

! I walked myself into this one, “No I do! I just don’t want to hurt your wounds or-”

“You won’t Khun! Let me do something for you! You’ve done so much for me!” he grinned.

Well my member started to twitch at the thought of being by Wooyoung, but my mind was telling me to wait for another day.

Wooyoung started to make his advanced as he was still on the bed and I was standing. His hand when straight for my jeans zipper…

Author's note: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter... But I have a random question... does anyone here ship Elvin like from Ukiss? I kinda wanna write a short fic on them soon? Hahah they are adorable

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brat2104 #1
Chapter 27: I thought.. you said.. you're going to finish this? Huhuhu..
iampatty #2
I love Junsu
Chapter 18: awww everybody crying?!!! *wipes tear* the worst for me was su breaking down. the little diva is adorable as one of the maknaes in your version.
khunyoung987654321 #4
Chapter 27: Waiting for the last chapter :(((
orkideh #5
Chapter 27: I knew it would be like this
It feels like you haven't updated in...decades!
But what's done is done
Yes...go ahead and finish it
Thanks for you hard work! :D
Chapter 27: awww no worries Authornim... I'm just glad it lasted this long =] It's an awesome fic just so you know =]
Chapter 27: oh it's ok dear
I know how's that feel
you can't help it when you loosed your inspiration on it
k can guess that you tried hard enough to not leaving like that
n give it a proper ending
but it ok n understandable
thanks for not leaving it unfinished ;)
give it a happy ending n don't forget some love making for tacesung!
MirzaKun #8
Update pls! ∏w∏