Chapter 18 - Hyungs and Eunni



Author's note: The weekend is over, which means the next update won't be for at least a few more days! Thanks for reading everyone! Enjoy the chapter!


Taecyeon’s POV


Chansung and I had just got out of the shower. It was a hell of a good shower to say the least. I was honestly a little disappointed with myself for not keeping it PG, but I tried to justify it by saying Chansung liked it, which he did. Still… I felt like a bad hyung; almost like I took advantage of him. He’s… so young, but I couldn’t resist. He enticed me in without even knowing; he’s dangerous. I laughed. Chansung and dangerous don’t belong in the same sentence.

He was lying on the bed watching cartoons not wanting move, sore from… my fingers. His feet wiggling back and forth happy as ever, and I was in the bathroom getting dressed.

*knock knock*

“Come in!” I hollered from the bathroom. I poked my head out to see who it was. It was Junsu, “Hey!”

“Hi” he smiled and waved, “Go back into the bathroom, I want to talk to Chansung”

“Yah! No secrets!” I pouted

“Go back in the bathroom!” he sassed.

Aish… Junsu. I went back into the bathroom, but listened closely.


Junsu’s POV


“Hi” I spoke calmly as I sat on the bed.

“Eunni!” he clapped.


“Eunni?” he questioned.

I laughed, “Channie, you know I’m not a girl and you’re not a girl right?”

“Ne, but I have too many hyungs”

I laughed at his simple mind, “Why not noona?”

He laughed, “Too boring”

He was too cute, “alright eunni it is”

He beamed.

“Chansung… I just wanted to make sure you are… okay?”

He looked at me with a plain expression, “I am okay, but I can’t stop thinking of Wooyoung hyung, and how he looked… and how those guys beat him, and how Nichkhun hyung cried… it… it… wasn’t good eunni. It was terrifying…” he said softly.

I figured this would be the case, “Wooyoung hyung is up now, wanna see him?”

His eyes opened big, “Wooyoung!” He got up out of bed and rushed out of the room.

“Chansung!” I called after him, getting up to run to the guest bedroom.

“Su! Chansung!” I heard Taecyeon’s low voice calling from down the hallway.


Wooyoung’s POV


“Wooyoung hyung!” Chansung ran into the room and stopped immediately at the edge of the bed, big doll like eyes, “Woo- Woo- Woo” his eyes started to water.

“I’m okay Chansung… I promise.” I was okay, I was still breathing. Though I could see the horror in his eyes, and I knew why. When I looked into the mirror earlier I saw my face covered in purple bruises and a cut across my lip and eyebrow. My eyes sunken in like holes in wall, I wasn’t pretty.

Junsu and Taecyeon both walked into the room.

“Chansung-ah” Taecyeon walked over to the maknae and wrapped his arms around him. The youngest entwined himself in his gaint arms and started to ball, “Hy-hyung l-look wh-what they did to Wooyoung hyung! What did Wooyoung ever do! What did we ever do wrong! It’s not fair! Wooyoung is so nice, what did we do wrong hyung! WHAT!?” He bawled.

I couldn’t help, but start crying myself. I didn’t feel bad for myself, but for Chansung. He was so confused, the world was so cruel and he couldn’t handle it. This world was way too cruel for Chansung Hwang.

“Shhh” Taecyeon cooed, “We’ve done nothing wrong Chansung, neither has Wooyoung. There are just a lot of bad people out there.”

Chansung cried even more his emotions finally shattering, but Taecyeon continued while Junho walked in the room.

“But you know what?” he knelt down slightly to look at Chansung eye level, “We all have each other, which makes this a lot easier. We all can rely on one another, and that is a beautiful thing. Do you understand that? A lot of people don’t have that. We are lucky Chansung”

I watched Chansung’s reaction, he held Taecyeon tighter and his tears slowed down.

“Nicely said Taec… I agree full heartedly” Junho threw in, sorrow in his eyes for his brother.

“We’re all here for each other” I agreed  smiling at Chansung.

“G-gomawo” he smiled wiping his tears.

“See that’s better” Taecyeon beamed at his boyfriend.

Chansung then looked at me, “Wooyoung-ah… gwenchanayo?”

“Ne” I beamed trying to emphasize the fact that everything was going to be okay. He nodded and looked at Nichkhun who had been quiet this whole time, “Are you okay hyung?”

Nichkhun smiled like the rest of us, “Ne… Channie”

He huffed, obviously exhausted, his eyes still red from tears. It killed me to see him so torn up.

“Come one let’s get ready for bed” Taecyeon suggested to Chansung.

The maknae nodded and waved, “Goodnight hyungs!”

“Night Chan!”

The couple walked out of the room and Junsu followed. I heard him order to Taecyeon, “I still want to talk to Chansung, so wait outside the hallway while we talk”

“Fine but fast Junsu.”


Junsu’s POV


I grabbed Chansung’s hand and brought him into the bedroom and closed the door behind us. I sat him down on the bed.

“Okay Chansung, there’s one last thing I want to talk to you about”

He stared at me with big eyes.

“I know you and Taecyeon are ually active and-”

“Eunni!” he whined.

“Stop! This is important!” I raised my voice.

His whining instantly faded.

“Look I just want to make sure you’re comfortable with everything and if you have any questions. I’m here to help. Junho isn’t much as a help, but I’m in your same position” I winked at him making him blush.

“N-no I don’t have anything I want to ask” he said shyly.

I could tell he was lying, but I got up and headed towards the door anyway.

“Eunni! Wait!” He sounded desperate.

I turned around and smiled, “Wae?”

“I-I have a concern…” he drifted off.

“Go on”

… he stayed silent and then opened his mouth, closed it again…

“I’m s-scared. Hyung is…” he blushed even redder, “really big… and I’m scared it will hurt”

I laughed, “Chansung-ah don’t worry. Taecyeon won’t ever do anything he knows you aren’t ready for. He’ll be gentle I promise. Has he...” I motioned with my fingers, “You know… you?”

“I-I…………..” he nodded looking down ashamed.

“Don’t be embarrassed, it felt good didn’t it?” I tried to make him more comfortable with the situation.

He nodded quickly.

“See… it helps prepare you for too. Taecyeon knows what he’s doing. Don’t you worry Channie”

I got up, ruffled his hair, and began to leave the room.

“Eunni!” Chansung ran up to me and gave me a hug. He held me tight and I smiled, embracing him as well.

“Gomawo” he smiled.

I nodded, “sleep well, and come to me about anything”

I watched him run back into the bed and I left the room, smiling. Taecyeon was just about to walk in the room, when I pushed him back with my palm, “Taecyeon-ah… be careful with him, araso?”

He rolled his eyes, “Su… I know. I know he’s more fragile than other guys, I got this. I really like him, I’m not gonna this up” he changed his tone, “but thanks… thanks for the concern”

I nodded and continued walking, “SU!” he called. I turned around to look at him.

“You approve of Chansung don’t you? You actually like him” he teased

I couldn’t lie, I was extremely fond of Chansung, like a little brother I’ve never had. He got through to me, past the diva Junsu that everyone knew. I felt the need to take care of him.

“Shut up Taec” I began to walk away.

“SU!” he called one more time.


… he stayed silent for a while and looked at me, his heart showing through his eyes, “Thank you”

I nodded and walked to find Junho.


Junho’s POV


I was laying on the pop out mattress couch in the living room, when Junsu came in. He crawled on the mattress and plopped down right next me.

“Hold me” he ordered.

Without hesitation I wrapped my arms around him, he snuggled into my armpit.

“You okay?” I asked.


*sniffle sniffle*

Was Junsu crying?!

“SU!? SU?! What’s wrong?”

He peaked out from the cover of my body; my heart broke. I always saw Junsu as the strong independent type, but right now he seemed so… young, like a kid. I knew he was only 19, but he always acted like he was my age; 22. I’ve never seen him so vulnerable, so fragile. I wanted to take every burden from his shoulders and place it on mine; I wanted him to stop crying. I didn’t know what to do.

His sobs started to get heavier.

“Baby! You’re scaring me, what’s wrong?!”

He sniffled some more, “Did you look at Wooyoung, Junho?! Did you see his pain? Did you see how Chansung reacted? Did you see his pain? Both of those boys are too sweat to have to deal with this Junho! I just… hate to see them go through this. It’s good we all have each other, but but-” he broke down to cry even more

“Shhh… it’s okay babe. Wooyoung has Nichkhun and Chansung has Taecyeon. They will be fine. Plus we’re here” I grabbed him to pull him closer to me.

“But Junho!”

“No… don’t worry Su, they will be fine... Now let me take of you” I cooed wiping his tears and scooting down the mattress to look at him in the eyes. I pressed myself into him.

“J-junho…” he whimpered.

I scooped him into my arms, and kissed him. I kissed his fears away, I kissed his terrors away, I kissed his anxieties away, I kissed him. I felt him instantly warm up and his mood lighten through the connection of our mouths. I had complete control of him as he squirmed underneath me. I slid my tongue into his mouth.

“Mmmmmhmm” he moaned.

Don’t get me wrong I loved my sassy, strong Junsu, but I was starting to like this fragile Junsu as well. It let me know we were getting deeper in our relationship. I wonder if he wanted to have-

Without thinking, I was just about to grab his when, “I’m so tired Junho” he yawned.

! I mentally cursed. I wanted to have really bad, this side of Junsu really got me going, but now I couldn’t even suggest it. Damn it!

He curled into me and wiped his last tear. I mentally sighed and wrapped my arm around him… at least this felt good.

“Goodnight Su”


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brat2104 #1
Chapter 27: I thought.. you said.. you're going to finish this? Huhuhu..
iampatty #2
I love Junsu
Chapter 18: awww everybody crying?!!! *wipes tear* the worst for me was su breaking down. the little diva is adorable as one of the maknaes in your version.
khunyoung987654321 #4
Chapter 27: Waiting for the last chapter :(((
orkideh #5
Chapter 27: I knew it would be like this
It feels like you haven't updated in...decades!
But what's done is done
Yes...go ahead and finish it
Thanks for you hard work! :D
Chapter 27: awww no worries Authornim... I'm just glad it lasted this long =] It's an awesome fic just so you know =]
Chapter 27: oh it's ok dear
I know how's that feel
you can't help it when you loosed your inspiration on it
k can guess that you tried hard enough to not leaving like that
n give it a proper ending
but it ok n understandable
thanks for not leaving it unfinished ;)
give it a happy ending n don't forget some love making for tacesung!
MirzaKun #8
Update pls! ∏w∏