Chapter 22 - A Little Bit of Everything


Author's Note: Hey guys. I have to admit... I'm not used to writing this fanfic so give me another chapter to adjust to the style again... Hopefully the awkwardness won't last much longer! Thanks and enjoy! (it's finals week so updates will probably be once a week for the next 2-3 weeks)

Junsu’s POV


Things changed quickly. What seemed like an average afternoon with Junho turned into a drama filled night with everyone… everyone except Nichkhun, the start of the damn problems.

Junho was taking me to dinner when I got the call from Taecyeon. Apparently Chansung was in tears upset about Wooyoung, and Wooyoung… well Taecyeon wouldn’t tell me over the phone. He said to meet him at his apartment while he would take the two boys with him to meet us.

So that’s where Junho and I were now, in Taecyeon’s apartment, standing in front of a rather calm solemn Wooyoung, Chansung with Taecyeon in another room.

“YOU IN DID WHAT?!” Junho raged.

I couldn’t believe my ears as well, but… I knew Wooyoung had been going downhill ever since Nichkhun had been acting strange weeks ago. I don’t want to say I expected something like this, but… I really was expecting this. Still it pained me to know Wooyoung was cutting himself.

“How could you do that over ing Nichkhun?! He’s a !” Junho kept going, “and in front of Chansung?! He is traumatized now Wooyoung! My little brother is deeply disturbed and in tears because of your in ! God damnit Wooyo-”

“Stop! You’re being too harsh!” I put my hand on Junho’s shoulder to calm him down, “Nichkhun is not just anybody to him, Junho… you don’t understand”

“I-I’m sorry, I never meant to effect Chansung like that. I just needed some release. I would never purposely mean to hurt my dongsaeng like that!” Wooyoung pleaded. It was sad to see him care more about Chansung then himself.

“Woo… Chansung will be fine… b-but I’m also worried about you.”

“How can you be so… careless and cut yourself Woo? You have got to be in kidding me. You better straighten your out seriously I cant-”

“Junho stop!” I cut him off once again, “Go outside and cool down!”

He gave me a glare.


“God damnit” and with that Junho left out the front door.

“G-gomawo…” Wooyoung said timid as ever.

“Wooyoung-ah… I don’t understand. How can you do that to yourself? What can I do to help?”

“Stay with me Su… please”  


Taecyeon’s POV


“W-woo-young…” Chansung sniffled.

I held my dongsaeng in my arms which seemed to help calm him down, like it always did. He snuggled deeper into my embrace.

“Do you understand what he did and why he did it?”

Chansung nodded, “That’s what scares me” he drifted off, “Wh-what if” he almost whispered, “y-you leave me and I do the s-same thing hyung?”

I knew this was coming.

“First of all, I would never leave you Chanana” I said as I kissed the younger’s forehead, “secondly, Wooyoung is just at an extremely low point. It is our job to push him back up. He needs us… we need to be strong, he needs you to be strong Chansung”

Chansung looked up at me with big eyes.

“Do you understand?”

“N-ne” I glint of hope in his voice.

A small grumble broke the serious scene. Instantly Chansung reached for his stomach. I couldn’t help but grin at how much natural aegyo this kid possessed.


He nodded.

“Let’s go to the kitchen, hyung’ll make you something to eat” I said standing up hitting my chest.

Chansung shook his head.

“Wae? You love my cooking?!” honestly surprised of his reaction. Chansung loved to eat, that was no secret.

“Wooyoungie…” he whined.

“Remember what I told you. Be strong Chanana. Show him you are here for him”

Chansung nodded and stood up puffing out his chest (copying me), “Gaja!”

I smiled and held out my hand, and instantly he took it, “Thanks hyung”

We made our way down to the kitchen to see Wooyoung and Junsu together on the couch. Junsu was holding Wooyoung by the waist.

“Eunni?...” Chansung drifted off as he timidly approached Wooyoung.

“Chanana! Are you okay? I’m sorry, I should have never put you through that… this” Wooyoung stood up.

“Wooyoung!” Chansung closed the distance between them by running into his arms.

“Don’t cry anymore because of me… Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine”


“No buts, Chansung I need to figure out my own problems. You shouldn’t have to deal with my issues.


“Chansung…” this time I spoke up, “Let’s go eat”

Our maknae gave a defeated look and gave a weak smile to Wooyoung before following me into the kitchen. Wooyoung and Junsu went back to talking.

Having Chansung’s stomach as my main priority, I whipped out ingredients to make dukbokki. To my satisfaction, I heard Chansung’s cheers behind me.

“Hyung, dukbokki? Jinjja?!”


I heard him clap and run around in circles.

“Chansung-ah, come help your hyung” I ordered, but I had something else in mind.

“Ne!” Chansung ran to me, ready to help.

I grabbed him gently and placed in between the counter and myself, his body facing the counter.  I pushed myself into him lightly, trying to get his mind off the Wooyoung situation and onto something else… well the something else being me. He whimpered slightly as I slid my hands down his arms grabbing his hand, “Grab the knife” my voice smooth. I was turning myself on.

Chansung picked up the knife, his hands shaking slightly. I firmly grasped his hands for support, “don’t be nervous yeobo…” I let him cut one of the green onions before I couldn’t take it anymore and I placed a kiss on his neck.

“hy-yung” he moaned slightly.

I felt my member grow, pushing into Chansung’s backside which made him flinch and whimper more.

“Chanana…” I kissed his neck, his chin; then I flipped him around to kiss his sweet… tender lips. I got lost in his warmth as I wrapped my arms around his tiny frame. He was so easily mendable, he fit perfectly with me. It felt… natural. His lips curved into a shy smile, a giggled slightly.

“Feel good?

“Ne hyung” he giggled more as he grabbed me tightly.

“Yah!!!” Junsu rushed into the room, “This isn’t a damn o! Get your hands off of him you beast!”

Instantly Chansung took his hands off me and turned his head in embarrassment.

“Yah! Su quit your ! I tell you this all the time, he’s old enough now! Plus I’ll take care of him! You know me Su!” I yelled.

Junsu rolled his eyes, “Take care of him… yeah… like take his ity”

“Eunni stop!”  Chansung whined, “I know what I’m doing!” It was the first time Chansung had ever yelled at Junsu. I stood back a little surprised from his outburst, “I’m NOT a baby anymore! I can make my own judgment now!”

Junsu stood back as he too was wide eyed, “I-I… I… I… Mianhae… I’m just worried about you…”

Chansung walked up to Junsu, “I know Eunni, but I’ll be fine, just like Wooyoung eunni!”

Junsu smiled, “You’re right Chanana…”



Hours later…



Junho’s POV


After the day’s events, Junsu and I finally got to lay down in bed and relax… the only thing was… Wooyoung was next to Junsu… in our bed.

I sighed as I heard the giggles from the two “girls” next to me. I understood that Wooyoung didn’t want to be left alone, but I didn’t understand why he had to sleep with us… in OUR bed. The most annoying part was Junsu’s arm was wrapped around Wooyoung, like they were dating.

“Baby” I whispered grabbing Junsu’s waist.

“Yah!” he slapped my hands, “Stop Junho! Wooyoung’s here!”

“But… I want attention too!” I whined.

Junsu scoffed and turned back to Wooyoung, and seconds later the giggles came back. I cursed my situation mentally. God damnit!...

It was gonna be a long night.

I also cursed that bastard Nichkhun..,

God damnit Khun!

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brat2104 #1
Chapter 27: I thought.. you said.. you're going to finish this? Huhuhu..
iampatty #2
I love Junsu
Chapter 18: awww everybody crying?!!! *wipes tear* the worst for me was su breaking down. the little diva is adorable as one of the maknaes in your version.
khunyoung987654321 #4
Chapter 27: Waiting for the last chapter :(((
orkideh #5
Chapter 27: I knew it would be like this
It feels like you haven't updated in...decades!
But what's done is done
Yes...go ahead and finish it
Thanks for you hard work! :D
Chapter 27: awww no worries Authornim... I'm just glad it lasted this long =] It's an awesome fic just so you know =]
Chapter 27: oh it's ok dear
I know how's that feel
you can't help it when you loosed your inspiration on it
k can guess that you tried hard enough to not leaving like that
n give it a proper ending
but it ok n understandable
thanks for not leaving it unfinished ;)
give it a happy ending n don't forget some love making for tacesung!
MirzaKun #8
Update pls! ∏w∏