Chapter 2 - Interesting


Author's note: Bear with me for a few more chapters, if you don't understand the writing style yet. I'm still getting used to writing in first person! Sorry! Also if you're confused with the story it'll unfold in a few more chapters don't worry! But in the meanwhile... Enjoy!

Chansung’s POV

Today was just like any other day. Woke up, got ready, Junho had already left, and headed to school. The only difference was I needed to apply a little bit more makeup to the bruises around my face.

When I finally got to school, I looked around. Everyone seemed so… happy. I felt jealous; I have always wanted that, sometimes I feel like I will never get that, that being happiness.

Forgetting my feelings, I walked to my first class which was calculus, I really can’t stand math. I sat through the entire class and it was torture. Hearing hours of math theories would make anyone want to commit suicide. I could hardly stand the teacher too; he spoke in his dull voice through the entire lecture. When the bell finally rang, it felt like I was being released from chains, my wrists felt free from the tight grip that was choking them. I ran out the classroom heading straight for the main doors looking for freedom. Freedom was a 15 minute break right in between Calculus and English.

I swung open the main doors; the warm sun instantly thawed my skin from the aftereffects of being in the freezing air-conditioned classrooms. It felt nice, like I was in an oven slowly baking to a nice golden brown.

“Don’t burn that pretty white skin” Nichkhun walked passed mocking me.

I couldn’t help, but cower I know he wouldn’t hurt me in public, but still. He was…unnerving, unsettling.

I looked down in fear making him laugh, as he continued to walk by. I let out a giant sigh as the stress quickly left my system.


By the time it was lunch, I sat by myself in the lunchroom eating the lunch I packed myself. I always felt weird during lunch. Everyone always ate lunch together, and I always sat alone. On top of that the entire student body buys lunch from the restaurants around campus and bring it back to the cafeteria. I just feel out of place with my homemade lunches. I guess I should think on the brighter side and be happy I actually have a lunch.

After my kimbap roll and box of pepero, I made my way to my next class. The hallways were empty, completely empty. I needed to leave now, I needed to-   

“Well… well… well look who it is”

Oh no. Please tell me it’s not him. I turned around and my heart stopped… it is him.

“I thought I bruised that pretty face up more than that yesterday” Nichkhun mocked.

The Thai walked up to me and I took a step back. He chuckled, “Scared?”

I couldn’t help but nod making him laugh even more. Instantly he pushed me up against the brick wall.

“Why the do you even come to school anymore? You’re ing disgusting”

Nichkhun threw a punch at my stomach.

“P-please st-stop!” I pleaded while coughing.

Nichkhun laughed, “Why would I?”

Nichkhun pushed me on the floor and my head smacked against the hard concrete. He put his large foot over my face.

“GET THE OFF HIM!” a deep voice yelled.

Nichkhun took his foot off me and turned around, “What the do you want?”

“Get away from him.” The voice said calmly. His voice…

Nichkhun chuckled, “What the hell are you gonna do about it?”

I grabbed my knees and brought them too my chest, what was going on? I was so scared.

All I heard was a loud thud and I cringed. Nichkhun must have punched this guy hard. I was going to get it now.

“Don’t you ever in touch him again. You got that?!” The deep voice said.

“Dude what the is your problem?” Nichkhun yelled.

“Low life ’s like you! Get the out of here before I kick your !”

Wait. What? What was going on? I peeked from knees comfort.

Oh my god. He…who is he? His sharp features, big arms, muscular, he looks like a beast. He is-. I lost track of the scene in front of me as Nichkhun took off in the other direction holding his face limping.

“Hey, are you okay?” his voice was soft gentle.

I looked in his direction…

He is… so cute. He is-

“I-I-I’m okay, th-thank you” I managed to stumble out.

He smiled, “good let’s go clean you up, can you walk?”

I tried to get up and it resulted in me hissing in pain, “Ouchie…”. ‘ouchie?’ Really Chansung? You look like a kid.

The beast smiled, “let me help you”. He wrapped his large arm around me. It felt so good. No one had ever touched me like that before. He felt so…warm, satisfaction ran deep through my veins. His arm fit perfectly around my back, cradling me. I felt an instant protection, my cheeks warmed up. This is so embarrassing.

“I n-need t-to g-go” I said, before I get more embarrassed. I started to run out of the hallway forgetting my pain, I needed to get away from him.

“Wait!” his deep voice called after me.

No, no chance I was waiting. I can barely look at him without feeling this… feeling. I stopped to run into the 2nd floor bathroom.

Wait… what is this feeling. I felt my heart through my shirt. It was beating fast, not from running, and not like I was scared from Nichkhun, this was a new feeling. It felt like feathers racing across the inners of my stomach. What is this? What is this feeling?


An hour had passed


Junsu’s POV

I stared at my best friend, Taecyeon, from across the table. We met up for lunch, since we both go to different schools. Just a casual friendly lunch. That word… friendly… it’s haunting. I wish we were more than friends. Since the first day I saw him, my heartbeat fast for hours, like I had ran a marathon. He was a total hunk, everyone knew it. Dumb girls always were calling to him to get his attention “Oppa! Oppa!”. I witnessed this a lot because we are always hanging out and all I can do is laugh at their pathetic attempts. One thing I know about Taecyeon is his heart is not easily swayed.

The sad thing is though, Taecyeon will never be interested in me, because he’s straight… Damnit. It took me a while to figure that out too, until we had a conversation about his first girlfriend Yoona. At first when we met, I would try to wear my best clothes, and trust me as a fashion icon, as I’m called; I have nice clothes, but he wouldn’t even notice, he wouldn’t even care. I wanted more than anything for him to look at me, that way, but he never did. I have spent my fair share of tears over him, but I’m slowly trying to accept it. Honestly it , but I am happy being at least his friend.

“Su? What are you thinking about? You’ve been quiet since we’ve got here. That’s unlike you, normally I can’t get you to shut the hell up” Taecyeon laughed at his own joke.

“Yah!” my tone changed, “don’t worry about it…”

Taecyeon just looked confused.

“But what about you? How’s your day gone?”

“I…” Taecyeon paused, “it’s been interesting”


“Ne… Interesting.”


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brat2104 #1
Chapter 27: I thought.. you said.. you're going to finish this? Huhuhu..
iampatty #2
I love Junsu
Chapter 18: awww everybody crying?!!! *wipes tear* the worst for me was su breaking down. the little diva is adorable as one of the maknaes in your version.
khunyoung987654321 #4
Chapter 27: Waiting for the last chapter :(((
orkideh #5
Chapter 27: I knew it would be like this
It feels like you haven't updated in...decades!
But what's done is done
Yes...go ahead and finish it
Thanks for you hard work! :D
Chapter 27: awww no worries Authornim... I'm just glad it lasted this long =] It's an awesome fic just so you know =]
Chapter 27: oh it's ok dear
I know how's that feel
you can't help it when you loosed your inspiration on it
k can guess that you tried hard enough to not leaving like that
n give it a proper ending
but it ok n understandable
thanks for not leaving it unfinished ;)
give it a happy ending n don't forget some love making for tacesung!
MirzaKun #8
Update pls! ∏w∏