Chapter 21 - Somethings Change... Somethings Don't


Author's note: Hey! It's been a while... too long I know. Well the good news is I wrote this chapter. Bad news is: remember when I said the story would be making some returns to it's dark roots? Well... the first part of this chapter is so.. so be fair warned for some dark drama. Anyway! Hope you enjoy! Missed you all!

A month had passed by since we last left off. The month of November had brought with it a blanket of snow that covered the ground that grew as the month of December came into play. The frigid weather foreshadowed the events about to play…


Taecyeon and Chansung were as happy as ever, their evenings consisting of cliché cuddling together drinking hot chocolate (with marshmallows in Chansung’s drink of course) and doing the last bits of their schoolwork. Junho had made a pact to himself to be a better boyfriend to Junsu after the pain and sickness he caused him on Halloween. Junsu loved it of course. The only issue was – and quite a big issue – was Nichkhun and Wooyoung. Nichkhun’s heart was in the right place but his mind was far off course… with thoughts of… well here... Why don’t you just find out?



Nichkhun’s POV


I couldn’t stop staring at him. I loved him. I loved him. I ing loved that boy. He recently had dyed his hair pink that had been making me crazier for him more than before. I loved his feminine features, his eyes, his hips, his full pink lips; he was perfect.

But I knew I had to stop thinking this way…

My dad came back home from the military. I honestly thought he’d be gone forever. I wished he be gone forever. I wished he would have died in war, but no he came back home and my mom was treating him like royalty. See the thing about my dad was that he was extremely conservative, like most dads in Korea. I… I knew he wouldn’t ever accept… this… me… Wooyoung. If I even brought over Wooyoung as a friend, my father would hurt him. No he would torture him. He hated homouals. There was nothing I could do. I would just leave… God I wish I could leave, but that would break my mom’s heart and I love her… I loved her too much to do that to her.

The only way to do this was too break my own heart and ignore Wooyoung… Even – Even if it killed me.

I had already slowly withdrawn from Wooyoung, trying to gain immunity from the pain. I stopped going to his house everyday afterschool, then stopped eating with him at lunch, and finally stopped picking him up in the morning. I always made lame excuses that I knew was hurting him deeply, I could see in his eyes. It tore me apart to hurt him, but it had to be done. But THIS had to be done, today was the day… Wooyoung I love you…


Wooyoung’s POV


I didn’t understand. Nichkhun and I were in class together and he wouldn’t stop staring at me. He’d been acting like he’s hated me for the last few weeks, but whenever we were together he eyed me like a piece of meat. Today was the worst, he eyed my every move. It scared me. I would barely change positions in my chair and he’d flinch like I was ready to run at him. I wanted to cry, but I needed to figure out what was wrong. I needed my Khunnie back.

That’s when the students around me started to stand up and back their bags. I guess I missed that class was dismissed. Nichkhun walked over to me. (it pained me that he didn’t even sit next to me anymore).

“Ready?” he said solemnly.


We silently walked out of the classroom not even holding hands. The coldness from outside seemed to travel inside between us even though the heater in the building was blaring.

Nichkhun stopped, “Look… enough with this”

“What are you talking about?”

“Woo, I can’t do this anymore. This is done, we are done” his face was straight; no emotion.

No… this was a dream, no a very bad dream; a nightmare.

“Kh-khun” I choked, tears beginning to stream down my cheeks, “Khunnie… what’s going on?! Is this why you’ve been acting strange? Is it me?! Khun I’ll change. Do you not like my pink hair?! I’ll dye it! Khunnie please!!!” I begged for my life, I never imagined it would come down to this.

People started to gather around us, I was making a scene.

“Wooyoung… I-I made up my mind, this is it. You can’t do anything”

“Khun! PLEASE!”

It hurt; Nichkhun didn’t even seemed hurt by the situation, almost like he was expecting it. I fell to my knees giving up. I felt weak. I needed my Khun, but through my teary eyes I watched his blurry figure walk away.




Chansung’s POV


Class just got dismissed, and I ran out of music theory in need of fresh air. That class drove be insane! After catching my breath, I got the strangest feeling; a bad feeling. I wanted to leave as soon as possible, but I needed to find Wooyoung eunni first.

See Wooyoung had been having problems with Nichkhun hyung for a while now, and I had been trying everything to get them back on the right track. Yet… nothing was working. So for now I walked with Wooyoung home so he wouldn’t feel as lonely, it was the least I could do.

I made my way to the usual spot we meet at after school, and to my surprise, Wooyoung eunni wasn’t there. He was always there first. I waited ten minutes before giving a call, but received no answer.  In search, I walked down the closest corridor to see if he was coming, and once again that horrible feeling washed over me. I-I heard crying from the boys bathroom. I walked closer, the crying getting louder and louder until I was standing right outside the bathroom door. I was scared, the cries seemed like ghost cries for lost love, something from a movie. But maybe it was Wooyoung? After making a bad decision, I crept inside…

There he was, but something was wrong. Wooyoung was faced towards the wall on the floor curled over himself, the perfect beginning to a horror movie. My heart started to pump. H-he was scaring me.


A sudden gasp; my reaction a jump.

Wooyoung turned around; I noticed his black makeup running down his eyes his---


I started to shake, my own tears forming.

“Ch-Chanana… p-please d-don’t tell anyone…”

Wooyoung had a blade in one hand several cuts down the opposite wrist, blood dripping down his arm.

“Eunni, wh-what happened?” I refused to believe he was doing this to himself.

He shook his head.

“Never do this to yourself NEVER Chansung” his voice quivered.

No… he couldn’t, “Eunni, you did th-th-this?”

He nodded.

Eyes moist, throat choking.

“Chanana… don’t tell anyone… p-please I beg you”

Wooyoung. The most understanding person I knew, the happiest boy I knew. He would never do this. This WAS a dream.


“Nichkhun hyung… br-broke u-up with me”

I knew it… Junho hyung warned me it would probably happen, but I didn’t expect it ever to really happen… I never expected this.

I wanted to help him, but he scared me. This wasn’t the Wooyoung I knew. I was petrified. I wanted hyung.

“L-let me just wash this and w-we can go” Wooyoung said casually as he stood up wiping his tears.

“Wooyoungie… We have to get help”

He turned to me, evil in his eyes, “CHANSUNG DON’T YOU DARE”

I flinched, scared for what he would do to me. I held myself wishing it was hyung. I heard Wooyoung cry even more.

“I-I… mianhae… Chanana… you’re right… I need help.”

I ran to him clutching him, scared for what’s next to come.  I prayed…. Please help Wooyoung eunni.



But as said before not everything was bad…



Junsu’s POV


I grinned.

There was Junho, waiting in the front of the school to come pick me up. He still had that piece of car, but it was the least of my worries. The most important thing was that my man was here to pick me up.

“Baby!” he ran to the other side of the car to open the door then to me to kiss me tenderly.

But it wasn’t enough for me, enough for him. I pushed myself ever so lightly into him, making him grab my waist. He ran his hands down my hips, accentuating every curve. I giggled to myself. After this “pact” Junho made to be more caring, he still couldn’t resist his hormones.

“Do you ever stop thinking about ?” I questioned.

“Wha? Baby come on I’m tryin! I’m doin damn good too I think!”

I laughed, “You’re right you have been doing good” I said as I pecked his cheek making him grow a smile.

“But you know what?” I asked.


“Baegopa… take me out to eat…

“I just took you out to lunch today”

“Your point?”

He grinned, “You’re such-a diva”

“Your point?”

He laughed and opened the door wider for me, “Just get in princess”

“but you love it and it’s queen!” I screamed right before he shut the door.

I watched his facial expression as he made his way to the other side and plopped into the seat next to me, “and you know what you love?” he asked


“My up your ”




Did you miss Junho?


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brat2104 #1
Chapter 27: I thought.. you said.. you're going to finish this? Huhuhu..
iampatty #2
I love Junsu
Chapter 18: awww everybody crying?!!! *wipes tear* the worst for me was su breaking down. the little diva is adorable as one of the maknaes in your version.
khunyoung987654321 #4
Chapter 27: Waiting for the last chapter :(((
orkideh #5
Chapter 27: I knew it would be like this
It feels like you haven't updated in...decades!
But what's done is done
Yes...go ahead and finish it
Thanks for you hard work! :D
Chapter 27: awww no worries Authornim... I'm just glad it lasted this long =] It's an awesome fic just so you know =]
Chapter 27: oh it's ok dear
I know how's that feel
you can't help it when you loosed your inspiration on it
k can guess that you tried hard enough to not leaving like that
n give it a proper ending
but it ok n understandable
thanks for not leaving it unfinished ;)
give it a happy ending n don't forget some love making for tacesung!
MirzaKun #8
Update pls! ∏w∏