♫ Knowing A Jerk ♫


"I never knew you before..."

"But I regret ever even meeting you"

"Because, your a complete..."


Vacation! Yes the time for me, Meisoo to

relax and sit in my room and not talk to

anyone. Because I hate socialising with

other people, being a loner is just what I am.


Well, that's what I was planning on doing

but my parents changed that...


They are making me stay with Kai! My mothers

old friends son... But unfortunately his mother

isn't going to be with us... So its just me and Kai!


I am going to hate this Summer





(The girl with the hat is Meisoo and the other girl is Gyemi)

- L.O.V.E.S To tease anyone, even her parents at times.

- She can be very cold-hearted and mean, but underneath that is a very kind girl.

- She likes to be alone, she absolutely hates anything social.

- She is only cute, kind and funny towards her best friend, Gyemi who is 18.

- She is 18 1/2, and her birthday is on September 11th.

- Her nickname is Pineapples,  since they are hard on the outside but soft on the inside. 

- Her favourite colours are white, blue, green and pink.

- She hates people who are too considerate, since she doesn't get their peronality.




- Stubborn as hell, and hates being proved wrong.

- Doesn't have much empathy for other people, his main concern is himself.

- Likes to have his own space, and doesn't like being around too many people.

- Only smiles around his family (and that's very rare).

- He can be extremely protective. Mostly over the people he cares for.

- He is 19, and his birthday is on the 14th of Janauary.

- His favourite colours are blue and white (white isn't even a colour).

- His nickname is Kkamjong because he has dark skin.

- But Meisoo calls him Kaik (who knows why) Maybe just to piss him off.




- Kind and cares about everyone equally (except Kai)

- Loves to ride his motorbike, in which he owns completely.

- His favourite colours are, green, red and white.

- His nickname is Wooza, because he can woo the ladies very well.

- Also he can be a ert at times.

- He is 19 and his birthday is on March 4th. But for some weird reason he hates it.

- He loves watching cartoons and kiddy stuff.

- He sometimes has the most cheesy lines, but they are cute when coming out of his mouth.

- He is really never angry unless someone does something to a girl.

© Copyright, story by GigiMaid

A huge thank you to...


❈*~ Flourish Design + Reviews*❈





I am waiting for my poster, background and CC i have ordered for this story. Hopefully it will arrive soon :)


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GigiMaid #1
I tend to update chapters a lot XD Srry for the overwhelm of chapters if it is bugging you
GigiMaid #2
those pictures. *o*
it sounds so interesting!
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
and plus it has lee hyun woo in the story. c;