Back to School...

☆East meets West☆

At Rena's room

*Beep beep beep beep*

The alarm clock started beeping.

"aaaish!" Rena grabbed her alarm clock and threw it on the ground.

"5 more minutes!" She whined covering her face with her covers.

*Ring ring ring*

Her phone then started ringing. She took it and almost thew it on the ground but remembering that it was new.

"fine fine fine!" Rena said while taking the phone call.

"What?" She said crankily

"Get up! Its the first day back to school." It was Akari who called her.

"5 more minutes" She whined.

"NO! Its already 7:05 am.. you have to wake up Rena! You'll be late if you dont get up now!" Renas eyes widen as soon as she heard the time.

"What?!!? Its already 7:05!!!" she panicked as she stood up and checked her alarm clock that she threw on the ground.

*OH crap!! OH Crap!! I have to be there before 8! it takes 30 minutes to get to the damn school! OH Crap! I'll be late!* She then ran in her bathroom, took a quick shower,put on clothes she picked out last night, brushed her teeth and dryed her hair.

She put her hair up, grabed her bag and her phone (Akari was still on the phone with out her realizing it)

She ran down the stairs and suddenly.

"Rena, Your finaly awake." It was Seri.

*what Seri was wearing*

( )

"Oh hey... why didnt you wake me up?"

"I did... i tried like 4 times.. and you kept on yelling 5 more minutes. So i just sat down stairs called Akari and waited for you."

She looked at the clock it was 7:35 and started panicking again.

"OH crap we'll be late!!! Bye MOM!" Rena yelled while putting her white convers on and headed towards the door.

"BY sweetie.. be careful... You too Seri." Renas mom yelled from the kitchen where she was watching the chef cook something.

(Renas outfit was this) (

Seri looked at Rena and laughed.. as she followed Rena out of the house.

"Dont worry Rena.. I have a car remember?" She said pointing at the car outside the gate of the house.


(sorry im not really good with cars... but this is one of my fave... my mom has one and i really like driving it. and its a sort of small but spacy car)

"Ohh yeah....*sigh* " Rena sigh of relief.

"Thank gosh your here!" Rena said as she opened the gate and hugged Seri's car.

"Yeah... just get in." Seri said closing the gate and unlocked the car so Rena could get in.

*In side the car*

Seri started the engine and put her seat belt on, Rena did as well.

Seris phone fell on the side of her seat so she tried to get it when she noticed that Renas phone lights was still on and Akari was still on the phone with her.

"Ano... Rena... Akari is still on the phone... " She said while grabbing her phone off the side.

"Ohhh!! Sorrry Akari!... thanks for calling me." She said talking to the phone and putting it on Speaker.

"Ne can you guys pick me, and Reisya up? Were at my house.. in need for someone to pick us up.." Akari pleaded.

"Sure.. but what happened to Reisya's car??" Seri asked in confusion and looked at Rena for an answer but Rena just shrugged and mouthed the words "I dont know.. "

"We sorta have to change the tires for it.. cuz Reisya accidentaly ran over a really big nail (the ones use for building something) while trying to get out of my houses driveway ... just a minute ago... we dnt have time to change it.. we'll be late.." Akari said with a innocent voice...

"Sorry for bothering you..." Reisya commented on the back ground.

"Haha its fine.. since Akaris house is on the way to the school we'll be able to pick you guys up." Seri said while driving out of the neighborhood and through the highway.

They picked the two up 15 minutes later and headed to school.

~At Aokis car~

Aoki decided to pick up Momo since momos car was getting fixed.

"Why is it that my car decided to break today for the first day of school!!" Momo whinned in the car.

"Just be glad you live in my neighborhood." Aoki mumbled and turned the music on.

"Ne Aoki... Ive been wanting to ask you something.." Momo said looking at Aoki drive.

"What is it?" She asked still fixed her eyes on the road.

"Umm.. is Donghyun Oppa still studying in our University??" She asked shyly..

"Haha.. you still have feelings for him huh??.... Yeah.. Hes still studying... After all he wants to be a proffesional coreographer" Aoki chucked.

"Really?? he wants to be a coreographer?" Momo asked in surprised.. like she forgot that he loves to dance..

"He loves dancing... remember when we were young.. he would always teach us new dance moves" Aoki said while turning left to California Arts University parking lot.

They were getting out of the car when Aoki's phone started to ring.

"Hey! Where are you guys at?" Aoki said excitedly. 

"Auditorium..." It was Eva on the phone with Aoki.

"Who are you with?" Aoki asked while Momo n her started walking towards the main building.

"with Shiori and Nina... n some others... i think you just need to see for yourself."Eva said and hung up.

"Where are they at?" Momo asked opening the entrance door.

"Auditorium." She said. The two headed to the auditorium.

"Over here!" Nina called the two who just walked in the auditorium.

"Ohh its Momo and Aoki.. Hi!!" It was Daiki waving at the two.

The twos eyes widen while seeing that 5 guys were waving at them.

"You remember us?!" Yuya waved at the two as they sat next to the girls.

"Yeah... Yuya, Daiki, Hikaru, Kei... and...... umm...." Aoki pointed at the guys while saying their names and then stoped at Yabu n tried remembering his name...

"Umm........ hold on i got this...... Ya... Yu.... Yo.....Yi.....--" Aoki was trying so hard to remember his name but has honestly forgotten it.

"Yabu Kota." He chuckeled.

"Oh yeah! Yabu!" Aoki said and sat down again.

~California International School of Arts~

The four arrived at the parking lot of C.I.S.A.

*Ring Ring Ring*

"Hello??" Reisya answered her phone.

"Where are you guys?!?! I feel so awckward here sitting alone in the Auditorium and its about to start! "

"Aaahh Sorry were on our way to the Auditorium okay?" Reisya said and Hung up.

"Who was it?" Akari asked looking at Reisya confusingly.

"It was Yuki... Shes sitting alone on the Auditorium.. i feel bad.. we have to go.. its about to start as well!" She said as the four ran in the Auditorium.

They found Yuki sitting alone in the corner of the auditorium with four seats empty.

They sat where Yuki was at and the Orientation started.

In the middle of the orientation Akari turned around cuz she heard a sorta familiar voices laughing quietly 5 rows behind them.

She nugged Yuki who was sitting next to her.

"What?" Yuki asked while whispering.

"Um... is that the guys we met at the hospital Saturday?" Akari asked quietly secretly pointing at the guys.

"Eehhh... it is..." Yukis eyes widened and nudge Seri who was sitting next to her.

Seri looked at Yuki as she pointed at the guys... Her eyes widened as well.. and nudged Rena.. and Rena nudged Reisya as all of them started to question.

"What are they doing here?" "Why are they so loud?" "I thought i would never see them anymore!" "why are they here?!" "Oh come on!"

After the Orientation the girls were trying to get out of the Auditorium while trying to avoid the boys.

But then again... they failed.

"Seri! Rena! Reisya! Akari! Yuki!" The five stoped hearing their names.

The girls sigh in usion.

"Oh hey guys..." Yuki smiled so fakely..

"hi.." Seri said and gave a small fake smile.

"..its you guys again." Rena said emotionless.

"...hey..." Akari said with out any energy.

"So energetic!" Chinen said sarcastically.

The guys walked with the girls.

"Wait what classes do you guys have anyways?? n what grade?" Rena asked confused that they were still following.

"Im a senior.. n um... my first class is Dance in Mr. Guzmans class" Keito said.

"Senior n same as Keito.. Dance..Mr. G"  Yamada said.

"Aww.. I have Vocal with Ms. Smith first..oh n im a Senior" Chinen whinned.

"Senior.. and Chinen Dont worry i have the same class." Yuto smiled.

"Sophomore.. Music History first... with Ms. Kole" Ryutaro said looking sad that everyone else is a seior n hes a sophomore.

"... thats weird..." Yuki said.

"Why is that??" Chinen asked.

"Well..  Reisya, and I have Mr. G as well" Yuki said.

"I have Ms. Smith with Seri," Akari said smiling happily.

"What about you Rena?" Yamada asked while Rena was looking outside in her own little world.

"Rena." Seri nudged her.

"Huh? What?" Rena snapped out of it and payed attention to the others.

"What calss do you have first?" Yuto asked.

"Oh... ummm i got Ms. Kole first.... *sigh* again..." Rena release a sigh.

"Oh great... this will be fun..." Ryutaro said sarcastically.

The group went their seperate ways to go to their first period classes.

~7th period (the last period)~

Seri and Reisya were sitting down listening to the teacher lecture about how music was back in the days.

When Seri's phone started vibrating from her pocket.

"eehh... " Seri raised her hand as the teacher Ms. Dale called her.

"Can i be excused to go to the restroom?" She asked.. as Ms. Dale let her go and she ran out of the class.

She made her way to the girls restroom and went into one of the stalls.

She looked at her phone and it was an unknown phone number.. She called it to see who it was.



"Who is this?"

"Who do you think?... Cant you figure it out by the voice..."

"Ummm ---"

"Seri... im hurt... haha you cant figure out your best guy friends voice?" 

"Youngmin oppa!!!"

"Yupp!! We just got out of the Airport n on our way to the house.."

"You guys are here already?!?!"

"Yupp..---" Youngmin was cut off when Kwangmin his younger twin brother and Minwoo a childhood friend grabbed his phone

"Seri!" The two said in sync

"Hey!... umm ... did you guys forget... i have classes..."

"Oh... well... we cant wait to --------" Minwoo didnt finish his sentence when suddenly Seri heard chaos..

The phone seemed to have fallen out of the window... and all she heard was a loud crash and some screams.

"Hello?! Hello?! Hello?!"

Sorry for late update..

-___- im lacking... im very very sorry!!!"

So i was wondering... who was still reading...

n i want to know what you guys clothing style so i can put it up here..

n what things do you like... for ex Hello kitty  and what color...

sorry... n i gave you guys a cliff ^_^..

Hope you guys like it..


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Japaru #1
Good story
Hiwatarii #2
>.< motto~ I really like this fic, it's so cute!
shashimieshushie #3
OMG!HSJ!i love hsj and i love no min woo too!thanks for making a great story! *getting excited*<br />
Hiwatarii #4
aww this was a nice chapter ^^<br />
update soon~
lov4ever #5
update soon <br />
~lots of love
Oh my that is terrible, I can't even imagine how Rena and Serenity must have felt when they were in the room with Boyfriend, it must have pained them a lot, not being able to be remembered by their childhood friends, that is D: D: D:<br />
And haha, I love how Yuki pointed out the awkwardness, it's funny XD I also like the moment where each character has a line, reminds me of a scene from a manga hehe. Yaaay~ I'm so eager for the next chapter, keep up the good work XDXD<br />
OHH!Why is there 11 girls?? And love all the posters!!
I know how Rena and Seri feel...even though I haven't experienced that. I'm glad they found Rena and Seri! LOL! I will definietly window shop if I was in a mall and I will be bored!! I really feel like you know me too well... :)) Keep updating!!! I will also look in the sky if I was worried or sad... :p
The poster is awesoooome XDXD<br />
Aaaw I hope they don't have amnesia or something, that would be terrible D:<br />
I love the part where Nina called Eva up,m it seems like they're quite close ^w^