

Kai ed two of the buttons on his white shirt, then looking in the mirror. 


He made his way onto the set. 

Yes, Kai was now a model. He modeled for so many differerent companies, that at the ripe age of 22, he was known throughout the entire world. Kai posed for the camera, sending different expresions and body language. 

"And we're done!" the camerman announced. "Thank you for your hard work!" 

Kai bowed, then rushed into his dressing room, grabbing his phone and keys. He ran outside into the parking lot, ignoring the screams of fans and starting up his car. He rushed past stores and cut off some cars, earning honks and cursings. He parked his car in his driveway, staring up at the large house he now lived in. He jammed the key into the keyhole, setting his things down then rushing upstairs. 

There he was. 

Kyungsoo was curled up in a ball, tissues on the night stand and puffy eyes closed. 

Kai's heart shattered to pieces. 

It's true that he had been away for over 3 months, doing his job as a model for vogue in Paris, then he had another three weeks of photo taking in Korea that was in another region. 

"Jon...g...in..." Kyungsoo mumbled in his sleep. 

Kai froze as Kyungsoo turned around on his back, eyes suddenly seeming much more puffy than before. His lips were swollen and hands were tightly clutching one of Kai's shirts that he always wore at home. Kai felt a stray tear stream down his cheek. 

'Kyungsoo.. you missed me this much..?' Kai winced as he saw dried up tear tracks on Kyungsoo's ghostly pale and sunken cheeks. 

Kyungsoo had looked like he had lost a few pounds, if not, many. He quickly made his way onto the bed, waking Kyungsoo up. 

"Kyungsoo baby!" 

Kyungsoo's eyes slowly opened, bloodshot red and making his entire appearance seem ghastly. 

"Kai!" Kyungsoo tackled Kai, attacking his face with several kisses on the cheeks and lips. "I missed you so much.. Don't ever leave me like that again.. I love you.. Jongin." 

Kai shed tears of happiness, cupping Kyungsoo's face in his hands,"I love you so much.. What have you been doing to yourself? You're too skinny.. And pale.. Did I do this to you?" 

Kyungsoo smiled and shook his head,"It was my choice." 

Kai frowned,"Come on, I'll help you cook." 

Kyungsoo got up, sweatpants riding low on his hips due to the loss of weight. Kai helped him off the bed and into the kitchen, getting out some eggs and a few ingredients for a decent dinner. He finished cooking after about 30 minutes, placing the food on a white porcelain plate and presenting it to a tired looking Kyungsoo that was sitting on the couch with his eyes closed. 

"Eat up baby.." Kai whispered and pecked his cheek. 

"Thanks.." Kyungsoo smiled. He picked up his chopsticks, stuffing a few grains of rice in his mouth, eyes lighting up. 

"THIF ITH GOOD!" Kyungsoo stuffed more food in his mouth. 

Kai chuckled,"God you're so cute." 

Kyungsoo blushed, mouth chewing on the food that Kai made him. He gulped it down, drinking a glass of water and then snuggling up to Kai. 

"Promise not to leave alone like that again.. okay?" Kyungsoo drew circles on Kai's stomach. "I was alone here.. sometimes I cried myself to sleep.. Some other times I would take one of your shirts and reassure myself that you were out there becoming even more famous.. But.. I couldn't help but think that: I'm just a normal person, and you're a model. Wouldn't you be with some other hot shot? Like that Jaejoong guy.." 

Kai didn't talk. Instead he attacked Kyungsoo's plump lips. 


"How dare you think I would trade you in for anyone else?" Kai spat. "I love you, Kyungsoo. Only you." 

Kyungsoo blushed,"Sorry.." 

Kai shook his head,"Aniya. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you." 

Kyungsoo smiled,"Next time, take me with you. I want to go to Paris someday.. It's the city of love." 

Kai smiled,"I could take you today." 

Kyungsoo playfully slapped Kai's shoulder,"Stop joking around." 

"I'm not kidding you know," Kai said seriously. "Check the date. And time." 

Kyungsoo peeked on his phone. 

January 11.. 11:59 P.M  

"Kai.." Kyungsoo felt the tears welling up in his eyes. "I love you so much." 

Kai smiled,"Wo ai ni." 

"Where did you learn that?" Kyungsoo giggled. 


"Saranghae.. Do Kyungsoo." 

"Wo ai ni, Kim Jongin." 

12:00 A.M 

긑. THE END. PWAHAHAH! I'm sorry if it's a lot shorter than some other chapters.. And I know this whole plot kind of has a rushed feeling to it... but.. to make it up to you, I am in the process of kicking off another story!! Go check it out (: It's called That Cake Shop. 

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Chapter 15: Funny at the beginning
Smexy/funny in the middle
Sweet at the end
Chapter 15: I love this kind of story.
Simple but sweet... (^^)
Chapter 15: Woah this is cutee, despite the fact that the plot's kinda fast, but i like it. Thanks
Chapter 15: So cuteeeeeee. Hihi! :')
Chapter 15: Adorable ^-^
Chapter 15: This is just so cute ;~;
Chapter 15: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ><
Chapter 15: Aweee this was very sweet
Chapter 4: LOL, LAY THE _______ED CHIP.