Chapter 12


Kai left Kyungsoo's house after the very active "sport" he had done with Kyungsoo, leaving Kyungsoo dazed and very very VERY sore.

Suho frowned and opened the door to Kyungsoo's room, finding him tucked into his covers, eyes not completely closed.

"Kyungsoo? Are you okay?" Suho Kyungsoo's sweaty hair.


Suho winced at Kyungsoo's coarse voice, then he sat down on the bed, immediately regretting it when he heard Kyungsoo moan.

Kai had left a toy shoved inside Kyungsoo, telling him not to remove it until he said so.

"Tell you what, you want some green tea?" Suho smiled sympathetically.

Kyungsoo nodded,"Stupid Kai.."

Suho hopped downstairs, pouting at Lay.

"Is he dead?"

Suho scoffed,"Almost. That Kai has so much stamina it isn't even possible to be human."

"Well, he seems human."

Suho waltzed into the kitchen, blending the green tea powder into the hot water he had boiled. Lay helped him carry the tray upstairs, finding Kyungsoo half-dead laying on his bed.

"Here you go, Kyungsoo." Suho smiled and held the cup up to Kyungsoo's lips. Kyungsoo took the cup in his hands, drinking from it and wincing when it burned his sore throat.

"My baby brother.." Suho pouted and kissed the top of Kyungsoo's head. "I'll make sure Kai won't be getting any for the next few months."

Kyungsoo shook his head furiously,"NO! THAT'S WHAT GOT ME INTO THIS MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!"

Suho's eyes widened,"Oh. Okay."

Kyungsoo sighed,"He's still.. I still love him."

Suho smacked his forehead,"After he's made you a handicap?"

"Yeah.." Kyungsoo replied dreamily.

-The next day-

Suho heard Kyungsoo's alarm clock go off, then it was turned off, and then there was a loud thud. Suho ran up the stairs, finding Kyungsoo on the floor, groaning in pain.

"Oh god.. I can't even feel my legs." Kyungsoo whined.

Suho helped Kyungsoo into his bed,"Don't go to school today, I'll call them to call in sick for you."

Kyungsoo nodded,"Thanks, hyung."

-At School-

Kai furrowed his eyebrows when he saw that Kyungsoo wasn't here. Maybe he was too rough on him.. Was being denied ten times and going through twenty two rounds too much...?

Baekhyun noticed his absence too,"Where's Kyungie?"

Kai blushed,"I don't know.."

"You.." Baekhyun growed."WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY KYUNGIE?!"

Baekhyun pounced onto Kai,"WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?!"


Chanyeol lifted Baekhyun off of Kai, holding him back.

Kai blushed and brushed the dirt off his clothes,"I-I'll tell you somewhere when it's more... private."

Baekhyun glared at him,"Fine."

-At lunch-

"NOW TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!" Baekhyun demanded.

"I uh.. did it with him."

Baekhyun shrugged,"What's so bad about that?"

"Twenty-two times.." Kai chuckled nervously.

By now, Baekhyun was steaming red.

"I will get Tao to go wushu on you."

Kai gulped.

-With Sehun-

Sehun walked through the park, ignoring the loud sounds of toddlers screaming and yelling. He faintly smiled when a sakura petal fell into his hand.


Sehun turned around, finding Luhan in the midst of picking up a light purple flower.

"Oh. Luhan-hyung.." Sehun blushed.

"Wh-what are you doing here..?" Luhan walked closer.

"I was uh.. bored. Yeah! That's it.. bored." Sehun stammered.

"Oh. I see.. So, anything new going on?" Luhan tried his best not to stutter and carry on a conversation.

"Not much.. But there is this one special person.." Sehun's eyes lit up.

Luhan died inside. He zoned out as Sehun blabbed on and on about this special someone.. eyes like a burning fire, smiling brightly.

'Why can't I be that person?' Luhan felt a stray tear stream down his cheek.

"Luhan-hyung? Why are you crying?" Sehun looked worried, taking Luhan's face in his hands.

"Aniya. It's nothing." Luhan shook his head, hands taking Sehun's and guiding them back to his side.

"Luhan-hyung..." Sehun whispered.

"Well.. I'll see you later.." Luhan drifted away.


Sehun ran to Luhan, hugging him from behind.

"Don't leave me.. Luhan. Don't leave me alone." Sehun whispered into the crook of Luhan's neck. "I love you.."

"DON'T LIE!" Luhan snapped. "You love some other person.. You never paid any attention to me."

"I'm not lying! I seriously love you, Luhan." Sehun turned Luhan around, facing him in the eye. "Would I be able to lie to your face, straight in the eye?"

Luhan slowly shook his head,"So.. you do love me?"

"Of course I do.. babo." Sehun chuckled.

"Yah! I'm older than.. mmm..."

Sehun's lips molded with Luhan, hands drifting their way around Luhan's waist as Luhan's arms wrapped around Sehun's neck.

It was a perfect picture, really.

Sehun and Luhan were kissing in a flurry of pink sakura petals.

A/N: Awwwwwww, now if this was real, I would gladly give up.... something. XD PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! I've been having a bad week because of school. Please comment so I can be happy.. D:

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Chapter 15: Funny at the beginning
Smexy/funny in the middle
Sweet at the end
Chapter 15: I love this kind of story.
Simple but sweet... (^^)
Chapter 15: Woah this is cutee, despite the fact that the plot's kinda fast, but i like it. Thanks
Chapter 15: So cuteeeeeee. Hihi! :')
Chapter 15: Adorable ^-^
Chapter 15: This is just so cute ;~;
Chapter 15: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ><
Chapter 15: Aweee this was very sweet
Chapter 4: LOL, LAY THE _______ED CHIP.