Chapter 8.2 Convince

Between Both of Us

Chapter 8.2 Convince




"Yuri Unnie!!" I called out

She didn't even hear, didn't even look, didn't even respond.. Or at least she pretends to be.

It began a few days before when I found her threat letter, and she started to avoid me even more. I felt a big weight in my chest knowing that she's like that because some people threatened her. And that I can't even do anything. Not that she's special or anything, but she's literally someone I KNOW, and someone that is literally NEAR ME.

I feel baffled with everything that's happening.

"Seohyun ah." Someone called out my name.

*Gasp* "Unnie!..uh..why? Is there something wrong?" I asked Tiffany.

               "Aniya. Just--"

"Is this about Yuri Unnie?" I asked right out

She was shocked about my fast response and nodded in agreement.



A few moments later, I ended up at the Student Council Office.

"Well you see Seohyun, you're the only one directly related to this case more than anyone else, you're the only one I could ask about this." said Taeyeon while Tiffany records and takes note about our conversation.

"Then.. If I told you what really happened. Would you be able to help me? Would you help yuri unnie."

Taeyeon backed off with a sigh. "You're really unique! Chincha!"

Tiffany stopped writing and smiled. "I like you! you're a 3rd year right? Ja, I'll call you BabySeo."


I was confused and couldn't understand why they spoke that way.

Taeyeon suddenly got up her grand chair and put both of her hands behind her like an official and spoke like a respectable old woman with exaggerated facial expressions.

"You see child! YOU are one of us! 'Us' of which who seek Justice!!" she said while pointing her finger upward.

               "What she's trying to say is that you seem to be the same as us who doesn't like what happens in this school, especially in Yuri's case right now." said Tiffany

Taeyeon then clenched her fist and continued her speech.

 "Yuri is an important companion!! A very important COMRADE to be exact!!" Taeyeon pushed through.

 "She said, Yuri is an important friend ours--" Tiffany explained once again but

  "YAH! Fany-ah!! Stop ruining my moment here!" Taeyeon of course, was quite proud of her speech.

"Anyways.. We've know Yuri ever since EVER. She was funny actually, like Jo Kwon from Dramatic Department.. But after 'that' happened. She just suddenly changed like poof~ " Explained Taeyeon.

"We tried to help her at first you know, but she's been making enemies with a lot of people ever since. And one day, she just right out told us that we should just 'back off' cause it won't do us any good especially since we became SCO officers a little bit later on. We tried to help her again but.. She just stopped us once more and told us that 'the more we interfere, the more things would get bigger', and that really WAS what happened. The more we tried to help her, the more the people hated her. It was really tragic, but staying away was the only thing we could do." Tiffany continued.

I could feel the cold air gushing through, and we became silent. I was a little mad...


"But that was back then.." Taeyeon broke the ice with confidence of a smile "-that's because you're here!"

"ME?..What? I...What could a person like 'Me' do in a situation like this?!" I loudly replied.

"Well that's exactly it!! We don't know yet.. But I we know you will!" Tiffany continued.











Now I'm left walking through the halls in silence. They let me go telling me that if there's anything I needed help with, then they'll reach out their hands. Really, what is it that they see in me?.. I'm so confused.













No one's POV


That afternoon, as Seohyun went to her locker after dismissal. As her usual days were, she opened a locker filled with letters full of love and admiration despite being a new student.

Seohyun was always troubled on where to put those letters. Her previous school was all the same with this one.

As she was looking through her letters, one pink colored strong scented paper caught her eye. The writing looked familiar, but she couldn't point it out.

Seohyun felt her shoulder shudder. She felt a presence staring right through her. She immediately turned right only to see a tall girl about a year younger at her staring intensely at the paper she was reading while grinning.

"Uhm.. Excuse me?" Seohyun asked

The girl was startled and her strongly filled gaze faded away. The girl murmured unclear words and slowly backed off.

'Was she looking at this letter?' Seohyun thought

As the girl attempted to run away from her, Seohyun called out to her and stopped her.

"Hey!! Just wait!.. Excuse me..Uhm, do you own this?" Seohyun asked.

The short call turned into a casual conversation at a bench beside the school. It was a normal conversation, the girl seemed to be kind. But something felt off to Seohyun. She was unsure about what it was, until the girl asked.

"Uhm.. You..d-don't seem to be meeting with that woman anymore." said the girl.

"Woman?" Seohyun asked. "You mean Hyoyeon?"

The girl nodded in disagreement. "NO!..the o-other one. The tanned one?"

'Tanned one?' Seohyun thought the only tanned girl she was always with was no other than Yuri.

"Ah!..Her?..Yeah, I kinda have. I mean, there's a lot going on these days. Well actually..yeah, I really don't seem to be able to talk to her anymore." Seohyun weakly answered.

Much to her surprise, the girl started grinning once again. She felt herself shudder just by seeing her grin.

"HIHI.. REALLY!? That's great!!AWESOME!.. People like you shouldn't talk with people like her!!" the girl answered with a big smile.

That was when Seohyun realized. Something really WAS off with this girl, and the familiar writing of this girl became clearer to her mind.

This girl was the one who wrote the crooked message to Yuri.

'How in the world would a beautiful girl like this be able to smile like this without any regret?!' Seohyun thought

"Uhm..I have to go"

Seohyun didn't let the girl speak even a little word as she suddenly stood up.

Seohyun walked but stopped as soon as the third step.

 "May I ask?. What is your name?" Seohyun asked

"My name?..*chuckle* Sulli, Choi Sulli." the girl replied with a smile.

"SULLi!!" another girl came running.

"A friend of yours?" Seohyun asked once more

"Yeah!..tsk! YAH! JUNG! You're ruining my moment here!"

"I told you NOT to call me JUNG! Krystal, as in English Krystal..Anyeonghasseyo." said the other girl as she bowed.

Seohyun seemed confused on what to do, but, right at that moment, she made up her mind.

"If it would be ok to you guys...could I talk to you tomorrow?" Seohyun asked nervously.

But in a lucky turn of events, the girls easily agreed to meet her. They set up a place and time in order to meet.

Before meeting them, Seohyun informed Taeyeon and Tiffany about what she figured out.

The next day. Seohyun, supposedly meeting Krystal and Sulli, turned out to meet 3 more people named, Victoria, Amber and Luna much to her shock. All of them together made them look mischievous yet kind.

'Here goes nothing.' Seohyun thought.

"I'm gonna be direct...this. There’s this letter i found which has the same writing as Sulli. Look, Sulli, I know you're a good girl but..did you. Did you that?" Seohyun tried to look into Sulli's and the other's eyes while her fingers played around with nervousness.

The five were startled. Amber smirked sarcastically.

"Are you suspecting us?" she said in English.

Victoria on the other hand seemed pissed off.

"What if I told you we did it?" She said with sarcasm.

All of them fell silent.






"You should really stay away from that black soda, she isn't worth anything” Luna said confidently

Seohyun was thrown off with what Luna said.

"Worth anything?. What do you mean she isn't worth anything?..ALL OF US are NOT WORTH anything! We're people! we're humans." Seohyun argued

The five of them started to heat up as well.

"Wait. Sorry for what Luna said. What we meant is that, people like you, are different from her" said Krystal

"How am I so different from her? I have emotions, and so does she!" Seohyun answered in anger

"Look! Don't be so hot headed Seohyun unnie. Kwon Yuri is just bad news, haven't you heard about her? She's not good for you. Heck! She's not a good influence for ANYONE!” Explained Sulli

"And YOU are?" answered Seohyun as she stood up loudly.


Seohyun's response immediately lit up the girls' bad side.

"You know what, let's just go guys." Krystal gently stood up and the other girls followed.

"You better watch your words 'unnie'" said Victoria before walking away.




Everything became an unexpected turn of events.
















"Hey, are you ok?" Yonghwa asked while giving me a ma milk  

"Oppa. Milk? really? In a bar?" I asked sarcastically

"Yes, really. Because you're under aged in my eyes. Now drink!" He insisted, and I complied.

"You don't look so good." He said

He moved my face right to left and touched the bruise beneath my bangs and I slightly yelled in pain. "OW! tsk!"

"What 'OW'! What's this huh?! It’s freshly closed. Is something happening that you're not telling us again?!" He spoke with care

The other CNBlue Oppas around us came closer as Yonghwa's voice got louder and asked me question by question.

"YAH!" I yelled at them.

"I'm ok. OK?. Don't bother asking.. I'm fine, just..I just clumsily bumped on the wall that's all."

'I'm not fine...just leave me alone' My thoughts told me.







A few hours later.

*Sigh* What am I doing... I've been skipping meals and going home late lately..tsk..I need to keep myself together. *sigh* It's my fault, why did I even start going to that school again...


I'm so pissed off



It's all that girl's fault.









-Later on, At the house-


"I'm home" I shouted my greeting as I entered the house.

I continued walking through until my room.

'Eh?..the lights are closed.. Didn’t she arrive yet?' I thought

I opened the light in my room and fixed myself. But something caught my eye.

Why didn't I notice?!...

\There were drops of green ooze in her part of the room, although the lights in her side were off, the lights in my room made her room visible. I turned her lights on, and i saw her coiled up sitting beside her bed covered in green colored liquids.

My blood rushed through immediately. Many questions popped in my mind.

'Who did this? What made them do this? Does anyone hate her? This is impossible. This is horrible. etc..'

I took any cloth I found and immediately crossed our boundary lines, I gently raised her head to face me. Her eyes were shut and a little bit puffed.

'Did she cry?. Did she cry herself to sleep?' I thought to myself as i looked at her face.

Seohyun's eyes slowly opened.

                " love you..." She whispered.

'I'm not your Appa..chincha!' I thought as I rolled my eyes.

"*huup* Let's get up and get you cleaned." I said and tried to carry her up.

She started waking up as we arrived at her bathroom. Along our way there, I noticed there weren’t that much of any furniture at her apartment.

'Isn't this girl living with anyone?..'

"Y-yuri?...where--" I splashed cold water at her while she spoke.

"YAH!" she screamed in shock.

 "What?" I calmly replied

"You just splashed cold water at me."

I sarcastically smiled at her and applied shampoo at her.

She just stayed silent while I cleaned her up. I guess she noticed why I did this.

"Who did this to you?" I asked while showering her with water.

She just stayed silent.

"So you won't tell me?" I asked her again. But she still won't tell me anything.

"Did they start bullying you as well?" I stopped and asked her.

She looked at me for a second and diverted her gaze.

'I guess that's it.'

I took a towel and gently rubbed it on her head.

"That shouldn't have happened. Why would they attack you? Didn't I tell you not to interfere with me just recently?"

She stopped me from rubbing her head and told me "Don't worry about it, it doesn't involve unnie ok?" and she stood up and walked out.

'When did she get so snobby?' I got confused.

I walked back into our room and followed her back. As I slightly took a gaze at her living empty living room, a thought came up to me.

'This is such a lonely place..'


Seohyun immediately sat on her bed and continued drying her hair, it's as if she didn't even see me.



'Did she give up on me?..'

'Should that even matter?..'

'Why do I even care at all anyways?..'






I laid myself into sleep.





Next chap.













-------------------------------Writer's Note----------------------------------
Yoloo guys..It's been a pret--ty long time now huh?.. >_< sorry, kinda busy with college and stuff!...but guess what! That's not gonna stop me from updating! thats what I told myself!..:D I think the story's gonna be a long run now huh?..And I also think that Seori's actually getting some progress here..:D That's AWESOME!!...:)) well. see you on the next chap..:D



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...So near..haha, I think I'm gonna update when my net comes back up!..:D


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novarias #1
Chapter 11: Please update now that Seohyun and Yuri are partners!
Chapter 11: please update soon , this story is great ^^
Chapter 11: Hey! You finally updated ^^ it's okay. Just please continue updating. Hehehe I missed this story~ hwaiting, author-nim! :D
Chapter 11: please update soon
Elluvynne #5
Chapter 11: Wow, an update! I really love this story! Please don't stop updating... Thanks...
Bluesapphire17 #6
Chapter 11: OH MY GOSH! You finally updated! I super duper miss this story. Please please please update more!! I will post a comment everyday so you will have a reason to update more HAHAHAHAHA!
yoongkuma #7
Chapter 10: please update
horrormovie #8
Chapter 10: update soon..